Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 483 - The Troubles of Intentionless Sect

Chapter 483: The Troubles of Intentionless Sect

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Uncle Zou, it’s you!”

Chen Zi had recognized the bulky middle-aged guy in an instant. He was one of the heads of Intentionless Sect. His Cultivation was high and he had a very distinguished status. He had been the Deputy Mayor of Panli City for a long time. Just what had he meant previously when he talked about being the former Deputy Mayor of Panli City? Could it be that the ownership of Panli City had changed? A very serious problem immediately occurred to Chen Zi.

“Young Lady, haven’t you been in Huatian Palace all this while? Why have you returned to the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension again? This is not a suitable time for you to return.” Zou Guangbo sighed. His gaze was a little complicated as he looked at Chen Zi. With Intentionless Sect’s current situation, her return was simply like a suicide mission.

“Uncle Zou, are you injured? What happened to Intentionless Sect, just what is going on?” Chen Zi asked softly. Although she was dying to know what had happened with Intentionless Sect, she had actually managed to calm down.

Zou Guangbo’s condition was not too good. His face was pale and his breathing was labored. Clearly, he had sustained serious injuries.

“It is a long story. Whether or not Intentionless Sect will be able to get through this ordeal is all up to fate. Young Lady, you can’t return to Intentionless Sect. Moreover, you guys have killed Liu Jiang so you definitely have to leave Panli City at once.”

Zou Guangbo shook his head and did not say too much. Because, he knew that the more she knew, the harder it would be to convince her to leave.

“No, Uncle Zou, since I have already returned, I won’t be leaving.” Chen Zi shook her head. No matter what had happened with Intentionless Sect and whether or not they would face the danger of becoming obsolete, she definitely had to stay with Intentionless Sect. Beforehand, she had been worried about Mo Wen’s safety. But now, she was not that worried anymore. At the very least, he had the means of self-protection. If anything happened, it should not be a problem for him to escape successfully.

Zou Guangbo sighed and remained silent. At the moment, the sect leader of Intentionless Sect and the other sect elders were all trapped in Intentionless Sect and faced the risk of being killed at any time. His cultivation was too low for him to change that fact. The only thing that he could do was to send the young Lady away.

However, he knew the young lady’s temper. Since she had already found out about it, she would not possibly leave.

“Uncle Zou, I am also a member of Intentionless Sect. Logically speaking, I should be fighting alongside Intentionless Sect. Chen Zi is now fearless and desperate,”

she said calmly. Since she had already returned, she wanted to find out what had happened in the very least. Even if nothing could be changed, she could not just escape.

Zou Guangbo sighed and could only say helplessly, “A month ago, while the sect leader was looking for the Tan Zi Beasts’ Lair, he had come across a treasure.”

Apparently, a month ago, the sect leader of the Intentionless Sect had barged into the Tan Zi Beasts’ Lair and accidentally discovered a priceless treasure. However, it was not easy obtaining that priceless treasure. Hence, he returned to the Intentionless Sect and found a few sect elders with very high cultivations. Then, they returned to the Tan Zi Beasts’ Lair once again to retrieve the priceless treasure.

Later on, without knowing the reason, they had accidentally leaked the news. The group of people ended up facing a surprise attack from the masters of the Sacred Flame Sect in the Tan Zi Beasts’ Lair. There were two sect elders with the Golden Elixir realm who had died on the spot. The sect leader who was of the intermediate stage of the Golden Elixir realm had also returned bearing serious injuries. When they had returned to Intentionless Sect, they were already on the brink of death.

“Not only had the great sect leader been injured, but he had also even been poisoned by an extremely poisonous venom. The poisonous venom inhibits the healing of wounds and not only did it cause the wounds of the sect leader to not heal, but they also became worse by the day. No matter what kind of healing pills or anti-venom pills were used, there were no effects at all. For the matter, they had even gotten a great doctor from the Medical Valley but even then, there was no way of treating him.”

Zou Guangbo sighed. The sect leader of Intentionless Sect was the only ancient martial art practitioner with the intermediate stage of the Golden Elixir realm. He was the support of the Intentionless Sect, just as the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension was a support for Qingzhen District.

