Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 1013 1013: Anti Magic

Chapter 1013 1013: Anti Magic

Ron swung the ship through a tight maneuver, dodging the incoming attacks from the Blockade. As the Ship Crew held on tightly, he expertly navigated through the chaos, leaving the Captains stunned.

No one knew that it was Ron who was flying. Ron was supposed to be a hostage after all.

With precision and swift decision-making, he guided his ship into the gap, taking advantage of the distraction caused by the enemy's focus on Lucifer.

Ron flew past the blockage. Out of all the ships, two were instructed to go after the escaping ship. They could easily destroy the ship, but now that Lucifer wasn't inside, it wasn't worth it.

Lucifer was the biggest threat. With Lucifer inside, they could've justified blowing up the ship. But with Lucifer out of the ship, they couldn't explain themselves if they were to blow to the ship, especially with Ron inside.

Instead of destroying the ships, two ships were sent to block and if possible, save Ron.

In any case, Ron was only a thought in the back of their heads. The immediate priority was still Lucifer.

The Main Ship was the first to attack, after aiming at Lucifer. The other Ships also did the same, albeit targeting Lucifer's surroundings, leaving him no place to dodge. With the absence of Teleportation, it was no different than a dead end.

The attacks were faster than Lucifer, even as two Demonic Wings appeared on his back to increase his speed. A bright light flashed in the sky, as the attack from the Ships had covered the entire sky. It was as if a Heavenly Punishment had fallen.

In the blink of an eye, the bright light shrouded Lucifer. He couldn't dodge and was completely engulfed by the destructive wave that could destroy even an immortal.

It was the same attack that had destroyed the World of Summons, and now it was used to kill a single person. For a long time, the sky remained bright, the surroundings turning warmer.

The Generals had already freed Ron's Grandfather since he couldn't interfere anymore. At the moment, all the Generals, including Ron's Grandfather were looking at the sky that was engulfed in the destructive light.


Lucifer had run towards the Star Alliance Headquarters, but he had multiple goals in that. First was to distract everyone so the Ship could escape.

The escape of the ship was the most important part of his plan, but without his survival, it was useless. That's why he had another purpose in escaping.

He knew what kind of attacks these ships were capable of. The ships had very powerful attacks, but he was certain the Star Alliance wasn't going to use them as it could hurt the Star Alliance Headquarters.

At best, they were going to decrease the power of the attack, and that's what they did.

He also had another intention, which was to get out of the Spatially Restricted Zone. No matter how strong, the Star Alliance wasn't going to use the Anti Teleportation Barrier over the entire world.

They were confident in themselves, which made Lucifer certain that they were going to use what they thought was appropriate and nothing more. It was clear that the barrier had a limited range.

As for the exact range that they used, he didn't know. He could only expect that it wasn't going to be too large since they didn't have much time to prepare it.

As long as he could get out of the range, then coupled with the first two steps of the plan, he could turn the field upside down.

Unfortunately, as the attacks arrived, the third step couldn't be finished. The restrictive field was larger than he had expected.

It was the last and the most important part of the plan that had failed. With the attack coming straight for him, at the last moment Lucifer turned around, conjuring the Dark Lightning around him.

He had formed something akin to a cocoon of the dark lightning. At the same time, a devouring field shot out with him at the core, devouring the elements from the surrounding. All elements were being devoured, except the dark lightning.

He also surrounded the outer layer of the Dark Lightning Shell with a layer of decay that could weaken the incoming attack, at least to some extent.

Even then, Lucifer could feel that he could survive. He had seen the strength of an attack like this. It was strong, but not strong enough to the point it could kill him.

As the attacks relentlessly bombarded the protective barrier, Lucifer held his ground.


In a moment, all his hopes were crushed. As soon as the attack touched the black lightning barrier, his barrier shattered.

The attack wasn't what he remembered it to be! Instead, this attack contained the same element that was used to create the Shackles that could restrict someone's power.

Even at his level, he had never heard that this element could be a part of an attack. This wasn't possible, as far as he could remember. This attack was something akin to anti-magic.

The dark lightning crackled defiantly as Lucifer's barrier shattered, the beam of light completely swallowing him.


All eyes were on the cloud of light that enveloped Lucifer, the once-mighty being now rendered defenseless.

The General who was incharge of the Main Battleship looked into the distance with a smug look in his eyes.

In the last eleven months, many things had changed. Many new developments were made, and more importantly, they had done complete research on Lucifer who had supposedly killed their Queen.

With Lucifer as an enemy, they left no stones unturned to prepare a battle strategy in case they came across him. And the Anti Magic Cannon was a part of that strategy, mainly to make all defense useless, along with preventing his healing.

It was a surreal sight, everyone waiting for the clouds to disperse so the sight could be clear. However, most already knew what had happened.

It was an Anti Magic attack. Before this, even Lucifer was no different than an ordinary mortal without any powers. And before an attack like this, a mortal was like an ant.


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