Immortal of the Ages

Chapter 089 - Heaven Chosen of the Forbidden Tower

Chapter 089 - Heaven Chosen of the Forbidden Tower

In the distance, a mystical ocean of fog unfolded its alluring veil. Within its nebulous embrace, the concealed trill of bird calls—a sonorous melody crafted by the keening of sword energy—sliced through the air, their dissonant symphony creating a peculiar, ear-pricking charm.

This was the realm of the Azure Kite Sea, a place where all the ethereal Azure Kites, descended from the Heavenly Realm, convened.

Numerous architectural wonders encircled the Azure Kite Sea. An amalgamation of taverns, inns, and a myriad of shops birthed a circular thoroughfare, christened the Azure Kite Street within the illustrious Sea of Swords. It was a domain coveted by earthly Sword Cultivators, yet a haven inaccessible due to its extravagant opulence.

The Sea of Swords, resplendent with its manifold treasures, came with a price tag far too steep for the ordinary cultivator from the Azure Spirit Sword Sect. They, stepping into this vibrant cosmos, mirrored country folks wandering into a bustling metropolis. To the common citizenry, cultivators from the Azure Spirit Sword Sect were guardians, earthly and steadfast, whereas the beings inhabiting the Sea of Swords were genuine celestials, lofty and untouchable, aloof from worldly trifles.

Each palace and pavilion on Azure Kite Street bore witness to the allure within the Azure Kite Sea, offering unhindered views of its enigmatic depths. Therefore, whenever its gates creaked open, the adjacent inns and taverns burgeoned with life and cheer. Guests, sprawled leisurely upon cushy beds, would sip mellow wine and nibble on enticing morsels, eyes aglow with delight at the spectacle of competing young geniuses from every conceivable corner of the Sea of Swords. It was, indeed, a sight for sore eyes.

When Yun Xiao made his entrance, the threshold of the Azure Kite Sea was already bustling with eager souls.

"Just a bit longer. The Azure Kite Sea will be opening up soon," Ning Yan murmured. Her journey thus far, though personally unmarred by the assault of Flying Swords, bore the weight of each strike as she upheld her role as Yun Xiao's protector, every blow a strike on her silent resolve.

"Mmm!" Yun Xiao’s nonchalance was impenetrable. He cast his eyes in the distance, peering into the azure depths of the sea, where the peculiar birds glided gracefully above the cloud-kissed waves.

These ethereal beings seemed forged from an enigmatic concoction of sword energy and demon bone, bodies inscribed with ancient runes. Lifeless, yet their soaring and diving amidst the heavens emanated a spirited vitality.

"So, these are the Rank One Azure Kites, huh?" Yun Xiao mused aloud, a hint of impatience fraying his words. "Wonder how those Rank Three ones in the second ring, the Rank Six ones in the third, and those four mighty Rank 10 ones in the center will be?" The powerhouses of the Sea of Swords hadn’t made a move against him yet, and thus, his window, with credentials of the Creator Immortal, to wildly plunder, was agape.

Yun Xiao, under the gaze of myriad eyes, felt each look prick at his skin, as tangible as the thrust of a blade. The onlookers, perched in the thoroughfare, shrouded inns, and bustling taverns that enclosed the Sea of Swords, hardly shrouded their animosity.

His eyes flicked beyond the misty abyss of the sea, locking onto a shadowy silhouette in the distance—the Forbidden Tower. It lingered there, a specter in the fog, brooding and unattainable.

Close, yet worlds away.

“He really dared to show his face here, huh? A mocking affront to the Death Decree!” a hushed whisper slithered through the gathering.

“Guess he believes the Sword Lord of Sword Heaven will shield him? Death wish, if you ask me...”

These low murmurs, venomous and insidious, crept into his ears, each word a stinging ant.

"Wow! You're still not dead?" Then, a scoff, brittle and cold, wafted from behind him. Without turning, Yun Xiao recognized the voice—Lin Lin’s icy disdain.

In the moments that followed, a party from Sword Heaven strolled forth. Among them, Ning Que, the head of the Ning Family; Lin Chen, a young man with a sword slung over his back, the strongest of the Sword Princelings; Ning Jing; and that taunting girl, Lin Lin. Also in tow, various Great Sword Venerables and a handful of elders from Sword Heaven.

Aside from Lin Lin, who seemed to relish her snide remarks, the others maintained a chilling detachment in their gaze.

“You folks just follow wherever the trouble is, huh?” Ning Yan quipped, her eyes performing an exaggerated roll.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Auntie,” Ning Jing retorted, her demeanor a gentle counter to her words. She was, after all, the most tranquil and understated of the Sword Princelings. “I’m just here to challenge the Rank Six Azure Kite.”

“Why bother engaging with this lunatic?” her father, Ning Que, scowled at her. “Secure the Rank Six Azure Kite today, and you’re onto the Establishment Origin Core Realm. Your aunt here might not even be your match then!”

Ning Jing pursed her lips, silence enveloping her response. In truth, the relationship she'd harbored with her Aunt Ning Yan had always radiated warmth, especially in her youth, when Ning Yan had showered her with affection.

