I'm Actually Not Overpowered!

Chapter 153 The Art Of War, By Hero Sam [Pt 2]


Asa was among the Adventurers who stood right in front of the city's walls. She had been determine to defend her current abode, but it seemed like it wasn't even necessary.

First, there was a mysterious barrier that appeared out of nowhere.

It protected them from the onslaught of the Demons, wiping them out to a frightening amount. She had never been so utterly bewildered.


Not a single one of the enemies got a bit close!

As if that wasn't enough, several spatial ruptures appeared right beyond the barrier, spotting out monsters from their depths.

The moment Asa had recognized the monsters that proceeded, the girl realized the only reasonable culprit behind all of these events.

Though she did not know how he was able to generate a barrier that completely defended them, or how he was able to produce so many Gates, her mind instantly went to one person.

One individual alone!

"L-legendary Dragon Slayer!" With beaming eyes, she watched as the Lower Class Demons were destroyed, ripped to shreds despite their powerless squeals.

The bloodshed was beyond gory, as the innards of the demonic creatures splattered the blue dome, sizzling and roasting as the energy burned them to nothingness.

Asa watched all of this in excitement and amazement. Her cheeks were bright pink as her eyes sparkled.

"H-he really is...!"

The monsters assembled, forming orderly rows to create a completely water-tight formation.

'I-I can't see a thing!' She thought to herself, her vision completely obstructed by the monster defenders.

She wasn't the only one unhappy about this fact, too. Many Adventurers were itching to see what would happen next, only to have their line of sight completely blocked by the monsters.

None of them could complain, though. After all, the mere fact that they had these creatures on their side was enough to give them some measure of comfort.

"W-what now?" Asa's thoughts manifested as words as she waited for what her hero would do next.




An uneasy air wafted around the battlefield, and the Demons were caught in a stalemate. It wasn't because they couldn't win, despite the odds, but the surprises the humans kept pulling, one after the other, was more than a warrant for concern.

With bothered face, Heshu picked up his Divining Orb and contacted the rest of his Demon Generals.

They all stepped back, leaving their troops at the forefront of battle in order to converse more freely.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"I'm so confused."

"This is unnatural. Humans shouldn't world this much power."

"Then, what should we do?"

"S-should we contact the Lord...?"

With many panicky, but also aggressive responses from his colleagues, Heshu pondered on what to do.

He would have preferred simply completing his mission without needing to bother the Lord, or even any of the other Demon Generals, but he realized that there was a need to report to their superior.

"Lord Valefor is currently in a meeting among Demon Lords. That's why he specifically chose this time period to invade the human territory, since the other Demon Lords will be busy as well." Heshu sighed.


"What should we do now?"

"We'll just keep losing troops if we send small fries to those monsters."

"I recommend we use the Middle Class ones."

"How will they get past that pesky barrier, though?"

They were still stuck, one way or the other. Still, Heshu didn't despair, neither did he worry.

"Lord Valefor won't be in the meeting forever. He should be done by tomorrow. Well contact him then. For now, we'll just set up camp here."

Judging by the monsters' stationary formation, there didn't seem to be any intention to attack. It pretty much appeared that they were prepared to defend the people, nothing more.

"We'll generate our own barrier and camp out in our respective positions. By tomorrow, we will contact the Lord and get his response."

Best case scenario would be his permission for the Demon Generals to act. That way, they could annihilate the monsters in their way and take the city far more efficiently.

Even though he doubted that any of the Demon Generals, including himself, could break through the barrier, there were other ways to bypass it.

'Adu can use his Spatial Magic, White can turn incorporeal and pass through it. I also have a Magic Item that temporarily turns me intangible...'

The rest of the Demon Generals could simply dig through the ground and infiltrate the city too.

'Even in the Demon Realm, our territories are protected by at least five stacks of barriers. The one the humans utilized was simply one of the five. As long as they acted smartly, they could still complete their mission.

"The underground areas could have traps, and there could be more surprises waiting for us inside. We have to be careful... but... this mission must be complete." Hogun spoke in his husky, weirdly authoritarian tone.

Everyone knew how fixated he was when it came to missions, but this time they had to agree with him.

At this point, it had simply evolved past the issue of a mission to complete. It was now a battle of pride.

-n0ve1、com The humans had challenged the superiority and sovereignty of Demons. If left unchecked, things could get past their current state.

That was why...

"We'll have to put them in their place... permanently!"




Night fell, and the Demons camped in their moderately safe distance. The red glow of their barrier contrasted the blue dome that protected the humans.

Though they possessed different colors, the effects were basically the same—at least that could be concluded thanks to the Demons' confidence in their protection.

No human could definitely break past such a barrier, after all.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Asa asked Vice Guildmaster, Zabdel.

Every Adventurer was gathered in the large hall, waiting for the decision of the Legendary Dragon Slayer, spoken through the lips of their leader.

Zabdel was standing, and beside him were the comrades of the Legendary Dragon Slayer—S Rank Adventurer, Lucy; Priestess and Elite Adventurer, Sarah; and Chief of his people, Byron.

They already knew what was going to happen next, but left Zabdel to announce the details.

"We... do nothing."

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