Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 70: Clone No. 1: Clones Have No Rights

2. Exchange the All the World’s Evils for a Philosopher’s Stone.

If all the All the World’s Evils could be transformed into a Philosopher’s Stone, it could create a very large Philosopher’s Stone; the exact size would only be known after the process, but the Dimension Administrators Association required 100 points as an intermediary fee. Moreover, based on the principle of equivalent exchange, upon the successful creation of the Philosopher’s Stone, the Dimension Administrators Association would demand five percent of it as compensation.

This method aligned perfectly with Chen Heng’s interests. It could resolve the issue of the All the World’s Evils within the Holy Grail and yield a bonus Philosopher’s Stone while requiring relatively few points.

Chen Heng placed the Greater Holy Grail, which was enveloped in a bubble, on a pedestal in the center of a large chamber. Stepping back, he used a dart to puncture the bubble.

Although the bubble was effective at sealing the All the World’s Evils, it was rather fragile; just a dart sufficed to pierce it.

As soon as Chen Heng pierced the bubble around the Greater Holy Grail, the Holy Grail levitated, and simultaneously, the black mud it contained spewed out, rapidly forming a small quagmire that expanded relentlessly.

Seeing this, Chen Heng quickly activated the Dimension Administrators Association’s intermediary service. Almost instantly, a massive black hole, visible only to Dimension Administrators Association members, materialized above the Holy Grail.

After a certain amount of black mud had spewed from the Holy Grail, a completely black figure gradually rose from it. This figure was none other than Avenger, who had been summoned by the Einzbern faction during the Third Holy Grail War and caused the Holy Grail’s mutation. “Hahaha! Haha! Hahaha! I have finally—”

[TL Note: Avenger is an Extra Servant Class based on vengeance and was created during the Third Holy Grail War described above. Here is more information about it:]

The Avenger hidden in the Holy Grail had planned to cause trouble during the Fourth Holy Grail War, but the Holy Grail had been sealed in a bubble since the start of the Holy Grail War. However, it fortunately lasted only four days before a rather naive individual let him out.

Yet, as the saying goes, “Joy often turns to sorrow.” Just as the Avenger finished laughing heartily and spoke three words, he, along with the pool of black mud on the ground, was sucked into the black hole above.

“What the heck?!” The Avenger couldn’t see anything in the sky, but a horrifying suction had appeared out of nowhere. The Avenger could not resist the suction, and when the black mud reached a certain height, it would suddenly vanish. This left him utterly bewildered. This isn’t how it’s supposed to go.

However, after being swallowed into the black hole, the Avenger reappeared in the black mud outside. As long as the All the World’s Evils wasn’t completely eliminated, Avenger would remain undying. But soon, this newly manifested form was sucked into the black hole.

“What in the world is this?!” Trapped in the black mud, the Avenger was continuously drawn toward the invisible black hole in the sky. He struggled and resisted but to no avail.

The Holy Grail floated in the air, releasing black mud, which the black hole in the sky continuously sucked in.

Chen Heng remained unfazed by this; he even felt like chuckling. However, this Avenger was undeniably noisy, so Chen Heng set up a sound barrier enveloping both the black mud and the black hole.

“Let’s wait. Once the black mud has been completely sucked out, the Holy Grail will be usable. But judging by the resilience of this black mud, it seems we’ll need to wait for quite some time.” Chen Heng retrieved a small table and four recliners from his spatial necklace, then pulled out a plethora of snacks and arranged them on the table.

“Elder Brother, are you just going to ignore the All the World’s Evils?” Sirin pointed to the constantly boiling and struggling black mud, looking somewhat worried. What if this thing manages to escape and accidentally attaches itself to…

“Don’t worry. I admit the All the World’s Evils is formidable, but can it surpass the Dimension Administrators Association?” Chen Heng lounged in one of the chairs and began to focus on the process of shaping Will Energy swords.

“Oh, then that’s fine.” Sirin knew how formidable the Dimension Administrators Association was, and while it wasn’t invincible, especially when facing transcendents, she also understood that dealing with the All the World’s Evils wouldn’t pose a problem for it.

Besides, wasn’t Root here? Could the All the World’s Evils really cause any trouble? So, Sirin settled into a chair and, unlike Chen Heng, she put on her helmet and immersed herself in Perfect World.

Meanwhile, Luo Li and Root exchanged glances. Then Root, being accommodating, took the seat opposite Chen Heng, leaving the one on Chen Heng’s right for Luo Li.

Root didn’t particularly care where she sat, but she had a feeling that Luo Li might.

Having read the akashic records of Chen Heng’s world out of curiosity about mankind (Chen Heng), Root had seen the records concerning Chen Heng and was more familiar with the dynamics between Chen Heng and Luo Li than anyone else, except Luo Li herself. Root didn’t want to get into a fight with Luo Li over a chair. This lunatic was capable of anything, even when confronting a world consciousness.

Taking advantage of this time, Root wrote an assistance application to submit to the Dimension Administrators Association. As she watched Sirin playing her game on Chen Heng’s left, Root couldn’t help feeling envious.

For Root, playing a game as a mortal was an exceedingly rare experience. After cheating for so long, even a world consciousness wanted to enjoy a normal game, but Root lacked a normal means to earn points, making it quite troublesome. Hence, Root had to put her mind to work.

Thanks to Customer Service’s not disclosing certain unwritten rules to association members, the available assistance slots remained untouched.

On the other hand, Luo Li, sitting nearby, manifested a clone to patrol the surroundings, while she herself moved to the seat on Chen Heng’s right. Then…her clone grabbed her arm.

An exchange of glances ensued.

Clone No. 1: Why should I do the dirty work while you get to sit next to him?

Luo Li: Because I’m the true body.

Clone No. 1: Can we discuss this reasonably? You can’t be so heartless.

Luo Li: I’m the true body.

Clone No. 1: You…

Luo Li: If you keep blabbering, I’ll send you back. There are plenty of other clones willing to do this job!

Clone No. 1: Alright, alright, alright. Fine, I’ll go.

Clone No. 1 reluctantly looked at Chen Heng, who was cultivating. Then she vanished.

Luo Li, who had squeezed everything out of her clone, remained emotionally unperturbed, sitting calmly beside Chen Heng.

Compared to Root and Sirin, Luo Li did nothing; she simply kept a watchful eye on Chen Heng and occasionally glanced at the Holy Grail.

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