Deathbringer ran desperately through the secret passage. He had to move as quickly as possible, especially after seeing what expression the Demon Knight wore before entering.

“Urgh, I’m going to die.”

Still, if there was one thing he could call fortunate, it was that they wouldn’t be able to follow him into the secret passage so easily.

After all, how could they possibly know how to enter it when even the current ruling family probably didn’t?

Even if they tried getting in by breaking through the wall, the passage was designed so that trying to enter like that would collapse its entrance, which would make following him pretty much impossible.

He panted heavily, placing a hand on one of the walls of the secret passage. It wasn’t like he was in bad shape, but after sprinting non-stop through this secret passage for two hours, he felt about ready to die.

“I sure hope there won’t be any priests waiting outside when I get out.”

If that were the case, he would just have to give up. This passage was one-way—the entrance couldn’t be opened from the inside—so he’d have no way to turn back.


But really, what were the chances they’d be waiting for him right outside? He straightened his back again. If they heard him, a certain someone might have called this ‘flag-planting behavior’.

The training he’d put his body through seemed to be paying off, as he felt alive again after resting for a little while.

“At least I’m outside the city now…”

He was a little worried about the trail of Demonic Energy he was leaving behind, but he’d also heard it wouldn’t last forever. He didn’t know when it would dissipate, but he’d be fine if he just kept running.

With that in mind, he approached the end, which was finally in sight. Since it was hidden under dirt, he’d need to break through it to get out.


He felt around for a moment before digging through the dirt wall. He wanted to check whether any priests were nearby.

As he lifted the item to check what was happening behind the wall, something familiar yet most unwelcome came into view.


A gaping hole seemingly cut out of space. A characteristic unique to the Demon Knight.

“No… way…!”

On closer inspection, the hole was so large that it could be just beyond the earthen wall.

And it was still growing, as if it were approaching. Deathbringer’s eyes widened in panic.


He barely avoided the collapsing dirt wall. Where he had been was now a pile of stones, sand, and roots.

Instead of the dim light given off by the luminous pearl he held, blindingly bright sunlight poured in.

“There you are.”

At the same time, a dark figure stood before him, blocking out said light.

Was it because of this stark contrast? The only part of him that could shine so clearly even under the luminous pearl’s faint light—his eyes—seemed to flash with an extremely eerie light.

Deathbringer swallowed hard.


The Demon Knight, who rarely spoke more than five words per day unless he was hunting Demons, had already spoken several today.

“Why… does your body contain Demonic Energy?”

Any other day, Deathbringer would have teased him with, ‘Mister, so you can speak more than ten words a day?’ but right then, he couldn’t bring himself to do so.

Whether it was because of the contract that Demon had forced on him or out of pure fear, he couldn’t muster the courage to be cheeky.

Deathbringer’s gaze dropped almost automatically.


It wasn’t just fear making him act this way.

He didn’t want to directly see the murderous intent and hostility the Demon Knight should be holding toward him.

And aside from that.

Beyond that murderous intent and hostility, he didn’t want to see the potential disappointment in those eyes…


Ah, how ridiculous. Who had tried to kill whom first? And now he couldn’t even handle seeing the other disappointed?

Even a mere beast could differentiate between someone who’d saved them and someone who’d harmed them. So, as a person, he shouldn’t be having these shameless thoughts.

He cleared away all unnecessary thoughts.

Instead, he reminded himself once more of his place. No matter the circumstances, it didn’t change that he was completely useless. Despite belonging to a party that had gathered to defeat the Demon Lord, he’d been utterly, pathetically defeated. Whatever the outcome, he could no longer be part of this party.

Suppressing his crumbling emotions, he forced up the corners of his mouth into a wry smile. It wasn’t an attempt to appear cheerful, but simply a way to endure this absolutely absurd situation.


He just wanted to say one last thing before he went. He tried to smile and speak, but before he could finish his words, he instead raised his hand to his mouth.


His nose suddenly began to bleed.


And he started to cough up blood.


All he wanted to say was that he ‘couldn’t say anything’, but even that was restricted.

He coughed up blood a few more times from the pain washing over him. It didn’t seem to be life-threatening, but it sure hurt like hell. This felt truly miserable.


But he could still laugh. Maybe the absurdity of his fate had started to become even more laughable to him at that moment.

Deathbringer’s lips formed a faint smile.

“Mister, just… cut me down.”

It was a smile too sorrowful to be called jovial, yet too reassuring to be called sorrowful.

“I’m too tired to talk. Just… Just cut me down.”

Deathbringer raised both hands, palms open: a gesture of surrender.


His nose continued to bleed, soaking the inside of his hood. Even though this cloth was dark green, the stains were still visible from the outside.

“Isn’t that your job, Mister?”

The Demon Knight's breath seemed to grow a little shaky for a moment.

“So just…”


The Demon Knight tried to say something but left the sentence unfinished.

