Lucifer's movements were fluid and precise, each strike he made landing with deadly accuracy. It was as if he was dealing with the Star Alliance Members who couldn't offer any resistance.

His superhuman strength and speed allowed him to effortlessly overpower his opponents, leaving them defenseless against his onslaught. Even the Anti-magic Stones were useless against him, not providing them with any protection.

The Star Alliance members, once proud and confident, now cowered in fear as they witnessed the true extent of Lucifer's power. Seeing the sight before them, many Generals understood why so many of their people died at Lucifer's hands in the past.

One by one, the Star Alliance Generals fell to the ground, their bodies decaying into dust just like the General before them. The room was filled with the stench of death and the sound of crumbling flesh, as Lucifer's presence alone seemed to accelerate the decay of those around him.

The Star Alliance Leader watched in horror as his comrades were wiped out with ease, his own fear growing with every life extinguished.

The Star Alliance Leader immediately issued his command to release the restriction in the Palace. However, the Hidden Clan Leader didn't wait for the Star Alliance.

Even though they looked down on Lucifer, they didn't want to fight when they couldn't even properly fight.

Desperation filled the air as the Star Alliance members tried to mount a defense against Lucifer. Their attacks were feeble in comparison, barely scratching the surface of the impenetrable defenses of the slaughter. Lucifer effortlessly dodged their strikes, his movements becoming a blur as he danced around his opponents with deadly grace.

The Star Alliance Leader knew that he had to act quickly if there was any hope of survival.

As the Star Alliance warriors converged on Lucifer, a fierce battle erupted within the sealed chamber. Powers clashed and energies collided, shaking the very foundations of the palace.

The room was filled with explosions of fire, lightning, and ice, as the warriors unleashed their full potential in an attempt to bring down the seemingly invincible Lucifer.

Even after seeing how easily Lucifer dealt with the Star Alliance Members, they still didn't take him as that big a threat since Lucifer hadn't shown much of the true extent of his strength.

With the Clan Leaders leaving, the Star Alliance's last hope had been crushed, leaving them defenseless against this newfound terror.

Lucifer stood amidst the fallen, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light as blood of the fallen Star Alliance Members painted his clothes red.

The room fell into complete silence once more, the shock and fear evident on the face of the only people who remained.

The Star Alliance Leader's expression turned pale as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"I have underestimated you," the old man's voice echoed through the chamber. "You are no longer the man I saw in the past. You are something more, something beyond comprehension."

With that, the Star Alliance Leader moved. However, he didn't fly towards Lucifer. Instead, he also flew towards the sky, as if wanting to hide behind the Hidden Clan Members.

The remaining fighting force of the Star Alliance had also been destroyed, leaving only the bare minimum. He didn't want to be here to die at Lucifer's hands.

All he wanted to do was escape. He didn't care about showing the might of the Star Alliance to the Hidden Clan Members. As long as he could survive, it was all worth it.

Unfortunately, he had only flown up by a few meters when he felt something get a hold of his ankles. Before he could react, he felt a great force pull him down.


The Star Alliance Leader crashed back into the ground, his body slamming against the hard surface with a sickening thud. A crater formed around him, the impact causing cracks to spiderweb outwards, highlighting the sheer force of the fall.

Gasping for air, he struggled to push himself up, the pain radiating through his body. It was then that he caught sight of Lucifer, hovering above him with a wicked grin, his dark wings extending ominously.

"You think you can run from me?" Lucifer sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "There is nowhere you can hide, nowhere you can escape. Today, I shall end this all!"

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