I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 175 - Chapter 175: Chapter 174: The Nine Most Powerful Talents of the Past Hundred Million Years!

Chapter 175: Chapter 174: The Nine Most Powerful Talents of the Past Hundred Million Years!

Translator: 549690339

“Who is Du Gang?”

This was the question echoing around the intranet of the Tianjiao Academy this day.

Actually, like Du Gang, most students had begun to take on challenges once they found out that different levels came with different resources.

At first, only those who happened to scroll quickly noticed Du Gang. However, with his constant victories and word spreading through various groups, more and more people learned about Du Gang.

“Heard the news? There’s a badass in the White Dragon Class who has captured up to the 198th level with Domain Rank Four!”

“What? Domain Rank Four occupying the 198th level? I recall anything above the 181st level is supposed to belong to those with Domain Rank Five…”

“Correct! And this guy, he fought his way up there, winning hundreds of matches!”

“Moreover, do you know what the White Dragon Class is?

“White Dragon Class, second grade class, ranked 19,501 out of 20,000 classes, belonging to the bottom fifth tier!”

“Holy shit, that’s quite a stretch!”

The news about Du Gang started to circulate in all the freshman groups. Upon hearing this, many people quickly looked up Du Gang’s information and checked it for themselves.

When they saw that Du Gang already had hundreds, almost a thousand victories, they were utterly shocked.

“How long has the school year been? Where did he get all these wins?”

“Ha, try refreshing his profile every three to five seconds, or at most every ten seconds!”

When someone tried refreshing a few seconds later and found Du Gang’s victory counter kept on jumping upwards, they were stupefied.

“Is…is he just constantly fighting?”

“Exactly! He doesn’t even take a breath, battles whoever challenges him…”

“Is he really that ferocious?”

None of the spectators realized that Du Gang’s goal was to amass points.

Basically, everyone who managed to advance was a prince, brought enough points with them, and never lacked money…

Although the elders in their respective families warned them that this was the last bit of assistance that their family could provide and that they needed to spend it wisely.

However, these princes had always been lavish spenders, so they didn’t care about these 20,000 points. For them who had tens of millions of points, this was just a drop in the bucket.

“Damn it, I refuse to believe that a Domain Rank Four can be this strong, beating Domain Rank Five!”

“I’m ranked first in the Dove Kingdom, let me kick his ass!”

When everyone discovered that Du Gang’s final ranking in the Open Audition was 32nd, they completely lost their minds.

Nobody truly believed that Du Gang actually fought his way up there.

Even if he were the first, there were a thousand first places in each of the ten thousand universes!

As prodigies, everyone had absolute confidence in their own abilities. Unless they saw Du Gang’s strength for themselves, they wouldn’t believe it!

Not to mention outsiders, even people like Chen Feng wanted to challenge Du Gang at this moment.

As for these challenges, Du Gang was always willing. In fact, he wished for an even more intense storm.

Concerned that these bustling spectators would disperse after they’ve had their fun, Du Gang took the initiative to go to the academy forum and grandiosely declared:

“I am Du Gang, among this year’s students, I claim to be the first. Who dares to claim second?”

“Too weak! Freshmen, aren’t you all too weak? Is there anyone who can last more than ten seconds against me?”

“As a first-year student, I feel profound loneliness, the loneliness of being unmatched…”

“Who dares to defy me? Dorm number 1980054, I welcome all challengers!”

To attract haters and more challengers, he deliberately let loose an invitation.

To him, the Tianjiao Academy was like a treasure trove. Compared to the pitiful rewards from various trials such as the academy leaderboard and the Thorn Tower, earning points from fellow students was the most reliable method!

Du Gang had examined the handbook thoroughly. The overarching principle of it was to “Fight!”

All individuals, if they wish to have resources, just need to fight!

If you are strong enough, talented enough, and brave enough to fight, then you can obtain anything.

Instead of stopping Du Gang from provoking an entire grade, the academy not only agreed with his approach, but also fan the flames by releasing a new notification.

“Freshman Strongest Newcomer Title Competition!”

“Considering the great strength of freshman Du Gang, surpassing ordinary students, we have specially introduced the Strongest Newcomer title. For a limit of three days, anyone who can remove Du Gang from dorm number 1980054 will be awarded this title…”

“Note: If no one can defeat Du Gang within three days, the title of Strongest

Newcomer will belong to Du Gang…”

“Strongest Newcomer’s Special Privilege One: Unique and eye-catching king’s badge for forum posts!”

