Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 8: The Poké Ball Trendsetter—Chen Heng

“…” Doctor Roman’s headache intensified as he faced Chen Heng, who had tricked him yet wore a triumphant smirk.

In contrast to Doctor Roman, the Queen of Sheba gave Chen Heng a grateful nod. “Thank you, Little Bro.”

“Oh, it was nothing! I genuinely like Doctor Roman. I’d always help out a friend.”

“It seems my king has truly found a great group of friends! I’m truly overjoyed for him. He has achieved something he hadn’t while he was alive,” Sheba remarked, her heart brimming with genuine happiness. Not only was she elated to reunite with her king, but she also reveled in the good company Doctor Roman kept.

“Why the long face, Doctor Roman? Aren’t you happy to see your wife again?”

“It’s not that I’m unhappy; it just came out of the blue. Couldn’t you have told me the truth from the beginning? Would I have refused?” He struggled to make sense of his emotions. Not that he was not happy, he was just thrown off balance by the sight of his wife.

The situation was reminiscent of when Chen Heng, devoid of memories after the world reset, met Luo Li, who kept hers.

While the situation was a little similar, the circumstances were completely different.

Chen Heng felt like an outsider due to his lack of memories, while Doctor Roman had full recollection and was indeed Solomon, except without his abilities as Solomon.

What unsettled Doctor Roman most was his drastically changed disposition. The King Solomon of his past was more emotionally distant, a man of reason. Of course, this didn’t mean he hadn’t cared for the Queen of Sheba. The present Doctor Roman, however, was more emotionally attuned. His very name—Doctor Roman (Romance)—reflected this change.

“Be honest, Doctor Roman. If I’d told you beforehand, would you have resolved to summon your wife?”

Stare… The eyes of Sirin, Chen Heng, and the Queen of Sheba, along with those of association members watching the livestream, zeroed in on Doctor Roman.

To highlight the present scene, the Queen of Sheba even manifested a “Stare…” word in the air using mana.

“I…I would’ve hesitated for a bit…but I would’ve eventually agreed,” Doctor Roman conceded. Incidentally, the “Stare…” the Queen of Sheba had manifested with mana dispersed.

“And how long is this hesitation you’re talking about?”

“This…how would I know?”


“Putting that aside, my king, are you happy to see me again?”

“Honestly, yes, I am quite pleased,” Doctor Roman admitted. It wasn’t fair to say that Doctor Roman didn’t think about the Queen of Sheba. Why else would Chaldea’s Near-Future Observation Lens be named SHEBA?

[TL Note: Pretty sure the name explains itself. Here is more information:]

Efreet: So, Skadi, did you and Chen Heng plan this all along? Tricking Doctor Roman?

Queen of Ice and Snow: Chen Heng had discussed it with me before Doctor Roman asked me. I felt Doctor Roman’s ending was rather tragic, so I agreed to help Chen Heng. However, I only advised Doctor Roman on how to repair the summoning ritual. Everything else, including the holy relic, was Chen Heng’s doing.

Umaru-chan: You schemers have dirty hearts!

Lord of the White Night: So, the Magi Mari-chan, whom Yakumo Yukari promised Doctor Roman, won’t have a chance to make an appearance now, will she?

Iron Fist Teacher: Your train of thought is rather clear, Shiroyasha.

He Who Knows Fate: You’ve put all the blame on me, Skadi?

Queen of Ice and Snow: Why not? The trick was your idea, and the holy relic was from you.

He Who Knows Fate: But when I suggested it, who was the one who readily agreed?

Solomon: You two… This is too much!

Queen of Ice and Snow: Oh, Doctor Roman, I forgot you were in this group too.

Solomon: …

Solomon: Let’s put this aside for now. Where did you get that holy relic, Chen Heng?

He Who Knows Fate: I bought it! It’s a commemorative pendant necklace of the Queen of Sheba from the Dimension Administrators Association. Cost me 50 points. You’re welcome.

Solomon: That’s it?

Queen of Ice and Snow: Honestly, the necklace wasn’t the main point. You were. Even if you didn’t use any holy relic, there’s an 80 chance you would’ve summoned your wife and a 20 chance it would have been your father. Don’t ask me why your wife’s summoning rate was higher than your father’s.

He Who Knows Fate: Plus, this necklace is a commemorative edition of the one the Queen of Sheba wore. It should have had some effect.

Solomon: But even though I summoned Sheba, we can only be together for a few days. What’s the point?

Kazuma the Brute: Why are you still worried, Doctor Roman? Didn’t Big Brother Chen Heng invent the Poké Ball summoner trend?

He Who Knows Fate: …Although that sounds like a compliment, I don’t feel particularly happy about it.

Efreet: Yeah, that’s right. I remember there’s a kind of Poké Ball called Love Ball that increases the capture rate significantly when used on a Pokémon of the opposite gender. It’s said to increase the basic capture rate of a regular Poké Ball by eight times.

