“Liam-dono, do you dislike Rosetta-dono?”

“N-Not really.”

Master and I are currently the only ones in the room.

I made the others leave as Master told me he had something he wished to discuss with me in private.

The conversation turns out to be about my feelings for Rosetta.

“Then why are you hesitant about getting married?”

“How should I phrase this… She used to fit my taste, but things have changed. —I know she’s kind and caring, but she somewhat lacks a decisive factor.”

Arms crossed, Master nods in understanding.

“Liam-dono, you might feel burdened by her feelings at the moment, but that’s her charm. You will learn to appreciate her more once you get married.”

I don’t think our conversation matches up, but I can’t tell Master that “I liked the way Rosetta endured harassment, but now that she’s become obedient. I don’t know anymore.” How can I?

I take a moment to think.

Do I really want to marry Rosetta?

Now that I think about it, other than her, very few women’s faces come to mind.

Sure, there might be a lot of beauties back in my mansion, but as for the ones I remember, it’s limited to Amagi, Ellen, Rinho, Fuuka—and perhaps even Serena.

I’m well, and truly shocked.

I intended to play around with women, but I had such little interaction with the opposite s*x that an old woman’s face would appear in my head when I think about them.

In fact, even Kurt’s face has appeared.

You’re not a woman. Go away, you belong to a different category.

Tia and Marie also come to mind, but they’re of a different breed. Whereas Nias and Eulisia belong to the category of unfortunate women.

As for Chino and Ciel? They lean more toward the cute category, so I don’t really see them as women.

On the other hand, when I think about Rosetta… I’m reminded of her smile.

“Master—is it really alright for me to marry her?”

Master smiles at my question, which seems to be from a man having post-marriage blues.

“It’s normal to feel worried.”

“I didn’t propose this marriage with pure intentions. Is it alright even if that’s the case?”

I had impure motives and wanted to marry her while she resisted.

I don’t tell Master about this, but he seems to have an idea of what’s going on.

“Was it for her family’s title? Well, that’s an aristocrat for you. But the question is, does Liam-dono hate Rosetta-dono?”

I don’t. To be honest, she’s better than other women I know.

I’ve kept her at an arm’s distance because of my fear of being betrayed.

“I’m scared to face her properly.”

“All the more reason to face her then. Liam-dono, you always challenge strong enemies without fear. Where did that courage of yours go? It seems Liam-dono is a late bloomer in matters of the heart.”

I never thought I’d have this kind of conversation with Master.

My face heats up due to the embarrassment.

“A passionate confession seems to be in order. Liam-dono, you should get married, not for the sake of others, but for yourself. ‘Just shut up and marry me!‘—something like that would be perfect.”

“—Eh? A confession?”

“Liam-dono, the moment has come for you to tell her how you feel!”

After being told to do so by Master, I’ve summoned Rosetta to my bedroom, and I’m restlessly awaiting her arrival.

“C-Calm down, me. I’m the number one evil lord of the Empire. No need to panic over a woman. I just have to confess like an evil lord would. —Huh, how would an evil lord go about confessing to a woman?”

What does an evil lord’s confession sound like?

Even the junior from my previous life, who was familiar with manga and anime, didn’t bring this up.

Amagi, who’s been watching me walk around aimlessly, calls out to me.

“Master, please calm down.”

“I-I’m calm! I just feel like pacing around!”

“That so. Well then, please allow me to excuse myself.”

Amagi tries to leave the room before Rosetta arrives.

“H-Hey, there’s no need for you to leave, right?”

“I wouldn’t want to be in the way of Master’s confession to his fiancée.”

“I won’t marry a woman who thinks you’re ‘in the way‘.”

Hearing my words, Amagi reveals a complicated expression, with traces of joy, pity, and exasperation mixed in.



“Do you hate Lady Rosetta?”

“—I don’t. I like her the most among humans.”

“That will do for now. Please make her happy.”

Amagi leaves after saying that, and Rosetta enters the room soon after.

“U-Um, Darling?”