His face was obscured by shadows, making it impossible to determine what expression he was wearing.


However, the Demon Knight didn’t move the hand holding the sword so easily. Despite being more than capable of ending Deathbringer in a single strike, he did not.


From that, Deathbringer was able to realize one thing.

His existence held some sort of meaning to the Demon Knight. Perhaps he was even thought of as a comrade. That was his realization.

“If you don’t cut me down…”

Yet, why did this realization make him feel so happy?

“I will cut you down.”

Seriously, why…?

“I’m not joking.”

But despite all that, Deathbringer knew.

If he was destined to die anyway, it would be better if he was just forgotten. The joy of being acknowledged as a comrade was fleeting, but the grief of losing one would remain forever.

“I mean it.”

That’s why, instead of protesting, he waited. Thinking over it again, he realized there was no need for the Demon Knight to kill him.

Right, he was under a restriction that would kill him if he revealed any information. With such an efficient mechanism in place, why would he need the Demon Knight to do the deed?

Ending his life using that damn restriction meant the Demon Knight’s hands wouldn't have to be stained, nor would he need to go through the deep sorrow of getting struck down by the Demon Knight.

It was good for them both.

“So, just let—”


But before he could even do anything, the Demon Knight swung his sword.

It was expected, yet he felt a bit, no, infinitely sad. He didn't know why. He just… just felt a bit sad. There was no reason for it, really.

Thus, he searched for a single memory among those flashing before his eyes and knelt before it.

If this was the last time he’d be able to recall something, his cherished memories with someone would be better than the heart-wrenching pain of the present.

Among all his memories, the only one that stood out was Emmitte. Only Emmitte.

Memories he’d had all but banished from his mind for half his life. Emmitte, who represented all he loved in his purest days, was much more worthy of his end than all the villains he’d resented and all the irrationalities in this world that left him seething.

Everything was still.


Yet, even after a long time passed, pain and death didn't come to him. The friend he’d finally remembered after such a long time was still staring down at him with a serene smile on her face, not intending to come any closer.

When he opened his eyes again, a blade was floating right before him.

Deathbringer raised his gaze a little more as he looked at that blade, which seemed like it could not touch him or even cut his clothes.


Clang. The blade fell to the floor, clattering against the gravel.

“Why do you have that kind of expre—”


He felt a decisive blow to his solar plexus, instantly knocking him unconscious.

* * *





His consciousness returned rather quickly. No, did it really?

Deathbringer broke into a cold sweat as he looked down, finding himself bound to a chair and in completely changed surroundings.

The room he was in seemed to have been built with precious marble or at least the whitest stone he’d ever seen. No matter how he thought about it, he was inside the Temple.

“Oh! He's awake!”

The surrounding area felt unpleasant and made it hard for him to breathe.

It felt as though even the air was hostile toward him, pressing down heavily on his entire body, pressing his breath out of him.

And when he looked at the people around him, he noticed a few in priestly robes who seemed particularly unpleasant to him. They all appeared to be of high rank, possibly possessing Divine Power.

Deathbringer blinked, wondering whether this aversion was due to the Demonic Energy within him.

In that case, did the Demon Knight have to endure this every day…? He couldn't imagine just how he managed to bear it.

This pressure put aside, just the thought of facing the Inquisitor, who possessed the greatest amount of Divine Power, felt so repulsive to him, like having to look at a corpse infested with all sorts of bugs—like cockroaches, centipedes, larvae, and the like.

Just thinking about feeling like that every day made him sick.


However, he didn’t get much time to ponder more about these things. With all his companions looking down on him, how could he think about such things?

“Wh-What is this about…?”

They should just kill him. It would have been so much better if they’d just killed him while he was unconscious. He would have died without any pain or these needless thoughts.

Or was this an interrogation? Did they bring him here because they had no other choice? But then, what was with that expression the Demon Knight made before he fainted…?

“What is this about? Is that really all you have to say right now?”

Amidst this, the iron wall snapped at him as if trying to threaten him.

What did she want him to do? If she was going to criticize him, she should at least explain why he was here. If they were going to interrogate him, they should ask some better questions.

“What? Isn’t that the most relevant, though?!”

“You troublemaker!”

“Enough. Inquisitor, you should also calm down.”

Still… this was much better than having that damn iron wall glaring at him with cold eyes.

Regardless of the truth of this matter, seeing the iron wall look at him like that would surely irreparably break something inside of him. Just like he didn’t want to see the Demon Knight look at him with disappointment.


Ah, in that sense, it really would have been better if he’d simply died earlier.

He considered whether he should just forcibly break his contract, taking his own life right then and there.

If he had to go anyway, he wanted to carry the memories of the times they’d bickered and spent together, rather than those eyes filled with hurt and her scolding face.

Even though, ultimately, the last time he’d seen her before contracting with that Demon, they’d been shouting at each other and arguing. Still…

“Did you make a contract with a Demon?”

