Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 851 The Eldritch Soulbeast and the Stalkers of the Verdant Jungle

Chapter 851 The Eldritch Soulbeast and the Stalkers of the Verdant Jungle

Reign gritted his teeth, trying to push through the pain in his head. The intense soul-based roar resonated within him, causing a disruption in his senses. It was as if his very soul quivered in response to the powerful sound.

The Ghastly Florastrider, too, seemed affected by the soul-based attack. It recoiled, its thorny appendages retracting as it clutched its head. The monstrous entity that was chasing Reign now appeared vulnerable and disoriented.

"Kid, get ready! Something big is coming!" Aethion's urgent voice echoed in Reign's mind.

Despite the pain and disorientation, Reign managed to gather his wits. He glanced around, searching for the source of the soul-based roar. The dense foliage made it challenging to pinpoint the origin, but he knew he had little time.

The Ghastly Florastrider recovered faster than Reign anticipated. With a sudden burst of corrupted energy, it lunged forward, attempting to capitalize on his momentary weakness. Reign, however, reacted quickly, activating his Lightning Boots to evade the incoming assault.

In the midst of the chaos, a colossal figure emerged from the shadows. Its form was obscured by the thick jungle, but its presence radiated an overwhelming aura of power. The soul-based attack intensified, resonating with a distinct frequency that sent shivers down Reign's spine.

As the colossal figure stepped into view, the Ghastly Florastrider recoiled, its menacing posture shifting to one of submission. The massive creature that had arrived dwarfed the corrupted monster. Its body emanated an ethereal glow, and its eyes held an ancient wisdom that transcended the corrupted chaos of the jungle.

[ Eldritch Soulbeast - Ancient Guardian of the Verdant Jungle ]

The notification popped up in Reign's interface, revealing the identity of the colossal entity. It was a Tier VI monster, an area boss, a guardian of the Verdant Jungle, and its presence alone commanded respect from even the most powerful inhabitants of the corrupted realm.

Reign's instincts told him that this creature was no ordinary adversary. The Eldritch Soulbeast possessed a level of power that surpassed anything he had faced so far in the jungle. Its soul-based attacks were proof of its extraordinary capabilities.

Aethion's voice cut through the tension, "Kid, you're in a bind. The Ghastly Florastrider might have backed off, but that doesn't mean it won't attack again. On the other hand, you've got an Ancient Guardian in front of you, and trust me, you don't want to make an enemy out of that thing."

'Is this the thing that was following me for a while now?'

"I think so, kid."

Reign weighed his options. He could either face the corrupted monstrosity that had been chasing him or deal with the ancient guardian that now regarded him with an inscrutable gaze. His recent battle with the Ghastly Florastrider had already taken a toll on him, and facing another powerful opponent immediately was not an ideal situation.

The Eldritch Soulbeast emitted a low rumble, its eyes narrowing as if assessing Reign's intentions. It seemed to recognize the potential danger he posed, and yet, it refrained from launching an immediate attack.

"I suggest you retreat, kid. This isn't a fight you can win right now," Aethion advised, his tone serious.

Retreat. The word echoed in Reign's mind. He had come so far, faced numerous challenges, and grown in strength. However, the situation had escalated beyond his expectations. The Eldritch Soulbeast was a force to be reckoned with, and facing it head-on might prove fatal.

With a heavy sigh, Reign made the difficult decision to retreat. He activated his Lightning Boots, darting away from the scene with unparalleled speed. The Ghastly Florastrider, seemingly relieved at the departure of its potential adversary, stayed put, still under the watchful gaze of the Ancient Guardian.

As Reign distanced himself from the confrontation, the soul-based roar gradually faded. The oppressive atmosphere lifted, and the corrupted jungle returned to an eerie calm. Reign took this moment to reassess his situation.

"Kid, you did the right thing. That Ancient Guardian is not something you can handle right now. We'll figure out another way to reach the heart of the jungle. For now, focus on recovering and avoiding unnecessary confrontations," Aethion advised.

Suddenly, Reign's eyes widened as he grabbed his swords before slashing behind him.

Blood suddenly appeared as he seemingly cut nothing but the air, and a figure appeared behind him.

Another monster, a low-grade Tier VI.

Reign jumped back as the monster tried to swipe with its claws before he suddenly looked around him.

'I don't think that will be possible right now.'

