Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 835 Glimpse At Godly Powers, Back to Doncaster

Chapter 835 Glimpse At Godly Powers, Back to Doncaster

"What … did we just witness?" Reign and the other stared at the colossal shadow that was still sitting on his throne as they stared in shock and disbelief.

"I … I made a mistake." Aethion suddenly said, his voice heavy and solemn as he spoke.

'Huh, what do you mean?'

"This is not a mere Transcendent in front of you boy, nor is he a Saint, that battle he just showed you is proof enough of it, he is a god, a god in the flesh, on your planet."

Reign gulped as he glanced at the figure again, his back slowly being covered in sweat.

"I was merely a Transcendent, so I cannot differentiate between a Transcendent and anyone in a higher realm that is hiding their aura, it is simply not possible for me, not even back when I was at my peak."

"Still, something is wrong with him, a god forgetting that the system had summoned him here, that simply doesn't sound right."

"Not to mention that his aura is somewhat weird, but that is the only thing I am able to notice, I'm afraid I'm simply not qualified enough to see anything else."

'No worries, this much is enough.'

'To think that the reward for exploring the castle was to witness a battle between gods in such close proximity, even though it was a short one, and the powers they used didn't seem flashy, the power they showed …'

'Planets shook and asteroids that came close crumbled from miles away, just what realm does one need to get to to become that powerful?'

"You're overthinking it boy, even a Low God has enough power to destroy a small planet, so you can imagine just what the more powerful ones can do," Aethion spoke, making Reign nod his head before suddenly looking at the colossal shadow again as the latter sighed.

"You got a taste of the cosmic struggles that transcend your mortal understanding. A fleeting glimpse of power far beyond your understanding."

"I have told you before that my reward to you is that you will leave this place without dying, the scene you have witnessed is something I have previously made a deal with the system to show to a group or person that managed to pass my test."

With a wave of his hand, the colossal shadow released a burst of energy. Shadows suddenly moved, twisting and turning around him as Reign and the others stood frozen in place. Shadow, however, was staring at the scene with great interest, and even Reign was trying to take in as much as possible.

The power the giant had was not the same as their darkness, but it was similar, perhaps simply by witnessing this power, in the future, they will be able to gain some benefits from it.

After all, the more they evolve and the more powerful they become, their memory becomes clearer and clearer, and after reaching the Transcendent realm or higher, they might be able to remember everything that had ever happened to them with ease.

"This power," the shadow explained, "is a fraction of the energy you've witnessed. It is my power, and you can consider this a little bonus from me, if you are lucky and talented enough, perhaps you will be able to gain some benefits in the future from it."

"That goes for all of you, not only you two." The giant said as it glanced at Reign and Shadow.

"My power might not be the same as the powers you have, but what you need to focus on is the way I utilize it, of course, you are far too weak right now to understand a thing, so this is something that you will only be able to understand in the future."

The giant suddenly sighed before the power dissipated.

"My memory is not as good as it once was, but I think that this marks the end of my stay here."

The colossal shadow rose from its throne, its form dispersing into shadows that merged with the fortress. The once foreboding fortress crumbled, the illusion dissipating into nothingness. Reign and his team found themselves back on familiar ground, the fog-covered territory that had concealed the Shadow Wraiths.

The atmosphere had changed. The fog that had shrouded the land seemed less oppressive, and a subtle radiance lingered in the air. The Tier V team exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing among them. Without the fortress present, the fog would naturally dissipate, and this place would go back to normal.

"Your journey continues," the voice of the colossal shadow echoed in their minds. "Remember what you have witnessed, for the choices you make will shape the destiny that awaits. Farewell, young Nephilim and your team, until our paths cross again."

And with those words, the presence of the colossal shadow faded. Reign and his team were left standing in the transformed territory, the remnants of the fortress now replaced by an otherworldly energy that pulsed beneath the surface.

The energy would dissipate the fog each time it pulsed, and soon, there was no more fog, nor were there any wraiths in the area. The entire monster territory that they had ventured deep inside of was gone completely.

The team stood there, taking in the transformed landscape. The eerie whispers were replaced by a gentle hum, and the air felt charged with a newfound energy.

Reign, still processing the cosmic battle he had witnessed, turned to his team. "We should leave this place. The fog is gone, and it seems the monsters have vanished. Our quest is complete."

The team nodded in agreement, their minds still racing with the implications of what they had experienced. As they made their way out of the territory, the landscape continued to change. The once dark and foreboding terrain now held a strange beauty, a testament to the cosmic power that had touched it.

They walked for a while in silence, the weight of the recent events settling on their shoulders. Shadow, usually stoic and composed, seemed deep in thought. Reign couldn't help but wonder about the power he had glimpsed and the connection it might have to their own abilities.

"Shadow," Reign called, breaking the silence. "What are your thoughts on what we witnessed?"

Shadow's eyes met Reign's, his expression calm. "It was a revelation. The power displayed transcends the realms we currently understand. It opens up possibilities for growth, but it also reminds us of the vastness of the universe."

Reign nodded, fully agreeing with Shadow's words. The power they had witnessed would serve as a reminder that in the grand scale of things, they were still nothing but ants. The journey had just taken an unexpected turn, and the path that lay ahead seemed both daunting and exhilarating.

As they reached the outskirts of the transformed territory, the team found themselves back in the familiar lands outside the fog-covered area. The sky, once obscured by the thick mist, now revealed a vibrant mix of colors. It was a sight they hadn't seen since entering the monster territory.

Beast, still a bit awestruck by the experience, spoke up. "So, what now, Reign?"

Reign looked at his team, a newfound determination in his eyes. "We continue with our original plans."

"First thing's first, we should go back to Doncaster and learn what had happened with M'azgara's monsters. I highly doubt that they would be hard-pressed to fight against the Blightspawn as there are about 20 of them in the group."

"No matter how powerful and numerous those things are, they shouldn't have as many Tier Vs, and even if they do, M'azgara's elites are not just for show, a normal Tier V of the same grade won't be able to defeat them.

Elijah, having faced his inner demons during the trial, nodded in agreement. "I'm with you, Reign. I just hope nothing has happened to any of them."

Greenie, always ready for a challenge, grinned. "Bring it on! I'm itching for more action."

The journey back to Doncaster was filled with reflections on the cosmic battle they had witnessed. Each member of the team, deep in their thoughts, contemplated the implications of the colossal shadow's power. It was a force that transcended their understanding, a glimpse into the vastness of the universe and the challenges that awaited them.

Upon reaching Doncaster, they were relieved to find that nothing had seemingly happened. The atmosphere was calm, the same as always. The team made their way below the ground where M'azgara was, even though she looked perfectly human and could live outside with them, she felt more comfortable below the ground and stayed in the same place as always.

Reaching the tunnels, they quickly made their way to where M'azgara was, and upon seeing them, the Brood Mother smiled. "You're back, I presume everything went well?"

lightsnοvεl Reign and the others sighed before nodding their heads.

"What about the Blightspawn?"

"Nearly eradicated, my children are almost finished."

"That's great, I think we've had enough surprises for today." Reign said as he sighed before sitting down. Upon noticing how they were all acting strangely, M'azgara furrowed her brows, but asked no questions.

"Don't worry, we trust you, we weren't planning on keeping what has happened a secret from you." Reign said with a smile before he started narrating what they had gone through.

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