“Think you can handle it?” Lin Chen asked, a brief glance punctuating his question.

Ning Jing, eyebrows furrowed slightly, whispered vehemently to herself, teeth nearly grazing her bottom lip. "Last time, I missed it by just a hair and let that Rank Six Azure Kite slip away. But this time... it's mine!"

Beside her, Lin Lin exhaled dramatically, grasping Ning Jing's hand and tugging slightly for emphasis. "What a pitiful bunch they've sent after him," she sighed, her voice a mix of irritation and resigned amusement. "Can't believe not a single one of them could take him down. Now he’s off to embarrass himself at the Azure Kite Sea." Her pouty demeanor lifted momentarily as she added, "Good thing we have you, Sister Jing. As long as you're with us, Sword Heaven will pull through with something from the Azure Kite Sea, at least."

Ning Jing shook her head, kindness dancing in her eyes amidst the firm resolve. "Lin Lin, it’s not that simple. His combat power might be lackluster, but his Sword Soul’s grade is sky-high. The Azure Kite's adaptability is largely tied to the Sword Soul. So, believe it or not, he might even snag himself a Rank 10 Azure Kite today!"

Lin Lin’s nose crinkled in mild frustration, "For heaven’s sake, that Rank 10 Azure Kite better be earmarked for Brother Chu. He’s got a dual-element Sword Soul, after all.”

A boisterous laugh—confident, clear, and utterly nonchalant—interrupted their exchange, catching the attention of everyone present.

In synchronized chaos, the crowd pulled away, forming a path.

The collective heart of the gathering sank as they identified the newcomers: members of the formidable Fan Family, personalities from the Forbidden Tower, and the notable Xiao Xing'er from the Xiao Family. Unspoken sentiments flitted between the assembled, a collective understanding that the situation was teetering on a knife's edge.

The current rapport between the Forbidden Tower and Sword Heaven mirrored a kindling, ready to ignite into full-fledged war at the slightest provocation.

Would they clash right here, right now?

Yun Xiao cast an unobtrusive glance towards the approaching ensemble, about a hundred strong. They bore a discernible trait, akin to the namesake of the power they belonged to—cold, authoritarian, and altogether indifferent to those below them.

Leading them was a robust, middle-aged man. Golden curls cascaded down his back, and his singular, scrutinizing eye left an unshakeable impression. Memories of Elder Fan flickered through Yun Xiao’s mind, but this individual, in the prime of his life, was an entity of boundless energy. He moved with a leonine grace, each step a statement of regality, suppressing the entirety of the field with his mere presence.

"The Fan Family Head!" Murmurs punctuated the tense atmosphere, barely audible yet resonating like a hushed proclamation.

Beyond Sword Heaven and the Forbidden Tower, genuine power in the vast Sea of Swords was wielded by the Sword Cultivator Families. Not like the Ye Family of Azure Spirit, but authentic ancient lineages in the Sea of Swords, tracing their history through countless generations!

Together, these families shaped the destiny of the Sea of Swords, pivotal forces balancing the sprawling, martial tides. Their allegiances, fraught and fluid, danced upon the edges of ancient blades and timeless loyalty.

In the sumptuous expanse, beyond the acclaimed leader of the Fan Family, two youths carved out a particular curiosity among the onlookers.

To the left of the Fan Patriarch stood a young man, whose stature soared a good two heads above his contemporaries. His white-golden sword robe, opulent and regal, belied an underlying ferocity akin to that of a contained beast.

Conversely, to the right, a young woman in a sumptuous red and black gown stood, her demeanor a contrast of icy aloofness and sultry allure. Her eyes, rich almonds, enchanted the surrounding gazes, each motion delicately balanced between gentle charm and unbridled strength.

“These two, they’re Heaven Chosen of the Forbidden Tower,” Ning Yan whispered to Yun Xiao, a prudent warning underpinning her soft voice. "Their prowess in combat far outstrips that of Holy Son Chu."

“Like Ning Jing?” Yun Xiao asked, his eyebrows lifting subtly in intrigue.

Indeed, they'd reached the Perfect Origin Core Realm, akin to cultivating the Divine Sea Realm four times over, while Yun Xiao himself had only achieved such a feat once.

“Yes. Among the Forbidden Tower’s Heaven Chosen, they stand tall,” Ning Yan affirmed with measured indifference. “The lady, Xiao Xing'er, is betrothed to Lin Chen, niece to Xiao Yu. The gentleman, Fan Jian, son of the Fan Patriarch, heir to the revered Fan Family.”

Yun Xiao mused, “The Fan Family, progeny of Fan Jing? Can a descendent from the Sea of Swords nobility become a Heaven Chosen in the Forbidden Tower?” It appeared Ye Tiance's wife belonged to this family, likely from a lesser branch.

“Absolutely,” Ning Yan responded, an air of academia about her. “Our Ning Family too was once part of that noble lineage, prior to being seamlessly absorbed by Sword Heaven. The Fan family teeters on the brink of entering the Forbidden Tower.”

