Chapter 239 - Despair II

Two pieces.

A huge landmass had been broken into two separate pieces as it barely floated in the air. Chunks of snowy landmass were falling on the ground, along with the bloodied mess of bodies of thousands of beasts that were in the Spiritual Land who were nearest at the point of contact with the attack from the Devilish Time Unveiler.


The large body of a resplendent Goldfish held jagged cuts and looked mangled as it fell down and smashed into the ground, its abundant life force soon being absorbed into the ground as the Devilish Time Unveiler laughed raucously as if he had just gotten the best surprise. One of the Calamities of the Sea had been unlucky enough to be on the direct and closest path of the attack, his life being ended from the impact!

"You held so many life forces in this isolated space treasure? My oh my!"

He gazed at the thousands of falling bodies of beasts from the split landmass as his wide aura spread out to find the large bodies of the Kraken and other Calamities of the Sea, as well as the Emperor Penguin and other Spiritual Land Beasts who were standing alongside a grimacing Barbatos.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell little fish, why the f.u.c.k did you come here?"

Her usual voice erupted out as it held a tinge of something else in it that Noah had never heard from her before, but had seen it many more times from other beings. It was fear!

His mind worked rapidly at high speeds to find a way out of this perilous situation as he stared at the Spiritual Land he was slowly losing connection with. It stood broken in the air with chunks of snowy land continuing to rapidly fall.


Around Barbatos, thousands of undead began to appear and surround the beasts and Calamities of the Sea as they prepared to face the terrible being much more powerful than then by many ranks, but they had no choice!

Noah’s rapidly thinking mind grasped at all the possibilities, and his gaze continued to return to the slowly rotating purple and gold dagger that was situated on the side of the Black Coffin that the Devilish Time Unveiler was standing on. There was no further time to think as they began moving rapidly yet again, giving no more leeway for the terrible being in front of them to continue recovering. Noah sent a silent communication into the ears of Grand Elder Amos and the Celestial who was surrounded by colorful shields cast by the Punisher protecting him.

’Make a pathway for the Ultimate Treasure, if we can have it in our grasp, we still have a chance to get out of this!’

His mind moved rapidly as an abundant amount of skills were cast, his power being boosted by the subset skills of the {Sin of Pride} as he also used [Pride Manipulation] silently to see just how arrogant he could make this Void Fimmerment cultivator before he made a mistake.

But they would not be given any respite. The power bubbling from the Devilish Time Unveiler only continued to get stronger as the blood of the many beasts and Calamity of the Sea from the shattered Spiritual Land only acted to increase his rate of recovery, his hands moving once again as they targeted the abundant beasts, his ravenous gaze landing on the Kraken and other large Calamities filled with essence.


The attacks from Noah and the others arrived as the Devilish TIme Unveiler used one hand to manipulate the space behind him to absorb the attacks while using his other hand to pull forward as the space folded, and the bodies of the Kraken and Emperor Penguin found themselves being pulled in rapidly.


The Emperor Penguin let out a loud bellow as a gorgeous silver light erupted from it, its figure using all of its power to momentarily come to a halt against the pulling force of a Void Fimmerment cultivator multiple levels above it before its descent continued yet again.

Noah’s heart continued to sink as he looked at this, boundlessly pouring in all his mana into his skills as he disregarded everything.

"Don’t let him kill anyone else!"

He yelled out to the others as Grand Elder Amos’s body shone a brilliant white light, his figure turning into a streak of light as it stood between the Devilish Time Unveiler and the bodies of the Emperor Penguin and Kraken that were being pulled down. Numerous undead also began rushing down as Barbatos moved her hand as if playing a symphony, the aura of death spreading out as the skeletons rushed towards the nearly fully fleshed out body of the Devilish Time Unveiler.

"It’s great that you all just continue to give me more and more gifts!"

The strong voice of the schemer erupted out as he became surrounded on all sides, his lips letting out simple words as he cast another skill.

"Spatial Rupture."


A rip in space. Like a jagged line, it spread forward until it pierced right where the head of Grand Elder Amos was situated, the others watching in horror as his head split apart the next instant, brain matter flying out as the milky white light on his body dwindled and he began falling from the skies of the Temple.

Other jagged rips in space continued forward as one directly bisected the Punisher that had summoned hundreds of golden shields that were all torn through like paper.

Two Saint Realm individuals were killed just like that!

Their abundant essence went on to be absorbed into the many pulsating lines of the Temple as the Black Coffin beneath the feet of the Devilish Time Unveiler glowed a resplendent black, even more power coursing through him as he laughed maniacally.

This was the worst development that would spell death for all of them, so they moved even faster as the Celestial Drax used both of his two hands to peel the skin on his forehead, revealing much more of the bulging Eye of Fate that was now pulsating gold and red as he called out.

"Displacement of Fate!"


Essence rumbled as a golden light shined out, a change occurring that looked to give them a possible chance as in the next instant, the powerful figure of the Devilish Time Unveiler appeared at the position where Drax used to be, while the Celestial himself appeared atop the coffin.

Time seemed to come to a stop as the Devilish Time Unveiler adopted the expression of annoyance, but Drax moved rapidly and reached out to grab the slowly rotating Ultimate Treasure!


As if it was specially initiated by his movement, the moment his finger touched the rotating dagger, a resounding explosion rang out that shredded the body of the Celestial and blew him away, the dagger flying in the opposite direction as it streaked towards the position that Barbatos was standing while surrounded by her undead.

"Did you think it would be that easy?"

The Devilish Time Unveiler was laughing as his gaze turned towards the heavily injured Celestial while also keeping watch of the path of the Ultimate Treasure making a beeline towards one voluptuous woman. Barbatos was letting out curses and expletives as she reached out and clasped the now dimming dagger in her hand, quickly turning and rushing towards Noah as she tucked the dagger behind her back while a group of undead surrounded her on all sides.

They now held a chance!

Noah just needed to get his hands on this Ultimate Treasure that he held another piece of, and they would have a chance of getting out of this perilous situation alive!

Noah’s large figure of the Nine-headed Dragon turned into a streak of light as he went towards Barbatos’s figure, the two of them getting nearer to each other as the milliseconds passed!

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