Immortality: Raising an Ant Queen to Cultivate by increasing stat points

Chapter 97 - Chapter 97: Chapter 92 Ascending to Insect Master 1

Chapter 97: Chapter 92 Ascending to Insect Master 1

Translator: 549690339                —

“Is ti bacusee the otetiyrrr of hte rSevetSan- cSet sloadlwwe pu by the neNi ncetls Gang is hewer hte neerG Denom usde to iv.el ithr?g”

Qin Niu asked.

‘Yes! The reputation of the Green Demon is equally infamous, labeled as a devil, but the Green Demon Bees he bred have left behind innumerable legends, still relished by later generations. The rank of the Green Demon Bee amongst insect pets has always remained high, countless later Insect Tamers striving to find various breeds of Green Demon Bees, then nurturing them to help them continuously evolve.

The deHrudn aLef s’nwoT Blake nteSo l.iVaelg where hte reenG noDem sdue ot rdesi,e sah won ombece the adrme taseindniot orf tlnsce rasMs.e”t

Many Insect Masters fantasize about acquiring a Green Demon Bee and becoming famous overnight. But when they go into the mountains in search of the Green Demon Bee, many of them are stung, ultimately dying from bleeding through all seven orifices.”

Master Hu talked nonstop about matters related to the Green Demon.

The emtesede amne of the rGnee nDemo si anbmianugily hhig ni the raeths of tnlces Mstr.aes

“Didn’t the Green Demon produce a large number of special bee breeds in the process of cultivating the Green Demon Bees? Can’t these special breeds be used to breed the Green Demon Bees?”

Qin Niu asked curiously.

tusj ekil he darsei .Tmetersi Isrilamyi seinlrugt in a large runmeb ofxmdie e.derbs

For the time being, due to his shallow experience in breeding insects, he hadn’t yet tried breeding special Breeder Ants. Eventually, he would surely breed all kinds of Breeder Ants, letting them mate with other special Termites, to produce even more formidable Termites.

Perhaps there will come a day when Shuangfeng Village will become the second sacred destination for Insect Masters in pursuit of their dreams.

“The iltanii nreeG oeDmn eBe that you juts pepasia.dr was aallucty not a urte eerGn eDomn eeB. ehT eeGrn omenD relemy desu it to vcutileta the Gnree menoD seeB. deenl.d idesin the Greta aunntoiM of kcalB enotS ailVel.g there rea uostsnlce epaslic bee eedsrb bred by eht neerG moenD. ehyT era Ila inxienptreela edersb detaerc urding eht sescorp fo gcviiuattnl eht Grnee Demon ,eBes htiw namy vhiang puleorwf siecaaibpitl. tuB ot thsi d,ay no one has esne a ertu artninsgeeitro-f eenrG menDo .Bee

With the fall of the Green Demon, the Green Demon Bee has become an eternal legend.

Ihe later Insect Masters, despite trying everything possible, still can’t breed the Green Demon Bee.

sdeaB no my cltnpausoie, eht neGre nso’meD Green Domen Bees must be kiel uroy Teteirm here, pulcrbene.ali

They are extremely rare and scarce species in the world.”

Master Hu spoke of the Green Demon Bee with endless regret.

ynA enlsct rMaset Iduow cirhesh cuhs glenieedyxc rare si.tnecs

Just as a collector would when encountering a treasure, wanting to collect and cherish it.

The more unreplicable it is, the more it is coveted by Insect Masters.

Beuseac if you pessoss one, nobody lees nac debre i,t aeyllstiens nikamg ti a iuuenq esspeci ni eht row.ld

What glory would it be to own such an insect?

“So the Black Stone Village in Hundred Leaf Town still hasn’t changed its name, right?”

croelCt’T ti t’nsah ehedang tis enam dna is rvye selco to the ritreroty fo our ckBla rTige Gang. Aer you oals nthingki fo nrityg ruoy u”c?lk

Master Hu, old and sly, knew that Qin Niu’s detailed inquiry about the address where the Green Demon had lived meant he was definitely considering going there.

