Chapter 452: An Even Greater Danger

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

But before they moved, another group of people was sent out from the Flower City. Chou Xiao Tian’s expression turned heavy as he saw those people.

“The Fei family members?” Sima You Yue guessed, reading his expression.

“Yes. I never thought that they would arrive this quickly.” Chou Xiao Tian said. “It seems like they have guessed that we are in the Heavenly Tiger Ridge and prepared to meet us while they were in the Flower City, if not they would not have sent this many people to this small city.” It seems about right that they appeared. The Heavenly Tiger Ridge’s transportation array had been fixed, and the Flower City could use the array to enter the Great City to look for them.

The Fei family members had them surrounded quickly. Sima You Yue looked at them quickly, and saw that they had about a hundred people.

“So you are here, Chou Xiao Tian!” A middle aged man in a red garment emerged from the group, smiling as he addressed Chou Xiao Tian.

“I was wondering which dog it was, turns out it is you,??Fei Wu?1?!” Chou Xiao Tian remarked.

“Pfft—” A laugh escaped from Sima You Yue when she heard his name.

“Now you are still able to laugh. But in a moment, you would not have the life in you to do so.” Fei Wu laughed coldly.

“Fei Wu, the last time I had beat you up so badly that even your loved ones had difficulties recognising you. You said that you did whatever you could to escape, why are you back to send yourself to the gate of hell?” Chou Xiao Tian noted that his wounds were still tender and not fully healed.

“Hmph! Do you think that you could escape like you did that time?” Fei Wu took his eyes off Sima You Yue and the rest. Just a bunch of Divine Rank newbies – not anything impressive. He looked at Chou Xiao Tian, because the mention of the things of the past caused his blood to boil. He said, “We had long known that you guys were hiding in the Heavenly Tiger Ridge, but sadly, their transportation array had broken, if not do you think you could just run free for this long? I would have destroyed a bastard like you a long time ago!”

Lian Hong squeezed his fists tightly. This was the first time he had been called a bastard by anyone. But he was not angry, for when he had decided to understand his identity, he knew that such a thing would happen.

“You call me a bastard, but you are nothing more than the Fei family’s dog!” He retaliated, unafraid. Although he would not win a physical fight, he could vent his anger with his words.

Sima You Yue looked at the people around her and said, “The sooner we settle this the better, the longer this drags out, the less advantageous it is for us.”

Chou Xiao Tian laughed, understanding what she meant, and nodded, saying, “Let’s go.”

“Ouyang, you are in charge of protecting Aunt.” Sima You Yue said. “Everyone else, call forth your sacred beasts, and let’s attack all at once.” Sima You Yue Lin and the rest all called forth their sacred beasts. Each person had at least two sacred beasts, all standing together as a densely packed group.

The Fei family members, Chou Xiao Tian and Lian Hong was shocked at the great number of sacred beasts that they had. Only a few people from the Primordial Lands had this many sacred beasts! If herd beasts knew that their own family members had been bound to a human, it would bring a whole slew of troubles, so what was normally the case was that each person would only have one or two. It was rare to encounter people with that many beasts.

Sima You Yue called forth Iron Claw Tiger, Little Roc, Thousand Resonance and Little Roar. She did not call for Halcyon and Little Dream, because they would be her hidden cards in this battle. Seeing that she, alone, had four sacred beasts, Chou Xiao Tian just knew that this punk was someone that was out of the ordinary, and coming alongside them was the right decision.

Although Fei Wu had brought about a hundred people with him, their strengths were all only at the level of a beginner or mid-tier divine ranks. He was a little higher than them, but he had only just become a divine overlord after all. Chou Xiao Tian was also a divine overlord, and the two of them fought against each other, battling it out in the sky.

The Fei family members also had some divine beasts, but they had a fewer number of them. The rest of them were pinnacle spirit beasts, and were no match for Iron Claw Tiger and the rest. Because there was a significant number of them, the fight that broke out lasted for over an hour. What’s more, Sima You Le and some of them had gotten hurt in the midst of it all.

After wiping out some of them, Sima You Yue brought them and mounted unto Little Roc’s back and said, “Let’s get out of here quickly!” According to what Chou Xiao Tian had said, the transportation array was no longer usable, and they would have to ride a flying beast to the Innumerable Green Temple.

At this time, more and more people were emerging from the city, so Chou Xiao Tian and the rest quickly climbed unto Little Roc’s back. Little Roc flapped his wings and flew off, bringing everyone with him.

“Young Master Si, they have a flying beast. What should we do now?” One of the guards said to a handsome young man.

“That’s our oversight.” Fei Si said angrily, looking into the distance as his opponents moved further and further away from where they were. “Go back and report to the family that Chou Xiao Tian has bought some bandits out, and that they will definitely be headed to the Innumerable Green Temple. They won’t dare to enter the city or use a transportation array, and we can ambush them while they are on the road.”

“Yes, Young Master Si.”

“Also, that they have a flying beast. Don’t leave that information out.” Fei Si urged him. “Also, send others to check on those people who were with Chou Xiao Tian. How dare they come against the Fei family, and how do they have this many sacred beasts? They should be rather important people.”

“Your servant understands. I will take my leave.” That servant retreated and left.

Fei Si looked at the direction that Sima You Yue and the rest were headed towards and mused for a moment. He then called out, “Men,”

“Yes, young master?” The two guards beside him came forward.

“Send people to the Roc tribe, and report that someone has bound their Roc King, and has even made it it’s seating stool. Also, spread the story of them having numerous sacred beasts. And you definitely have to spread it to the tribes that those beasts came from.” Fei Si ordered.

“Yes, young master.”

Fei Si looked into the distance, his cold face empty of any expression. As something came to his mind, he suddenly turned around and headed towards the inner city and said, “Go to the Goshawk tribe!”

Chou Xiao Tian saw that no one was giving chase and heaved a sigh of relief, saying, “Thank you.” If not for them, Lian Hong and himself might have been killed there and then.

Lian Hong had been hurt and was given two pills for his injuries. He looked at Sima You Yue gratefully and said, “Thank you, You Yue.”

“You Yue, what on earth is happening?” Fatty Qu and the rest could not understand why things were happening they way they did. She had said that she would explain to them on the road, but they had been chased down even before they managed to leave.

Sima You Yue then proceed to explain Lian Hong’s history and Chou Xiao Tian’s story of hiding from the Heavenly Tiger Ridge, as well as how they all got involved. After they had heard it all, everyone turned to glare at Chou Xiao Tian and cursed him for being insincere, and for being a sly old fox.

“Don’t blame my Master. He did it because of me. If there’s anyone to blame, that would be me.” Lian Hong spoke up as he heard everyone’s anger.

“Lian Hong, you weren’t aware that all this would happen, how could we blame you?” Sima You Le said. They had gotten to know Lian Hong at the Guesthouse Inn, and knew that he was an innocent and naive person, so they could not blame him. But it was also pointless to blame Chou Xiao Tian, for he was an extremely thick-skinned individual.

Nonetheless, they knew that Chou Xiao Tian had no other way to deal with everything, if not he would not have stayed in the Great City for that long. What’s more, their being in danger was not unrelated to Sima You Yue, because she had mended the transportation array, and so they had to leave.

Realising that, Sima You Yue’s rage dissipated, and she asked, “So now, where are we headed?”

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