Chapter 3591  Fables! IV

"I record down Fables across the Frequencies of the Wheel. Some stories tug at my heart, others are left behind. Yours…is one I followed closely even after your weavings were retracted. But of course, there are entanglements, other people who know of you, or when you simply speak about yourself or your distinctions near the State of Matter."


While held by the neck, the Queen of Matter spoke excitedly as if she was meeting a celebrity she looked up to this whole time.

"The more complex you became, the harder it was to read about your Fable. To the point that recently, all I got were weavings of the flow around you. Through the eyes of others. Through events. You can just consider me an existence who peeks at the flow of the wheel and anything happening around Matter, and all I have done so far is record things down. With the advent of the Change, I was 100% sure which Fable would take Centerpoint and steer the ship, and it was why I pulled upon my Exclusive Flow of Matter to tunnel across Frequencies to come to you the moment I felt my weavings threatened!"


A unique existence.

Noah perused through the many books she had connected to her as ultimately, he even came across a book titled…the Great Usurper.

He opened its first few pages and raised his brows at what he read.

An Idle Gaming System? Crucibles?

He remembered the Systems that seemed like ages ago when he read this as right now…everything seemed to be so far above it all.

There was even a volume on the book of the Great Usurper titled- the Clash of Two Giants! Noah VS Noah!


All of it seemed so ridiculous that Noah couldn't help but shake his head and close the book of the Great Usurper that had very few details towards the end, just a few known titles or distinctions and possible locations across the weavings of the Wheel.

"Let her go."

He gave the command to Ruination who released her grip on the neck of the Queen of Matter who nodded at her as if to tell her she could hold her neck anytime she wished.

Noah then beckoned at her while pointing to the book she held most closely.

"My Book."


Just two words.

But his intents were clear as with rising nervousness, the Queen of Matter unclasped her hands as if she were giving away a precious treasure, slowly allowing it to flow towards Noah as the authority of a Greater Source surged out into the surroundings to encapsulate everything- as if she wanted to ensure that no accidents could occur or have this book be lost!

Noah obtained the thick golden book as he opened its first page.

And there it was.

His story.

His Fable.

Something he thought he had pulled entirely into himself without any record of it being visible elsewhere.

"It took all of my power just to not have those records be erased."

The voice of the Queen of Matter echoed out nervously in front of him as she continued.

"I had to increase my complexity so much and so quickly just to make sure that what I had already written down would not fade away, to the point that, recently, it felt like even my own memories were being lost slowly. But I did my best to preserve the Fable…"

His Fable.

There was a lot in the beginning, but the pages became thinner and thinner as time went on until there were only blank white pages.

Nothing much written regarding the past days or weeks.

Noah nodded as he spoke out.

"So you can easily gain knowledge regarding the flow of the Wheel across all Frequencies of Existence?"

He closed the thick book and kept it with him as he looked at her figure closely.

And she fidgeted under his gaze as she did not show the demeanor of a Greater Source at all, her heading nodding timidly as she replied.

"I sought you out because I felt threatened, and out of the monstrous possibilities out there, my weavings brought themselves to you. I hope…you won't send me away!"

She bowed her head down as if she waited for a great judgment.

And her gaze even flickered right after as if she remembered something, her right hand digging into her chest as she pulled out a multicolored singularity.

"I also know that trust does not come easy, so here is my Source, do what you wish with it!"


Her Greater Source.

She actually presented her Greater Source to Noah as he grasped it, his gaze piercing into it as Severed Extractor brought about its information clearly!

<Fabled Matter>

A unique Source unlike many others that he had come across.

His weavings spilled into it as he found a Source so unfathomably complex that it even rivaled some of the Sources within his Mundi of Power!

It was so unique that he was almost inclined to design something just like it for one of the remaining slots on the Atlas of Existence, but that would once more be the tipping of the scale even more towards Matter.

Matter…that an entity like the Queen of Matter could peer across Frequencies of to listen in and obtain tidbits of records of others!

His weavings flooded into the Source of the Queen of Matter to ensure there was nothing he missed and he then looked at her figure again as she stood straight.

As if she was ready to be analyzed.

She even turned sideways while he was perusing the rest of her weavings as she proceeded to ask.

"Am I…curvaceous? With a blessed chest?"

She spoke such words that caused Noah's eyes to flash with a colder light as she coughed right after and stayed still.

After Noah passed multiple of his Pathways to the True Sources and confirmed no possible gaps or issues, he spoke out.

"I will take you in, Queen of Matter, if nothing but for your use in listening to the flow of Matter across Frequencies. Would you be able to listen in on the appearance of Bob in any possible weaving of existence?"

He gave his verdict that caused the Queen of Matter to become unfathomably joyous as she nodded her head like a chicken right after!

"I will do that and more! Just tell me of anything you can think of, and I will do my best to contribute!"

Her Source in his hands visibly vibrated with enthusiasm as he allowed it to flow back into her.

There were many knowns and unknowns in the weavings of the Wheel.

He may have just gotten his hands on something that would make weavings a bit more clear as…

When his eyes landed on the Queen of Matter again, he saw that complex weavings already gathered in her hands to form a pristine white and gold book, a title already being etched on it in real time as it read….

<My Adventures With The True Emperor of Quintessence>


The Queen of Matter was already humming with excitement as if she was in her own world, Ruination coming to be beside Noah as she spoke out to him.

"Master, this is a crazy one."


A crazy complexity of Existence!

Even Ruination could see it as the mental state of this Queen of Matter….did not seem to be all there!

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