He Who Knows Fate: Is there such a ball? How come I didn’t know about it?

Efreet: …

Umaru-chan: Plus, Doctor Roman, you have a good relationship with the Queen of Sheba; that will boost your chances. There’s no way you can fail to catch her with the Poké Ball.

Kal’tsit: You know, you guys are on the verge of ruining even the most niche things like the Poké Ball.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: The Dimension Administrators Association’s store has loads of mysterious items. You guys just don’t have an eye for discovery. Take the water Doctor Roman used on Merlin, for instance. You’ve never heard of it, right? It’s actually pretty cheap.

Faillen Angel Gabriel: You know about that?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Listen to you. Is there anything happening in the Type-Moon worlds that I don’t know about? If there is, it’s only because I chose not to know.

Faillen Angel Gabriel: I apologize. I momentarily forgot you’re the world consciousness of the Type-Moon worlds.

Blank Never Loses: It’s funny. Root normally blends in so well that you wouldn’t realize she’s someone special. Now that I think about it, she is the world consciousness, after all.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: That’s a testament to how successfully I’ve integrated into this association.

Solomon: Root, you said you know everything happening in the Type-Moon worlds; does that mean you know where those four reincarnators are hiding?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Of course I know.

Solomon: Then why don’t you tell us? We could finish our mission sooner.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Why rush to finish the mission? You guys have to wait till the Holy Grail War is over before you can leave anyway. Are you planning on blitzing through the Holy Grail War overnight?

He Who Knows Fate: To be honest, if we really tried, finishing the Holy Grail War in a single night wouldn’t be a problem.

Kal’tsit: Yes, yes, yes. Regardless of how strong anyone here is, if I bring down the moon, you all will die.

Efreet: That would be impossible, right? Would Gaia and Alaya really let Chen Heng succeed in pulling down the moon?

He Who Knows Fate: Well, if you put it that way, I do have a Noble Phantasm called Moonfall. It’s not like Crimson Moon, also known as Type-Moon, who creates a moon out of imagination. It genuinely pulls the Earth’s moon down. Why wouldn’t Gaia and Alaya let me use it if they gave me this Noble Phantasm?

[TL Note: Brunestud of the Crimson Moon is from the Tsukihime series, which follows events involving vampire cases. It is also part of the Type-Moon universe. Interestingly, he is known as Type-Moon. He is the origin of the True Ancestors, who were made in his image. Here is more information about him:]

Herrscher of Pufferfish: Right, right! And you know what? My brother also has another incredibly powerful Noble Phantasm called—

In real life, Chen Heng glanced at the chat messages on his screen, then looked at Sirin in his arms. He started playfully pinching her tiny face hard, leaving her unable to say more.

“Sirin, if you spill the beans again, I might spank you.”

“I don’t believe you,” Sirin retorted, but she refrained from divulging Chen Heng’s Noble Phantasm.

Umaru-chan: Go on, Sirin.

Herrscher of Pufferfish: My brother has me under his control now, so I can’t speak about it.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: I know this one, I know it! The Noble Phantasm is called—Ancestor, Save Me! Did you think you could keep a secret from me in a Type-Moon world?

He Who Knows Fate: Erm…I forgot about you.

Kazuma the Brute: …

Umaru-chan: …

Kal’tsit: …

He Who Knows Fate: If you guys want to laugh, go ahead. Don’t hold back. I know what you’re all thinking.

Efreet: This Noble Phantasm is absolutely brilliant. I bet its rank is EX; nothing else could describe this Noble Phantasm.

Herrscher of Pufferfish: Told you, this Noble Phantasm is super powerful.

Faillen Angel Gabriel: Yeah, it’s really powerful. Once the ancestor shows up, who can stand against him… Hahaha! Haha! Haha! I can’t hold it in anymore. This Noble Phantasm is too funny.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Because of this, Chen Heng even added Gaia to his hit list.

He Who Knows Fate: You know about that, too? Wait, that’s not a hit list. It’s my little book for winning hearts with kindness.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Okay, okay. I know everything that happens in the Type-Moon worlds, even in the Throne of Heroes. Plus, a book for winning hearts with kindness? Who are you trying to fool? I’ve seen all your records in your original world. I know your personality, maybe even better than you know yourself.

He Who Knows Fate: …So you’re saying?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: I’m saying…

He Who Knows Fate: You’ve seen all my private moments?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Yes.

He Who Knows Fate: Are you a pervert?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: …

Queen of Ice and Snow: To a world consciousness, one’s privacy isn’t that significant. A world consciousness isn’t a person. Don’t take it so seriously.

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: Exactly! From a world consciousness’s perspective, your so-called private moments aren’t that interesting.

He Who Knows Fate: Then why did you look?

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