Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 176 - Breaking Through Four Stages After a Nightly Session!

Chapter 176 - Breaking Through Four Stages After a Nightly Session!

The boy in black handed a dark sphere to Ye Qingtian and whispered into his ear. As he spoke, the pupils of his eyes eerily shifted from full moons to crescents.

"The Sword Dao Monument?" Ye Qingtian's eyes widened in shock, staring blankly at the black-clad youth.

"Don't you dare? Don't you wish to remain the ruler of the Heavenly Realm? Don't you want the Azure Leaf Immortal Empire to return to the human world?" the youth in black sneered.

"Are you joking, Moon Emperor? He dreams of reclaiming the throne every night," said the Violet Emperor with a smirk.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qingtian hesitated for a moment before nodding emphatically. "Alright, I'll do it."

"Delighted to work with you, hehe!" the boy in black laughed mischievously. He was wild, sinister, and intense. Such traits were linked both to his true nature and his youthful age.

In contrast, the woman named Red Lotus, was undoubtedly more terrifying. Yet, she always wore a gentle smile as if basking in a bloody spring breeze.

"May I ask where the young prince and princess are?" the Violet Emperor inquired expectantly.

The boy in black gestured behind him, announcing, "They're here!"

As his words echoed, shadowy figures emerged from the gloomy horizon. Eventually, over a dozen young men and women ascended to the Clearview Platform. The enchanting mist at the gateway of the Heavenly Realm grew even denser.

These individuals were shrouded in demonic and deathly auras. Although human in shape, they varied greatly, resembling insects, snakes, plants, birds, and beasts. Some even seemed to have taken shape from the very filth and resentment of the world.

But they all had one thing in common—their youth. They were younger than the black-clad youth, but older than Kong Ming. Among them, two genuinely belonged to the human race.

"Father," a young man and woman stepped forward from the horde of demons, approaching the Violet Emperor.

The young man, tall and stately, shared the Violet Emperor's violet hair and handsome features as if carved from the same mold.

The girl, however, was astonishing. She appeared no older than eleven or twelve with the same violet hair, but her youthful face was marred by an eerie detail—her eyes lacked pupils, a stark whiteness. This made her seem like a soulless corpse, standing listlessly.

"Lil Qi!" After a prolonged absence, the eyes of the Violet Emperor lingered on the young girl for quite some time. Then, turning to the two Demon Emperors, he expressed, "I'm indebted to the Demon Continent for nurturing my two children."

"No need for formalities," the woman in the red dress responded in a haunting tone. "Both children are exceptionally talented. In the War of Immortals, they can set the standard for the human race."

"Especially Little Qi here," the youth in black interjected, his eyes softening for the first time when looking at her, "Given a few more years, she might well become another Divine Dawn."

Another Divine Dawn? The Violet Emperor felt a rush of pride but sensed the barb in the comment. Hurriedly, he replied, "Becoming a Divine Dawn is no small feat. She disrupted the peace between our races! While Little Qi can aspire to the might of the Divine Dawn, she mustn't adopt her ways, tarnishing societal norms."

After saying this, he gazed at the line of prodigious talents from the Demon Continent and sighed, "Thanks to the mentorship of all the brothers and sisters here, Little Qi achieved a significant breakthrough in the Endless Netherworld. I hope she will continue to learn from all of you."

"There's no need for such courtesies, Violet Emperor," the several chilling demon elites replied in unison.

The youth in black scanned the assembled young elites and smirked, "Your time in the Endless Netherworld has indeed honed your skills. Neither the Divine Dawn nor the Four Immortal Empires know of your progress. Use the War of Immortals to refine yourselves further."

"Yes!" The top demon talents nodded in agreement, faces cold and resolute.

"The only regret," the Violet Emperor lamented while stroking his beard, "is that very few are worthy of being their opponents in the War of Immortals."

"Thrashing weaklings has its own charm," the prince beside him whispered.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingtian's expression grew complicated, realizing that after the deaths of Ye Xingchen and Ye Shengyin, his lineage had no prodigy that could match the Demon Continent's talents.

The Violet Emperor then inquired in a hushed voice, "Did the Gu Emperor enter the Heavenly Realm early to uncover the Divine Dawn's background?"

The youth in black chuckled, revealing his answer.

Ye Qingtian remarked, "With the Gu Emperor in play, the Divine Dawn will find it hard to maintain her mysterious facade."

Staring towards the direction of the Heavenly Realm, the youth in black revealed a feral grin, "Regardless, Eternal Joy was our Demon Emperor, and we will avenge him! Not only that, but we'll strike her twice! The War of Immortals is one blow, and the Sword Dao Monument is the other. We will shatter her from the inside and the outside, pinning her completely to the pillar of shame."

Red Lotus added, "And with Forbidden Fate in the Endless Netherworld drawing in resentment, it's the finishing blow... With these three strikes, the momentum of the human race can be dismantled!"

"The human race is just a motley crew," the youth in black sneered. "Break their spirit, and their souls will shatter. They'll destroy each other without us lifting a finger."

Both the Violet Emperor and Ye Qingtian could only offer awkward smiles.

"Lords Violet and Ye, please don't mind Xiao Tian's wild words. Both of you have made unparalleled contributions to the human race," Red Lotus interjected with a gentle smile.

"That's right! Emissaries of peace, your virtues are boundless!" The youth in black gave them a thumbs up, his tone dripping with sarcasm.


