Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse

Chapter 189 - The Last Calamity Appears

Chapter 189 - The Last Calamity Appears

The Ruler of the Demon World, Baal, looked over at the problematic Barbatos as an oppressive aura erupted out from him. His face was impassive as he looked over at the Demon Empress who turned to look at him with a pouting expression as the pressure descended.

She went quiet as the pressure increased and sighed, going ahead and standing behind Baal as she grumbled something underneath her breath. This seemed to be the norm as the other Rulers shook their heads ruefully and focused their attention on the battle ahead once more.

The Seductress, Sitri, looked at the figure of Barbatos in annoyance as the pink light she exuded outwards intensified, her shapely figure somehow increasing in proportion once more. A snort could be heard from the first ranked Ruler as he stopped any more interruptions.

Baal turned his attention towards the forces of Atlantis in front of him as his eyes looked at the dangerously shining cannons and weapons. His lips parted as a calm voice that could be heard by everything for miles rang out.

"Pain is something that can be easily avoided. It is something that I understand."

The voice was calm and steady, startling a few people as they didn’t expect a monologue before the beginning of a huge fight.

"I am going to tell you now that there is a way to avoid the pain that will soon come for all of us. There is a way to avoid death and mayhem as we can all come to an understanding."

His voice reverberated in the ears of the Ocean Master and the powerful Calamities of the Sea. No reply came from them as their bodies bubbled with power that would soon erupt.

The Ruler of the Demon World looked at all of this as he spoke once more.

"There should be no feeling of cowardice in your hearts if you give up one simple treasure for the lives of all of your people. Because I can promise you now, inhabitants of Atlantis, the alternative path where I don’t get what I want is going to be much much more painful."

The tension seemed to be at the breaking point with these words as a roar came from one of the Calamities of the Sea. The [Cassiterite Shark] was releasing waves of power as its body prepared to pounce on the ruler of the demon world.

The many Submarines and Warsh.i.p.s pulsed with lights as their weapons were pointed towards the invaders.

At the same time, colorful lights began lighting up on the bodies of cultivators as Martial Uncle Dylan looked coldly at the glowing City in front of them and he spoke out.

"Why bother offering an olive branch to these lesser beings? They only understand brute force, and that is exactly what they will get."

The body of the Martial Uncle was crackling with dense blue arcs of power as the water near him seemed to be adhering to his control, his power at the PHANTASMAL level giving off an oppressive feeling.

Baal’s cold face remained the same as his forces had their attacks ready, awaiting his command. The command to start the fight had yet to be given when in the next instant, something changed.

A silver light began spreading out in the middle of the two forces. It caused a blinding light as the appearance of multiple large figures could barely be discerned. One was a figure that many Atlanteans and Merfolk had heard about in their legends, it was the humungous figure of a terrifying Kraken. Its body had dark sheen as it swung its eight arms around it, two much longer tentacles powerfully roiling about in the sea.

Besides this Kraken was a figure that let out maddening levels of strength as multiple eyes with their own unique colors pierced through the water and landed on the forces of Demons and Cultivators.

[The Dictatorial Kaiju- Hydra] had made its appearance in front of many beings in the World of Atlantis as levels of strength only seen at the peak of the world emanated from it. The three large draconic heads moved menacingly as one focused on Baal, another looked at the leading Martial Uncle Dylan, and the last one glanced at the calm looking Sect Master Inuit that had a gradually changing face since their appearance.


A piercing battle cry could be heard vibrating out at the same location where the fearsome Hydra and Kraken appeared, this time an arrogant penguin with its beak raised extremely high had appeared.

It was surrounded by a variety of other beasts that let out powerful auras that stood at the peak of Mythical rank as their bodies were equipped with fearsome personalized battle armor.

A variety of reactions appeared on the beings present on this tense stage as the Ocean Master had an improved complexion at the arrival of the oldest Calamity of the Sea who seemed to have brought another being of similar power.

Baal and Martial Uncle Dylan only gave a glance to these new arrivals as they didn’t look at them any differently than the other PHANTASMAL ranked beings already protecting Atlantis.

Only a single being had an extreme change in mood at a figure that most overlooked as an extra when comparing to the grandeur of the Kraken that it arrived with together.

From the Karmic Sect, the Sect Master’s eyes flashed a brilliant white light as a clear smile began to form on his face as his eyes rested on the powerful figure of the three-headed dragon. His lips began moving to release words that would not be heard by anyone unless they were standing right beside him.

"Found you."

One of the arriving figures taking the spotlight, the Kraken, looked arrogantly at the figures of demons and cultivators in front of them as it’s humungous body pulsed with unknown power. Its cold voice thundered outwards as vibrations traveled for miles.

"You motherf.u.c.kers are about to die."

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