Infinite Mana in the Mage Academy

Chapter 54 Soloing E-Rank Dungeon In 15 Minutes

The next day, I slept until 10 am.

After waking up, I ordered breakfast while washing my face, brushing my teeth, and having a short shower. Freshening up, I received my breakfast. Mini robots deliver food and the dishes they are served are special metal.

This I found last night. The food kept on these utensils doesn't get cold even after leaving it for hours. It was one of the perks of high-class hotels, the food you get is always warm.

After eating, I left the hotel. I had booked the room for a week and decided to visit the E-rank dungeon pretty near me.

My goal after this week is to visit the D-rank dungeon and also explore some dungeons far from this city.

I reached the GHA, Government Hunter Association, and sold the cores. I received around 500 thousand credits as the cores I sold were 5001 in quantity.

I wandered around the item area and bought defensive rings.

[Ring of Protection: Increase defensive skill defense by 2 times]

[Ring of Security: Cover the body with an invisible barrier.]

They were both E-rank items and cost around 100 thousand dollars. Both came at cheap prices since they were second-hand products. I didn't buy many items now, since I need to buy skills.

I also bought a storage ring costing me 50 thousand credits.

I have still 450 thousand credits on me. And I still haven't sold skills and items. I decided to sell items in the items shop since I was still there.

I acquired around 600 thousand credits!

I bolted to the skill shop. I had 1 million credits now. I was rich!

I searched the skill section.

I bought 2 E-rank skills closing me 600 thousand credits and 3 F-rank skills costing me 400 thousand credits.

My eyes were set on two D-rank skills and one C-rank skill. But three of them cost around 10 million credits! So, expensive.

I exited the skill shop.

I was poor again with 50,000 credits left.

Well, I was happy with the skill I obtained.

[SafeGuard: Creates a shield in front of the caster]

[Ball of Protection: Cover the caster in a round ball]

[Hide: Hide aura and presence from the enemy]

[Frost Orb: Create a ball of ice that freezes the enemy on contact]

[Attract: Release a special scent that attracts low-intelligence being to the caster position]

The things I had were quite useful. Unfortunately, there weren't AOE skills, or I could have killed many enemies in one go.

I booked a taxi and asked the driver to lead me to the E-rank dungeon.

The gate was the same as I had seen in other dungeons. When I enter the gate, I found hunters minding their business. There weren't too many hunters and around 50 of them I could see. There wasn't a line and I could guess many hunters went inside the dungeon.

I also walked inside the dungeon. No one was paying attention to me as I had activated the hide skill. I don't think many even have noticed me.

As I entered the dungeon, I activated all my defensive skills and deactivated hide. A ball of light was created in front of me as well as my body was glowing. A shield was in front of me. Well, all of these defensive skills had either golden or white color, but they were still transparent. The scenery in front of me was still clear.

The dungeon I enter this time was Goblin's Sanctum. As the name implies, this dungeon has goblins.

I walked a bit inside the dungeon and immediately I was greeted with arrows. The arrows of course were weak against my defensive skill.

I activated my skill attract and I could see many arrows coming at me repeatedly. I cast my firebolt and electric ball. I also cast a frost orb and a white orb of ice floated near my face.

All of these skills hovered around me like a bodyguard protecting their client. When I found goblins, they didn't run. Instead, they all charged at me mindlessly. The attract skill was an F-rank skill, but it was also effective against E-rank monsters.

Some goblins ran though, it seems goblins also have different intelligence in their race. I used frost orb to see its effect.

The frosted orb hit one goblin while I cast another hundred of them. All of my spells bombarded the goblins.

The single frost orb didn't cause that damage to the goblin. It froze them a bit but except for shivering, they didn't have other damage.

But when tens of these frost orbs hit them, their body became ice sculptures. And my electric ball and firebolt hit the ices and shattered them.

Cores were dropping in front of my eyes and I didn't waste any seconds collecting them.

The open area was lively with goblins. I could see many goblins coming at me which died by my skill the second I spotted them.

This E-rank dungeon only had around 5 floors and I beat the first floor in some minutes.

Like that, I clear the second, third, and fourth floors. I reached the boss's room.

I opened the door and found a big goblin with its mace sitting on its throne. It roared and stood. It was a D-rank monster. But it barely reached D-rank.

The moment I stepped inside the room, the door behind me closed. As the sound of the door closing echoed, I repeatably cast the first orb, firebolt, and electric ball.

I fired them at the big goblin. a big explosion went and dust with smoke covered the room. When I relaxed a bit, the sound of glass breaking reverberated in my ears.

My barrier was shattered. I immediately took twenty steps back. Without hesitation, I cast a wind blade. The blade made the smoke disappear, and a figure of the big goblin came into my view.

Its skin was burnt and its state was pretty critical. Its body was filled with injuries but it was still alive. With awkward movement, it came at me. I could see electric sparks zapping it, but it still walked enduring the pain.

For a moment, I was filled with respect for the goblin as its determination to kill me was enough for it to endure those hellish pain.

I cast the wind blade repeatedly. Around hundreds of them, one and half a minute hit the goblin's head continuously.

Small cut formed on its neck which increased as more blades collided on the same spot. The hundreds of wind blades made a big injury to its head and the final wind blade separated the goblin's head.

Its body disappeared and an item dropped.

It was a big spear, but I won't use it.

I exited the dungeon and returned to the entrance. I again went inside the dungeon and clear the floors faster than previously.

This time, I made sure to kill the boss monster more carefully and didn't relax until I saw something dropped from the goblin's body.

Since there weren't that people, I activated hide when I exited and deactivated it when I entered the dungeon.

I cleared the dungeon 12 times.

At the thirteen-time, I speed to run the dungeon.

I knew all of the commonplace, and I cleared the floor in some minutes. Thanks to my speed, I covered great distances in less time.

And I cleared the dungeon in 15 minutes!

It was a world record!

Not even B-rank could clear the dungeon this fast. My heart thumped and I felt joy. Earning many cores and items along with some skill books, I returned home.

I hadn't sorted my skill book and didn't check my items too. I also put aside the skill books. I decided to do that in the hotel room.

After returning, the first thing I did was have a shower and a feast. After eating, I absorbed 90 cores and received another 25 points which I distributed equally to my stats.

After that, I sorted out my skills.

I had two skill useful to me and two which was useless. I also gained an AOE skill. And in items, all of the things I obtain were either mana rings or weapons. One armor got my attraction. It was a flexible thin armor that neither made one hot nor cold.

I search it on the web and found it was the perfect armor for all classes. It was flexible, thin, and also maintain our body temperature.

It was like AC in heat and a heater in cold. It also could block the attacks of the rank D monsters. I get yet another defense to my body.

After that, I slept peacefully like a baby and I sold all unnecessary things to the hunter association and easily earned around 5 million credits.

I bought the skill I desired and other skills weren't my taste. I didn't like most of the C-rank skills and the thing that caught my interest was bought.

For an entire week, I grind on the dungeon near the city and increased my money up to 30 million credits.

I bought 2 stealth skills and 1 long-range skill. All of them were C-rank and my money instantly depleted to around 10 million credits.

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