"Let's begin the Team Battle!"

As the announcer announced, a light flashed in the stadium.

The Wizard Warriors, the Allen group chose the name at the last, found themselves in the middle of a forest surrounded by small rocks and big trees.

"So, we are here," Allen commented while observing the surrounding.

"Let's go," Mina said.

And others nodded.

Allen's crew moved ahead.

The main focus of this game is to survive to the end. The top 100 members or 20 groups at the end will win.

Even if they defeat others or hide, it doesn't matter long as they are not defeated until the end.

The Wizard Warrier leaped on the tree. All of them scanned their surroundings and reported while jumping from one tree to another.


Suddenly, a gust of wind hit Allen. Fortunately, the shot missed and hit the tree. Small damage was found in the tree.

"What?" Allen frowned and immediately warned others.

The five of them scattered around and searched while being cautious. Being together means, the enemy would have more targets to hit at once, while scattering would make the sniper choose one specific target.

While others may also be snipers, for now, they decided to see if they can find the enemy or not.


The wind again came at Allen however this time, it was more than one. Tens of them attacked him at the same time.

Allen frowned and snapped his finger. A small barrier surrounded him. And as the wind hit the barrier, he clicked his finger.

Invisible force bound the wind and he got control over them. Using telekinesis, he fired the wind at different places.

The wind hit one tree, and a shadow passed by it. Allen narrowed his eye and immediately thought it was a trap.

However, before he could move, countless swords made up of mana hit him. Fortunately, his barrier was still up and the sword barely cause any damage.

But, the swords were followed by balls of fire and plasma balls.

These two spells caused big damage around the barrier. Allen fixed it immediately and called for his teammate.

Hearing an explosion, the four members immediately rushed toward Allen. But, they were all blocked by other group members.

A person dressed in black sneakily hit Rena. The person indeed hit her neck, but except for the feeling of bones and skin, he felt something like steel.

Rena was immediately alert and cast Wind Burst.

A strong gust of wind blew from her body. The assassin was forced back. Rena's eyes fell on him and she used Magical Wind Boot. Her legs were covered by air, and her speed increased by a ton.

She charged at the assassin, but he immediately jumped and disappeared into the trees.

Likewise, on the other side, Mina was blocked by a fire element user. He controlled fire.

Mina frowned and she summoned snowballs. Those snowballs weren't soft. They were covered by the shell of hard ice and spikes erected from it.

She controlled it and shooter the guy.

"Heh," He smirked.

He summoned fireballs. Ten fireballs hovered around it. Except for traditionally using the fireball, he manipulated the fire.

The balls turned into layers of fire. It wrapped around his body and the ice balls melted the moment they touched his body.

The boy moved to Mina, she was an ice-element user. She had more ice spells, so she was in a pinch.

The guy took ten steps and took out the fire cover. He directed the fire like a water wave. The fire wave tried to engulf Mina, but she created a big layer of ice in front of her. That ice was strong enough to extinguish the fire. But it also melted a ton.

"Tch!" She clicked her tongue in annoyance and took a step back.

In the Jin area, he met an earth-element guy. He was a body type, so the match was between earth and human.

Not in a dramatic way though.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ The earth-element guy hid under the soil and controlled the soil. The land around Jin formed a ripple and he slowly dragged inside the soil.

But he jumped. His sheer strength broke the soil drip on him. He landed on the tree and looked down.

While the guy could control soil, he can't control the trees.

But the guy had another plan in his mind. He wrapped the soil around the tree and made it his domain.

He created a spike out of the soil and appeared behind Jin with the spike. He tried to stab him, but Jin instantly turned and grabbed the spike.

With a smile, he punched the guy. But his force was absorbed by the soil which wrapped around the guy's body.

The soil hit his face, Jin couldn't help but close his eyes. And the guy again hid in the soil.

Jin became annoyed.

"Strength Enhancer, Jump Strike!"

He cast after jumping. He lands on the ground with immense force. The land shook and a small crater formed on the ground.

The guy didn't react in time and the force hit him. He was flung outside of the soil and landed on the surface.

Jin without wasting a breath rushed at the guy with the intention to hit him. But the land behind Jin trembled. The land raised and took the shape of a hand.

The guy was joining his palm and closing his eyes. His eyes glow the moment he opened them. The soil hand formed a fist and attacked Jin.

"Strength Enhancer"

He mumbled.

Jin also formed a fist and struck at the fist that was coming at him. Two fists collided and a small force was generated.

The soil hand was pushed back while Jin's hand trembled slightly.

While the three of them were battling, Ruhan on the other hand cowered behind the tree. His opponent was a girl. And she had a nasty smile on her face.

"Where are you~ Your big sister wants to meet you." The girl said while throwing a ball of electricity.

She had a smiley face, while her hands were filled with sparks of electricity.

Ruhan cowered behind one specific tree and couldn't figure out what to do.


Another ball of electricity hit the tree, the electricity hit the tree right beside where Ruhan was hiding.

He trembled. He was a coward, but...

As the electricity hit the tree where Ruhan was, the tree's branches moved and blocked the attack.


The girl was surprised, but her surprised face was filled with a sadistic smile.

"Let's see, who will win. The tree, or my electricity!"


Author Note: I am somewhat bad with dialogue in the middle of battle. So, I just made them battle and didn't put that much dialogue since I didn't know what will they talk about.

Only the girl talked since she didn't battle head-on with Ruhan.

So, hope it is good...

The next chapter will also be full of battle...

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