201 Heart to heart

The four gentlemen saw king Edward go back to the mansion. Anne was staying behind, she need to know why the four of them were here. The obvious reason for her is that they knew king Edward would ambush her and will ask her so many questions.

“What are you really doing here?” Asked Anne to the four of them.

Xavier pretended to be innocent, “Well, I saw you came out here with his majesty and I thought…”

“You thought what?! Ugh, just tell me that you already suspected that king Edward would come to me, and the four of you were curious.” Anne was fuming, she hate that they need to stalk her around and not trust her to tell them later on, but then, they actually have a point, she keep everything from them, the proof is how she was closer to Brom, because of their shared secret. “I am sorry. I know I wasn’t being honest some of the time lately, but I was going to tell you about this.”

A chuckle came from Henry, his cold blue eyes looking into Anne directly. “Are you really? Do we need to tell you how you always lured us in and when we get closer, you tried to run away once again? Or maybe how you tried to hide from us so badly, but end up going to us once more.”

A pang of guilt came to her immediately, she almost cried but tried so hard to hold the tears, “I… I tried so hard since you already knew about me, I’ve already told you how old I was, how I am not the girl for all of you.”

“Don’t you think we care about it?!” Xavier holds the table with his two hands and looks tentatively at Anne, “Yes, You thought yourself old in your previous world, but don’t you think you’re already experiencing a rebirth in this world and your mind from your previous incarnation intact?!”

“I… I don’t know what to think about it.” Anne closes her face and immediately Justice goes to her side and embraces her.

“Foolish girl, why do you have to cry all the time.” He whispered to her and brushed her hair, “Anne, what we wanted for you is a second chance. We already knew your story but decided to stay, because we love you, River Anne.”


Anne couldn’t breathe for a moment. Justice gave her a declaration of love. She was flattered, but also terrified. Anne pulled away from the crown prince and said, “No, don’t say it to me, please.”

“See, you always do that kind of action!” Henry was gruntling, he took Anne’s hand and force her to look him in the eyes. “Anne, just tell us what you feel about us. Because what Justice said earlier is the truth, as much as I hate this longing feeling, I need you in my life.”

Vale pulled Henry’s hand away and softly wipe Anne’s tears. “Don’t cry, I hate it when I saw you crying like this, look if you can’t answer us right away, that’s okay, we have time.”

“No! That’s not what I’m trying to say. The four of you should not fall in love with me. I was the other girl. I was the villain of this story!” She cried harder, which makes Xavier run into her immediately.

Xavier embrace her from behind, and whispered, “Who said that you’re the villain, who hurt you this bad? Tell me?”

As usual, Xavier and his obsession, Anne, were already used to it. She patted his arms and wipe her tears again. “No one, I make the assumption myself…”

“It’s the witch, right? She’s the one that embedded this twisted thought inside of you. Am I right?” Justice, who was observant for a while, finally puts two and two together.

“She… she just told me something. That is the truth.” Muttered Anne, thinking there was no turning back now, “She… she told me that the four of you are a gift to me, after she pull me from my old world and into this world, she told me that it’s my right to have the four of you and to live happily together until the end of the story.”

The four gentlemen were stunned by her words. They never actually thought that the witch was the culprit, though Justice had suspected her, but never as deep as this.

Let out a sigh, the crown prince, hold Anne’s face, and the red ruby eyes stare deeply into Anne’s eyes, “Do you think you can trust every word that came from the witch’s foul mouth, you do know how she created madness everywhere, she even destroyed your village, and you trust her than us?”

Like a lightning bolt, Justice gave a harsh truth to her, stuttered, she looks around, and said, “I… I never saw it that way, but she was right though… I… I came from another world.”

Henry rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes! Old story, we knew that, and would you please be confident now, imagine, you, the girl that came from nowhere, are making four influential men go crazy over you.” He throws something at the table, a necklace with a small dagger as the pendant, it is the crystal dagger, “Wear that, we are going into a dangerous area soon, and I want you to be protected.” He walked away and shouted, “This is not over. We are going to discuss this later!”

The other three were chuckling and somehow, another warm and fuzzy feeling came into Anne, she finally smile and after she put the crystal dagger, Anne look at Justice, Vale, and Xavier, this time with determination in her eyes, “I am sorry, let us talk about this further when we got some answer from the round table tribe.”

Justice gave her a smile and even kiss her on her cheek, she caresses her cheek and said, “There’s no rush. We have time, but please, don’t run away from us again.”

“I won’t, I promise.” Anne was honest about it. She won’t run away from her feelings anymore.

Vale, Xavier, and Justice have a sigh of relief. Xavier kissed her head, while Vale touched the elderwood bangle and give a peck to her hand. After a while, they decided to go back inside. Vale stretches his arm and looks into the sky.

“This is bizarre. Never in my life that I thought my tribe has something to do with you.” Vale said to her, and then shrugged his shoulder, “But then, I never actually visited this so-called tribe.”

Justice rustled his red hair, and wave his hand to everyone, “Come on, let’s go to sleep now. We have a very busy day tomorrow, can discuss this later after we found my brother.”

It was getting late, and they never know what was coming later, after another dead come haunting them, once again.

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