Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 813 Building Trust with the Enclave

Chapter 813 Building Trust with the Enclave

For the moment, it was best to tread carefully and maintain an amicable relationship with this enclave. In such a complex world, allies were invaluable, and enemies could prove to be disastrous.

Ishmail, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, smiled warmly. "I'm glad you understand. We're not here to threaten anyone, but to adapt, learn, and thrive in this world. Our goal is to uncover its secrets, and we believe in cooperation and mutual benefit."

As the conversation continued, Ishmail shared more details about the enclave and its history. It was revealed that they had been in the game for several years and had initially struggled to survive in the ruthless environment. Over time, they had learned to adapt and evolve their tactics.

Reign and Shadow, in turn, provided insights into their own journey, including their interactions with other territories and the challenges they had faced. The exchange of information was not just a show of goodwill but a strategic move to build trust between the two parties.

Ishmail's expression softened, revealing a hint of relief. "I'm glad we can proceed with discussion, may I extend an invitation to join us for a meal now? It will give us time to talk and understand each other better."

Reign and Shadow exchanged a glance, silently affirming their agreement. Accepting Ishmail's offer would provide them with an opportunity to learn more about this enclave and its intentions. Besides, a shared meal could help in building a cordial atmosphere between their groups.

The enclave's residents were engaged in various tasks, preparing for the meal. Tables and chairs appeared, and various dishes, many prepared with ingredients they'd collected from the jungle, were laid out. The setting was peaceful, and the tense atmosphere from earlier started to dissipate.

During the meal, conversations flourished, allowing both parties to share their stories and experiences. Ishmail spoke of their journey and the challenges they'd faced in establishing their enclave. He explained the dangers of the jungle, the monsters they had encountered, and the efforts they made to create a safe haven within this treacherous landscape.

To be more exact, the enclave was something they had found, a place that was actually a safe haven for monsters in the jungle, one that Ishmail and the rest of his group cleared out recently and took control of.

It was similar to the underground city that Reign and the others had conquered in the past, only a bit more strategic as there were many tunnels that led to different areas while the city used to have only one exit, one that led directly into the warehouse and to Doncaster.

The evening drew on as both parties continued their conversation, sharing experiences, strategies, and stories that had defined their journeys within the game world. The tension that lingered at the start gradually dissolved into a mutual understanding and respect between Ishmail's enclave and Reign's group.

Reign had also used time to send a message to Wolf and the others so that they wouldn't worry about them, after all, his team had not had the best experience and first meeting with the members of the enclave.

As they shared insights and experiences, a sense of camaraderie emerged. The members of Ishmail's enclave were not just skilled players, but they had a depth of knowledge about the game mechanics, indicating their long tenure and expertise within the world. Their conversations revealed a wealth of information that intrigued Reign and Shadow.

Ishmail spoke of their community's history and their persistent struggle to survive and establish a territory that could provide a semblance of safety in a harsh environment. They shared tales of overcoming challenges, forging alliances, and fending off powerful adversaries that sought to destabilize their territories in the past.

Reign reciprocated by sharing some of the trials and victories his group had encountered. They discussed their encounters with various factions, the exploration of different territories, and the challenges they faced as they adapted to the evolving landscape of the game.

The exchange of knowledge not only deepened their understanding of the game world but also laid the foundation for a potential alliance or, at the very least, a peaceful coexistence. Despite their differences, the mutual acknowledgment of the dangers and trials they faced created a bond between the two groups.

As the meal concluded, Ishmail extended an invitation for Reign and Shadow to spend the night within the enclave. While it might seem a risky move to some, they recognized it as an opportunity to strengthen their understanding of Ishmail's faction and potentially form an alliance.

Reign and Shadow, after some consideration, accepted the offer. They were escorted to guest lodgings where they could rest for the night. As they settled in, they couldn't help but notice the careful security measures in place, indicating the enclave's commitment to ensuring safety even within their own confines.

In the morning, a meeting was arranged between Reign, Shadow, and Ishmail along with the other higher-ups of the enclave. The enclave's leadership had an array of questions, expressing genuine curiosity about the area where Reign and his allies were located and the various territories that are present there. They sought information about other player communities, power dynamics, and potential threats lurking in different regions.

After all, the enclave did have a number of territories under them, as well as allies, but they had never really expanded in the direction from where Reign and the others arrived. That part of the region was a complete mystery to them.

Reign and Shadow were cautious in their responses, not revealing too much that could compromise their own group's safety. They provided general information about territories they had encountered, the types of players, and factions they had crossed paths with. However they withheld specific details about their base's location and their plans to maintain their group's security.

In turn, Ishmail and his council shared more about their enclave's resources, the technologies they had developed within the jungle, and the unique challenges they faced. They revealed their strategies for cultivating resources, advanced crafting methods, and the ways they were researching and harnessing the jungle's mysterious elements for their advantage.

The meeting brought about a deeper understanding between the two factions. While neither party fully disclosed all their secrets, a level of trust was established. They spoke about a potential partnership that could benefit both sides. An alliance seemed possible, though it required time and mutual assurance of shared interests.

As the day progressed, Reign, Shadow, and Ishmail walked through the enclave, observing the work and life within. They saw crafting workshops where intricate tools and magical items were being created, witnessed training areas where players honed their combat skills, and even experienced the systematic approach used in hunting the jungle's creatures.

The enclave did only have 12 Tier V combatants after all, well, at least that's what they were showing to Reign and Shadow at the moment. When facing the powerful monsters of the jungle and the corrupted underground beings, one had to tread carefully.

Reign was particularly intrigued by their knowledge of magic and the efficient use of the game's resources. He saw an opportunity for collaboration, potentially exchanging skills and information that could be mutually beneficial for both groups.

As afternoon arrived, Reign and Shadow stood at the exit of the enclave, the tunnel from where they first arrived.

"This will allow us to keep in touch, of course, don't shy away from researching it or analyzing it in case you believe there is a tracking device as well," Ishmail said as Reign smirked at him before taking the device, which was shaped like a pear and had a mouth present at the bottom.

"It's definitely an interesting one, I already know that a couple of people back at my place will be dying to do some research on it." Reign said calmly before placing the pear on his waist.

Ishamil, hearing his words, nodded his head before giving him another one.

"Here, for the researchers."

"Thank you." Reign replied as he took the other one and nodded at Ishmail before leaving with Shadow.

The two men quickly disappeared into the depths of the tunnel before Ishmail's face changed. His smile disappeared as he glanced at his comrades.

"Don't follow them, we have already found out enough to know that they will definitely sense you."

"Are we really going to try and form an alliance with them?" One of the men asked Ishamil who smiled at him.

"If they prove to be resourceful and powerful enough, then certainly, after all, I do not wish to make an enemy that is as powerful if not even more powerful than us, but if they prove to not bring anything to the table, then staying friendly will suffice, but if they do show hostility or ally with an enemy of ours, then we shall hit them before they know what happened."

The entire group nodded at Ishmail who once again glanced at the tunnel before leaving the area with the rest of them. For now, there was no danger that would befall the enclave, even with its whereabouts discovered by Reign and Shadow.


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