Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 116 - 5,000 is Hardly a Challenge!

Chapter 116 - 5,000 is Hardly a Challenge!

The dead didn't get lines, did they?

“Whoever's sword claims his dog life will be rewarded 10,000,000 Spirit Stones!” After the extermination of an entire family, the Sword Lord sure was straightforward! His chilling proclamation sent the hearts of five thousand elite Sword Cultivators racing, their eyes bloodshot with greed.

A sum of 10,000,000 Spirit Stones! Such wealth could enrich them for ten generations! Especially those from Sword Heaven. They had come to the Forbidden Tower precisely for these Spirit Stones.

"Why don't the Sword Lord or the Tower Lord kill him themselves?"

"Nonsense! Yun Xiao is so dangerous. With five thousand swords, we can reduce him to bits in an instant. Why should they risk it personally?"

The Sword Lord and the Tower Lord weren't isolated figures. They were leaders of great powers. Even in their utmost fury, they'd act with reason, choosing the safest methods.

And so, numerous Sword Cultivators from the Sea of Swords who had come to witness this historical event arrived just in time to see those five thousand, each looking as frenzied as the next, eyes bloodthirsty, faces twisted with rage, all charging at Yun Xiao.

People died for riches, birds perished for food. Could five thousand top-notch Sword Cultivators be afraid of a mere greenhorn?

"Watch out!" Many shouted in alarm.

Both sides had a deep-seated hatred. No words were wasted when they met, only clashing swords!

HUM HUM! The rear formation of these Sword Cultivators, all at the Late Divine Sea Realm or higher, channeled their magic power to control their Sword Souls. In an instant, they displayed thousands of Flying Sword techniques.

WHOOSH! Those dazzling Flying Swords tore through the air, turning into a dense downpour of Sword Aura, all converging on the flesh and blood form of Yun Xiao.

The savagery of this sword formation made even the most hardened spectator blanch.

However, the youth in white, the focus of tens of thousands of eyes, still had that age-old indifference on his face. He suddenly recalled the azure Sword Soul he'd just unleashed.

A tempest surged, and to the shock of all, the sword in his hand was now enveloped by a tornado-like storm of deep blue and black! This tempest howled and whirled, extending hundreds of meters, turning walls and tiles it touched into dust.

ROAR! Yun Xiao seemed to wield a hundred-meter-long azure and black dragon!

"How has his Sword Soul become even stronger?"

"It feels a bit terrifying..."

Many ordinary Sword Cultivators who were neither from Sword Heaven nor the Forbidden Tower just arrived and were immediately startled by the scene before them.

"What the heck?" From a hidden spot, Madam Qian stared at Yun Xiao's sword and exclaimed, "How does that Sword Soul have the power of a Sword Heart?"

She had hoped Yun Xiao would use the Sword Heart to surprise attack the Sword Lord and the Tower Lord to dominate the scene. Yet, it looked like the boy had played his trump card right at the beginning.

"Aren't you showing your hand a little too early, kid...?" Madam Qian was utterly baffled. "There's no chance he'll defeat the Sword Lord and Tower Lord now..."

In the blink of an eye, those five thousand frenzied Flying Swords approached Yun Xiao from all directions, attacking from all sorts of unpredictable angles.

A murderous intent burst forth from Yun Xiao's eyes! WHOOSH! Gripping that hundred-meter-long dark azure dragon, he swept his sword forward!

BOOM! The dragon cleaved through the heavens. A fierce dark azure storm raged forth, heading straight for the opponents. The Heavenly Realm Sword Heart, combined with the divine power of the Heaven Burial Sword Soul, formed a storm of sword energy that instantly collided with those shining Flying Swords.

KLANG! The dark azure storm, like a venomous dragon, coiled around and shattered Sword Souls, directly breaking through their defensive layers. Those Sword Souls emitted sharp, agonizing cries. They sounded like the screams of human souls! Next, at least a thousand Sword Souls exploded on the spot!

"AHHHH!" Over a thousand elite Sword Cultivators from Sword Heaven and the Forbidden Tower spat out foam, their eyes rolled back, and they convulsed as they fell. A shattered Sword Soul meant a dispersed human soul, indistinguishable from death!

Before those fallen could scream, the dark azure storm consumed them, instantly incinerating their flesh. Only their contorted skeletons remained, their eye sockets hollow, dead in the Forbidden Arena. Although void of flesh, one could still hear their souls emitting regretful and fearful cries just before they disintegrated.

"Yun Xiao's single slash killed a thousand men!" The tens of thousands of spectators outside the Forbidden Tower were stunned for a moment before their tongues trembled, letting out deafening cries! They widened their eyes, their hearts pounding uncontrollably. Just looking at that young man in white sent shivers down their spines!

Imagine the terror of the remaining four thousand elite Sword Cultivators. They witnessed their comrades perish in an instant, and even now, their Sword Souls were being devoured by the dark azure storm!

"What kind of power is this..." Everyone except Madam Qian, who had given Yun Xiao his Sword Heart, hadn't witnessed him draw the Sword Heart into the Sword Soul. It was hard to imagine the Sword Heart could be used this way!

They all looked up, their faces painted with disbelief and awe at Yun Xiao. Some of the Sword Cultivators from Sword Heaven already felt the urge to back down.

"I'm out!" In a mere instant, numerous voices shouted out, preparing to flee on their Sovereign Swords from this chaotic maelstrom.

