Investment Return System, Start by taking Demon Empress as a Disciple

Chapter 37: The news spread all over the capital, Luo Heaven Sect was really wiped out

Chapter 37: The news spread all over the capital, Luo Heaven Sect was really wiped out

Hearing the Enlightenment Tree express fear, Chen Daoxuan's lips twitched.

"A tea tree is scared? Never mind, never mind."

He muttered his response, then consciously suppressed his aura. As the intimidating presence subsided, the trembling of the Enlightenment Tree ceased.

In her heart, she marveled at how terrifying the master must be. His perception had shown her as a world unto himself, exuding an awe-inspiring aura. Even Annihilation Realm experts, and possibly even those beyond, would be incapable of detecting his true might.

Yet, as the Enlightenment Tree, she was innately sensitive to various auras and resonances. That sensation of facing an entire world had truly startled the tree.

"It's strange, there's been no new notifications for a while. Why hasn't Yanran returned yet?"

Chen Daoxuan mused. Given that the system had already indicated Luo Heaven Sect's annihilation, Leng Yanran should have used her teleportation disk to return promptly.

It puzzled him that she hadn't appeared. However, knowing that Yanran possessed many of his secret weapons and that the system would notify him of any danger she faced, Chen Daoxuan decided not to dwell on the matter. He continued to enjoy his slumber.

Hmm... after breaking through to the Sea of Qi realm, sleep has become even more rejuvenating. Not bad!

After utterly decimating Luo Heaven Sect, Leng Yanran began her journey back. However, she refrained from using the teleportation disk.

To her, that device was a lifeline, a safeguard provided by her master. Although crafting it had been effortless for him, she preferred not to squander such resources. When it came to gifts from her master, frugality was key.

As Leng Yanran made her way back, news of Luo Heaven Sect's destruction spread rapidly across the Northern Region. The demise of one of the Four Great Sects, along with the death of Sect Master Luo Wu, the Fifth Layer of the Annihilation Realm, were momentous events.

Concealing such occurrences was futile, especially considering Leng Yanran had no intention of hiding the truth.


"Luo Heaven Sect, one of the Four Great Sects, has been annihilated?"

"Fellow Daoist, do you realize the implications of your words? I suggest you refrain from spreading baseless rumors. If Luo Heaven Sect catches wind of this, you might face dire consequences!"

"What do you mean they're aware? The mountain where Luo Heaven Sect was located, or rather, a radius of a hundred miles around it, is now dominated by terrifying celestial monuments!"

"And Luo Heaven Sect... has been reduced to ashes! Even Sect Master Luo Wu of the Fifth Layer Annihilation Realm has fallen. Where is Luo Heaven Sect now?"

"You've lost your mind! Completely mad! Stay away from me, don't drag me into Luo Heaven Sect's retaliation."

In the taverns of Moro Kingdom's capital, conversations revolved around the subject. However, most found it hard to believe the authenticity of the news. In their eyes, Luo Heaven Sect was one of the strongest forces in the Northern Region. It seemed improbable that it could be obliterated in a single day.

Perhaps this was yet another wave of rumors like the ones about Luo Heaven Sect's half-month obliteration. Yet, as numerous cultivators who had witnessed the battle returned to the capital, everyone was left in shock.

"Luo Heaven Sect has truly vanished..."

"Not a single survivor. If it weren't for me kneeling quickly, I might have been reduced to ashes by the demon… Fairy Leng!"

"Oh, and a word of advice—don't provoke the Leng Family in this city. It's best to steer clear of them."

"I can't say much, but for now, step aside. I need to go buy new pants. My old ones got ruined after visiting Luo Heaven Sect…"

After numerous strong witnesses personally shared the news of Luo Heaven Sect's annihilation, the city's inhabitants begrudgingly began to accept the reality.

After all, among these people were several experts at the Profound Sky Realm, and they wouldn't be deceived easily. Furthermore, spreading false information about Luo Heaven Sect's demise could lead to severe retaliation from the sect.

In the royal palace, the emperor of Moro Kingdom received a report from his subordinates. As the person most concerned with this matter, Wu Feiyang had dispatched a few of his subordinates to Luo Heaven Sect's vicinity two days ago, all in an effort to ascertain the truth behind Luo Heaven Sect's potential obliteration.


"The mysterious expert behind Leng Yanran didn't even show up. It was just Leng Yanran herself who went, and she managed to annihilate Luo Heaven Sect!?

"It had a protective barrier covering a radius of five hundred li, impenetrable even by Annihilation Realm experts?

"With a single strike, she nearly obliterated Luo Heaven Sect's protective formation! What! And she used that technique thirty times in a row!?

"Even Sect Master Luo Wu of the Fifth Layer Annihilation Realm was killed with a single blow? Sect Master Yang Chun begged for mercy and escaped death by a hair's breadth?


After receiving the detailed report from his subordinates, Wu Feiyang was left dumbfounded once again. Regardless of which piece of information he processed, it all seemed too incredible.

He had anticipated that the mysterious expert behind Leng Yanran would intervene, but that person never showed their face!

"Spread the word: Leng Family's status within Moro Kingdom is now on par with the royal family! Grant Leng Family all privileges; any requests they make must be fulfilled!"

After a long pause, Wu Feiyang recovered from his shock and immediately issued orders to his subordinates.

"Yes, I'll take care of it right away!"

Once the subordinate left, Wu Feiyang attempted to pick up his teacup and take a sip to calm himself. However, his arm trembled uncontrollably, causing him to spill half the tea.

"So terrifying... Just who is the force behind her? This person must not be offended. Even if there's no opportunity to curry favor, we can't afford to provoke any dissatisfaction!"

Meanwhile, back at the Leng Family, Leng Zhan, who had witnessed Luo Heaven Sect's annihilation, chose to remain silent about the incident. He readily accepted the privileges granted by the royal family, and on that day, various other prominent families from the capital also came to visit Leng Family.

Even families like the Li and Wang, who had feuds with Leng Family, brought substantial gifts in hopes of reconciliation. One by one, Leng Zhan accepted the offerings, and Leng Family naturally became the preeminent family of Moro Kingdom.

However, Leng Zhan sighed internally. He understood that from this point onward, it would be difficult for Leng Family to establish a close relationship with Leng Yanran. She had already repaid her debt to Leng Family.

She wasn't truly a descendant of Leng Family; she had merely been raised by them. The benefits she had brought to Leng Family had far exceeded their contributions.

Jin Ding Sect.

Sect Master Yang Chun hadn't even had the chance to wash the blood from his body before he fled back to the sect like a man on a mission.

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