“Strongest Newcomer’s Special Privilege Two: Exclusive king’s frame for personal information! ”

“Strongest Newcomer’s Special Privilege Three: Half-price for any special locations in the school that requires points!”

“Strongest Newcomer’s Special Privilege Four: Priority in all types of service projects…”

Upon seeing this information released by the academy, everyone was taken aback!

“Holy shit! This Newcomer King title is invincible!”

“King’s badge for forum posts, king’s frame for personal information, these are showoff tools…

“You dummy, the truly valuable ones are special privileges three and four. Some secret realms with exceptional training results are not only expensive, but also require a long queue. Owning this Strongest Newcomer title is simply unbeatable!”

At this moment, all the freshmen were in an uproar.

Those who didn’t know about Du Gang now all knew him.

Not only the freshmen, but when students from other grades heard about this, they were all envious.

“Had we had this title when we were there!”

“That’s for sure, it would’ve been great!”

The freshman students once again felt the preciousness of this title from the mouth of the senior students!

Nearly all the students rushed to Du Gang’s dorm and applied for a challenge there.

Du Gang was quite pleased with these challenges.

He also felt that Tianjiao Academy was too good, the academy even treated him well!

It not only allowed him to take advantage of the system, but also added fuel to the fire by giving him a better title, giving the freshmen more reasons to challenge him.

Whether it’s for the points or the Newcomer King title, Du Gang had to hold on for these three days!

However, he received very good news that after he got a new light computer, he was able to scan his physique.

This meant he could transform in the virtual universe!

For him, this was incredibly good news.

Within an hour, Du Gang had won a thousand matches. Moreover, he encountered a Domain Rank Six challenger. After a fierce ten-minute battle, a stalemate was declared, and by default the defending champion Du Gang was deemed victorious.

This duel should have already shown everyone Du Gang’s strength.

Still, no one was willing to stop, and no one gave up challenging him.

On one hand, they were vying for the coveted Strongest Newcomer title, and on the other hand, the insignificant 20,000 points.

As far as they were concerned, the choice was clear.

Moreover, unlike the media, students wouldn’t broadcast everywhere that Du Gang had battled a stalemate with a Domain Rank Six challenger.

Even the rank six domain user held the intention that other people should also try and experience failure.

In ten hours, Du Gang had accomplished twenty thousand victories.

Nobody noticed that Du Gang’s strength had once again increased. The rank six domain user who could only manage a tie with Du Gang before, ended up losing in four or five matches.

The students weren’t constantly focused on him. After applying to challenge Du Gang, they went on to find new targets for themselves.

There were too many challenging Du Gang. Waiting only for his match would waste a lot of time. Even a fool wouldn’t dare to do that.

The new students mostly continued their challenges, asking their little spirits about Du Gang whenever they took a break.

A day passed, and Du Gang earned victories in fifty thousand battles.

Most people realized over the course of this day that he was a truly powerful contestant!

Many, though the tie between a rank four domain user and a rank six domain user seemed improbable, had to reluctantly accept Du Gang’s strength in light of the facts.

Tvvo days passed, and Du Gang achieved a hundred thousand victories.

At this point, some people noticed that Du Gang seemed to have broken through to rank five domain.

“He has broken through to the rank five domain, what now?”

For rank four domain users, this wasn’t good news as it diminished their chances of defeating Du Gang significantly.

Thus. auite a few rank four domain users chose to give uD the challenge.

After all, their twenty thousand points weren’t just blown to them by the wind. While Du Gang was still a rank four domain user, it was bearable to spend twenty thousand points for a shot at victory. But now, facing a rank five domain user who could defeat rank six domain users, they decided against it.

Suddenly, the scenario where over a million people had applied to challenge Du Gang changed instantaneously.

About seven to eight hundred thousand people eventually chose to give up the challenge.

But two to three hundred thousand people persevered, mostly rank four domain users, hoping to win against the odds.

This made the rank six domain users incredibly exasperated.

They were very confident in their own abilities, but due to the long queue, they couldn’t get a chance to compete.

The polite ones would advise online, “Du Gang has reached rank five domain. Rank four domain users should stop fighting for the chance to battle and give the rank six domain users the opportunity…’

However, those with a bigger temper began swearing outright.