Yun Xiao's eyes, swirling with the dark azure tempest, fixed on this group. "You've come all this way, pointed your swords, and now you wish to leave unscathed?" How preposterous! The lengths they went to capture him, even resorting to loosing demons into the thousand mortal nations, was utterly disgraceful and unscrupulous.

With just one glance at the wounds on Zhao Xuanran's body and face, Yun Xiao's eyes turned devilish. She had almost committed suicide by shattering her sword!

"How could I quell this anger without vengeance?" Yun Xiao spat. Did he only resent the Sword Lord, Tower Lord, and Ye Guying? No! He detested every single individual in the Forbidden Arena who had drawn their swords against him.

"I came to the Forbidden Tower not intending to let a single fly leave alive..." Yun Xiao declared. The young man in white, now enveloped in the dark azure storm, looked like a fierce devil straight out of hell. After decimating a thousand with a single sword stroke, in the next breath, he transformed into a streak of azure light, ferociously plunging into the crowd.

This was precisely the most terrifying moment for the remaining four thousand Sword Cultivators. With the rise of his sword, even a Moon grade technique like the Azure Dragon Squall summoned a massive hundred-meter azure dragon, accompanied by the dark azure tempest, brutally tearing through the crowd!

BOOM! Everywhere the Azure Dragon Squall swept, flesh and blood were incinerated instantly, leaving only skeletal remains that clattered to the ground.

It was reminiscent of the scene at Wu Wu's Red Molten Pavilion, only this time the battlefield was multiplied in scale, and the enemies were countless times stronger. Yet, Yun Xiao was even mightier! He was like a true dragon amidst a pack of wolves. With every sword swing, hundreds perished.

"Only five thousand came? How could that be enough for me to slay!"

Thunderous roars echoed! Clad in white with an azure glow, Yun Xiao's figure dashed about. His sword unleashed a dark azure dragon tempest. Wherever the sword energy swept through, it left behind shattered bodies, dry bones, and rain of blood.

"DIe!" Yun Xiao's eyes swirled with stormy intent, his sword flashing like lightning. Before the crowd could scatter, they faced the devastating onslaught of both the Sword Heart and the Heaven Burial Sword Soul, dying en masse. All of this happened in a flash!

Swift, precise, and ruthless, a recipe for wholesale slaughter.

THUD THUD THUD! All the elite Sword Cultivators who tried to flee with their backs to Yun Xiao found swords piercing them from behind, reduced to charred bones mid-flight.

At least several hundred took to the air, attempting to escape on their Sovereign Swords.

BOOM BOOM BOOM! Yun Xiao's Flying Sword transformed into an azure dragon, spiraling in the sky as it accelerated explosively mid-air, as if it were a stone skipping over the water's surface.

Ten-Step Scale!

With just one aerial slash, hundreds of heads went flying. In an instant, the decapitated heads soared outside the Forbidden Arena, while the bodies plummeted to the ground, turning into squashed pulp upon impact.

"AHHHH!!" Seeing this, the remaining combatants were paralyzed with fear, their faces ghostly pale.

"How can he be so strong?"

"Not even ten Tower Lords possess this kind of killing power!"

They had no clue about what had transpired with Yun Xiao's Sword Soul. But that was now irrelevant. In mere moments, he had reduced the five thousand elite Sword Cultivators to a mere thousand.

"Kneel!" Yun Xiao bellowed.

"Yes!" The last thousand, in their panic, hurriedly knelt, their voices trembling with terror, "P-please... Please spare us!"

"You're thanking me prematurely! I'm just making sure you all die in a neat row!" Yun Xiao, his white robes fluttering, suddenly landed before them.

Gazing at these fearful Sword Cultivators from Sword Heaven and the Forbidden Tower, whose very souls seemed shattered with terror, he didn't hesitate for an instant. With a swift grip, his long sword whooshed and slashed.

Sun Moon Divine Light, Gentle Breeze Bright Moon!

The Sword Lord's legendary sword technique, once wielded beyond the Azure Kite Sea, emerged again!

But this time, Yun Xiao's slash surged with a dark azure tempest of sword energy, even mightier and more ruthless than before. An azure crescent sword beam arced toward the kneeling heads.

THUD THUD THUD! Over a thousand heads took flight with just a single sweep! These heads rained down on the Forbidden Tower like a fierce storm, causing echoing thuds. Blood splattered across its entirety. Inside, the once-promising geniuses, in their final push, were probably having a rather unsettling moment.

In Yun Xiao's vision, a multitude of headless bodies bled profusely, remaining on their knees, unmoving. Indeed, their end had come prematurely. "Anyone I decide to kill shouldn't dream of living!"

So with that swing, Yun Xiao poured every ounce of the Sword Heart's power to achieve such explosive devastation. The concluding tempest collided with the Forbidden Tower, sending the dark structure into wild tremors.

From that moment, all five thousand elite Sword Cultivators from Sword Heaven and the Forbidden Tower met their end in less than twenty breaths.

Factoring in last night's losses, Sword Heaven's numbers dwindled by two-thirds. As for the renowned Forbidden Tower, of the original thousand geniuses and powerhouses, fewer than five remained!

Leveling the Forbidden Tower wasn't just wishful thinking anymore. It had actually happened! Yet, Yun Xiao wasn't representing Sword Heaven any longer. He stood for himself and his sword alone!

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