Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 173 - Cleanse the Throne! Preserve the Peace!

Chapter 173 - Cleanse the Throne! Preserve the Peace!

In the Heavenly Realm, the streets buzzed. After a jaw-dropping battle, an air of deadly silence cloaked this tiny world within the mini-universe. It should've been the liveliest day in the Heavenly Realm, with cultivators from the Divine Continent, along with a good many demons from the Demon Continent congregating. As a result, inns, taverns, shops, both big and small, and entertainment districts began reopening.

Though the mood was eerie, folks couldn't help but chatter about the recent clash. Divine Dawn Empress, Eternal Joy, and Yun Xiao were the three names on everyone's lips.

Rumor had it that a horde of demons had been given strict orders to stay put, not to stir up any trouble. But their murderous intent was palpable. They hadn't acted, but the deadly glint in their eyes made it seem as if they'd already killed a thousand times over.

And so, the Nine Heavens Immortal Army, along with the Heavenly Realm's guards, had already been patrolling the city in groups.

The Heavenly Realm's guards were part of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army system, composed of retired soldiers from the Immortal Army. They usually had a quieter life compared to the Nine Heavens Immortal Army.

The streets were peppered with soldiers clad in white tiger armor!

Clearly, preparations were underway in the Divine Dawn Immortal Empire. The entire Heavenly Realm was on alert, and you could see the tension in the cold eyes of the soldiers.

Every demon roaming the streets had the ever-watchful eye of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army upon them. Their forces, it seemed, were vastly more than a mere hundred thousand sword cultivators.

Just then, a decree from the palace once again shook the silent Heavenly Realm!

"By royal command, the Grand Temple Sage, the Minister of Rites Han Jingli, and twenty-three others have shown disrespect to the Empress in the Imperial Court. They ignored the ancient heavenly pact, proclaimed their desire to reinstate the Azure Leaf Immortal Empire, and attempted to seize the Heavenly Realm Primordial Bell. They committed the crimes of treason and insubordination! The Empress is furious and has sentenced these individuals to death. In consideration of their past services to the state, their nine generations of families are spared. May all in the Immortal Empire be warned, remain true to the Dao, and not be led astray!"

BOOM BOOM BOOM! The Nine Heavens Immortal Army broadcasted the royal decree, moving through the grand streets of the Heavenly Realm, ensuring all heard the news! They held vast banners aloft, upon which, in smudged gray-black ink, the names of those twenty-three officials from the Immortal Empire were listed! At a glance, a staggering ninety percent bore the names Ye, Mu, or Han. This spoke volumes about the deep-rooted power of the Immortal Empire's elite.

"The Grand Temple Sage betrayed the Empire?!"

"All twenty-three of them are high officials..."

Countless cultivators of the Heavenly Realm stared in stunned silence as the Nine Heavens Immortal Army passed by, their hearts churning with tumultuous emotion.

Slaying the Demon Emperor and purging the human ministers!

The actions of the Divine Dawn Empress of the Immortal Empire today were nothing short of terrifying. What on earth was she planning?

"The Empress, a mere woman without a lineage or a foundation, ascended to the throne with the power of the Heavenly Realm Primordial Bell. Although she wields great power and might, beneath the lineages of the Ye, Mu, and Han, there are dozens of prominent families and clans. The aristocratic disciples and elites control over ninety percent of the Empire's vital positions! After executing so many prominent figures today, do you think the old Azure Leaf faction will take this sitting down?"

Everyone knew that only three factions truly stood with the Divine Dawn Empress.

Firstly, the military of the Immortal Empire, led by the Supreme Marshal and the Chen Clan.

Secondly, the merchant groups of the Immortal Empire, with the Spirit Treasure Palace and various large merchant coalitions at the forefront, conducting business across several immortal empires.

Lastly, the new stratum of the Heavenly Realm.

This so-called new stratum referred to individuals who had not originated from the Heavenly Realm but had risen to its heights due to personal or generational efforts. For example, Qi Lan, the Minister of War who had ascended from the lower realms.

These newcomers, regardless of their origins, could never truly penetrate the inner circles of the age-old elite families in the Heavenly Realm. Their career prospects were limited unless they had exceptional talent and literally fought their way to the top.

For someone like Qi Lan, she would never have reached her position without the nod from the Divine Dawn Empress.

"The folks from the Azure Leaf faction have been done dirty, and I'm sure as hell they aren't going to let this slide!"

Beyond military and trade, the Azure Leaf faction had their fingers in almost every pie of the Immortal Empire, dominating various sectors like governance, finance, and census. They controlled institutions aplenty, from the Grand Temple and Ancestral Temple to the Great Dao Pavilion and the Six Immortal Divisions.

