Chapter 1920: Hua Yuan

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Everyone saw it. Wei Xing’s strike had hit Hua Yu squarely. With the power behind that strike, how could Hua Yu possibly still be alive?

“How… How is this possible!?” Those people from the Wei Clan who came here with Wei Xing cried out incredulously when they saw the scene before them.

Other people might not be aware of the kind of power Wei Xing possessed, but this group of people could not be more aware of his prowess. Struck by a move like that, how could Hua Yu possibly still be alive? !

The very instant Wei Xing saw Hua Yu, only one thought filled his mind. Impossible! It was only when he took a second look that he discovered that it wasn’t Hua Yu who was responsible, but someone else had helped him.

“Spatial Lock? ! Who did that?” He looked over at the people from the Hua Clan, and saw the shock and delight on their faces, which told him that they were not the ones responsible, as they did not have an Array Master with them anyway!

He continued to look around and did not find any signs of anyone else, but that did not mean that there wasn’t anyone around. The fact that the person was able to hide from his eyes meant that that person’s powers were not lower than his.

Hua Yu did not understand how he managed to survive. He had already given up hope and was prepared to die. How did...

Sima You Yue saw no need to hide herself and she revealed herself to everyone. Once she appeared, the others revealed themselves as well.

“Who are you people? Why did you intercede?” People from the Wei Clan cried out.

The people from the Hua Clan looked at them gratefully, but their eyes also carried a hint of suspicion.

They did not recognize Sima You Yue or anyone in her group, and did not know their identity. Neither did they know what their motives were.

Sima You Yue looked at Wei Xing and said very honestly to him. “I detest dirty scoundrels who do not keep their word the most. Do I need a reason to make a move against such a big eyesore like you?”

“Just who are you people?” Wei Xing asked as he looked at Sima You Yue. She seemed to possess the least amount of power among the rest, but from the position she was standing, it looked like she was the most important person.

“I am not as kind as you, to bother explaining anything to someone who is about to die. I would very much prefer to see all of you die without even knowing why.” Siman You Yue said with a bright radiant smile, which just made the hearts of the people from the Wei Clan sink.

The more mysterious the enemy was, the more uneasy they felt. Where are this bunch of people really from?

“Black Shadow, will you be able to deal with them by yourself?” Sima You Yue asked.

“How many do you think is needed with this small bunch of them? I alone will be more than enough!” The moment Black Shadow finished saying that, his body turned into black mist, immediately surrounding the entire group of people from the Wei Clan.



The mournful cries from the Wei Clan’s people were filled with frightful terror and utter despair. They did not know who these people were, and only knew that they would not be able to escape their doom here today.

When Black Shadow was done with them, only ghastly white bones were left in the spot where the people from the Wei Clan were standing. The people from the Hua Clan were shook with terror from witnessing Shadow’s attack, and the less bold ones among them found their legs turning into jelly.

When Wei Xing saw that his own men were taken down so easily and Black Shadow’s powers were so unfathomable and mysterious, he immediately turned tail and ran off without another word.

“Think you can run? Have you asked me for permission?” Black Shadow jeered and sped off to catch up with the guy, engulfing the guy within a black mist. A frightened cry rang out, and before the sound even faded off, a pile of white bones was left in the spot where the guy was just a brief moment ago.

“Done, Young Miss.” Black Shadow returned to Sima You Yue’s side, to report with a gleeful smile.

Black Shadow looked so harmless and mischievous to the Hua Clan’s people at that moment, not at all like the terrifying grim reaper he was earlier. But it was a fact that it was this very person who made such quick work of everyone from the Wei Clan within the span of just a few minutes.

Sima You Yue took a couple of steps forward and the strength almost went out of the legs of the people from the Hua Clan, all their eyes watching her warily.

Sima You Yue ignored all of them and continued to make her way towards the Snow Fungus. When the red robed girl saw that, she panicked and immediately ran over to stand protectively in front of the Snow Fungus, her arms stretched out wide to stop Sima You Yue.

