Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 839 Harmony of Souls: A Healing Symphony by Aethion

Chapter 839 Harmony of Souls: A Healing Symphony by Aethion

The Queen nodded approvingly. "Take your time, Reign. We trust in your abilities and know that you won't do anything you are not certain of. Begin when you're ready."

Reign focused his attention on the afflicted elf before him. He extended his hand, and a soft glow enveloped his palm. Aethion, in an instant, took over his body and started talking to him.

"You're dealing with souls, lad. It's not just about raw power but precision and finesse. You need to feel the essence of their being and understand the flow of their soul. We don't rush it; let your mana merge with theirs."

"Don't stop sensing, look at the soul, sense it, sense it all."

Reign took a deep breath, his senses heightened. He delved into the elven soul, feeling the remnants of the Umbraeth's corruption. It was like navigating through a complex maze, and Reign knew that if he was doing what Aethion was doing now, he definitely would have had to be cautious not to cause unintended harm.

He recalled the instructions from the ancient text and watched what Aethion was doing. With a flick of his wrist, Aethion created a magic circle that stood suspended above the elf. It was a spell for soul stabilization that would be important for the elf's soul to not start shifting or even start dissipating in case anything bad happened.

With the magic circle in place, Aethion's next step involved a careful exploration of the elven soul. Aethion, through Reign's heightened senses, delicately navigated the intricate maze of the afflicted soul, feeling the echoes of Umbraeth's corruption. The experience was akin to deciphering a complex tapestry, and Aethion emphasized the need for precision and finesse.

Reign, a spectator in his own body, observed as Aethion meticulously gathered the corruption, slowly guiding it towards a specific point within the elven soul. Aethion's control over Reign's movements was precise and deliberate, ensuring that no unintended harm befell the fragile essence they sought to heal.

As Aethion continued to manipulate the corrupted threads within the elven soul, Reign followed the ancient text's instructions. Aethion's movements were deliberate and measured, a dance of magic and concentration. The magical circle above the elf pulsed in harmony with Aethion's actions, serving as a protective barrier against any potential backlash.

Finally, with the corruption gathered and contained, Aethion orchestrated the severance. With a flick of Reign's wrist, guided by Aethion's mastery, a burst of energy surged through the magic circle. The corrupted elements were isolated and expelled, leaving behind a cleansed and stabilized elven soul.

The glow on Reign's palm subsided, and the magical circle above the elf gradually faded away. The healing process was complete, and Reign, returning to control, felt a sense of accomplishment. The Queen, who had been watching with unwavering trust, nodded in approval as the once-afflicted elf stirred with renewed vitality.

"What do you think boy, how was your experience with watching such a procedure for the first time?"

'Made me remember how you used my powers back in Riplas to uncover the demon worshipper in front of the king and others.' Reign said softly as Aethion chuckled.

"Good times, good times."

"How much were you able to follow?"

'About 40%, give or take.'

"You managed to memorize and understand it all?"

'About 70% of it.' Reign said in a half-dejected state as Aethion nodded his head.

"That's not bad at all, we got quite the number of them left, I hope that by the end, you'll have memorized it all, I want you to try doing it by yourself at least once."

'I'll try, no promises though.' Reign said as Aethion chuckled again.

"Good job." The Queen said as Reign nodded at her, not feeling ashamed at all that he was stealing Aethion's accomplishment and parading it as his own.

After all, who the hell told the old bastard to be enemies with the Queen once upon a time?

"He's already showing signs of recovery, the bones are actually slowly pulling back and the redness is slowly fading, as are the tattoos, incredible," Aelrinder said from the side as he watched the elf.

"Without a source for its powers, the afflicted parts of the elves will go away, I didn't think it would be so fast, but I guess that's even better." Reign said as he nodded his head before moving to the next elf.

There were a total of 26 of them, and out of the 26, 6 were Tier V combatants.

The rest of the red elves that were in the territory were dead.

They had no choice, even if they had known at that point that they were fighting against elves that were changed and controlled by a monster, they would have still done the same.

Simply knocking them out was not a viable plan as there were too many of them and Reign would rather make sure his own people were safe before attempting to save others.

He wasn't a hero.

Sure, he did save many people and he did try to be fair to everyone, but that was all when knowing that he and those he cared about were safe. If any of them were in a dangerous situation, then he would do anything he could to save them, as for any others that need saving at the same time, he would feel sorry for them, but he would leave them if it was needed.

Aethion first did the same procedure on some of the weakest elves present as he wanted to get a feel of what he was doing. Even though he had the instructions and knew what to do, it was more challenging to get rid of the corruption that had afflicted the stronger elves.

The stronger a person, the stronger the soul, which meant a more powerful affliction was needed to change and control them, thus more soul powers were needed for him to do the same and save them, as well as more concentration as he needed more time and had to take things slower as well.

As Reign and Aethion continued their work, the atmosphere in the healing chamber shifted between moments of intense concentration and lighthearted banter. The Queen observed with a keen interest, recognizing the gravity of the situation and the expertise required to undo the damage inflicted upon the elves.

Aelrinder continued to monitor the progress closely. The first elf, now showing signs of rapid recovery, provided a glimmer of hope. The bones slowly realigned, the redness faded, and the ominous tattoos began to disappear. It was a testament to the effectiveness of Elandra's method.

Reign, while not directly responsible for the healing, played his own role as an observer. His mind absorbed the intricate details of the procedure, slowly accumulating knowledge that would eventually empower him to perform such intricate soul manipulations himself.

Aethion, having tested the waters with the weaker elves, now faced the more challenging task of addressing the corruption in the Tier V combatants. Each stronger soul required more finesse and concentration to unravel the tendrils of corruption that had taken hold.

Reign moved to the next elf, the soft glow rekindling on his palm as Aethion resumed control. The Queen, a symbol of authority and compassion, continued to encourage Reign. "Continue at your own pace, Reign. We understand the complexity of the task at hand."

As the healing progressed, a subtle shift in the chamber's energy became evident. The once-disturbed elves started to stir, their breaths becoming steadier, and the tension in their bodies relaxing. Aelrinder noted the changes with a scholar's curiosity, making mental notes of the intricate dynamics at play.

Reign, amidst the serious work, found a moment to exchange glances with Aethion. The necromancer, a repository of wisdom and power, nodded approvingly. The silent communication between them spoke volumes about the bond forged after months of being together.

Aethion's approach to the stronger elves required a delicate dance of magic and concentration. The corruption within these formidable souls proved more resilient, entwining itself with the very fabric of their being. Aethion's maneuvers became a symphony of controlled power, guiding the corrupted essence with a finesse that showcased the depth of his mastery.

Reign, absorbing every detail, began to understand the nuances of soul manipulation at a profound level. The ancient text's teachings, coupled with Aethion's live demonstration, etched themselves into his memory. The magic circle played its role as there were times when Aethion had to activate it in advance as he sensed the affliction trying to do something.

The healing chamber echoed with the whispers of incantations and the hum of magic. Aethion, through Reign's skilled hands, delicately channeled his powers, reaching deep into the core of the afflicted souls. The Tier V combatants, once formidable foes, now lay vulnerable as Aethion unraveled the affliction that bound them.

After about 2 hours, almost all of the elves were healed. Only two of them remained, both Tier IV individuals.

"Alright kid, let's see how much you were able to pick up, don't worry, if you mess something up, I'll take over right away and start working, I doubt you'll be able to mess up too badly though."

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