“Can those rank four domain rubbish, stop hogging the spots without doing anything? Even if you’re matched with him, do you believe you can beat Du Gang?”

Initially, rank four domain users were unsure whether to stay in the challenge line or not. After all, Du Gang had become more formidable and was no longer an easy opponent for them.

However, their anger was stoked upon hearing such disrespectful insults.

“So what if you’re rank six domain? You’re merely born two years earlier than us. If you’re capable, let others challenge you!”

“Exactly, Du Gang was able to fight his way up from the rank four domain. We didn’t see any of you rank six domain users challenging rank eight domain users…”

Most of the first-year students were rank four domain users, and they managed to suppress those rank six domain users, leaving them speechless.

At the same time, all the rank four domain users still in line gave up on the idea of cancelling the challenge.

“I was going to give up on the challenge, but after hearing that uncouth insult, I changed my mind. Even if it means giving Du Gang twenty thousand contribution points, or even pushing him to the top, it’s better than letting those uncultured people go first!”

“That’s right, I think the same as well. If any of you think you can beat Du Gang and have complaints, blame that person who made the outrageous comment!”

With this, quite a few rank six domain users were infuriated, both at rank four domain users and the reckless idiot who made that comment.

No one knew that Bai Xiaosheng’s account had increased by a hundred thousand points and a rank six domain user in the dormitory area on the two hundredth level also received a hundred thousand points.

Yes, this was Du Gang’s doing!

While in battle, he accidentally entered a certain state again, pushing his already near-perfect Sharp Mystery to full completion and causing him to advance to rank five domain against his will.

When he saw the seven or eight hundred thousand rank four domain users who had canceled their applications, Du Gang was heartbroken.

After some thought, he went to Bai Xiaosheng and asked him to act as a mediator to buy off someone to stir up controversy.

After all, with his strength as a rank five domain user, he could instantly kill rank four and five domain opponents. Whereas, against a rank six domain user, he would have to spend a few minutes.

You must understand, he earns twenty thousand points for each contest, the time saved is worth more than spending two hundred thousand points.

Of course, spending one hundred thousand points is not enough to make a sixth-rank domain student bombard the map stupidly. What truly matters was

Bal Xiaosneng’s moutn.

“Isn’t it more valuable to be on good terms with a student who can compete with the sixth-rank domain with only a fourth-rank domain, than one hundred thousand points?”

That remark convinced the carefully selected student of the sixth-rank domain.

After all, the price for challenging Du Gang was public, and his profile had all victory records. Everyone could see that Du Gang won one hundred thousand matches. At twenty thousand points per match, that’s twenty billion points.

For any student, this is astronomical.

“Even if Du Gang loses now, he would have made a fortune!”

“Yeah, twenty billion points, I want to block him at his dormitory entrance like those girls next door!”

“Block him? Why?”

“What else, want to help Du Gang spend money!”

Finally, the three-day competition ended.

Du Gang fought a total of 150,000 matches, undefeated!

Other than sending Xi Wu as a representative to congratulate him, the institution didn’t even show its face. However, they gave him the title he deserved.

[Strongest Newcomer King] Du Gang, rank-five domain, dorm number 1980054, battles: 150,000, victories: 150,000…

After this newcomer king award was presented, Du Gang was helpless as most of the challengers disappeared. Ninety-five percent of the nearly two hundred thousand challengers ran away, leaving only about ten thousand people.

Adhering to his principle of not wasting, he spent five hours and finished playing against the remaining ten thousand people!

Thus, this hot three-day-long competition finally concluded. “Du Gang, is he the strongest person in the first grade now?”

“Not exactly, the strongest ones have not fought with him!”

“Yes, a group of the strongest sixth -rank domain users has never appeared…” “They didn’t appear, where did they go?”

“Secret Realm! They went into the Secret Realm the moment they entered the academy!”

After the battles ended, Du Gang suppressed his joy and first thanked Bai Xiaosheng and another helping sixth-rank domain user.

After he hung up the contact, he finally had time to check his gains.

Thirty-one billion, over six hundred and eight million points!

All day long, Du Gang was smiling from ear to ear.

“Red Gold Spear Technique Eighth Rank Method needs five million points?


“Critical Strike Spear Technique Eighth Rank Method needs five million points?