“We were the ones who discovered this Snow Fungus first, so you cannot try to snatch it away from us!” Hua Yuan cried out.

Her actions horrified everyone in the Hua Clan. It was clear that these people were here for the Snow Fungus. Isn’t she just courting her own doom? !

Hua Yu flew down from the mountaintop and pulled Hua Yuan away to the side to shout at her: “Yuan’er, stop this foolishness!”

“Uncle! This Snow Fungus is the only way we have of saving the Patriarch! Without it, the Patriarch will die!” Hua Yuan continued to cry.

Hua Yu ignored what she was saying and pulled her behind him. He then clasped his hand over his fist in respectful greeting before Sima You Yue and said: “Thank you Young Miss for saving my life just now. You can take the Snow Fungus, but can you please spare our lives here?”

Sima You Yue looked at the indignant Hua Yuan behind Hua Yu, her eyes brimming with tears but she was stubbornly holding them back and Sima You Yue asked her: “You did not cry even when all your lives were hanging by a thread earlier, so why are you crying now? If you are dead, you won’t get the Snow Fungus as well.”

“Even if I die, I would have tried my best at least. But asking me to stand by helplessly and watch you take the Snow Fungus, I…..” Hua Yuan said in an indignant voice.

“I am the benefactor that just saved all your lives, shouldn’t you be offering to hand this Snow Fungus over to me willingly?” Sima You Yue continued to ask.

“You have indeed saved our lives, and there are other ways for us to repay you. Can I ask that you do not fight over the Snow Fungus with us? We can agree to any else that you ask for!” When Hua Yuan saw that Sima You Yue did not come over to pick the Snow Fungus immediately, she tried to beg Sima You Yue with a pleading look in her eyes.

Soma You Yue tilted her head and thought about it for a moment before she said: “I wouldn’t say that is entirely impossible, but I fear you will not give me what I will ask for.”

“What is it that you want?” Hua Yuan asked immediately.

“Half of all your assets.” Sima You Yue replied.

Once she said that, everyone from the Hua Clan fell awkwardly silent. Sima You Yue arched up an eyebrow. “Looks like that is a little too hard for you as I thought. Then, I will just…..”

“That’s not entirely the case.” Hua Yu interjected. “It’s because our current situation is a little different now, so taking half of our assets will just give you a heap of trouble. Why not you come up with another request, or you can wait till we’ve dealt with the issues we’re facing first and we’ll hand the assets over after the situation has stabilized. If you do not believe me, we can make a vow here.”

Sima You Yue looked at the two of them, and she could see the honest earnestness in their eyes before she said to them: “Forget it then. I do not want to take on a heap of trouble.”

Seeing that she was refusing it, Hua Yuan grew anxious and she stamped her feet in a panic as she cried out: “You can ask for any other conditions! As long as it’s within our ability, we will definitely agree to it! Just don’t ask for the Snow Fungus.”

“I know that you need the Snow Fungus to save a person’s life. Do you see how big this Snow Fungus is? I can give a part of it to you.” Sima You Yue suggested. “I will not give in any further than that.”

“Really? Thank you so very much! We will not need to use the entire thing. We only need enough to save the Patriarch and you can have the rest of it!” Hua Yuan exclaimed as she looked at Sima You Yue gratefully.

“However, we do not know how much of the herb we need. Can we ask for you to go back with us first?” Hua Yu asked.

“Are you thinking of using us to shield yourselves from the Zheng Clan?” Sima You Yue’s face darkened.

“That is not the case. We will deal with the Zheng Clan ourselves. You do not have to follow us inside our clan, and just wait for us outside. Once our Patriarch is cured, we will bring the Snow Fungus straight to you!” Hua Yu went on to explain.. “All your people are highly skilled and the current situation in our clan isn’t too optimistic, so we’ll not be able to pull any tricks against you. What do you think?”

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