Now that something had happened to the sect leader, a series of problems naturally followed.

“How is Grandfather?” Chen Zi’s expression changed slightly. She had not imagined that something would have happened to Grandfather, and the situation was actually so dire.

“Right now, I don’t know either, the injuries of the sect leader...” Zou Guangbo sighed and did not continue with his sentence. However, anyone could tell that the situation was not very encouraging.

“After the people of the Sacred Flame Sect had found out about the sect leader’s injuries being unable to heal, they had immediately taken the chance to attack. They had initiated inter-district fights; at the same time, the Sacred Flame Sect had also conspired with the Jianyou Sect, promising that after the Intentionless Sect had been destroyed, the Jianyou Sect would take charge of Qingzhen District.”

Zou Guangbo’s expression grew dark. The Intentionless Sect had existed for hundreds of years and this was the first time that it was facing the threat of extinction. Their legacy of hundreds of years could very possibly end just like that.

“Is the situation serious now?” Chen Zi’s expression did not look good. All along, the Sacred Flam Sect had been a powerful influence. They had already surpassed Intentionless Sect. Within the sect, they had two masters with the intermediate stage of the Golden Elixir realm. Amongst the major ancient martial art sects in the Green Ancient Mystery realm, the Sacred Flame Sect could safely be placed in the top three positions.

Currently, while her grandfather was seriously injured, they had once again conspired with the betrayer, Jianyou Sect, to attack Intentionless Sect as a combined force. With attacks from within and the outside, the outcomes were simply unbelievable.

It was not a very simple thing to initiate an inter-district fight in the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension. Since the Sacred Flame Sect had chosen to have an inter-district fight against Intentionless Sect, they definitely had the confidence of eliminating Intentionless Sect entirely.

The Sacred Flame Sect had always been a part of the Anti-Ming Faction. Hence, they had always been against Intentionless Sect. Over the years, there had been countless frictions and disagreements. With all the hatred collected over the hundreds of years, the Sacred Flame Sect would definitely not let up on this chance of eliminating the Intentionless Sect.

“I don’t know what the situation is like now either. Intentionless City has already been completely sealed off. Outsiders cannot enter and the people inside cannot get out.”

Zou Guangbo shook his head. He simply could not return to Intentionless City. However, he did not want to escape spinelessly as well. Hence, he had chosen to hide in Panli City instead.

“Has Panli City already fallen into the hands of Jianyou Sect?” Chen Zi asked with a complicated expression. In the past, all the major cities in Qingzhen District had been managed by Intentionless Sect.

“That’s right, Intentionless Sect has been trapped within Intentionless City and danger is drawing close. Jianyou Sect has raging ambitions and with the power of Sacred Flame Sect, they had already started to take action on some of the cities in Qingzhen District. Five days ago, Panli City fell into the hands of Jianyou Sect.”

Zou Guangbo nodded his head. If not for that, as the Deputy Mayor of Panli City, he naturally would not have to be forced into hiding.

“What about the former Mayor of Panli City, has he surrendered or...?”

Panli City was one of the major cities. In Qingzhen District alone, there were only twenty over of such major cities. Each of the Mayors of these major cities essentially had the Golden Elixir realm.

Zou Guangbo had the Cultivation of the peak of the Embryonic Breathing realm. However, he could thus only become the Deputy Mayor.

Amidst the twenty major cities, approximately a third of them had been under the control of Intentionless Sect. From the high-ranking Mayor to the lower-ranked staff, they were all people of Intentionless Sect.

However, there were still two-thirds of the large cities that were in the hands of other sects. Although Intentionless Sect had control over Qingzhen District, they could not possibly hoard all the cities either. If not, they would not be able to maintain a stable position as the big boss either.

Panli City was not one of the major cities under the Intentionless Sect. The former Mayor was the sect leader of the Quanqi Sect. He was of the Golden Elixir realm and in the context of Qingzhen District, it was a rather established ancient martial art sect.

If the people of Jianyou Sect wanted to take over Panli City, unless they had defeated the sect leader of Quanqi Sect or forced Quanqi Sect to submit to Jianyou Sect, it would have been an impossible feat.