He directly spent seventeen million points and bought the remaining four methods.

Next, according to one stellar crystal increasing the Ancient God’s body by one meter, he spent nine billion points, exchanged for ninety thousand stellar crystals, directly boosting the height of the Ancient God’s body from ten thousand meters to the maximum stellar level of one hundred thousand meters.

This level was also reached by Du Kang, which meant, from now on, Du Gang was about to surpass him.

After discovering that the remaining twenty-two billion points could only exchange for twenty-two nucleus crystals, not even one percent of the ten tnousana nucleus crystals reqmrea ror aavancmg to cosmic Level, DU (jang finally calmed down.

“Next goal, earn one trillion points, get together ten thousand nucleus crystals, advance to Cosmic Level!”

Before he could plan his next step, Xi Wu came to him.

“Du Gang, what did you buy so many stellar crystals for?”

Xi Wu went straight to the point: “You’re just at the stellar level rank one. Nine to ten stellar crystals should be enough for you to fully advance. There’s no need for you to buy so many stellar crystals…”

Having heard this, Du Gang didn’t offer any explanation. He simply nodded his head, “I understand!”

Seeing his nonchalant attitude, Xi Wu shook his head and didn’t dwell on it. Instead, he said, “Instead of stellar crystals, you could convert them into nucleus crystals. This is something you can use when you reach the cosmic level…”

“Even though you haven’t reached the cosmic level yet, it’s important to plan ahead and prepare. Otherwise, when the time comes…”

Du Gang felt rather helpless. He too wished to prepare for his cosmic-level cultivation as soon as possible, but his current strength simply wouldn’t allow it.

Merely to advance from the stellar level to the cosmic level, he would need ten thousand nucleus crystals. And what about from the cosmic level to the domain lord level?

It was too difficult!

After speaking for a while, Xi Wu paused before saying, “Besides this, I need to tell you a few things that you’re not aware of…”

Sent by the academy, he was here to caution Du Gang against being overly proud or impulsive.

After all, a freshman, upon achieving some success might become somewhat complacent. And so, it was necessary to present him with a reality check, so as not to waste his impressive talent.

“Du Gang, do you think you’re invincible in the first year?”

Du Gang smiled and subtly flaunted his ‘Strongest Newcomer’ title.

Seeing this, Xi Wu shook his head, “This title doesn’t mean that you’re truly invincible in the first year…”

He said seriously, “There are many monsters in this batch of first-year students. Do you think you’re the only one capable of fighting above your rank?”

Du Gang raised an eyebrow, “What are you getting at?”

Xi Wu nodded, “Precisely, besides you, there are other students who can also fight above their rank!”

“Moreover, compared to you, they are on the sixth level of the domain, and some of them even have records of defeating the seventh-level domain warriors…”

“They didn’t challenge you this time!”

Du Gang asked uncertainly, “They didn’t challenge me? They were not interested in the title of Strongest Newcomer?”

Xi Wu shook his head, “Not really, they just didn’t know the external situation, those monsters all entered the secret realm!”

“Secret realm?!”

Xi Wu laughed, “Don’t you think that the school just let you guys fight without any benefits, right?”

“The so-called secret realms include secret realms that promote cultivation, secret realms that enhance martial arts, secret realms that enhance the comprehension of laws, and many more…”

“Every single opportunity to enter these secret realms is highly sought after, it’s very precious!”

“Of course, even though all of you are students, in order to get the qualification to enter secret realms, you need to pay a huge price!”

Du Gang was taken aback and asked, “How much are the tickets to the secret realms?”

“The cost of a single entry into a common secret realm starts at one million points. As for higher-level secret realms, ten million points, even a hundred million points would not be enough!”

Xi Wu smiled and said, “However, your current points may just be enough for one trip to a secret realm…”

At this point, he paused once again, then said, “I did not plan to tell you this, but seeing your strength now, you might have a chance in the knockout round…”

“Du Gang, who do you think is the strongest opponent in this knockout round?”

Du Gang smiled, “Isn’t it those who entered the secret realms?”

Xi Wu shook his head, “It’s not them. They don’t rest for even a moment, all in order to face the strongest group of individuals!”

“The strongest group of individuals?”

Du Gang was curious, “Apart from those monsters you mentioned, are there stronger ones who haven’t come to the academy yet?”

