Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 208 - Subjugating a World II

Chapter 208 - Subjugating a World II

Feelings of shame and fear were abundant, but the Rulers could do nothing about it as they had just watched an example of one of their strongest do what they wanted to do in their hearts, but he had faced death within seconds!

The Demons felt angry and stifled as questions many beings had asked in the past when they were moving freely began to pop in their minds as well. Why was it all so unfair? What did they do to deserve this?!


In this world, in the universe, what brought in fairness to all the trillions and trillions of struggling beings? Those who could not defend themselves or stand up for what was considered right and they died meaningless deaths, did their grievances do something or were their lives worthless?

Some said that those who hold power and bully those who are weaker and poorer never really face their consequences. That they live freely and enjoy their lives while many more continue to suffer.

At one point, the Demon World held powerful forces and was spread out across many worlds as they carried out grand ambitions of expansion. They had travelled to many worlds and caused the deaths of billions for their own goals. The worlds they targeted looked at their situation and cried at how unfair it was. Now, the inhabitants of the Demon World were feeling the same emotions.

They felt the unfairness as a ridiculously powerful being towered over their capital and called for the deaths of many of their powerful figures. Because this time, they did not have the power to stop it. They were actually on the other side where many beings found themselves in the universe, they were now considered weaker than those they were facing.

It was truly unfair for a large percentage of the beings in the Demon World, as many of them had never even set foot into the outside words. It would be even more unfair if they realized that a single Ruler, the being that was a master of lies, Belial, brought about this entire reckoning today.

Noah’s large draconic figure flashed as it appeared above a certain Demon Legion in the capital where a particular Ruler looked up with an ashen face. He was only at the LEGENDARY rank, the same level he was at when he controlled some of the forces of the subjugated Beast World and sent them down to a small Blue Planet.

The face of Belial only turned whiter as he found his body rising through the air towards the terrifying figure of the three-headed Hydra. The soldiers around him trembled as they could barely look up with the terrifying pressure descending from above them.

Noah used [Hydrokinesis] as he manipulated the water molecules inside the body of Belial and forcefully dragged him into the skies. His three heads shone with light as his eyes landed on the fearful face that was looking at him pleadingly. This was only a being of Legendary rank, and yet he was the one that had caused such tremendous pain in his world.

He simply located a small unknown world that didn’t have any powerful figures and used the beasts they enslaved from the Beast World to do their bidding. These simple actions had resulted in a catastrophic loss of life that many mourned till this day. Yet, Noah was looking at the perpetrator of all of this who was fearfully struggling in front of him now.

The being in front of him seemed so weak, weak enough that he would be able to give him true death in the blink of an eye. It seemed unbelievable that someone of his calibre was responsible for such egregious actions. Noah didn’t feel any sort of contentment or happiness from looking at the face of this being that was the root cause of the apocalypse in his world. He only found himself thinking of the past that could not be changed no matter what he did now.

But, even though the past could not be changed, he could make sure that something like it never happens again!

His gaze turned stern as Belial felt his body constrict to the point where his bones almost broke.


New arrivals neared the position where they were at as Kazuhiko, Steel Mikhail, and other humans from Noah’s world raised their weapons at the Demon Legion that Belial commanded. Information had been disseminated long ago on who their targets would be, and the first one they wanted was the one responsible for the death and destruction in their world.

Steel Mikhail had a dark face as his body was lifted into the air by a golden shining shield as he arrived in the skies where Belial was struggling. His thick voice resounded out.

"Please leave him to us."

The voice was firm and strong, filled with extreme anger as Mikhail looked at the weak figure responsible for so much pain. Noah gave a nod as the body of the Demon King fell towards Mikhail who clutched the demon at the neck and floated down towards the throngs of humans.

Noah observed this as well as the movements of the three Mythical Beasts as they targetted Asmodeus who had taken down the Draconic Kingdom, as well as the other Rulers that were present in the Beast World.

The Calamities were acting as support as they took charge to make sure there were no casualties on the Humans’ and Beasts’ side, their strength being powerful enough to wipe out all the Rulers with the verdict of death if they wished to.

Noah’s gaze travelled to one of the very few remaining PHANTASMAL ranked Rulers of the Demon World who was watching all of these events with a pained expression, but did not make a single action against it. He thought about the Ultimate Skill that this being called the Tactician carried as he nodded his head and transferred himself above the castle Agares was on. This being would be a key figure to the plans he had for the Demon World.

"I won’t talk to you about unfairness or revenge, only what will happen after this."

His voice only entered Agares’s ears as the mentally defeated Ruler continued to use his Ultimate Skill to see the paths of survival in front of him. He was watching beings he had worked with for years be killed in front of his eyes, and he did not have the power to do anything about it. He did not act before, and he would not act now as he saw only one path to survival, their subjugation.

This was something completely foreign to him, a concept he would have never thought his world would ever fall to. Baal had gone across to conquer a few worlds and instil his forces there to obtain a continued source of resources and manpower. Now, their world would be falling under the same predicament. A sigh of defeat escaped Agares as he worked to prevent the obliteration of the entire species of the Demon Race as he replied to the words of the fearsome Hydra.

"How can this old man be of service?"

Large black wings erupted out as the PHANTASMAL ranked Ruler of the Demon World bowed down towards the figure in the skies. This astonishing sight from one of the powerful remaining beings in the Demon World made the beings that Noah uttered the names of despair as every other Ruler looked on with pained expressions.

They understood that they could not stand against the powerful beings invading them, that to defy them would mean the true deaths of many, if not all them.

They felt the same feelings many other worlds had felt when their forces were rampantly spread for the purposes of expansion. They felt the unfairness as they could not even defend themselves. They were observing first hand the process of a Large World being subjugated under the rule of an Invader.

Noah looked to the bowing Agares as his voice travelled through the air yet again.

"Let’s talk about the Demon World’s Power Jewels."


While many events were occurring throughout the large Universe, in a small little corner, a momentous event had occurred.

An entire Large World was brought to its knees.

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