"He's laughing? Has he gone crazy from pain?" One of Talia's brothers wondered out loud.

"If he really did go crazy, it would be so little fun to torture him. I hope not." Another frowned.

While they were momentarily confused as to why Lucifer was laughing, Lucifer spoke through his mouth filled with blood,

"I hope we meet again. No... It's not hope. I will make sure that we meet again!" Lucifer's gauntlets once again transformed, this time into a dagger.

The man in the sky looked at him like he was a madman who thought he could defeat them with a single dagger even in this condition. However, to their surprise, Lucifer didn't even try to attack them.

Instead, he pointed the dagger towards himself, stabbing it deep in his chest with both hands with heavy craziness in his eyes.

His dagger was directly stabbed into his heart, destroying his body from the inside. Even as Lucifer went through the torment of 'death', he didn't once make an expression that could satisfy the others.

"We will meet again," Lucifer spoke at his last breath while a demonic smirk spread across his lips. His eyes soon lost their shine.

Death was the only way for him to achieve his goal. However, even he wasn't certain if he was going to succeed.

The men, stunned, landed on the ground, frowning. "He killed himself? Was he so scared of us that he preferred killing himself?"

"What a pity. He took an easy way out. I wanted to enjoy it more."

"Whatever, let's drag his body back home and show father."

"Since when did I become lazy?" The first man asked, joining in on the fun. "Meet me tomorrow on the training ground. I'll show you how lazy I am."

"I don't have a death wish."

Everyone burst into laughter in response to the light banter. Even though Lucifer couldn't see anything, for some reason, he felt real peace in the moment that he never felt before.

Lucifer felt that he was being kept in some small bed as the woman separated her from her embrace.

Feeling the pain of separation, Lucifer felt torment and fear. He forced himself, finally being able to move.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at the face of the woman who placed him on the baby crib in the main hall.

Seeing the woman, a tear trickled down Lucifer's eyes. He couldn't believe that it had actually worked. He was back before his world was annihilated.

He had gotten this idea from the core. Everytime he was killed, he moved back in time by a few minutes. However, once he gained complete control of the inheritance, he thought of another possibility.

He thought of manipulating the time dilation at his death to increase that few minutes to a few millennia. At that long, it was only a conjecture, but now he could see that it had worked.

"Are you crying?" His mother saw the tear in Lucifer's eyes. She couldn't help but take her son back into her embrace. "Did you have a bad dream?"

In his mother's embrace, Lucifer's tears rolled down nonstop. At that moment, he wasn't a man who had slaughtered millions. He was just a man who had never received this warm embrace of his mother.

Everyone in the hall looked at Lucifer in confusion. This was the first time they had seen him crying. Even his father was surprised. However, he didn't think much about it.

He took Lucifer into his embrace. He wiped Lucifer's tears lightly pinching his cheeks. "You little brat, don't you know that men don't cry? How will you protect everyone if you're crying?"

Lucifer just looked at his father. He had so many things to tell his father. So many secrets to share, but he was back as a child who wasn't able to speak. Only slight noises came out of his mouth as he tried to speak.

"Are you saying you won't cry?" His father lightly tapped the forehead of the little boy. "Don't worry. In this life and the next, as long as I'm alive, I won't ever let you cry. So promise me that you'll be strong as well?"

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