At that moment, the Archmage cautiously asked him. It was a question he couldn’t answer. Even if he could, he wouldn’t.

Well, the facts he could reveal were extremely limited, and anything he told them, even if truthful, wouldn’t be very convincing.

“Answer me.”

“What do you want me to say? You already know, don’t you?”

So, he chose to act like a villain instead.

Maybe that was for the best. Wasn’t such a death fitting for a filthy criminal who claimed to have avenged his dearest friend, only to cause the deaths of dozens, no, hundreds of people?

“You really…”

“Just send him to the torture chambers. He isn’t denying it, either. He clearly joined you on the orders of a Demon.”

A meaningless death, branded as a traitor.


Suddenly, a loud voice split through the room. It was the Inquisitor’s.

“He didn't!”

“If you plan to send the young hunter to the torture chamber, you’ll have to get through Berserk first. I won’t let you.”

Berserk’s, as well. She sat in the corner of this room with a calm expression, fiddling with her halberd. Everyone knew this was intended as a threat.

“But… He…”

“Ah, whatever. Berserk warned you.”

“Erm, Miss Envoy’s companion…”

“While it might be harsh… I also share the same sentiment.”


Really, he didn’t understand why they were acting like this. He was so easily replaceable, someone they could just discard.

That would be so much easier.

He wasn’t someone valuable enough to warrant such reactions.

“I-I don’t have any evidence or anything to make you feel assured, but…”

At that moment, the iron wall stammered some words.

“I know him. That troublemaker is rude and less than moral, but… not to the extent of siding with a Demon.”

What a laughable statement. She claimed to know him, but from his perspective, she knew nothing about him. She never had, and she never would.

“He has genuinely contributed to our quest to vanquish all Demons.”

And yet, she…

Deathbringer gritted his teeth as he recalled what he’d been thinking.

He’d thought that if his making a contract with a Demon was revealed, the Demon Knight and the Inquisitor would kill him without hesitation. He’d thought those two, the most inflexible in their thinking, would eliminate evil without any attachments or sentiments.

“And from what I could see, there wasn’t a single lie in any of these moments.”


“I swear on it. I have witnessed it all myself.”

That prejudice was the most mistaken judgment he’d ever made.

“But, Envoy…”

“There must be a reason for his silence! That idiot… that idiot has many secrets. But that doesn't mean they’re harmful to us! At least, that’s what I believe!”

The two people he’d thought would act the most without hesitation were the ones who… the most…

“So please, postpone the torture and execution. An investigation is necessary to resolve this matter, but that doesn’t mean we need to torture him!”

The most…

“Wh-Who are you calling an idiot…?”

While watching the one defending him the most vehemently, he began to shed tears.

He also cried because of the one standing behind him, feigning indifference but remaining silent even though he must have heard that he’d made a contract with a Demon.

He cried because of Berserk, who’d defended him for no real reason, and because of the Archmage, who was looking at him so warmly.

Uncontrollable emotions surged up within him.

“You’re the idiot…”

If he had to die anyway, he wanted to die as a villain so they wouldn’t feel bad about it, but why couldn’t these guys cooperate with him even now?

“Hmph! Wipe away your tears and speak!”

“Then untie my hands and let me speak, you idiot iron wall…”

Knowing how stubborn these people were, he’d joined them to stop them from just rushing ahead recklessly and crashing.

“I don’t believe this person is a traitor, either.”

“Even Madam Archmage…”

“Think about it. If he truly were a spy, he would have remained by our side as a regular person. That way, he wouldn’t raise suspicion and could stay with us until the end.”

“But, the contract…”

“On the other hand, he was recently targeted by an entity presumed to be a Demon. Could it be possible… that said entity trapped and forced him into a contract?”

“I’ve never heard of a way to force someone into a contract.”

“Just because it hasn’t happened before doesn’t mean it can’t happen in the future. You should know this, as well. Recently, curse jars that can spread plague curses were developed.”

Tears flowed down Deathbringer’s face as he watched the Archmage try to persuade the bishop.

Every time they spoke, the tears that were about to stop started flowing again. It was painful. Truly painful…

“But if that’s true, why isn’t he saying anything?”

“As the Inquisitor mentioned, he probably has his reasons. According to the Demon Knight, he began coughing up blood when he tried to say something. Perhaps a new form of curse is tied to this contract.”

He was happy.

“Excuse me, sirs.”

Therefore, he resolved to speak up, prepared to die. He didn’t know if this would kill him or if he would successfully find a loophole to break the contract.

“You can believe whatever you want…”

He wasn't sure if they would believe him. Right now, he was just a suspicious person who kept silent about everything he needed to say.

“I… know.”

Even so, he decided to speak. Spurt. Blood trickled from his mouth.

“The… Demon’s location.”

He spoke.


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