Before the War of Immortals, the Divine Dawn Empress had beheaded a Demon Emperor and directly torn ties with the long-established Azure Leaf faction. For a moment, many hearts quaked in their chests. Anyone with a hint of sensitivity could smell the deadly danger in the air.

"As expected, the Azure Leaf faction will retaliate, and they'll come at it from every angle!"

And sure enough, they did! Upon hearing of the Grand Temple Sage's death, the entire Grand Temple seethed in fury. In no time, a wave of young prodigies from the Immortal Empire stormed out of the Grand Temple. Tens of thousands of them, mainly the cream of the crop from the elite families of the Heavenly Realm. They took to the streets, their faces flushed with anger, tears in their eyes, and righteousness fueling their shouts -

"Cleanse the throne! Preserve the peace!"

These six words, organized and deliberate, drowned out the royal decree, echoing in every corner of the Heavenly Realm, ringing in the ears of every cultivator.

Leading this brigade of Grand Temple scholars was a group of prodigies from the Dragon Ranking of the Grand Temple. After the death of Ye Shengyin and others, many moved up the ranks on the list.

Apart from Chen Xi who held the top spot, eighty-plus of the top one hundred were present. They led tens of thousands of the Immortal Empire's young talents, symbolizing the empire's future. And that future? Well, it was pretty much in the Azure Leaf faction's pocket.

At the helm was the son of the prime minister, named You Qingzhi, currently second on the Dragon Ranking, trailing only behind Chen Xi.

The renowned You Clan, one of the oldest families in the Heavenly Realm, held a respectable seat in the Ancestral Temple. And here was You Qingzhi, dressed in celestial blue, his long hair tied in a simple knot. Tall and majestic, he exuded an ethereal grace that was often associated with immortals. But his eyes were bloodshot now, filled with fury. Behind him, tens of thousands of young prodigies from the Immortal Empire followed, their steps resolute and heavy.

"Cleanse the throne! Preserve the peace!" Their young voices roared in unison.

"My friends," You Qingzhi began, raising a hand for emphasis, "Our young Empress is but a child, easily swayed by treacherous advisors. These cunning fiends control the court, casting their dark shadows and disrupting our ancient order. They risk our brethren's lives for their own wicked gains. Their hearts are dark and treacherous!

"Generations of our Grand Temple Sages have served the Empire, giving their very lives for its glory. Yet now, when we offer nothing but loyal advice, we are silenced forever! With such evil running rampant, if we, the scholars, do not stand for justice and for the people, where then is our honor? Where is the law?"

Tears flowed from You Qingzhi's eyes, his voice thick with emotion. And then, with a swift movement, he knelt, bowing deeply to the crowd gathered. "I beseech you, all enlightened souls here, think of our Empire, join us, insignificant as we are, in demanding justice for our people. We must petition the removal of these treacherous villains! Only then can our young Empress truly awaken."

"I implore you all, make this ultimate sacrifice for our homeland!"

And with that, tens of thousands of prodigies from the Immortal Empire knelt alongside him.

A whisper swept through the crowd, "Who's this treacherous advisor he's talking about?"

"No brainer, it's the Supreme Marshal of the Chen Clan, right? So... do we join them?"

"Oh, come off it! Do you even know what these Grand Temple scholars are like? Think they're our equals? After they're done making a scene, they'll return to their lives of luxury. If the Nine Heavens Immortal Army cracks down, we'll be the first to go!"

"Think we're just some gullible fools, swayed by a few passionate words?"

"Well, some are really moved..."

The aim of these Immortal Empire prodigies had, indeed, been achieved. But not by many.

A mere handful of followers trailed behind them, mostly friends they had made through their family's influence and some of their household retainers.

Their journey was one of outraged clamor, all noise and show. The Nine Heavens Immortal Army had spotted them long ago. But—and it was a big but—this raucous group comprised the prodigious talents who had consumed the resources of the Immortal Empire. Despite their youth, each of them was a formidable force. Holding aloft the banner of justice and having not yet caused any real disturbance, the Nine Heavens Immortal Army could only keep an eye on them, not daring to take any rash action. Any misstep, any excuse that suggested the army was eradicating the talented ones of the Immortal Empire, would only be fodder for these rabble-rousers to further stir the pot across the Heavenly Realm.

And so, the uprising of these young members from the Grand Temple indeed drew the attention of cultivators throughout the Heavenly Realm.