"Dammit, how the hell did they appear without us noticing?!" Aethion shouted as he sensed 5 Tier VI monsters around Reign, all of them invisible and seemingly belonging to the same race as the one in front of Reign.

[ Inspect ]

[ Phantom Stalker ]

Description: Deep within the heart of the Verdant lies a creature of pure stealth and primal power – the Phantom Stalker. This elusive monster is a master of invisibility, seamlessly blending into its lush surroundings with a supernatural prowess that makes it virtually undetectable. With an uncanny ability to conceal its aura, the Phantom Stalker lurks in the shadows, an unseen and formidable force in the heart of the jungle.

Reign scoffed as he stared at the monster that was now staring at him and not moving.

Physically, the monster was a formidable presence, with sinewy muscles coiled beneath its nearly translucent skin. Its limbs were equipped with razor-sharp claws that can rend through the thickest foliage or slice through the toughest prey. Despite its ethereal invisibility, the Phantom Stalker emanated an air of danger and foreboding, an intangible malevolence that set Reign's nerves on the edge.

The creature's eyes, the only visible aspect when it chooses to reveal itself, gleamed with an otherworldly intelligence and cunning.

"Kid, you know what to do."

'Yeah, it's the only way, let's just hope I can get out of here in one piece.' Reign said before taking a deep breath and smirking at the stalker in front of him.

Suddenly, a powerful aura appeared from inside Reign, forcing the stalker, as well as the other five stalkers to take a step back and stare vigilantly and the prey they had chosen.

Reign was now in the air, his two wings flapping as his body changed, becoming taller and more muscular. Reign, now in his Nephilim form, was eyeing all of them down as he clenched his swords before attacking.

His eyes turned purple from using soul power, lightning danced around him, and his two wings glowed white and black respectively as he used his light and darkness manipulation.

Reign unleashed a torrent of attacks, his Nephilim form providing him with enhanced strength, speed, and agility. The Phantom Stalkers, though formidable in their stealth, found themselves outmatched by Reign's newfound power. His swords cut through the air with precision, leaving trails of light and darkness in their wake.

The air crackled with energy as Reign's lightning-infused strikes clashed against the elusive Phantom Stalkers. The creatures, now visible due to Reign's heightened senses, struggled to evade the relentless onslaught. However, their agility and stealth allowed them to slip through the attacks, retaliating with razor-sharp claws.

The battle unfolded in a chaotic dance, with Reign weaving between the Phantom Stalkers, his wings propelling him with grace and speed. Each clash sent shockwaves through the jungle, and the corrupted air buzzed with the intensity of the confrontation.

As Reign fought, Aethion provided guidance, analyzing the patterns of the Phantom Stalkers and pointing out potential openings. The low-grade Tier VI monsters, while powerful, were no match for Reign's Nephilim form. However, their numbers posed a significant challenge.

The Phantom Stalkers, now struggling to maintain their invisibility, faced the full force of Reign's skills. With a powerful sweep of his wings, Reign created a whirlwind of light and darkness, disrupting the creatures' attempts to hide. His swords flashed with deadly precision, severing the ethereal forms of the stalkers as they materialized.

However, the battle was not without its challenges. The Phantom Stalkers, though individually weaker, used their numbers and coordinated attacks to overwhelm Reign. Their claws left deep gashes on his Nephilim form, and the corrosive essence within them threatened to weaken his defenses.

Despite the injuries and the relentless assault, Reign pressed on. His determination fueled his strength, and the enhanced regeneration of his Nephilim form allowed him to endure the onslaught. With each strike, he gained a better understanding of the Phantom Stalkers' tactics, adapting his movements to counter their coordinated attacks.

The jungle echoed with the clash of swords, the roars of the Phantom Stalkers, and the occasional thunderous flap of Reign's wings. The battle reached a crescendo, with Reign unleashing a final, devastating combination of his skills. In a burst of light and darkness, Reign carved through the remaining foes, their ethereal forms dissipating into the corrupted air.

Aethion's voice broke the silence, "You did it, kid. You took down those Phantom Stalkers. But remember, we're not out of the woods yet, you need to get out of here quickly."

Reign nodded his head as his transformation ended, his body was injured heavily, with plenty of deep gashes and broken bones.

Before he could move, however, a huge shadow loomed over him as he widened his eyes and looked back, only to see the colossal figure of the Eldritch Soulbeast behind him.

Before he could do anything, the world turned black and he lost consciousness.

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