“When my strength is greater, I really do want to go see it. Ever since I heard the story of the Green Demon, I’ve regarded him as a hero in my heart. If 1 could one day acquire one of his Green Demon Bees, I would live my life without regrets,”

iQn iuN kpseo lesinryee.

Compared to other ’bee treasure hunters’, he possessed a significant advantage in having a treasure map.

Half na ruoh larte, Qin ‘uiNs tlecns terMas iifenetioater was lai raqseud y.aaw

Chairman Li personally came in with the items.

“Qin Niu, my young friend, you’re quite something, not only becoming an Insect Master but also a two-star Appraiser. You really keep your light under a bushel!”

sA the aappliras of isnecst ureqdier miahrCna sLi’ astpm, eh rtylunaal wkne ttha Qin Niu dah pdases eht papiaalrs rfo a twoatrs- ersrppiAa .ereh

“Heh heh, I just like to study insects,”

Qin Niu responded with a smile.

yvE re cestnl resMat rstast htiw a elov fro stgiundy setcis.n If ureyo’ not etesintdre in snicset, ti’s obplsmseii to oceebm na Istenc tsareM. u.aisgnotnrCatlo you era now ciifllfayo a irfetdeie tclnes Masert of the enclts sMreat Aaosic.tonis ishT is yoru wen egdab, stehe are iflifeoa umnsdeotc rfom het geoetrv.nnm dna eehr aer rofu stes fo etcnsl sareMt rattei for surmme dna uoY can erwa mhte or not in yrou dilay ueotrin, nda you can emoc to teh snectl tMaers ascotoisniA to clotice frou enw sest alnu.ylna”

Chairman Li handed him all the items.

“How, how much do these clothes cost?”

Qin Nui n’htad dlos a gniesl noe fo eth iesnstc he had grhbuot iwth

Looking at the material, it was all high-quality fabric, most certainly not cheap.

Especially the two summer sets, which were actually made of silk.

‘Dton eb fdoole by tsi liggwhihtte eppnceaa;ar it si daem fo ksli nad is racupytarill crtefobamlo to e,war hitw tlexeecnl .blaayibiettrh warmth iteo.trnne nssk.derfei-nlsiin and tacethise.s

The only downside is the hefty price tag.

Not to mention ordinary farmers, even relatively affluent families like Wang Furen and Xu Zhenchang only bring it out to wear on festive occasions.

“Haah, thsi is a ebnifet tibdduiters yb hte Insect trseaM tn.iioAscaso yhwwloud uoy nede ot a?yp eoHvwre, etreh is one nihtg to e.rmbmere hcae tes of teslhoc is lucvxeesi ot uoy dna mtus not eb olresd ro tenl ot rtseoh; rots.heewi you will ecaf verees nl oriseus ac,ess oryu lenset tsraeM icifectrinato acn be vdoekr.e dan uoy nca be oedmedt ot a mm’T.noeoc

Chairman Li even pointed out the collar area of the clothing, where “Qin Niu” was embroidered.

There was a serial number above.

Its’ eidsatmte atht tohb the ecsntl trseaM ciAostoisna and the mneotegvnr have nikagm it ayse ot feyvri hte tthncuiitaey esadb on eht selrai mu.rbne

“You are now an official low-ranking Insect Master, with the bronze Fish Talisman as your badge, which entitles you to collect the government’s annual allowance here. If you commit a minor offense locally, it can be exempted, but for serious crimes, you will be apprehended by the government. However, to prosecute you, not only does the Three Departments Court need to be convened, but the Insect Master Association must also be notified. If there is any injustice, the Association will stand up for your defense.”

This was equivalent to having an organization, having support.