In no time, their ranks swelled to hundreds of thousands. They swept through the major streets of the Heavenly Realm, time and again listing the crimes of the supposed traitors. While they never named names, all signs pointed squarely at the Supreme Marshal of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army.

Yun Xiao, on his way back to his residence from the royal palace, witnessed this spectacle.

"Priceless!" Blue Star exclaimed, laughing. "The Divine Dawn Empress took out their parents. Why aren't they targeting her? Instead, they're going after your unlucky father-in-law. Are they dense?"

Yun Xiao chuckled coldly, "Oh, they're sharp. The Divine Dawn Empress has the endorsement of the Primordial Bell, giving her a legitimate standing. She has her reasons for eliminating any threats. Plus, she's incredibly powerful on her own. They can't take her on directly, so they aim for the Supreme Marshal. Their game is to discredit him, isolate her, and weaken her base.

"Once the charges against the Marshal solidify and she still defends him, she'll be splashed with the same mud, losing public trust. If she even loses the support of the Nine Heavens Immortal Army, she'll truly be alone against the world."

Blue Star remarked with a chuckle, "Why is the mortal realm so convoluted? Just wipe them all out and be done."

"It's a simple solution," Yun Xiao replied. "But it relies on overpowering strength. The Divine Dawn Empress doesn't have that right now. And didn't you notice? These talents are all from noble families. They claim to be the future of the Immortal Empire. Killing them would cause a public uproar. After all, everyone's gasping under the weight of the Demon Continent's threat."

He sighed. "Today, the so-called virtuous officials like those from the Grand Temple and Han Jingli are either too old or too incompetent. They see themselves as above it all, but when they talked too much, they gave the Divine Dawn Empress the chance she needed."

But that didn't mean that people like Ye Qingtian, the prime minister, and others from the original Azure Leaf Immortal Empire weren't formidable. Ye Qingtian was also a renowned Emperor of his generation! Together, their combined strength was indeed impressive. Moreover, they had the support of the Violet Emperor from the Violet Sky Immortal Empire.

"In the end, your wife's foundation in this Immortal Empire is just too shallow," Blue Star remarked.

"No kidding! This Immortal Empire originally belonged to the Ye Royal Family, and she just bulldozed her way in. Her biggest deterrence now isn't her combat power, but her mysterious background. Today, after she killed the Eternal Joy Demon Emperor and audaciously eliminated the Grand Temple Sage, I guess the other Demon Emperors and the various human Emperors will once again speculate about the terrifying powerhouse behind her," Yun Xiao chuckled.

Chen Xi took an audacious step without revealing her true identity as Empress.

If the world knew she was the daughter of his top general, war might have ignited the moment she claimed the throne.

"You know, I don't get it! Today, didn't your wife display impressive combat prowess? Why can't these folks, like Ye Qingtian and the Grand Temple Sage, just band together with her, ally with all the major Immortal Empires, and jointly take down the Demon Continent? Everyone knows she's formidable, yet they pretend to belittle her. Isn't that dumber than me?" Red Moon complained.

"Haha, so you admit you're dumb?" Blue Star laughed heartily.

"Do you even know the reason?" Red Moon retorted with a smirk.

Blue Star slapped Red Moon's face, saying coldly, "You got it backward. They don't belittle her. They're actually quite afraid of her! If there were a real battle and the humans of the Divine Realm won, they would be terrified."

"Why?" Red Moon looked utterly confused.

"Because they fear retribution! Generations of them have been in cahoots with the demons, exploiting the human populace, acting as the butchers for the demons. They may look human, but they have the hearts of demons inside. If a war breaks out and the humans lose, they would celebrate, for they and their descendants would continue to live a luxurious life in the Heavenly Realm, leeching off the human realm.

"But if the humans won... they'd be doomed! With the demons eradicated, these sanctimonious traitors would face an even grimmer fate. If I were Chen Xi, I'd wipe out their entire lineage, making sure not even a trace of them could resurge," Blue Star said coldly.

"What if we secretly tricked them into believing there'd be no retribution after the war?" Red Moon suggested with a hint of mischief.

"Idiot, would you believe that?" Blue Star glared.

"I would!" Red Moon affirmed seriously.

"..." Blue Star stared agape. No wonder you'd ask something like that!

"The thing is, these folks from the Azure Leaf faction, they're not dumb. They know everything, even their own wrongdoings! But... they've been in bed with the demons for generations, forming a symbiotic relationship based on mutual benefits. Their actions are driven by self-interest! Expecting them to fight for humanity is now impossible."

As Yun Xiao looked at the indignant students of the Grand Temple, he could only sigh. Whether humans or demons survived, it was the common folk who suffered the most...

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