Curiosity laced Yun Xiao’s voice, “Why didn’t Elder Fan dispatch Fan Jian to the Northern Wastelands then?”

Ning Yan smirked, “Fan Jian exited his seclusion just today. His ascent to the Perfect Origin Core Realm is a recent triumph.”


Unexpectedly, amid their declaration of war, the ostensibly conflicted forces of Sword Heaven and Forbidden Tower greeted one another as old comrades reunited.

Ning Que, Lin Chen, and their cohort bypassed Yun Xiao and Ning Yan, adopting warmly receptive mien as they approached their once adversaries.

“Patriarch Fan, it’s been an eternity,” Ning Que’s voice warmed the air.

“I’ve missed you, Patriarch Ning,” Fan Patriarch responded, his voice genuine, as they embraced, smiles unstinting.

A public display of unity unfolded as Lin Chen and Xiao Xing'er, within everyone’s purview, tenderly joined hands.

“Jing’er, shall we visit the Spirit Treasure Walk for a drink tonight, if we both succeed in obtaining a Rank Six Azure Kite today?” Fan Jian asked, his brutish facade crumbling into soft warmth.

“Let’s get through the challenge first,” Ning Jing deflected, her eyes averting ever so slightly.

Fan Jian nodded. “Agreed. Here’s to hoping we both find success.” His eyes lingered on the woman before him, “You promised me a chance if I reached the Perfect Origin Core Realm...”

“The challenge, first,” Ning Jing persisted.

He nodded, his eyes scanning the Azure Kite Sea, confidence undeterred.

Lin Lin's voice cut through, “Brother Chu didn’t make it?”

“He's been odd of late,” Fan Jian chuckled. “Don’t worry, Lin Lin, I’ll tell him you missed him when we return.”

She grinned, “Actually, tell him I want to punch him.” Although her father forbade their meetings, an incidental encounter in a public place couldn’t be avoided, could it?

Yun Xiao, as he observed this rendezvous of seemingly well-matched couples, felt an involuntary shock roll through him. “Damn. I’ve wandered into a den of thieves,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Sword Heaven and Forbidden Tower—an alliance formed through matrimonial convenance. Yun Xiao’s arrival and the declaration of war between these two forces brewed a tempest of hidden resentment.

"Even though the two are apparently in a state of war, these guys are acting chummy in public. It's basically a slap to the Sword Lord's face, and one of the people doing the slapping is his own son!" Yun Xiao mused. He glanced at Lin Chen being openly affectionate with his fiancée, Xiao Xing'er. These people were clearly expressing their discontent with Lin Qingfeng through their actions!

The elders who’d refrained from attending the Sword Homage Ceremony, and the present behavior of Ning Que, were undoubtedly traversing the path of rebellion.

As for the younger generation, Ning Bei and the other two kneeling at the Ancestral Sword Hall harbored nightly visions of killing Yun Xiao.

It was a dire situation indeed.

Ning Yan's eyes smoldered, a tempest of frustration and fury. “That Lin Chen, I can't believe him!” she spat in disbelief. “He's really going to disrespect his own father like that? Brother Feng must be fuming!”

And then, Fan Jian and Xiao Xing'er, the Heaven Chosen of the Forbidden Tower, laid their gaze upon Yun Xiao, their eyes reflecting pools of dark intentions.

“He's thinking about challenging the Azure Kite?” Fan Jian’s voice dipped, a cavern of hidden animosity opening within his words.

Lin Lin, with an icy calmness enveloping her voice, shared, “My dad made sure Ning Bei went easy on him. So, he's basically getting the Rank 10 Azure Kite for free.”

Xiao Xing'er’s eyes executed a languid roll, “Along the way, nobody thought to carve him up a little?”

Lin Chen offered a matter-of-fact retort, “Quite a few tried. But Ning Yan’s guarding him, and no strong-enough contender stepped forth.”

Lin Chen would have leapt at the chance to strike, if not for the invisible chains of paternal fear. For none from the Sword Heaven dared move a muscle, a collective, unspoken agreement hanging heavy in the air.

Fan Jian declared, “What a useless bunch. Looks like we from the Forbidden Tower have to dirty our own hands.”

“See if there’s a chance inside the Azure Kite Sea! We're all here right now. If you act and we don’t intervene, I fear my dad might unleash his fury upon us,” Lin Chen cautioned, glancing at his sister Lin Lin.

“Alright. We act within the Azure Kite Sea,” Xiao Xing'er tenderly replied.

Fan Jian, confident, assured his accomplices, “Our primary objective is the Rank Six Azure Kite. His combat ability doesn’t even surpass Chu Yan's. It’ll be a mere flick of the wrist!”

Ning Jing nodded, a certain weariness shadowing her eyes as she looked toward Ning Yan, “Auntie... sigh!” She was utterly bewildered! How did family matters get to this point?

“The Holy Maiden of the Forbidden Tower!”

“She’s actually here!”

The Azure Kite Street, once abuzz with muted conversations and veiled threats, burst into a cacophony of whispers and exclamations, as the audience found a new focus for their speculation and awe.

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