The next day, I went to the C-rank dungeon again.

I reached the boss area in less than an hour and used the B-rank skill.

As the giant centipede moved toward me, my plan glowed.

Mana continuously drained from my body creating a massive ball of mana and was fired at the centipede. As the mana touched the centipede, an ear-deafening explosion occurred. The whole area within 30 meters was affected, and a giant crater formed.

The centipede didn't die, but it lay in the center of the crater. Its body had cracks on it, I again cast mana blast, and the crater was doubled. The centipede dissipated. In the center of the pit, a skill book glowed brightly.

I jumped down and took the skill book, and climbed up.

[Stealth: Hide aura, energy, and presence, move undetected.]

Seeing the skill, I didn't wait a second before learning it.


I farmed the C-rank dungeon more than 10 times and moved to the D-rank dungeon.

For a whole day, I farmed two to three dungeons with the lowest time of completion being 10 minutes and the highest at 45 minutes.

Three D-rank skills and Two C-rank skills have been equipped along with two B-rank skills that I bought online.

[Precision: Increase accuracy]

[Tough Skin: Increase defense by 10%]

[Natural Sheild: Create a red light shield, that protects from elemental damage]

[Evasion: Dodge attacks naturally]

[Penetrate: Increase penetration, attacks have a 25% chance to destroy the defense of the strong enemy]

[Titan's Strength: Increase strength, +50 strength]

[Quick Feet: Increase speed by 30%]

Satisfied with the skill I gained, I decided to move to another city. My goal is the center city. One of the major cities, it has some B-rank dungeons and is perfect for my next goal.

My goal is to farm the B-rank dungeon. Not to mention, I need to beat A-rank dungeon too. I returned to the hotel and spent one week farming the C-rank dungeon obtaining several cores, items, and skill books.

Since I sold most of the cores and the C-rank cores were at the limit, and I already had several skills, I equipped many C-rank items.

I also sold cores, items, and skills that looked unnecessary.

[Spacious Ring: Ring that can store many things inside.]

[Flexible Armor of Protection: An armor that could protect against both physical and elemental attack and won't hinder movement.]

[Advance Magician Gloves: Increase skill damage and casting speed.]

[Boots for Runners: Increase speed]

[Ring for caster: Increase casting speed]

I didn't equip other skills as they weren't as necessary.

I moved to another city, the center city, one of the major cities. By train, commuting there didn't take much time.

The city was hustling and bustling with both normal people and hunters. The market was thriving. Many people were going to work, and tall buildings looked common.

I booked rooms in one of the hotels. It was a hunter hotel, a place for hunters. There were varieties of shops and restaurants inside the hotel.

I ignored those places for now and moved to the room. I rested for the day.


The next day, I was ready to go for the B-rank dungeon. I moved from the bus and reached the high-tech wall.

There were quite a number of hunters in the dungeon. Around 20 hunters in 4 groups were diving inside the dungeon.

My skills of concealment and stealth were activated all along, so not many people noticed me even if they glanced in my direction.

I entered the dungeon and was greeted by the creepy dark forest. Trees that shot to the sky could be found everywhere. The area was dark and creepy. In the eerie dungeon, I advanced ahead.

After a little while, five shadows passed in front of me. I had swift, quick speed and even boots, my speed was so much faster.

A sound of metal colliding echoed as I was pushed a little ahead. Those shadows had attacked me sneakily.

Thankfully due to my armor, ring, and skills, I didn't even have a scratch. The shadows were fast, but as I moved, my speed surpassed them.

Moving swiftly, I cast an electric ball. The electric ball brightens my surrounding, and I cast firebolt and other skills.

My surrounding became bright with the skills I cast. I caught the shadow and fired my skills at them. As one of the shadows fell, I caught a glimpse of its appearance.

A body little shorter than an average human with red eyes. Red fur covered their entire body and their nails were long and looked like metal.

Their skin was tough as even with my skill, they didn't have much damage. I continue spamming my skill at them. Electric Ball, wind blade, firebolt, frost orb...I cast every skill I had.

The demonic monkey died as hundreds of skills hit it. My casting speed was doubled, no tripled, so I could cast 300 skills per minute. I only need a multi-cast ring or skill, and my casting will be doubled.

Four demonic monkeys hit me from behind. I turned and punched them. My strength couldn't be underestimated. A single punch from me fling them two meters further and hit the trees. But their fur absorbed most of the impact and only some damage was caused.

But before they could stand, I cast mana blast, since it was an AOE skill and cause quite an explosion, I don't use it on a single low-level monster. I only use it mostly on crowd or boss.

The mana blast caused quite damage to the surroundings and the monster. But still, they didn't die. Their fur was burnt and their meat was brunt. But, they still jumped and tried to escape.

I continue casting other skills and killed them.

I took the cores dropped from their body and moved ahead.

I advanced further and faced many demonic monkeys, they were quite annoying. Since they mostly did sneak attacks, I had to be on guard every moment.

Even though my defense could hold against their attack, I had to be cautious as there would be accidents.

After killing them, I took their cores and some items dropped.

I reached the boss area after an hour of exploring.

The boss area was the same as the forest. The boss was a huge demonic monkey that was three times bigger than me.

The boss monster glared at me and stood. It swiped its big hand at me, but I cast skill that cause its hand to flinch back.

The monster roared and raised both hands. It slammed those hands to the ground creating shock waves, but I used speed to leap back avoiding the damage.

I cast varieties of skills at the monster. Some damage was caused to it. The monster formed a fist and punched me. I also formed a fist and hit the monster's fist.

Two fists collided. Due to my strength skill, my strength was equal to the monster but may be a little weaker. As the fist collided, I was pushed a little further.

I spammed mana blast and a huge crater formed.

I cast every skill along with mana blast and created a 20m pit. The boss monster was burnt and after five minutes, it died.

I obtained a B-rank skill this time.

[Mana Fist: Create a fist of mana tens times bigger and stronger than a normal fist]

It was a B-rank skill, so it may be strong. After clearing the dungeon five times, I returned to the hotel.

I looked at the status screen.


[Strength: 103 +50]

[Vitality: 100]

[Mana: ∞]

[Skill(s): (D-Electric Ball |100||). (F-Wind Blade |35|), (F-Mana Defense|80|), (F-Small Heal |12|), (F-Firebolt |68|), (E-Swift |97), (E-SafeGuard |66|), (E-Ball of Protection |45|), (F-Hide |56|), (F-Frost Orb |80|), (F-Attract |50|), (F-Explosion |35|), (F-Strengthen |10|), (E-Lighting Strike |40|), (D-Collapsing Star |36|), (D-Electric Shock |42|), (D-Rune of Curse |38|), (C-Regenerate |5|), (C-Stealth |53|), (C-Concealment |61|), (C-Ice Storm |54|), (C-Sword of Light |18|), (B-Mana Blast |3|), (C-Stealth), (D-Precision), (D-Tough Skin), (D-Natural Shield), (C-Evasion), (C- Penetrate), (B-Titan's Strength), (B-Quick Speed), (B-Mana Fist)]

[Equipment(s): (C-Spacious Ring), (C-Flexible Armor of Protection), (C-Boots for Runners), (C-Ring for Casters), (E-Ring of Protection), (E-Ring of Security), (f- Storage Ring), (C-Ring for Casters),]

I smiled looking at the status, it has become bigger.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

The number was unknown.

I hesitated a little but picked it up.


A sweet voice sounded. The voice sounded like a young woman.

I took a deep breath and replied.


"Is this, Allen?"


"Oh, good. I have something to discuss with you."


And so, we started chatting.


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