Chapter 2226 Little Dream’s Revenge

The fact that Hong Yuan would come here came as a surprise to Lang Ya and the others.

This person was very important to Wu Lingyu. Because of his guidance along the way, Wu Lingyu was able to occupy so many ridges and fight against Mo Lou. Killing now would be a great thing for them. Therefore, when they received the news, they had begun planning how they could kill Hong Yuan.

Hong Yuan was different from ordinary divinators. He had inherited his gifts from his ancestors and his strength was strong. It was not easy to deal with him alone, not to mention he had brought so many people along with him. Especially since he had changed his route again, they had spent a lot of energy in order to ambush him here.

When Hong Yuan saw the people that Lang Ya had brought with him, he knew that he had planned to kill him here. Without wasting his breath speaking to him, he made a move.

Hua Jing didn’t say anything about letting Hong Yuan go first, but because the strength of the opponents had suppressed them, even if they had wanted to take them on and let him go, they wouldn’t have been able to get out! Their only hope now was that Ji Ze would bring reinforcements to rescue them!

Lang Ya’s strength was similar to Hong Yuan’s. He had called a clan elder and attacked Hong Yuan together. It didn’t matter that their numbers were greater, killing him today was the most important thing. He could have dealt with Lang Ya alone, but he was really struggling now that he had to deal with two people at the same time. He held on for a while, but he was hit by Lang Ya and fell to the ground and rolled over a few times. His long silver hair was stained with mud and he looked a little awkward. “Your Honor!” Hua Jing saw that Hong Yuan was injured and wanted to help him, but he was fighting against several opponents and had no energy. “Hong Yuan, receive death!” Lang Ya condensed his spiritual energy and prepared to give Hong Yuan the final blow.

“Your Honor!” At this moment, Ji Ze had arrived with some of his subordinates and when he saw this scene, he teleported in front of Hong Yuan and warded off Lang Ya’s attack.

The others joined the battle and Hua Jing was able to go to Hong Yuan’s side. “More have arrived to receive death!” Lang Ya didn’t panic when he saw the men Ji Ze had brought with him. Even if they had come, they wouldn’t be able to save Hong Yuan!

He opened a passage in space and many people came out of space very quickly.

When Hua Jing saw all those people, his eyes flashed. Lang Ya actually had a back up plan, it seemed that he was determined to destroy them today!

“Hong Yuan, your life must end here today!” Lang Ya said.

It wasn’t just him, all of Wu Lingyu’s men had to die here today! Hua Jing and Ji Ze were also capable generals, if all three of them were to be killed today, Wu Lingyu would definitely vomit blood in anger. “No one can leave alive today!” Lang Ya ordered, and everyone attacked together. The number of men that Ji Ze had brought were much less than theirs. Once they all attacked at the same time, they wouldn’t be able to protect Hong Yuan.


A sigh that shouldn’t have been able to be heard by anyone on the battlefield, but was heard clearly in everyone’s ears.

Lang Ya was shocked, there was someone watching and they didn’t even know!

Where did this person come from? Why was this person looking from the sidelines? Will she help?

Hong Yuan and the others had doubts but they were also secretly happy. This person definitely didn’t belong to the opponents, nor did she intend to help their opponents, otherwise, she wouldn’t have made such a sound in a situation like this.

Sima You Yue had been watching for quite a while. She had arrived before Ji Ze and was about to help the first time Hong Yuan was in danger, but when she saw Ji Ze intervening, she didn’t. She thought that they didn’t need her to come forward, but who knew that Lang Ya would have brought so many people to deal with Hong Yuan and the others. This time, she had to do something.

When she came out of space, Hua Jing was surprised and also delighted to see her. Surprise flashed in Hong Yuan’s eyes, while Ji Ze was shocked.

But the three of them had the same thought in their hearts: It was her!

Sima You Yue glanced at them, but she didn’t say much. With a wave of her hand, hundreds of Ancient Battle Souls came out and attacked Lang Ya’s people, rescuing Hong Yuan and the others.

Because they didn’t know who she was, after the Devil Soldiers had been rescued, they returned to Hong Yuan’s side to protect him. “Who are you?” Lang Ya’s shock was stronger than Hong Yuan’s. He was just about to succeed when this person appeared out of nowhere.

“Someone who will kill you!” Sima You Yue said, “I had originally thought of coming up with a plan to lure you out of Frost Moon City without alerting the people in the city, I didn’t expect you to give me this opportunity!”

“I have no grievances against you, why do you want to kill me?” Lang Ya was certain this was the first time he had met this woman, but the killing intent in her eyes was so strong that it nearly turned into water.

“You and I have no grievances? You won’t say that after you’ve met this person. Little Dream, after waiting for so long, it’s time for you to take revenge!” As soon as Sima You Yue had spoken, Little Dream appeared by her side.

When he saw Little Dream, Lang Ya still didn’t understand. He hadn’t expected to encounter this Dream Devil under such circumstances.

“Lang Ya, you wiped out my clan years ago, today, I want you to pay for your debts with blood!” The hatred had been suppressed in Little Dream’s heart far too long. She attacked Lang Ya immediately after she had spoken.

Had it only been just Little Dream, Lang Ya wouldn’t have been afraid. She was only young, and besides, she had been suppressed for so many years, how could she defeat him? What he was worried about was those hundreds of Ancient Battle Souls.

However, he soon realised that he was wrong. Little Dream’s strength was not the same as it was those years ago, she was clearly on par with him!

She had only been rescued from the seal one to two hundred years ago, how could she have managed to cultivate to such a powerful level in such a short period of time?

Little Dream didn’t give him the chance to be surprised. Every move and every strike had strong killing intent, it was quite distressing.

When she thought of the tragic situation of her own family clan being destroyed, and the sufferings she had endured, it was like a knife cutting through Little Dream’s heart. Every move was deadly, and she obviously had the same strength as Lang Ya, but he had no power to fight.

Sima You Yue watched for a while, and though she was sure that she had no problem, she still called Mi Er out to watch the situation. If something had happened, he would be able to save her.

She came down from the air and landed in front of Hong Yuan and the others.

“Are you all alright?” She looked at Hua Jing. Although his injuries were more serious, he should be fine.

“Why have you come to the Devil Realm? When did you arrive? Why didn’t you tell the King?” Hua Jing asked excitedly.

Ji Ze was very puzzled, Hua Jing seemed very familiar with her. He also mentioned about her arriving in the Devil Realm, was she not from the Devil Realm?

It seemed right, those people were Ancient Battle Souls, she probably came from the Ghost Realm.

“The affairs in the Human Realm are almost settled so I came to take a look.” Sima You Yue’s words made Ji Ze’s eyes widen.

Human Realm? She is from the human race?

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