Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Chapter 3171: Traverse into the Atlas! IV

The strike of the blade held undeniable coldness as Henry's gaze changed quickly, his body erupting with colorless and golden grandeur as a massive explosive split apart the blue waters for miles.


His figure was akin to a rag doll that was thrown back, smashing into the surface of the water multiple times before he gained his bearings.

And even as his head rose…


The figure of the white haired Noah was already right before him as his left hand slithered out like a snake- shattering any remaining weavings of the Innate Infinite Quintessential Bloodline Halo of Lumen as he came to grasp the neck of Henry!

His right hand held the pulsing crimson gold blade as his pupils gazed coldly at the shocked figure of Henry that was amassing power to fight back- the sharp tip of the blade being directed forward as it went towards the chest of his son!



The blade pierced deeply into the chest of Henry as golden blood gushed out freely.

Henry's eyes were unfocused as he felt his very existence shaking with instability, his soul unable to call upon his Autarchical Authority freely as when he looked deep into the eyes of the man who had injured him so greatly…he could affirmatively say that it was not his father.

|Who…are you?|

Henry's intent barely got out as he felt his Existence vibrating.

And yet the man before him didn't even bat an eye as he replied succinctly.

"The accumulation of power and wisdom. The road that must be traversed if ever there is to be a future. I am…Atlas."


His left hand swung out and threw the visage of Henry as his body smashed into the blue sea, golden blood freely mixing with the water as from all around, a voice thundered out.

"Prove your existence."


It was a shocking scene.

What went inside of the Incursion of the Atlas of Existence was not a mental body or Clone, but Henry's genuine Autarchical Body!

And yet it was already racked with heavy injuries even as waves of colorless authority sought to heal him.

"Impossible…it is not yet time…"

It was not yet time.

Something that should have happened much later down the line was brought forward if his senses were not lying to him!

Why? What could cause such a drastic change?

"Even the invasion of the Worms of Existence shouldn't have triggered any mechanisms yet…"

It was baffling.

It was something that threw a wrench into many plans, and if this was truly the case, he had to prepare!


With a glimmer of brilliance, he disappeared from the endlessly vast golden sea.

Within the vast Omniverse.

In the direction that multiple gazes had just turned towards.

Surrounded by an absence of light, in the crevices where the weavings of very few Autarchical Omniversal Authorities reached.


Space was ripped apart as a flash of crimson lightning revealed a radiant figure with a ragged expression appearing at such a place!

His features were unique as they were humanoid for the most part, but he held lustrous crimson gold fur with the features of a monkey present on his face- and a golden tail weaving around from his waist.

He cracked his neck while stretching, his eyes lighting up when he looked around him as he quickly pulled out a device from a necklace around his neck.

|Where are we?|

His voice was melodious and sweet- filled with interminable power that caused the surroundings to vibrate!

A blue light flashed as the device he held floated up and radiated a burst of cerulean radiance before moments later, a feminine voice echoed out from it.

|An Undocumented Omniverse outside of our System. Preliminary findings show complexity and structure similar to most prized Omniverses under the Commonwealth.|


Words that caused the eyes of the crimson gold furred Entity to open wide echoed out, excitement rising on this being's face as he instantly waved his hands to pull out a flag.

A flag burning with a crimson gold insignia of an intricately designed wheel.

A wheel that held within it countless dots of light!

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