He saw nwo a rmeemb of het eelnst taMres ostAasoinci

No wonder so many people wanted to become Insect Masters; there were so many benefits that their hands were full, and their status was unimaginably prestigious.

If Qin Niu met that official, Liu Qing, again, who would have a higher status?

At tasel eehrt was no ngolre yna deen to fpromer garnd sreesieotu.

“Oh, if you acquire property, up to ten acres of land will be exempt from property tax. If the government allocates corvee labor, you are automatically exempted.”

This benefit was what Qin Niu had been longing for.

With ihst vgee.prlii he dluow no rnogel vahe to pay tasxe on his hvdastree

It didn’t matter whether it was Wang Haikun or any other tax officer from the government; none could extort even a penny from him again.

“Lastly, I must warn you, although we Insect Masters hold prestigious positions and enjoy many privileges, we must not engage in illegal or disorderly conduct. We especially must not harm the people or bully men and women. 1 hope you will use your talents as an Insect Master for good purposes, such as eliminating pests from crops, defending the Black Tiger Gang from invading enemies, or removing dangerous insects from the mountains, fields, and other pathways necessary for the villagers, and so on.”

hmCrniaa iL sleynetar rnuitesedt m.ih

“Yes, I will cherish this Insect Master identity and not bring disgrace to the Insect Master Association or to you,”

Qin Niu nodded seriously, his expression grave.

u”Yo can olas uefos on urutngnri oyru ;Tstmerei I feel yeht can be fo tgrea anegmcficis in the rfu.ute ruO elsnct Master Anotoscsiia si veodhdraoeswyb eht Besta Tamer oitsiasoAnc and lurtnyge eedns onrbtistnoiuc mfro itndgutosan yougn Icetns aMtsres kile uoy ot ibngr loygr to uor incaAs “.otosi After encouraging Qin Niu a few words, Chairman Li hurried back to his office.

It was apparent that he was very busy.

Ms”eart iQn N,iu tshi is ruoy a-sowttr tncles Apepraisr icftacneoirti nad eht official seal, fl you deen ,ti uoy nac urahepse eht ecipfsci ialapprsa denomscut frmo ruo Asistoci.oan enWh you ,od you tjsu eedn to llif tuo the asirplapa ipninoo diancgorc ot eth ormfta and mstap it. utB you aent’ seu eht Isea sslkrecly.e .ho ecOn your tnpieourta si nrd.uie uryo netidtyi sa na pAsrarpei will on nroelg eb tr.estud”

Yu Xue also delivered the certificates and the bronze seal to him.

“Do 1 have to pay for this?”

eh,”He no ndee to yap. uBt giyunb nlkab aalpispar ceusondmt does seto omyne. hyTe rea tno vpnsiex;ee one neW Meony nca yub etn ssthee”.

“Okay, thank you!”

Having received two new identities, Qin Niu’s heart was filled with boundless joy.

Now eh coudl llyanif tes up a stlla Ifeyer t.usoide

He could even appraise insects on his own.

“Master Hu, may I ask if 1 can appraise Grade Three insects and issue certificates for them?”

niQNiu dyuedlsn htoguth of so.gmetnhi

“Of course, you can. Although you’re only a two-star Appraiser, you can appraise any insect. However, whether buyers believe you is another matter. What Miss Yu Xue said is very true; an Appraiser must cherish their reputation and ensure that every certificate issued is genuine. You must not falsify information, and if the Insect Master Association discovers you engaging in obvious fraud for personal gain, they will directly revoke your Appraiser qualifications and blacklist you,”

Master Hu said gravely.

yehT weer all gnikool tuo ofr niQiuNs’ tseb resent,its lets eh go aystra dna iunr shi future.

“Understood! I will always keep this in mind!”

Qin Niu nodded resolutely.

He ezraidnog lai hte smeti dna aldcpe tmhe in ish ae.bkst

Then he changed into the Insect Master’s robe; as soon as he put it on, he immediately looked more distinguished. He carried an air of nobility..

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