Dawn broke. Today marked the inauguration of the War of Immortals. The four great Demon Emperors of the Demon Continent, 108 Saints, and the prodigious forces from the six Immortal Empires would all be in attendance.

Once the primary battlefield was summoned, tens of thousands of combatants would enter it. The true battle would commence at the stroke of midnight!

Early in the morning, Yun Xiao slowly awoke in the bridal chamber. His head was hazy, and clarity eluded him. Reaching out, the soft form that had been nestled in his arm was gone. Looking around, empty wine bottles littered the floor. She must've left first.

"Ugh..." It came back to Yun Xiao. This time was different from the last. He had been more tender this time, a feeling of cherishing evident.

"Man, her father's wine is seriously potent." Yun Xiao surveyed the empty chamber, feeling a sudden void in his heart. Though his heart felt empty, a turbulent force raged within him, coursing through every fiber of his being.

"I need to merge it quickly." This was a third of the Yin Void's total power! It was overwhelmingly powerful!

Yun Xiao activated the Primordial Void Technique, channeling the Yin Void power, integrating it into his Nine Dragons Dantian and the Nine Heavens Star Meridians.

POP POP POP POP! In only fifteen minutes, a series of four explosive sounds reverberated. The increase in his magic power was staggeringly impressive!

"Holy cow... she's incredible, pushing me to such heights twice in a row!" Yun Xiao muttered. He had broken through four stages!

The night had been nothing short of a miracle. "In a single evening, I surged from the Early Immortal Meridian Realm to the Establishment Immortal Meridian Realm! Does this mean I can even challenge the Wind Fire Tribulation Realm now?" It was utterly mad!

"There's still a third of that Yin Void power lingering inside me, unreleased," he pondered. "For now, all I can do is wait for the Wind Fire Tribulation to descend, only then can I tap into this reserve."

The Wind Fire Tribulation, the first monumental challenge on the path to immortality, tested one's mettle by forging their magic power into sacred power, elevating them beyond the mortal plane. This phase demanded patience, for the tribulation came naturally, one couldn't hasten it.

What's more, he'd heard that not everyone faced the same intensity of tribulation. The more prodigious the talent, the more ruthless the tribulation. Ironically, those exceptional talents often had a higher mortality rate. This particular tribulation was also known as the Jealousy of the Heavens tribulation. Throughout history, many prodigies met their end facing these five tribulations.

"While I haven't faced the Wind Fire Tribulation yet, this four stage surge of power ensures I'll be a force to be reckoned with in the War of Immortals," Yun Xiao mused, his eyes burning with fervor.

In truth, he couldn't fathom why Chen Xi chose last night of all times. It was a mere probe on his part, and he hadn't expected her to be so... receptive. Only one pivotal time remained.

"Blue Star," Yun Xiao mused aloud, standing and glancing at the disheveled scene behind him, "when do you think she'll choose for our third cultivation session?" He reminisced about the intoxicating allure of the previous night, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Well, I'll be! They're about to hand you the throne, and after those three times, they're likely plotting to help you rise again in power. And yet, here you are, eyeing her magic power?" Blue Star exclaimed, eyes wide as saucers.

"Classic bad boy behavior!" Red Moon declared, excitement painting its features. "Oh, how I love a scoundrel!"

Sure, the Divine Dawn Empress had grand aspirations. She intended to drain Yun Xiao of his magic power to bolster her chances in a do-or-die battle. That was so like her. Having prepared to have him inherit the throne, she surely had plans to ensure Yun Xiao's resurgence under her protection. But Yun Xiao? He never intended to let her have her way.

"She might be powerful, but this battle, it's my turn," Yun Xiao said, his gaze unwavering.

"Oh? But your path to power will be much smoother than hers," Blue Star remarked, a hint of disdain in his voice.

"That might be true, but I still plan to... well, let's just say I have my reasons," Yun Xiao coughed, sidestepping a direct answer.


Taking a deep breath, Yun Xiao began, "Can't you see? She's taken the weight of a million lost souls upon herself. She believes she instigated this war, and that she'll be responsible for every casualty. There's an old saying: 'A general's success is built on a mountain of bones.' If the human race emerges victorious and she survives, she'll be celebrated for eternity. But in her heart, she believes that claiming such honor is a desecration to those who fell in battle. She'd rather join them in the afterlife and protect their souls. That's the real tribulation she's facing."

It was a sentiment not many could understand.

Yun Xiao wasn't saying it was noble, but it made Chen Xi feel more human, more real. Or perhaps it was a dilemma she, as a woman, couldn't shake.

"So, you want to fight in her place? If she doesn't fight, she won't gain any merit, and hence, no internal strife?" Blue Star said, realization dawning.

"Sharp as always! Truly intuitive!" Red Moon exclaimed.

"It's called empathy," Yun Xiao corrected with a glare.

"Same difference," Red Moon mumbled. "But if you take her place, wouldn't that mean you'd get all the glory without any guilt?"

"You just don't get it," Blue Star chuckled. "At the end of the day, Our brother here is more enlightened than she is. His conviction and resources far surpass hers. He's ready to do everything in his power to minimize the losses for humanity. This is a task a true man should shoulder."

"Damn straight!" Red Moon exclaimed. "He's the real deal!"

As Yun Xiao chatted with the little beast, Chen Xi's irate voice echoed from outside. "The War of Immortals is about to begin, and you're still in bed? Get up, you lazy ass!"

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