Immortal Supreme: Sovereign of the Grand Dao

Chapter 115 The Supreme Dragon God Martial Spirit!


Due to Arthur's transformation, the artifact that he wore on his face to change his appearance was blasted off by the chaos essence energy.

At this point, his skin was no longer peeling and neither was his blood burning.

Arthur lay bare on the bed while panting heavily.


His chest went up and down as he took deep breaths continuously. This was the first time he had experienced such a painful transformation.

In his past life, he did not have any special bloodline or physique, and he only reached his previous level of power by sheer willpower and perseverance.


"Huh, it isn't over?"


The sound of his heartbeat increased again and so did its frequency.

Suddenly, a strange power flowed from the heart into his soul. Arthur braced himself for pain but felt nothing.

To his surprise, he discovered that something was awakening from within his soul.

Something that has been dormant for a long time.

Arthur, quickly sat down in a meditative position and tried to locate that power that he sensed, for he knew what it was.

'Another Martial Spirit!'

Immediately he thought that he suddenly felt the connection to a new martial spirit in his soul.

Using the connection that he felt, with great ease, he summoned this new martial spirit.

And when he did, a mighty beast flew out of his body.


Arthur looked at the mighty western-style red dragon that he summoned in milled surprise. Its body was twenty meters tall and over thirty meters long.

Its scales were bright red and hot smoke came out of its nostrils. Arthur sensed the temperature within the room rises greatly.

'The Ancestral Flame Dragon!'

These words appeared in his mind as he saw the mighty beast before him. And at the same time, Arthur felt the awakening of power within him.

He raised his hand on instinct and a red-hot flame appeared in his hand. Its temperature was enough to melt metal and this wasn't even the limit of what he could do, he knew it.

'So I have similar abilities to the Extreme Flame Physique which is among the best elemental physiques in the world.'

Arthur knew that this was just a part of the abilities of his Chaos Dragon Bloodline.


The red dragon roared again as it flapped its wings. It was then that Arthur realized that the dragon was restricting itself and had not fully unfurled its wings.

For some reason the room was almost forty meters in height, but right now?

'This room is too small,' Arthur noted and moved out of the room from the balcony and the dragon followed.

When they got outside, it roared happily and flew above Arthur in circles. Meanwhile, Arthur temporarily focused on experimenting with his newly awakened ability to create flames.

'Now is not the time.' Arthur stopped his little test and decided to continue the process of awakening.

Right now he could feel another connection deep within his soul, and at this point, he knew that the gems had made some enhancements to what he would have awakened originally.

'Come!' He commanded.


Another dragon martial spirit appeared in front of him and unlike the red dragon, this one had deep blue scales.

"The Ancestral Ice Dragon," said Arthur.

The dragon roared as Arthur said that and unfolded its wings and flew in the skies above Arthur together with the red flame dragon.

Arthur also awakened the ability to freely create water or extremely cold ice which he could use to create any form of attack.

'Next,' Arthur commanded and another dragon emerged.

This one had dark yellow scales and was as big as the others.

"The Ancestral Earth Dragon."

The ability to freely manipulate the earth and even create constructs made of the earth was awakened too. He could now use earth essence energy with ease.

"The Ancestral Wind Dragon." This dragon had mint-colored scales.

The wind elements surrounded Arthur as though he was their king and Arthur was free to command them as he pleases.

"The Ancestral Wood Dragon," this dragon had emerald scales.

When it awakened, Arthur simultaneously felt a certain connection with all plant life around him. He could sense them and also somewhat feel their properties.

Not only that, but he could also manipulate them and even enhance their innate properties and also make them grow bigger.

'This will be very useful for Alchemy, good.' Arthur could immediately see the advantages of this ability to an alchemist.

"The Ancestral Lightning Dragon."

A dragon with violet-colored scales, sparkling with similarly colored lightning continuously.

'The power of lightning.' Arthur now had an ability that was comparable to possessors of one of the best lightning physiques.

"The Ancestral White Dragon."

This was a dragon that had glowing white scales. Its eyes were like a bright torch. It possessed the power of the light element.

Arthur now felt the connection he had with light elements in the atmosphere and his ability to manipulate and control them.

"The Ancestral Black Dragon."

This dragon appeared with a dark aura around it, and it possessed the power of darkness.

With its awakening, Arthur now had the ability to freely control dark elemental energy. He could also manipulate shadows with this new ability.

"The Ancestral Dragon of Life!"

This was a very rare breed even amongst the ancient ancestral dragons, as it was a dragon of life elemental essence energy.

Its scales were golden in color and its aura was filled with life. And with its awakening, Arthur felt a powerful life force appear within him.

And now not only could he manipulate life force, but he could also heal from fatal injuries in an instant.

"The Ancestral Dragon of Death."

This dragon had grey scales and was filled with the aura of death as it had the power of death essence energy, which was something that can consume life force.

While all this was happening, Arthur could still feel that his body was being subtly transformed.

The ancestral dragons were the ancestors of the dragon race. They were among the first lifeforms that were created in the universe.

The ten ancestral dragons were offsprings of the first dragon in existence.

The Chaos Dragon.

The Chaos Dragon was a being born of chaos essence energy and had extreme god-level powers at its birth.

Since the beginning of time, only one person had awakened the power of the Chaos Dragon after the first original.

And now, after countless years another has awakened the ancient revered bloodline of the Ancestral Dragons.

"The final one..." Arthur muttered and closed his eyes.


A martial spirit greater than the ten that flew above Arthur was awakened.

'The Divine Chaos Dragon...or should I say...'

"The Supreme Dragon God Martial Spirit."

The Divine Chaos Dragon was also the supreme god and ruler of the ancestral dragons.




A mighty dominating roar of a dragon arose as a dragon appeared in the skies above Arthur.

The instant it did, it cast a huge shadow over the residence and the mountain.

A dragon that was one hundred meters long with an overpowering presence looked on with cold eyes.

Its scales were glowing brightly with different colors and its presence was akin to an emperor.

When it appeared, Cora who stood on the balcony of Arthur's room was shaken to her core and nearly fell to her knees, if not for her powerful soul and willpower.

But that could also be because the dragon's pressure was not targeted at her.

Right now Arthur's transformation was complete and he could now freely control the powerful chaos essence energy that the current him can clearly imagine the feats he could perform with it.

Arthur felt the power within him and couldn't stop a grin from appearing on his face.

He clenched his fist and slowly his body began to ascend until he floated before the Chaos Dragon Martial Spirit.

With his newfound powers flying was an easy thing for him.

Something that should only be possible for Martial King Realm cultivators, he could perform it easily.

He extended his hand and stroked its head.

'Return.' Arthur commanded and all the dragons returned to his soul space.

Arthur raised his head and looked at the sky above.

He had confidence in his future strength. But his adversary was the ruler of all things.

He wondered if he will come out on top against such power when the time comes.

The Grand Heavenly Dao.

'Hmph! It is only a matter of time...'

'You are the only enemy I acknowledge, as for the others?'

Arthur smirked.

"They can only bow their heads in submission before me..." Arthur reminisced about his past and uttered.

"...the Immortal Supreme."


------------End of Chapter------------


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