Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 35:1: Immortal Phoenix—Fu Hua (Officially Verified), Part 1

An older doctor, with streaks of silver in his hair, emerged from the gaggle of medical staff. He looked like he was very experienced. From the respect he received, Chen Heng deduced he was the highest-ranking among them.

The doctor’s words made sense, but just for ordinary people; they didn’t apply to Chen Heng.

Chen Heng had many ways to assist Ryougi Shiki and didn’t need their help. Accepting their advice might even complicate matters, spinning the situation out of control.

“I get where you’re coming from, Doctor, but I have my own ways of handling this without your help.” Out of concern for their safety, he declined the doctors’ advice.

Ryougi Shiki couldn’t see the lines on Chen Heng due to several protective trinkets given to him by his ancestor. Chen Heng valued his life dearly and had even signed up for the life preservation services of the Dimension Administrators Association.

He was confident of his own safety around Ryougi Shiki but wasn’t sure he could protect the doctors.

“Hey, kid, do you know who this doctor is? Senior Zhang is—” A younger doctor, who looked like a recent graduate, began to confront Chen Heng but halted at a gesture from the senior doctor.

“Little Wang, there’s no need to say anything more. Let’s leave. If Mister Chen is confident, it means he’s not ordinary. Our understanding of abilities is limited. Let’s leave it to the experts.”

[TL Note: I’m not sure for every profession or setting, but addressing a person as “Little (name)” is also done for juniors of much lower positions, usually a mentee. When I was an intern in a hospital in China, that was how the professors addressed me. They also use the same naming convention for pet names as a sign of endearment.]

“But, Senior Zhang…,” protested the young doctor. After all, this was a rare opportunity to study an ability-user patient up close, something they did not normally see.

“No buts. Miss Ryougi Shiki barely touched a vase, and it shattered. Do you think you’re tougher than a vase?” With that, the senior doctor exited the ward.

“…” The young doctor cast a longing glance at Ryougi Shiki. An instinctual fear suddenly flooded his body, causing him to scamper out in a fluster with the other doctors, intimidated by the unusual glow in her eyes.

“Elder Brother, what should I do next?”

“Oh, right. Do you know how to use a cellphone? It’s like opening an app store. That’s right. This is the one. Tap on it and see how many points you have left.” Chen Heng was initially bewildered when Ryougi Shiki addressed him as Elder Brother, then realized she meant him.

Following Chen Heng’s instructions, Ryougi Shiki accessed the Dimension Administrators Association’s store.

“One hundred fifty-two points left?” Chen Heng felt puzzled. He wondered why Ryougi Shiki did not have a round number of points. Root had to wait in her body all day, unable to go anywhere. Why would Root use points?

Ryougi Shiki definitely had points; she received ten points daily just for checking in, plus a bonus of 100 points on the first day of joining the Dimension Administrators Association.

Then he noticed:

My Games: 28.

Alright, playing games is a way to alleviate boredom for Root. There’s nothing wrong with buying some games. However, how much did she spend on the games? Spending on just games shouldn’t account for all the points spent.

Chen Heng spotted an item in the association’s store: Mystic Eyes of Death Perception Usage Manual. After considering Ryougi Shiki’s remaining points, he transferred 50 of his to her and directed her to purchase the 200-point manual.

According to the description, this would allow Ryougi Shiki to master her Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and also offered various tips on their usage.

Using the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception wasn’t as simple as just slashing at things with something sharp. It took some learning.

Real experts like Chen Heng could tell where she was aiming by following her gaze if she merely aimed inflexibly for the death lines on Chen Heng’s body, assuming she could see them.

Although Chen Heng could not see his death lines, he could gauge her target based on where she looked.

Therefore, the guide for using Mystic Eyes of Death Perception was quite handy. It was worth the 200 points.

Chen Heng watched Ryougi Shiki, who had her eyes closed, receive knowledge from the Dimension Administrators Association. After some thought, he transferred another 150 points to her.

Most of Ryougi Shiki’s points had been used to purchase the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception usage manual. Without more points, she wouldn’t have enough for her ability second awakening. Considering she might want to buy something else, Chen Heng gave her the additional points.

Don’t ask why Chen Heng treated Ryougi Shiki so well. After all, she had addressed him as Elder Brother, so he had to be a responsible elder brother to her.

Furthermore, even if Ryougi Shiki did not address him as that, he would not leave her be. Don’t forget how he gained his Absolute Precognition.

Repairing something like Absolute Precognition alone costs 100,000 points, let alone buying it. Chen Heng couldn’t even find an option to purchase it from the Dimension Administrators Association’s store. Perhaps it was a non-tradable item.

Or maybe because he already had the Absolute Precognition, the store didn’t show it to him. Whatever the reason, its value was undeniable.

The Dimension Administrators Association had taken notice of Chen Heng because of this skill.

Even if he hadn’t joined the Dimension Administrators Association, he wouldn’t have repeated his past mistakes. He could easily have lived off Luo Li.

Erm…actually, that does not sound too bad.

Chen Heng glanced at Ryougi Shiki, who was still lying in bed, her eyes closed. The time she would take to assimilate the knowledge wouldn’t be short. If one just bought a skill or ability from the Dimension Administrators Association, mastering it would be quick.

However, she had bought a manual, so she needed more time to understand the contents.

On the other hand, Chen Heng couldn’t rest. He had to face the Special Affairs Bureau next, but he wasn’t worried.

He guessed the doctors at the hospital would alert them.

During the wave of Spiritual Energy Resurgence, the Special Affairs Bureau accurately found its role. In the hidden world’s eyes, it remained unchanged. However, to mundane people, it represented the gathering place of sanctioned ability users. It even publicized its contact details for mundane citizens and welcomed calls.

But if one wasted its time with prank calls or false leads, detention awaited one!

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