Rosetta stands in front of the door and looks at me nervously.

Almost a century has passed since I was betrayed in my previous life, and it would be pathetic of me to be tied down by my ex-wife forever.

“We’re getting married once we return. I desire the Claudia Family’s title.”

“R-Right. Darling’s Master told me about it as well. Yeah, I’m fine with that! Besides—”

Although she’s still smiling, she appears a little sad after being told that we’re getting married for her title.

Even this marriage itself is a result of Master’s intervention.

I wouldn’t have blamed her if she felt apprehensive about this, yet there she is, standing firm.

“—being a Duke would suit Darling just right. My mother and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“That’s right. I’ll be robbing you of your status.”

Rosetta falls silent.

Our marriage is political in nature, and there is no love there.

She must be sad knowing that is the case.

The silence continues for a while, only to be broken by Rosetta, who manages to squeeze out a sentence.

“That’s fine. Even if Darling’s only interested in the title, I’ll be satisfi—”

I stop Rosetta mid-sentence and raise my voice while looking at the huge monitor on the wall, which is projecting the image of outer space.

“But I’m a greedy man! I won’t be satisfied without having everything!”


“I’ll get my hand on everything. The Claudia Family’s title is mine, and so are you! —Y-You better not think of escaping. Y-You’ll always b-be mine.”

I stuttered towards the end, but oh well.

With tears in her eyes, Rosetta covers her mouth with her hands.

“I won’t! I’m never running away. I’ll always be by Darling’s side!”

I look back and walk up to Rosetta who’s in tears.

A-As an evil lord, that was a superb confession…I think.

Yasushi, who had left Liam, was walking unsteadily as if he’d had a drink, a refreshing smile hanging on his face.

“Fuu~ that was fun.”

When he learned that Liam was a late bloomer, he had taken the chance to give the latter some pointers as a senior.

Feeling good about himself, he had said various things to Liam, but it was all on the spur of the moment.

He also got to have a free drink, which made the occasion all the more perfect.

As he was walking down the corridor, Ciel ran up to him.

“Ciel! Did you see my reveng—kaha?!”

Ciel jumped on him, seized him by the collar, and started to shake him violently.

“No! Why did you have to do something necessary?! If they get married upon returning home, everything’s going to be settled peacefully! Why did you bring up marriage of all things?”

“Eh?! What’s the problem with that?! It was just the right amount of harassment!”

To Yasushi, this was just a matter of harassing Liam; but for the Banfield Family and Liam, this was something worth celebrating.

“Lady Rosetta’s mind was up in the clouds after returning from Liam’s room! What are we going to do now that everything’s about to be settled!”

“What did you expect?! Something big?! From me?!”

“There should have been better alternatives, like rehabilitating Liam!”

Yasushi replied to Ciel’s unreasonable request.

“That’s not something I could dooooo!!!”

He had been suffering precisely because of his inability to do so, and he would continue to suffer for the foreseeable future.

“You were exuding an air of confidence that said you could! You traitor!!!” Ciel said in tears.

Back on the planet that Chester used to govern, a small octopus was crawling on the ground.

“I-Impossible. For the great me to be defeated…”

Gudwar had shrunk, and even its voice had changed to that of a cute child’s.

It was wandering around in search of negative emotions to regain the power that it had lost.

“God of Gold—If it wasn’t for that sword, I wouldn’t be in such a pitiful state. It’s all because of him!”

Footsteps rapidly approached the crawling Gudwar.

It was the Guide, with a bottle of wine and a glass in his hands.

The liquid contained in the wine bottle was the manifestation of negative emotions from those on the planet, and those that perished in the battle that happened in space.

It was the concentrated form of resentment, bitterness, and anger.

Gudwar extended one of its legs.

“Give it to me! I’m in this state because of you—gugyaaa?!”

The Guide trampled on Gudwar as he poured the wine into his glass.

Like steam, black smoke rose up from the liquid.

The Guide drank while staring down at Gudwar.

