Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 58:1: Fifty-Fifty Split of the Giant Toads with Saitama, Part 1

“Hey, Saitama, why didn’t you restore your original thick hair in the game setting?”

“…Because if I have hair in the game but not in reality, it would feel pretty unbalanced. I’ve been searching for a solution to my hair loss in the Dimension Administrators Association’s store, and just yesterday, I finally found one. However, it’s asking for 1,000,000 points! Hah! It wants so many points to solve a hair loss problem? Isn’t that daylight robbery? It’s even faster than robbery; at least in my world, no one can beat me,” Saitama replied with a hint of frustration after some silence. He even clenched his fists as if preparing to vent on someone.

“I’m sorry if I offended you. By the way, I’m curious. How much of your original strength did you bring into this game?” asked Chen Heng to ensure everyone’s capabilities were clear, so that they wouldn’t be caught off-guard by formidable enemies.

“I spent 300 points and brought all my physical qualities and abilities into this avatar. Strictly speaking, I might be stronger than my real self now because I’ve also learned some skills,” Umaru-chan admitted somewhat melancholically. Even so, it was the truth.

“I spent 450 points, bringing in all my abilities, including my presence manipulation and physical enhancement abilities. Since I chose the thief class, it’s necessary to be as familiar as possible with my body,” Sage Megumi replied, apparently slightly stronger than Umaru-chan based on points.

“I spent 600 points, bringing in 0.2 percent of my physical attributes…” Well, Saitama was the clear winner here. Spending 600 points for just 0.2 percent of his physical attributes was indeed terrifying. Saitama’s statement even earned him an incredulous look from Umaru-chan.

“I used 500 points and didn’t bring any abilities,” Jeanne d’Arc explained, the fourth to do so.

“As for me, I spent 800 points, bringing only my physical attributes and spatial ability,” Sirin said. Her physical attributes were nothing to brag about and practically could be ignored, but her spatial ability was expensive. A single spatial ability alone cost almost 800 points.

While explaining, Sirin displayed her floating wings and Subspace Lances.

Are you planning to shoot Subspace Lances like arrows? Is that why you chose the sentinel class? Chen Heng couldn’t help but wonder, seeing Sirin with three Subspace Lances. He had the urge to comment but refrained after glancing at Sirin.

“I brought a portion of my time ability, spending 1,500 points. Because I knew my brother might come to play, I spent a bit more points just in case of emergency.”

Luo Li’s words touched Chen Heng a little. Her willingness to spend so many points on bringing a part of her time ability to protect him moved him, although it also gave him a hint of freeloading guilt, like he was mooching off a woman.

After tallying everyone’s abilities, Chen Heng assigned tasks.

As the only Dimension Administrators Association administrator here and the biggest lender, he naturally became the party leader.

The class distribution in Chen Heng’s party was quite uneven. Saitama was the only front-liner, but this was no problem. The weak monsters practically could not even get close. Umaru-chan was a wizard; Luo Li, an arch wizard; and Sirin, a sentinel; Chen Heng could also act as an archer. The ranged members would eliminate most of these monsters before they could approach Saitama.

“Alright, I’ll go lure the monsters.” Sage Megumi nodded at everyone, then seemed to disappear from view. Well, not exactly disappear, but her presence became extremely faint, like a small pebble in a pile of rubble, unnoticeable. Now, the weaker members, like Umaru-chan, completely ignored Sage Megumi.

Combined with her thief class skills, Sage Megumi was practically invisible.

Even Chen Heng couldn’t sense Sage Megumi’s presence because his avatar’s Will Energy did not match his true body’s.

After a while, ground tremors slowly approached Chen Heng and the others.

Chen Heng, who was already perched on a tree, looking into the distance, adjusted the 10x magnification on his Electromagnetic Star Sniper Rifle and saw Sage Megumi and a group of Giant Toads behind her.

“Everyone, be ready. Sage Megumi has attracted some Giant Toads, a total of 12. Stay coordinated.”

Chen Heng wasn’t worried that his team couldn’t handle these 12 Giant Toads. What concerned him more was whether they could coordinate effectively. Fortunately, his concerns were unfounded. The team’s cooperation was excellent, and they didn’t need Chen Heng’s intervention.

These team members must have had some prior coordination experience, likely from dealing with several waves of Giant Toads before Chen Heng joined.

Sirin used the archer class’s Foresight skill to spot the Giant Toads, then immediately started firing.

Despite her archer-type class, Sirin didn’t use the bow she had; that was purely decorative. She mentioned she had also learned a Snipe skill similar to the one Chen Heng had as an adventurer. This skill extended the range when using ranged weapons and increased accuracy with higher luck values.

Interestingly, even though Sirin did not use a bow, her Subspace Lance was categorized as a ranged weapon.

Suddenly, several miniature black holes appeared behind Sirin, and many Subspace Lances emerged from them. They shot at the legs of the Giant Toads, targeting the same positions.

Sirin’s Subspace Lances had impressive accuracy and power. After a salvo, all the Giant Toads had injuries on their legs, slowing them down. Kato Megumi used her concealment skill and diminished her presence during this time.

Kato Megumi’s skill reduced her presence but had a drawback in the early stages. For instance, if someone had recently attacked her, that person would still notice her, even if she diminished her presence. Therefore, she needed to briefly become invisible with her concealment skill and then proceed with presence elimination.

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