Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 60 Suicide, System And Power

[A/N: This novel/chapter doesn't promote any kind of suicide and other violence. All the words written here are from pure fiction and imagination. Please don't ever think of taking your own life. Please look at the people beside you, live on. Use the courage to make your life better. Perish all your thoughts on suicide. That's a request from me.]


"My whole life is destroyed,"

A boy who looked only 18 looked below. The ground looked so far as he was standing on the edge of a cliff.

The ground below was covered with stones and rocks. If he falls, there is a 99.99% he will die. There won't be even an opportunity to scream, let alone feel any pain.

That's why he came here.

He is a human, so he also has fear of death. Jumping from this cliff requires huge courage. Expect of using that courage to live on, he decided to just die. That will be better, it will relieve all pain in his chest. He won't have to be angry, he won't have to be sad, and he won't have to care about others.


He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and with an emotionless face. He jumped down.

His body pierced and forced through the wind.

In the face of death, memories of his life flashed inside his head.

A normal boy, he was nothing but an ordinary boy living with his parents and a little sister. His lower and middle school life went smoothly.

He wasn't bullied, he get good grades, and he helped his parents with their work. He was a brilliant boy loved by his family.

At the age of 17, his misfortune started.

Heroes, the superheroes who fight to protect the people killed his parents. A superhero who fought with a monster accidentally killed his parents or so it was said.

But, the reality was different. His power went out of control because he consumed alcohol and drugs before coming there.

He also didn't have any guilt in killing innocent people.

That was only the beginning. When he went to the hero's house to reason about his parent's death, he was kicked out. He had to listen to many insults and he was beaten up so badly.

The next day, his sister was kidnapped by supervillains. No heroes saved her, and, the next day, her naked corpse was found floating in the river.

Let alone superheroes, even the police and the government didn't listen to him. He didn't get any justice.

A year went by, he barely live his life. It wouldn't far off to call him dead. His soul was dead inside and only his body was moving like a puppet.

There was a girl who always helped him, cooking him food. She was the angel for him, who saved him from his despair.

When he was going to feel the love for the first time, the whole neighborhood he lived in was destroyed. Reason... The government tested a new boom and it accidentally fell there.

But later it was found that there was an official who had records of corruption of the government, and he was going to publish them to the world. That's why the government not only killed him but destroyed the whole neighborhood.

Citizens were just citizens, they didn't do anything nor could they do much. Without evidence, if they dare to step up, they would disappear the next day.

Heros, government, villains, all of them were the same. Selfish!

In comparison to them, monsters were better. At least they would just kill them.

This world revolved around status, power, and money. If you are weak, fuck off, if you are poor, just die from hunger, if you are good and kind, you won't see the next sunrise.

The boy... couldn't live in this fucked off world.

After witnessing the death of the only loved one he had, he couldn't bear it. He wanted to destroy this world, torture those heroes, boil those villains, and fry the government.

But he didn't have any superpowers.

He wasn't rich.

His life flashed in some seconds.


His head directly hit the rock. He didn't feel any pain. His vision darken, and in just an instant, he was in a void deprived of everything.

"I died. Hahaha,"

The boy laughed drily. He couldn't feel his body. He thought it was all over after death. But now, he didn't have anybody. His soul was alive, his memories were fresh.

He didn't know if this was any better than life. He didn't want to live in this void. It would be one thing if didn't have any memories. But living with these memories was worse than being punished in hell.

"Why am I unlucky?"

"Why? Just why do I have to suffer?"

"Why are the evil people alive?"

Why are good people dying fast?"

"Just... What sin did I commit to get these punishments?"

"Is being kind a sin?"

"Then... I swear on my whole existence, from now on, I won't be kind. Justice is only words. Law is only an illusion. If I get another chance, I vow to destroy my every enemy. If the whole world becomes my enemy... I will destroy the world!"

Vows, promises, complaints. The boy shouted these words in the void. He asked the gods for an answer.

But it was silence. There was no answer.

Alas, what he could have expected.

If there are any gods, they are also selfish.

If there is heaven, the heaven itself is evil.

There is no buddha in this world.

Preach? Religion? They are the disguise people wear to make excuses for the crime they commit.

Want forgiveness? Go get a religion!

These aren't empty words. Get a religion, gods will forgive you. Even if you have rap*, murder, rob, theft.

Just ask forgiveness from gods, and commit crimes freely.

Heros only save the people for fame and money. In the end, they are also a thief.

His soul floated in the void lifeless. The boy didn't have the energy to complain. He had said everything he want.

He just wanted to rest now. He wanted to meet with his parents and live with his lovers. He wanted love and wanted to give love.

He just wanted to be a good son, a good brother, a good lover. But this all became nothing but a mere dream.

[Justice, Laws, and Rules all are useless in front of strong]

[There is no god. There is no heaven. Every being is selfish.]

[You want to be a supreme. You want to punish those greedy fools. You want to destroy heaven.]

[Then I shall give you the power. A power that will help you to destroy this world. A power to kill the gods and destroy the heaven.]

[Power to be the supreme being of this world.]

[Now come and show me your courage. Be a brave soul and don't rush. Be smart. Use the people around you. Always remember, there is no such thing as good and right. If you are strong, the words you speak are good. If you are strong, laws are just your plaything.]

[Copy others' power and destroy them with their own power.]

[The Power Copy System has been imprinted in your soul.]

A cold lifeless voice echoed inside the void. The soul of the boy who was lifeless suddenly came into life.

System! Power!

These words were enough for him. Even if the system betrays him, he won't mind as long as he gets his revenge.

Even if the words of the system are a lie, he will work hard as long as he gets even a minor power.

Suddenly, a bright light shines in front of his eyes. A white floating words appeared before his vision.

[Ding! You are now the owner of Power Copy System]

[Ding! Your body is being created.]

[Ding! Five superpowers are found. You can choose which superpower to bring with you.]

|(Telekinesis), (Wind Control), (Fire Master), (Heal), (Super Strength) |

Looking at the screen, the boy smiled. In a cold voice, he announced.

"I want them all!"

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