“That’s not the case!”

After contemplating for a moment, Xi Wu said, “Let me give you a critical piece of information. The Cosmic Peak Talents Competition is held once every five thousand years, and only those below ten thousand years old are allowed to participate!”

“Every five thousand years, below ten thousand years old…” After mulling it over a few times, Du Gang suddenly understood.

“So, teacher, you mean there are people who have participated in the competition twice before?”

“Not entirely dense!”

Xi Wu nodded, smiling, ‘Exactly, those who have participated in the competition twice. You probably didn’t encounter any of those at White Dragon Mountain, did you?”

“The two times I’m referring to are those who have secured advancing slots…”

Du Gang recalled for a bit, it seemed that indeed he didn’t find any participants in the preliminary finals who had participated twice before.

Xi Wu continued, “It’s actually the same with you guys. Those of age to participate twice and possess great power have already come to Qiankun


“Second-year students!” Du Gang blurted out.

Xi Wu nodded with a smile, “That’s right. The contenders from last session who were eligible for the knockout stages are all in Qiankun Continent and have joined the prestigious academy…”

“While some people have exceeded the age limit, there are still many who are of the right age to participate in this session!”

“For those who participated in the knockout stages in the last session, the organizing committee granted them exemption from preliminaries, so they were directly advanced to the knockout stages!”

“This means that in these knockout stages, in addition to the one million players you’ve brought from your ten thousand galaxies and the locally newly recruited million players from Qiankun Continent, there are about a million more second-year students!”

“More than a million?”

Du Gang was taken aback, “That many?”

Xi Wu chuckled, “Didn’t you know? The ones who came with you are mostly under the age of five thousand. They are here for development. If they fail this time, they will still have a chance next time!”

Du Gang suddenly realized, “So, this time, approximately over three million people will be participating in the knockout stages?”


Xi Wu nodded, explaining, “Based on the usual situation, these losers from last time are me mainstay or rms session’. ”

Du Gang frowned, “So, traditionally in these knockout stages, this session is mainly about last session’s champions while the current session just watches and learns?”


Xi Wu laughed, “The disciples from your four major companies of the elementary universal nation of White Dragon Mountain generally need to reach the universal level to be sent here…”

“While we require disciples reaching the Domain Lord Level in Qiankun Continent before sending them to Pangu Continent. So, most second-year disciples suppress their skills at the universal level, deliberately refraining from breaking through, in order to stay here and continue participating in the competition!”

This time, Du Gang truly understood.

Staying here would allow them to compete for qualifications with the local politicians, which would be relatively easier. Advancing early, however, would mean competing with peoples from Advanced Universal Nations, which would be much harder.

He thought for a moment and asked, “Teacher, what is the highest level of cultivation among these second-year students?”

“Universal level nine, Domain seven!”

Xi Wu calmly said, “You should know, these people are deliberately suppressing their powers. Otherwise, given their talents, as long as they let go and replenish their resources, they could break through to Domain Lord Seventh -Rank within a month…”

He then laughed, “These people have already started to let go of their cultivation to break through, because the competition is about to begin. Even if they break through to the Domain Lord Level, they will have to wait until the end of the competition before they are sent to the senior universal nation. So, the real opponents in this knockout competition are the second-year student!”

Du Gang fell silent, pondering the gaps between the Stellar Level seven domains, the Universal Level seven domains, and the Domain Lord seven domains.

Seeing Du Gang silent for a moment, Xi Wu thought he was discouraged and comforted, “Don’t overthink it. In Qiankun Continent, it’s like this every session. Treat this session as accumulating experience. The next one might be your time to shine…”

This is also the reason for the existence of the prestigious academy. After all, gathering a bunch of students with excellent talents that could participate in the next session was more beneficial!

Du Gang didn’t care about those, instead, he hurriedly asked, “Teacher, what’s the difference between the same domain at different levels?”

Xi Wu chuckled,”You’ve played games, right?”

Du Gang nodded his head.

Xi Wu continued, “If you’ve played games, you should know that game characters often have levels and equipment…”

“Realm represents the level. Each realm embodies different base attributes. Whether it is power, speed, Star Power, etc., none of them are of the same rank…”

“The domain represents amplification, but this base is built on a base!” “The higher the realm, the stronger the same domain level. This is for certain!”

