Lucifer was worried about what the Star Alliance was going to do after what he did. However, it was clear that the Star Alliance itself didn't know what it should do. They didn't know anything about the enemy or how he even took out the Star Alliance members so swiftly. 

At the moment, the Star Alliance was playing a game of chess with an enemy whose pieces they couldn't even see on the board. They could only guess those steps. 

"You don't need to be scared." Noticing Lucifer lost in thought, Ron placed his hands on his shoulders. "You are at my home. Even the enemy can't get here so easily. You are safe here. Moreover, you're the rising star in the Alliance. I think your safety would be the first priority. If there was any threat of being attacked, they would've pulled you out of here first."

Lucifer could only nod. He truly was safe here, but not in the way that Ron thought. He was the so-called enemy after all. How could he be scared of himself in the first place?

For now, it was clear that the Star Alliance didn't know anything about him. The earth also appeared to be safe for now. That gave him some opportunity.

"Did no one come here to call me to report at the headquarters?" he asked Ron and Raayi. Unlike the two of them, he was now a Captain Ranked Star Alliance member. Generally, he should've been called back already since the Star Alliance needed as much help as they could get. 

"No one as far as I know. Only grandfather left with General Nimel after they were called back to report right after that incident. I think Grandpa already told them that you couldn't be disturbed at a time like this so they didn't call you? Or maybe they just wanted to keep you out of the battle. We can only guess at this point."

Ron didn't have to report. He was not a Captain Rank Member, despite his strength. And as an ordinary member, he could just sit back and take as much time as he needed. No ships were under his control in any case. 

"How did your training go? Did you become stronger? Raayi asked. She could feel that Lucifer was different and slightly stronger. But how much stronger, that was the question. 

"I did get slightly stronger, but not by much," Lucifer answered, not disclosing everything. If he said that his strength more than doubled, it was no different than taking an ax and hitting his own foot. 

For the next two days, Lucifer, Ron and Raayi remained in the Nimel Clan. The Star Alliance still hadn't called for Lucifer, but Lucifer did try to get as much information as he possibly could about what the Star Alliance was doing. 

It was only on the third day that Lucifer was directly contacted by the Star Alliance. He was told to report at the headquarters at the earliest. The vacation seemed to be over. 

Lucifer prepared to leave. Even he wanted to join that place to get more internal information. Now that he was promoted, his access to information had already increased. 

He didn't leave alone. Ron and Raayi forced him to take them with him. Even though they weren't Captains in the Star Alliance, they were still members and could go to the Alliance. They were already getting bored here, just waiting. 

Ron's father initially didn't agree to let his son leave, but after repeated requests, he finally gave up, especially when Ron asked his grandfather to talk to his father. 

After finding out that the two Generals agreed to the requests of the youngsters to come and meet them at the HQ, even Ron's father couldn't disagree, let alone Raayi's father. 

The ship finally took off from Nimel Clan territory, sooner than Lucifer wanted to. Fortunately, Raayi's grandfather had already taught him some nice skills when he trained him in the Ostrin Clan territory. 


The Star Alliance still hadn't found any clues about what had happened. The world that had appeared was destroyed from its core this time, leaving nothing behind. 

It was as if a black hole had swallowed that world along with the Star Alliance ships. The Star Alliance couldn't get any clues in that place. Not even a single trace of aura was left behind in that space. 

It was confirmed that the person who caused this had already left this place, and no one knew which part of the universe he was hiding. Without any trace, locating him was harder than finding a needle in a haystack. 

The Star Alliance could only be passive at this point and increase their own security. They also took help from the member worlds to search for the enemy.

No nation refused to help them either since the enemy didn't just want to hurt the Star Alliance but also them. The Star Alliance was their last line of defense. In any case, they knew that if they refunded, they might be considered Traitors and get attacked by the Star Alliance instead. 

Within a few days, the entire universe started searching for Lucifer, having no idea what their target even looked like. 

Most of them didn't even believe that they could find that person like that. And even if they found someone, they weren't going to return alive. After being found, there was no way that the enemy was going to let them leave alive to inform others. 


Lucifer's ship landed on the Star Alliance territory. As he stepped out with Ron and Raayi, he could see that there were a few ships already there. Most of those Ships were General Rank ships. He appeared to be the only Captain Rank member there since most of the Captain Rank ships were out patrolling. 

"This place seems busy." Lucifer noticed some cars already waiting for them outside. Moreover, now that he was promoted, his biodata was registered in the system. He could not only take any car as long as he had authority, but he could start that car and drive himself. 

It seemed to be the reason why there was no driver in the car. Lucifer entered the car and after getting Authorization, started. Raayi sat next to him while Ron sat in the back seat. Lucifer also brought his Vice Captain Kellian with him who sat next to Ron. 

All the other members were left back at the ship, instructed to be ready for emergency departure at any time. 

"The Star Alliance has activated every defensive shield possible. It looks like the person really shook them." Raayi looked out the window, observing the shield that was surrounding the world. Without Authorization, even they couldn't have entered. 

"Yeah." Ron agreed. "It is said that even if all General Rank members attacked together, they still couldn't break that shield, let alone our strange enemy. There is no way he could enter, especially after he exhausted his treasure."

" Maybe he'll hide for the next hundred years and recharge the treasure?" Lucifer suggested a possibility. Since these people were so curious about the treasure that could supposedly only be used once every hundred years, he could use that to lower their guard. 

"That... Does make sense. I heard after the attack on the Ancient Clan, that person went into hiding. Then he came out and destroyed three top clans. And then he went into hiding for over a hundred years, only to come out now. It's quite possible that he'll hide again. That person does have scary patience. I think we should tell this possibility to Grandpa!"

Ron didn't know if his grandfather already thought of the possibility, but he still believed that it was better to remind him. 

This was exactly what Lucifer wanted, so he didn't oppose it. He just didn't want to be the one suggesting it to the General or the Queen. 

He parked the car and entered the Star Alliance headquarters. This time, he entered wearing his Captain Rank stark white attire, being greeted respectfully by all the guards. 

The others who accompanied him also wore their Star Alliance attire since no outsider could enter this place. 

After showing their badges for verification at the second checkpoint, they finally entered the main building of the Star Alliance headquarters. 

"Where is your grandfather waiting for us?" Lucifer asked the two youngsters who could only point straight ahead. 

"He told us to come to his office. Raayi's grandfather should be there too. They'll either be there, or in a meeting. In any case, we should wait at the office for them to return. I don't think we will be allowed in the meeting hall."

Ron led Lucifer. He had been here quite a few times to meet his grandfather and knew everything about his grandfather's room, including the shortcuts to reach there. 

He led Lucifer and Raayi to General Ostrin's office which was more like a private bedroom and less like an office.

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