I'm Actually Not Overpowered!

Chapter 119 The Moment Where Everything Starts To Fall Apart [Pt 2]

'This is serious trouble...'

It took everything I had to maintain eye contact with the opponent—a Mid-Demon who was at Level 100.

Not only had all my bluffs not worked on him, but he was even more interested in fighting me than ever.

'I used [Five Seconds Rule] to see into the future in order to say some things he would have ultimately said. I thought that would faze him a but, but...'

Everything about that plan went down the drain.

My [Draconic Transformation] was in its cooldown phase, so I couldn't power up at the moment. In this weakened state, there was really nothing I could do.

'I have no idea what is happening! Shit! At this rate, everyone in Dulum will be—!!!'

Even though I gave a false front of calmness, the mere fact that the Adventurers and everyone I loved were going to face the horses of Demons without me made me extremely worried.

'No! I can't leave them alone! I have to go back!'

The problem was, 'how?'

Not only was I weakened, but I was too far from Dulum. My opponent didn't seem like the type who would let me off so easily. Plus, even at max speed, it would still take me a while to arrive there.

'It might be too late by then...'

However, there was one major thought that gnawed at me. Something that kept expanding within my heart, causing it to ache endlessly.

'Even If I return now... what can I do?'

The numbers were overwhelming, and the odds were against me. Even a single Demon General, like the one in front of me, was far stronger—talkless of nine more.

It felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and there was really no right answer.

As if it heard my worried and confused inner thoughts, the System decided to make my task much clearer.


<Emergency Quest Has Been Issued!>

[The Demon Army has begun invading the Adventurer's City, Dulum. Defeat this General and return to the City.]


Success: Cause the Demon General to flee, die, or surrender. Return to the City.

Failure: Your allies are eliminated and the Demons take over the City.

—Reward: 1,000 Stat Points. 3 Skills (Active/Passive). 10,000 Karmic Value

—Failure: Loss of Allies and City is Destroyed

~Do You Accept This Quest?~

[Yes] [No]

'Like I have a choice!'

I instantly tapped on [Yes], not bothering to check the Rewards, or even knowing how I would get back to the City if I miraculously best my opponent.

"Why are you just standing there? Won't you attack?" The Demon called Adu sneered, obviously growing impatient.

'He must think I would be in a hurry since the Adventurers City is being ravaged. As much as I would like to rush him and end things quickly...' Gritting my teeth, I remained patient.

No matter what, I had to stay rational. There was absolutely no way I could beat this guy the way I was at the moment. Not only was he phenomenally stronger, but I was also much weaker thanks to my burnout.

Plus, most of my Skills and Title effects wouldn't work on him due to the difference in Level, or a Racial factor.

Sure, I could still use [Five Seconds Rule], but without enough speed to evade his attacks—especially if they covered a large distance—I was toast.

[Rune crafting] was pretty much useless at this point.

[Freedom Of Expression] was the only thing keeping me from losing edge at this point. Unfortunately, the Demon didn't seem at all convinced of my purported power.

That made him even more difficult to deal with than others.

[With Great Responsibility There Must Also Come Great Power] was probably one of my most useful at this point, but the Low Level Skills I had in stock wouldn't do much good against someone of his caliber.

[Insight] was extremely useful, especially in the case of evasion of perception. Unfortunately, it would mean nothing if my speed couldn't follow up.

[Martial Arts] was pretty much wasted on me since my Stats were nothing compared to the enemy's.

[Predator] would be cancelled out. Mid-Demons like him were bound to have that Skill already. He could even have something more advanced, which meant that if I carelessly used mine, it would backfire.

I couldn't take that risk.

[Draconic Transformation] was currently under cooldown, which was why I had been stalling for time despite my increasing frustration and impatience.

As for my last Skill

[Domination]... it was my best bet. However, the conditions I would need to pull that off were insane.

In the end, this battle was completely lopsided.

My [Titles] could also play solid roles, especially [Hero], [Fool], and [Conqueror]. [The One Who Unifies] was basically shit at the moment, since it wasn't going to remotely work on this opponent.

'For the Title to gain the slightest of effect, even on those of a higher Level, the opponent has to have a certain mindset that makes them succeptable to influence...'

Unfortunately, this Demon known as Adu was not one of the ideal targets. After all, since we met and began conversing...

'... He's been looking down on me!'

"Hahaha! Don't tell me you're a wuss!" The malevolent one laughed, causing his purple energy to flare up even more.

My throat felt dry, and my I wanted to pass out due to how badly my head was spinning. Still, I held my ground and controlled myself.

'No! Not yet! Don't allow yourself to lose! You have to win, Sam! Think of all the people relying on you...'

An image of Lilith, and then everyone else I had grown to call friends and family started popping into my head.

Perhaps it was just my imagination, but the mere thought of them gave me strength.



Popping out of my inventory was my Godslaying Blade—the most durable weapon in my arsenal at the moment.

Sparks of blue energy burst from.mh body as I glared at my opponent and took a stance.

'Right here and now... I'll win!'

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