Chapter 2221 Boundless

Only after having seen this map did Sima You Yue realise how big the Devil Realm was. The places where people were populated were also divided into regions like the Human Realm. However, they weren’t divided into the inner regions and outer regions like the Human Realm. They also weren’t like the Ghost Region where they had the Soul Regions and Abyss of Hell. On the contrary, they seemed to have the pre-existence of past life, but for the sake of convenience, it was called ridges.

This could be why the Devil Realm had always been under the rule of the Devil Emperor.

Sima You Yue counted, the Devil Realm had thousands of ridges. Wu Lingyu only had less than a thousand subordinates. When she thought about the situation he faced, it was


This severe situation was not without a breakthrough, as long as the Devil King Mo Lou was destroyed, this matter would be much easier to handle. Few of those Royal clans would stand out.

However, this alone was too difficult. Otherwise it wouldn’t have given Wu Lingyu a headache for so many years.

Wu Lingyu was surrounded by powerful devil beasts. As the Devil King who ruled over the Devil Realm, naturally he had such power in his hands. When they collided, who knew who would win or lose? Moreover, Mo Lou was reborn using the secret method of the person who had harmed the Spirit Realm back then, so he was not easy to deal with.

As she thought of Wu Lingyu’s current situation, she couldn’t imagine how he had found the time to accompany all those times. Especially that time when he had stayed in the Ghost Realm for so long. Even though he had occasionally disappeared to deal with matters, when she thought of this situation, she couldn’t imagine how much hardship he had to go through in order to do so.

Frost Moon City, Frost Moon Ridge’s largest city. It was also an important place for both sides to compete for, because of the abundant resources in Frost Moon Ridge. The Devil Realm was barren, so a place like this was somewhere both sides would want control of. Therefore, Wu Lingyu and the others wanted to seize this place. With this place under their power, they would be able to solve their current pressing needs to a large extent. With the same thought in mind, Mo Lou had sent a lot of people to guard this place to prevent Wu Lingyu and the others from seizing it.

For this place, there had been many wars between both parties. Wu Lingyu had sent people to attack many times but without success.

“The person stationed at Frost Moon City is the Devil Wolf Clan Leader.” Sima You Yue said, “It is said that the Clan Leader is very strong. He rendered the people Wu Lingyu sent to fight helpless. Let’s go and meet him. We’ll charge some interest for you first. Without this Clan Leader, it will be much easier to deal with the Devil Wolf Clan.” Sima You Yue explained to the two of them.

“I obtained this information from the City Lord earlier. This is just right, we can help Little Dream exact revenge and also obtain a good place for Wu Lingyu.”

“But even if we take over Frost Moon City, we can’t stop the Royal Clan’s army of a million soldiers.” Little Dream was still worried about this.

“The most troublesome part of the troop of a million soldiers is actually those in command. The soldiers under them just make up the number. What we have to do is deal with those who are more powerful and when the soldiers below don’t have a commander, there won’t be any need to worry.” Sima You Yue analysed.

“That’s true. But there are too many people under Mo Lou, there are also many powerful people, enough to give Brother Lingyu a headache.” Little Dream said.

“Lingyu is not powerless to fight back.” Sima You Yue was not very worried. In fact, she had absolute confidence in Wu Lingyu. No matter what kind of danger he was in, he would always be able to resolve it.

What she was doing now was to help him deal with these pests.

Since they had decided to go to Frost Moon City, they didn’t delay any longer and found the location of Frost Moon City on the map and estimated the distance, then they took the Little Throne out and rushed over.

On Wu Lingyu’s side, he was also troubled over Frost Moon City.

“Our men have been scoped out by Mo Lou over the past few years. As long as we get close, we will be discovered by Devil Sky Wolf. They are probably afraid that we will target that place again and have sent more people there. It will be very difficult to seize that place now.” Ba Lang Qi, Black Jade Clan’s leader sighed.

“King, we have to think of other ways to take down Frost Moon City.” Hua Di agreed, “Whether it’s based on our current situation or for morale, we have to take Frost Moon City.” “I understand.” Wu Lingyu knew the importance of Frost Moon City. It wasn’t only him, Mo Lou also knew this, that’s why it was so difficult to take overthe place. It wasn’t that he hadn’t thought about doing it himself. But once he made a move, the other side would too. After all, the Royal Clan had passed through many generations, his strength was still incomparable.

Therefore, if he wanted to solve this matter quickly, he could only start from Mo Lou.

At this time, a voice of greeting came from outside. At once, Hong Yuan, with silver hair and silver eyes in a red cloak, walked in from outside.

“Priest.” Hua Di and Ba Lang Qi, as well as several other clan elders in the house bowed to Hong Yuan.

Hong Yuan nodded, then he saluted to Wu Lingyu and said: “There’s movement at Frost Moon City.”

“What have you divined?” Wu Lingyu asked.

As a priest, Hong Yuan was actually similar to Little Helper and the other divinators. He could do some divination, but his divination abilities were not as powerful as Yin Ling and Little Helper.

Hong Yuan shook his head slightly: “Previously I divinated that Frost Moon City was important and also the turning point of our victory, that’s why we have to obtain control no matter what. But just now I divinated again but nothing came out. There must have been a variable that causedchange.”

“A variable? Is that good or bad for us?” Ba Lang Qi asked in shock.

“Looking at the hexagon, it’s not bad. But I can’t divinate what the variable is so I can’t come up with any countermeasures.” Hong Yuan said dryly.

“We should still send someone to take a look.”

“I’ll go.” Hong Yuan said. When he saw Wu Lingyu’s disapproval, his icy face softened and he said: “Mo Lou has sent millions of troops down, General Sui has also brought people over. King, you have to stay here to take the lead at this time. Several Patriarchs are also leading men and can’t go. It’s best for me to go at this time.”

He had no subordinates under him, he was the perfect choice.

“But, will it be too dangerous for you to go?” Hua Jing asked worriedly. Hong Yuan used to be Mo Lou’s subordinate, if he went over their camp now, Mo Lou’s men would treat him as a traitor. If they found out that he had gone over there, wouldn’t they put him to death?”

“I have made a divination for myself, there is no danger, you don’t have to worry.” When they heard Hong Yuan’s words, they swallowed their words of dissuasion.

“But it’s still too dangerous for you to go alone. Hua Jing, bring some men with you.” Wu Lingyu instructed.

“Yes.” Although Hua Jing wanted to stay behind and fight, the Priest was important to Wu Lingyu, so he had to protect the safety of Hong Yuan no matter what.

Hong Yuan didn’t object, he spoke the truth. The divination he had made for himself was extremely fierce, but in the end the outcome would have a good turn. It was also good to bring some people. Therefore, he accepted the order and rushed to Frost Moon City with Hua Jing.

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