Chapter 2117: Knavery Pavilion

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Sima You Yue and Wu Lingyu looked at one another and saw the interest in each other’s eyes

“This Snow Lady is so incredible. Doesn’t it mean that no one will go to the Snow Mountain?” Sima You Yue asked.

“That’s right, it’s now a forbidden place in Reaper’s Valley.” The Steward said, “When you guys go over, be sure not to go there too.”

“Alright, I understand.” Sima You Yue answered, “Are there any other legends?”

“Yes, other than the Snow Lady, there are many others here, for example there is the human-eating spring. The spring is located at the bottom of the Qin Mountain, it’s a very big fountain. Anyone that walks near the surrounding of the fountain will turn into a pile of bones.” The Steward continued to say, “But there are still many people who go there.”


“The water in the fountain can change one’s talent. It can even help break through the bottleneck and advance to the next level. There are also people who said that the mountain’s water can revive the dead’s flesh and bones.”

“Since they know the effect of the fountain’s water, then there must have been people who had successfully obtained the fountain’s water.” Wu Lingyu said.

“This I do not know.” The Steward shrugged his shoulders, “Isn’t this just a legend? Anyway, no one has seen it before.”

“Anything else?”

“There is a mountain where there will be red rain. When one comes in contact with red rain, they will corrode. If someone from the Soul Clan comes into contact with the red rain, their life may be in danger!” After the Steward spoke he even took a glance at Sima You Yue.

Sima You Yue was surprised, this Steward was an expert! He even knew that she had the Soul Clan’s body.

Towards the end, the Steward told them many legends regarding the Reaper’s Valley. She listened till she was dumbfounded and sighed.

No wonder it was called Reaper’s Valley. The legends sounded unimaginable, even they were amazed.

“After hearing so much, do you guys still want to enter the mountain?” The Steward asked.

“Of course we have to go.” It was impossible for Sima You Yue’s heart to change just because of these legends. “But going in like this without a guide, it would be more than you could swallow. Steward, you know of so many legends, so you must have lived here for a long time right? Do you know of any guides? Can you recommend a reliable one?”

“I don’t know of anyone.” The Steward shook his head, “But, if you wish to enter, you can form a team with others.”

“Form a team?”

“There are many who are similar to you guys, who want to look for someone to go with. Thus, there are two ways to form a team.” The Steward said, “Two of the ways have people participating the most.”

He looked at Sima You Yue, the two of them were only staring at him. They had no signs of anxiousness. He could only continue speaking, “The first kind is organised by the locals, where you pay money to join it. There will be a guide, and there will also be masters who will ensure your protection. This method is often organised at a fixed timing or requires a fixed number of people before they will enter. Then, they will bring you to the place that you want to go to.”

“This kind of premise is based on interests.” Sima You Yue said.

“That’s right, the entry fee to the group is very expensive, but that guide will be better.” The Steward said.

“What about the second kind?”

“The second one is also organised by people. They also have good guides. They want to enter, but their abilities are not strong, so they want more manpower. After you enter, you will have to settle their matter first, then you can proceed to settle your own.” The Steward said, “You won’t have to pay any fees to join their group, but you won’t have much freedom.”

“Looks like there are pros and cons.” Sima You Yue said, “Are these two types always available?”

“There are usually always here. But it also depends on your luck. You guys can go to the Knavery Pavilion located in the city’s centre. If there are any, they will be there.”

“Thanks.” Sima You Yue placed some crystals on the counter again, then took the room keys and went out.

Two hours later, Sima You Yue looked at the two big words, and said in surprise, “I thought that the Steward meant to say a bar, I didn’t think that it was actually a Knavery Pavilion. What kind of boss would actually name it something like that?”

“Little Lady, shh- the boss here is incredible, and his temper is not good. You cannot speak ill of him, otherwise you won’t be able to stay in Mourning City anymore.” An old man walked out from behind her and said softly to her.

Sima You Yue saw the mysterious old man, and blinked her eyes, “Are you not speaking ill of him right now?”

“If you don’t say it, and I don’t say it, how would he know?” The old man said with a smile.

Sima You Yue’s mouth twitched, and nodded her head in his direction.

“Little Lady, you came to form a group to go to Reaper’s Valley?” The old man took a look at Sima You Yue.

Wu Lingyu stepped forward, and happened to block the elderly man’s view. He arched his hand towards him, and said, “Senior, are you a resident of the city?”

The beauty was blocked, and the smile on the old man’s face lightened up considerably. He replied softly, “Something like that, I’ve been living here for quite some time already.”

“Then, Senior, are you very clear about the things here?” Sima You Yue stuck her head out from behind Wu Lingyu.

Seeing Sima You Yue, the old man smiled again, and said proudly, “Of course!”

“You also came to form a group?” Sima You Yue asked again.

“Something like that!”

This line again. Sima You Yue thought for a moment and said, “We had just arrived here, we do not know much, why don’t we come with you Senior, and learn how to form a group,”

“Sure.” He turned and passed Wu Lingyu, he pulled Sima You Yue’s hand and walked into Knavery Pavilion.

Sima You Yue’s pupils dilated, what a clever old folk!

Seeing that Wu Lingyu was about to explode, she pulled her hand away and said, “Senior, please proceed forward.”

The old man pouted, but he did not do anything that crossed the line. He placed both his hands behind his back and went in.

Sima You Yue and Wu Lingyu went in and they saw a spacious lobby. The lobby on that floor was filled with tables. Every table was occupied by two people, and almost every table was crowded with people who were organising groups and consultants.

“This scene really reminds me of the job fairs in my previous life.” Sima You Yue was surprised.

The life she previously had seemed so far away now, but the memories were still etched to her consciousness.

“Which do you guys want to join?” The elderly asked.

“We do not know either. It is our first time here, so we shall take a look first.” Sima You Yue said.

“The left side is the paid group, the few on the right are those that do not require payment.” The old man seemed to have seen someone that he did not want to see, so he said to Sima You Yue, “You guys go take a look on your own, I have some matters to settle so I will take my leave first.”

Sima You Yue had yet to say anything, when she already saw him squeezing out in the crowd, immediately going up the building.

She took a look at the sign on the second level’s staircase entrance. It was written that it is exclusively for VIPs. It looked like this old man belonged to the VIPs. Thinking about his abilities, she felt that there was nothing to be surprised about.

“This person isn’t simple.” Wu Lingyu said.

“How is he compared to you?”

“We will only know after we compare.”

Even Wu Lingyu did not have the assurance to win? What exactly was the identity of this person?

Sima You Yue took a look at the sign at the staircase, she was afraid that it would not be as simple as being a VIP!

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