Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 849 Fall of the Behemoth: Two Weeks Later

Chapter 849 Fall of the Behemoth: Two Weeks Later

The jungle shook heavily.

Trees were sent flying away, broken from the fierce shockwave that suddenly took place in the jungle. Large rocks zoomed through the air faster than bullets as some unfortunate monsters that were nearby got hit by the rocks.

Fortunately for them, they were all powerful Tier V monsters and were more than powerful enough to withstand such hits, but if multiple such rocks hit them, they would definitely be injured, and not lightly.

Reign panted before dropping down on one knee. A gash appeared on his body, running from the left side of his waist all the way to his right shoulder as blood flowed out, slowly forming a puddle on the ground.

As for the monster, it collapsed as a huge hole was not present in its chest.

With the incredible power and speed the combined skill gave Reign, he was able to finally kill the powerful low-grade Tier VI monster, but he had suffered some serious injuries as well.

Still, he was smiling.

He was now a peak Tier V combatant, and he was able to take down a monster that was a tier above him.

[ Remarkable achievement! ]

[ The player has successfully killed a Tier VI monster whilst only being a high-grade Tier V combatant. ]

[ The player will be given a bonus reward at the end of the dungeon, even if he fails it. ]

Reign smirked as his eyelids started closing, only to open them wide as a shout woke him up.

"Do you have a death wish kid?!"

"Get the core of that monster and get away from this place, do it now!" Aethion's voice reverberated through Reign's head as he groaned in pain before getting up and walking over to the monster.

He was low on mana, he had lost quite a bit of blood, and he was feeling incredibly tired.

Reign took out a healing potion from his inventory and drank half before pouring half on his body.

Healing potions weren't that effective now, even the best ones that he and the others were able to buy, but it would certainly help him. As for the side-effects of the potion, he wasn't planning on consuming many of them so the side-effects shouldn't even appear.

The potion started working as Reign felt his body start healing, his vitality working to patch him up as he took the core of the dead monster and digested it.

'It would be great if I can get some sort of healing skill from this guy.'

Of course, he was not Beast, so he wasn't that lucky, but he was lucky enough to gain not one, but two skills.

Clawed Grasp:

Description: The main character develops the ability to channel the strength and sharpness of the monster's claws into their own hands. This skill enhances hand-to-hand combat, allowing the character to deliver powerful strikes and grapples with precision. Additionally, the character can scale surfaces with ease, using their newfound grip to climb walls or other vertical obstacles.

Tailwind Fury:

Description: The main character harnesses the energy of the monster's spiked tail to create a destructive force. This skill allows the character to unleash a series of rapid and sweeping attacks, akin to the monster's tail strikes. The character gains the ability to generate shockwaves with each swing, knocking back enemies and creating a protective barrier of swirling energy when surrounded.

The skills were not bad at all and would definitely help Reign out as they only increased his array of skills and different ways of fighting, but right now, the most important thing for him was to get away from this place and heal.

His life was not in danger thanks to his strong body. Injuries that would have taken people weeks to recover from in the past would heal in a couple of hours even if Reign did nothing, and there was always something he could do to speed the process up.

One of the best ways to speed up your healing naturally was simply to pour mana into the region that was injured. Mana would start boosting the vitality of the body and would increase the speed at which one recovers, but right now, Reign had to rest and meditate in order to recover some mana as well as he was nearly empty.

Reign found a secluded spot within the corrupted jungle, away from the lingering echoes of the fierce battle. The air was heavy with the essence of corruption, but he needed a moment of respite. With a weary sigh, he lowered himself onto a large moss-covered rock, the healing potion continuing its work on his injuries.

Closing his eyes, Reign began to meditate, focusing on replenishing his depleted mana reserves. The ambient energy of the Verdant Jungle responded to his presence, and he felt the familiar flow of mana returning to him. As the mana circulated through his body, he could sense the wounds squirming and vitality being restored.

Aethion's voice echoed in his mind, urging him to recover quickly and move even further away. Despite the physical toll, Reign couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The battle had pushed him to his limits, and emerging victorious against a Tier VI monster elevated his status among the denizens of the corrupted jungle.

The Verdant Jungle, with its corrupted inhabitants and formidable challenges, had become a forge for Reign's growth. The skills he acquired were not just tools for combat but a reflection of the unique creatures he had faced and overcome. Each encounter left an indelible mark on his abilities and knowledge.

Of course, those marks would only stay with him during the duration of the dungeon, but he was certain that they would not be wasted, the rewards he would get even if he failed should not be low at all.

As Reign opened his eyes, the healing potion and his vitality had done their work as the wounds had mostly closed up now. Of course, he still had to refrain from fighting as they would open up if he did so, but it would only take a couple of hours for the wounds to fully heal. His mana had significantly recovered as well and now, with renewed strength, Reign stood up, ready to continue his journey through the jungle.

Aethion's voice chimed in again, "You've healed enough, now get moving. You're still not in the clear." Reign nodded, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. He got up from the branch he was sitting on before dropping down and continuing his journey through the jungle.

Days turned into nights, and Reign faced a myriad of challenges—Tier V monsters, corrupted guardians, and treacherous terrains. His newfound skills were put to the test, and he discovered the synergies between his abilities, creating devastating combinations in the heat of battle.

As he ventured deeper, the corruption became more pronounced. Strange anomalies dotted the landscape, and the air shimmered with malevolent energy. Aethion's warnings about the unpredictable nature of the corrupted realm echoed in Reign's mind, urging him to stay vigilant.

After three weeks had passed, Jared was chuckling as Aethion had lost the bet, only for Aethion to remind him that if Reign was to lose now, he would still be the one that won the bet as four weeks had not passed, and his guess was still more correct than Jared's.

Reign had to survive for four more days for Jared to win the bet.

One week later, Reign had ventured even deeper into the jungle.

As Reign ventured further into the heart of the Verdant Jungle, the corruption seemed to thicken. Strange whispers echoed in his mind, ancient voices entwined with the corrupted essence. The jungle itself became a sentient force, testing Reign's resolve and determination.

One fateful night, the corrupted sky above him shimmered with an unnatural glow. Aethion's voice, tinged with urgency, resonated in Reign's mind. "Prepare yourself, kid. You're nearing the heart of the jungle, and the challenges will only get more intense."

Reign had now been in the jungle for about one month, and right now, he was at the very peak of Tier V. He had gained permanent boosts in his stats, and he was much more powerful than before.

The only way for him to become even more powerful, however, was if he evolved, and that was impossible in the jungle.

As Reign went deeper inside the jungle, he was surprised to find that there were barely any monsters present, but every single one he could sense was many times more powerful than the Behemoth he had faced.

'Aethion, I think you're right, this dungeon, there's just no way I can finish it, right?'

"I'm sorry kid, I did tell you that your chances were slim, but you can still take down a couple more of those bastards if you use your transformation, it should allow you to fight them and even win."

"Still, I would be careful, you still don't know what the top predators of this jungle are like, there could be some that are too powerful for you."

"And don't forget, you don't need to kill everything, that is not the goal of the dungeon, so try your best to go around them and reach the heart of the jungle, the place where the corruption is coming from."

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