“I was the one who collected it. Why would I give it to you? Liam has become even stronger thanks to you, you piece of sh*t!”

When he finished drinking the liquid, he threw the glass away and put his mouth on the bottle, opting to drink it directly from the container.

Once he was done, he tossed the bottle away before proceeding to pick up Gudwar while opening his mouth wide.

“What are you doing?!”

The Guide threw the panicked Gudwar into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed.

“Hmm, it stinks of blood, but I’m gradually regaining my power.”

Black smoke emerged from the Guide’s body and swayed with the winds.

After consuming Gudwar, he was starting to regain his strength.

“Liam! I won’t be making any more mistakes this time. With these very hands, I’ll—”

Behind such a Guide was a dog.

It was glaring at him while resisting the urge to growl.

However, a moment later, it looked back in surprise.

Space had been split, and a giant made of light wearing a samurai mask could be seen on the other side of the rift, its gaze focused on the Guide.

Sensing the disruption in the air, the Guide, who’d been laughing loudly, turned to look back.


By the time the Guide noticed it, the light giant had pried open the rift.

Its right hand was holding something. As it passed through the rift, it tried to hand it over to the Guide.

Seeing this, the Guide broke out in cold sweat.

“Y-You… t-that’s…. hiiii!!!”

The Guide dropped all pretense and began to flee, running towards space as if there were stairs in the air.

Before he could get away, he was grabbed by the outstretched left hand of the light giant, which was extremely poisonous to the Guide.

It gave him the sensation of being gripped by an iron hand that had been heated up.


That alone was immensely painful, but the light giant was trying to force the ball of light in its right hand upon the Guide.

The ball was the condensed form of Liam’s gratitude.

The light giant had transcended space and time to deliver this ball of gratitude.

Admittedly, it was a bit more forceful than usual.

Though it wasn’t clear what had happened, and Liam seemed to have mixed feelings about the Guide, it contained gratitude nonetheless.

Liam’s gratitude—something the Guide hated more than anything.

“W-Wait! Give me just a second! Noooooo!!!”

The Guide’s instinct was telling him that he would be fatally injured if he were to receive that ball.

Hence, he gave up on his body and got away with his hat.

Upon receiving the ball of gratitude, the body disappeared while letting out a shriek.


The Guide’s body was charred and disappeared without a trace, consumed by feelings of gratitude.

Once the hat was separated from its body, it spewed fire and began escaping to space like a rocket.

“It’s fine as long as my main body survives!”

However, through the rift, the light giant’s eyes followed the Guide.

“Hiiii! It’s looking at me?!”

Seeing the Guide fly off, the light giant soon disappeared.

The dog bent its neck, spun around, then sat down before looking up at the Guide.

He was screaming something as he headed into space.

“I’m never going to give up! Liam, don’t you dare think this is over!!!”

The Guide’s figure gradually shrunk, eventually becoming a distant point, and disappearing completely after one last sparkle.


Brian (´;ω;`): “Finally! Lord Liam is finally getting married! This Brian is so happy that the tears—the tears!!!”

Wakagi-chan ( ゜∀゜): “You thought I wouldn’t come back? Hah! I’ve developed resistance now! I’ll quickly advertise while Tsurian is crying! Volume 7 of ‘The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs’ will be released on January 30th! From next month, I’ll be promoting Mob Seka harder than ever before!”

Brian (´・ω・`): “….”

Brian (´・ω・`)ノ: “Dear readers, this will be the last post of this year. Did you find Lord Liam’s success enjoyable? I wish you all a Happy New Year.”

Wakagi-chan ( ゜∀゜)ノ: “Happy New Year!”

Author’s note (NOT TRANSLATOR’S):

With this, there will be no more daily updates.

The date of the next upload is yet to be decided (^_^; )

It all depends on the release date of the light novels, and I’ll probably start posting new chapters again when a new book is about to be released.

I ask for your understanding as I need to have some time to write, and it will probably take until the next release of the light novel.

Anyway, how was Volume 9?

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