Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 846 Taking Advantage: Reign’s Triumph

Chapter 846 Taking Advantage: Reign's Triumph

Reign watched the intense battle between the corrupted tiger and the massive snake unfold before him. The clash of titans created shockwaves that reverberated through the corrupted jungle. Each strike, each roar, and each release of acid added to the chaos of the battlefield.

As he observed the fight, Reign couldn't help but see an opportunity. The two field bosses were engaged in a fierce struggle, and both were distracted by their own attempts to gain the upper hand. It was a risky move, but if he timed it right, Reign could take advantage of the situation to gain additional rewards without facing the full force of either monster.

The thought of acquiring extra rewards fueled his determination. This dungeon was different from others. Instead of simply fighting and then being given rewards at the very end, each monster slain would actually help with something.

It wasn't that noticeable at first, but Reign did notice his stats slightly improving, and some of his skills were becoming even easier for him to utilize.

It was a weird sensation, but in this dungeon, it was as if every monster present would give certain benefits to the one that slays it, thus allowing him, as well as any person who came here, to gain rewards without even clearing it.

Still, the two monsters in front of him were truly troublesome. He had to be careful, strategic, and swift. Reign knew that his chances of defeating either field boss in his current state were slim, but he could exploit the chaos they created to take them both down while they were weak.

His eyes focused on the movements of the tiger and the snake. The tiger, with its agility and powerful shockwaves, seemed to have the upper hand in close combat. On the other hand, the snake's long-range acid attacks posed a constant threat, not to mention the acid coating its entire body.

Reign was forced to use his darkness at all times and move from one location to the other during their battle as no place was safe. An area of 450 meters was barren, the grass, trees, and any other fauna gone thanks to the constant shockwaves and acid.

Reign was currently standing about 120 meters away from the two monsters, he was right next to a tree and was at the very border of the barren area that the two had created so far.

With his strongest attack and full speed, he could cover such a distance in an instant, so he wasn't worried about that making issues for him, but he had to find a good opportunity to attack the two.

One attack.

That was the opportunity he would have, just one attack that had to either seriously injure or kill one of the two monsters. He knew that the instant he attacked, the attention of the monsters would be drawn to him, and if both attacked him at the same time, he would be in a very dangerous situation.

That, however, didn't mean that he couldn't speed things up a bit without being noticed.

As the snake opened its mouth to launch its acid again, its eyes suddenly constricted as a bolt of lightning zoomed through the barren area and struck it in the open mouth. With the acid right there, the lightning had no problems getting deeper inside its body and causing damage to the snake.

The snake convulsed slightly before shaking it off and staring at the location where the lightning bolt had been launched, but that proved to be a mistake.

The tiger, sensing an opportunity, seized the moment and lunged at the distracted snake. Its sharp claws cut through the snake's scales, drawing dark blood. The creature roared in pain turned its attention away from the invisible Reign and attacked the tiger.

The two field bosses clashed once again, their battle escalating in intensity. Reign, having successfully intervened, observed from a safe distance, ready to intervene again and injure one of them.

He used his darkness this time, manipulating it to move through the jungle and go around as he noticed the two moving to the side, getting closer to the jungle.

As the tiger suddenly jumped back and unleashed a shockwave that caused the ground to cave in slightly and pushed the snake back, causing some blood to flow out from the cuts on its body, Reign used his powers to create a spear of darkness from behind the tiger before launching it at him.

The tiger sensed the mana being used to create the spear immediately and glanced back, only to find nothing, before noticing the spear that was launched at it.

The tiger quickly jumped to the side in order to evade the spear, only for it to explode as it was passing near it.

The explosion was not a normal explosion, but one of darkness. The darkness that formed the spear spread around without any sound before hitting the tiger, causing it to roar in pain as some injuries appeared on its body.

It quickly sent another shockwave forward to disperse the darkness, and the tactic worked, but the snake used the opportunity to attack the tiger at that moment.

Its slithering body quickly crossed the distance between them and it opened its mouth before biting down on the tiger. The tiger roared in pain as the acid caused smoke to come out of its body while the poison entered its bloodstream.

The snake did not come unscathed from this either as the tiger unleashed a devastating shockwave that passed through the snake's body and blasted everything that was 250 meters around them, even hitting Reign who was forced to clash against a tree that was behind him in order to not be blown away or to use mana to stabilize himself, potentially causing the two monsters to notice him.

As he shook his head and groaned slightly from the pain he felt in his back, Reign glanced forward again, only to see the snake thrashing about as the shockwave from the tiger had really hurt it.

The tiger wasn't feeling all good either as the poison had managed to weaken it and it was slightly shaking as it stood. Both monsters had dealt quite a serious blow to one another, and Reign knew that time for action was nearly upon him.

He quickly went forward, stopping about 100 meters away from the two monsters before starting to channel mana into his entire body, but focusing on his legs and arms the most. With how wounded the two were right now, he was certain he could kill one of them in one hit, but the question was which one to attack?

The snake was larger, so it definitely had more vitality and endurance, such larger monsters were usually more difficult to kill, and he wasn't certain if he could decapitate it, perhaps the best way to kill it was to stab through its head and have his lightning fry the brain.

As for the tiger, he could definitely do the same, but he could also try to decapitate it as its neck was smaller compared to the snake, and he could even try stabbing through its heart.

Reign weighed the options in his mind as he observed the two wounded field bosses. The snake's convulsions were more pronounced, and it seemed to be in a more critical condition, but the tiger's weakened state after the poison suggested vulnerability as well.

With a deep breath, Reign made his decision. The tiger, despite being formidable, was smaller and perhaps easier to deliver a fatal blow. He focused on his mana, feeling the energy surge through him. His eyes glowed with an intense darkness, and his body radiated power.

As he prepared to strike, the tiger and the snake continued their fierce battle. The tiger, still reeling from the poison, managed to unleash another shockwave, further injuring the snake. Reign saw this as the perfect moment to intervene.

In an instant, Reign propelled himself forward with incredible speed, his form shrouded in darkness. He aimed directly for the tiger, determined to deliver a lethal blow. The tiger, distracted by its ongoing fight with the snake, didn't sense Reign's approach until the last moment.

With a swift and precise movement, Reign drove his blade through the tiger's heart. The corrupted creature roared in agony as the darkness-infused blade pierced its vital organ. Reign, not wasting a moment, released a surge of dark energy, ensuring the corrupted tiger's demise.

As the tiger collapsed, the snake, sensing a new threat, turned its attention toward Reign. The battlefield fell silent for a moment as the snake and Reign locked eyes. The darkness emanating from Reign's form seemed to intensify, creating an aura of intimidation.

Without hesitation, Reign shifted his focus to the wounded snake. The field boss, now faced with a fresh opponent, prepared to retaliate. Reign, moving quickly unleashed a barrage of darkness-infused attacks and lightning.

The acid covering the body of the snake proved to help Reign this time as his lightning easily moved across the snake's body.

The jungle echoed with the clash of powers as Reign engaged in a deadly dance with the corrupted snake. His movements were swift and calculated and the snake, already weakened, struggled to match Reign's onslaught.

With a final, powerful strike, Reign drove his blade through the snake's head. The corrupted creature convulsed and thrashed before collapsing to the ground, its dark energy dissipating. Reign stood victorious amidst the aftermath of the intense battle.

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