“The sect leader of Quanqi Sect had maintained a strong stance and did not surrender. However, Jianyou Sect sent a sect elder with the Golden Elixir realm over. Moreover, they had collaborated with a Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioner from Sacred Flame Sect. Under the combined attack, the sect leader of Quanqi Sect was not a match for them and had to escape having sustained serious injuries.”

“Now, Panli City had already fallen entirely into the hands of Jianyou Sect.” A look of sadness flashed in Zou Guangbo’s eyes. The people from Intentionless Sect in Panli City had been killed by the people of Jianyou Sect, apart from the minority that had managed to escape. Moreover, it was in the city controlled by Quanqi Sect. If it had been a city under Intentionless Sect, the situation would have definitely been more frighteningly morbid.

“Young Lady, you have killed the Young Master of Jianyou Sect, Liu Jiang. Once the sect leader finds out, he will definitely be furious. Hence, you have to flee Panli City. If not, it is very possible that unpredictable difficulties will occur.”

Zou Guangbo furrowed his brows. He had not expected that the young lady would return, much less encounter Liu Jiang and even kill him. Such a huge thing had happened so Jianyou Sect would surely search the entire city. Nowhere was safe.

“Let’s advance to Intentionless Sect then.” Chen Zi nodded her head. She did not want to continue staying in Panli City as well. She did not want to think, nor did she care, about Jianyou Sect anymore. She was simply concerned about the situation with Intentionless Sect.

“Young Lady, who is this?” At that moment, Zou Guangbo finally saw Mo Wen. He had observed the previous scene on the street. He was a little fearful of the mysterious youth and he could not seem to deduce his origins.

Usually, he would not want to approach such a person at all. He would not even want to make eye contact. However, he had no choice but to acknowledge him since he had come together with the young lady.

“He is called Mo Wen and he’s a friend of mine. He is also an ally of Intentionless Sect. Don’t worry, he had no ill intentions.”

Chen Zi looked at Mo Wen and muttered to herself a little, before saying, “Mo Wen, I don’t think you should follow me to Intentionless Sect anymore. Find an opportunity to get out of the Green Ancient Mystery Dimension. Going to Intentionless Sect would be meaningless at the moment.” Intentionless Sect was in a hopeless situation. They were in hot water and she did not wish to drag Mo Wen under.

The Sacred Flame Sect was a definitive Anti-Ming Faction. If they knew of Mo Wen’s existence, Mo Wen would be in danger.

Although she knew that Mo Wen was very powerful and unafraid of the usual ancient martial art practitioners with the beginning stage of the Golden Elixir realm, he would definitely not be able to beat two of the intermediate stage Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioners from the Sacred Flame Sect. Moreover, other than the two ancient martial art practitioners with the intermediate stage of the Golden Elixir realm, they also had quite a number of ancient martial art practitioners with the beginning stage of the Golden Elixir realm. There were so many of them that they could not even be counted on ten fingers.

If things were that way, how would Mo Wen be able to handle them alone?

Initially, Chen Zi had still hoped that if something happened to Intentionless Sect, perhaps Mo Wen could be of help. However, now that they had found out how dire the situation of Intentionless Sect was, she had completely given up on that thought.

“I have already come all the way to Panli City. Where else can I return to all by myself? Let’s just head over to Intentionless Sect together. Anyway, I am also very curious. At most, I will just go and join the crowd, without making any trouble.”

Mo Wen rubbed his palms. He had already arrived in Panli City so why would he give up halfway? Moreover, he wanted to have a look at the more crowded places. As for whether or not he would be of use, that was naturally something that was unpredictable.

It was said that the Sacred Flame Sect had passed down one of the strains of the Sacred Flame Insignia’s ancient martial arts. He also wanted to see it for himself.

The Ming Clan had an abundance of ancient martial art teachings. He did not have the capabilities of mastering every single one of them either. He had a little understanding of the other strain of the Sacred Flame Insignia’s ancient martial art teaching. However, he had not cultivated it before. After all, quality mattered more than quantity in ancient martial arts. Once the teachings got too complex, they would instead become mediocre.

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