Xi Wu chuckled, “Now that you’re here in the Qiankun Continent, there’s no need to suppress your power. Train as fast as you can to the Ninth Rank of the Cosmic Level, and then suppress it again. Wait for the next competition to start before breaking through to Domain Lord…”

What he said was also the usual practice for previous students.

As for those who came with him, such as Chen Feng, after challenging some dormitory spots, they went into seclusion quickly.

They were different from Du Gang.

Suppress cultivation?

Du Gang would like to, but his power didn’t allow it. He asked, “Master, what’s the effect of that top-level cultivation Secret Realm you were talking about before?”

Xi Wu laughed, “This continent of ours is called the Qiankun Continent. It has 64 regions corresponding to 64 hexagrams. The core of each hexagram position is a highly concentrated energy hub – an excellent natural place for cultivation…”

“However, this energy is too advanced, with a tremendous volume, so only those above the Sector Lord Level can handle it…”

“But our Tianjiao Academy is not simple either. It forcibly extracted a portion of the core beneath the Qian Hexagram Position…”

“The Qiankun Secret Realm is a branch created from the core under the Qian Hexagram Position. The energy it contains is highly advanced. Basically, anyone under the Sector Lord Level who enters won’t last long before they’re saturated with energy and must leave!”

On hearing this, Du Gang’s eyes lit up. That sounded like this Secret Realm beneath was just perfect for his cultivation, wasn’t it?

He quickly asked, “Master, how many points are needed to enter this Qiankun

Secret Realm?”

Xi Wu laughed, “Points alone won’t do. You also need Contribution Points from within the academy. You can usually earn some by conquering some tough towers or breaking records…”

“Entering the Qiankun Secret Realm costs at least one Contribution Point plus one hundred million points!”

“One Contribution Point?”

Du Gang curiously asked, “Master, is it challenging to get these Contribution Points?”

Wasn’t it all about breaking records?

Xi Wu laughed, “Do you think it’s easy to break a record?”

“Know this, the Tianjiao Academy has existed for more than a hundred million years. Do you understand how challenging it is to break records that have been set by geniuses over that time?”

“Every person who breaks a record must certainly be a once in a million years unparalleled phenomenon!”

Du Gang’s eyes lit up, “So, breaking a record gives one Contribution Point?”

Xi Wu chuckled. Du Gang’s demeanor reminded him of his own past self.

Innocent, confident, courageous, handsome, and charming.

However, he didn’t want to shatter Du Gang’s dreams and laughed, “Don’t oversimplify it. Over so many years, every single student has wanted to break a record, but such a person only emerges once every million years. So, don’t go hoping for too much…”

“Over a hundred million years, those disciples who broke records almost always advanced to the Eternal Level. They left behind some towers for future disciples. Those towers are typically the hardest to break…”

“The most challenging, and the towers offering the most Contribution Points as rewards, are the eight Law Towers and the Qiankun Tower!” “Each tower has nine levels, and every level is as difficult as ascending to heaven, no, even more so!”

Xi Wu continued, “The eight Law Towers are established by eight former Eternal Level students of the Tianjiao Academy. Each tower contains a hint of the Original Law. It is said that if someone breaks through to the ninth level of a tower, they can grasp a trace of the Original Law left behind by those Eternal Level existences!”

Original Law?

Du Gang was curious, ‘What is the Original Law?”

Xi Wu shrugged, laughed and said, “I don’t know.

Du Gang nodded and asked, “So, up to which level have these towers been conquered?”

“Very coincidentally, all eight Law Towers have been conquered up to the seventh level!”

Du Gang nodded and then asked, “Master, what about that Qiankun Tower?”

Xi Wu laughed, “The Qiankun Tower is rather simple. It’s a strength tower. Each level has a different grade of illusion…”

“From the first to the ninth level, they respectively correspond to first to ninth rank Domain Lords. These are the illusions left by the strongest students over the last hundred million years…”

“That’s to say, each level’s illusion is an unmatched being of a similar rank. Anyone who suppresses their power and defeats the illusion at an equivalent level can replace it and become the new illusion guardian of the tower…”

“What does that mean? It means that every level’s illusion was the pride of their era! ”

Du Gang was surprised to the point of involuntarily opening his mouth, “So, the Qiankun Nine-Story Tower represents the nine strongest individuals from nine different domains over the past billion years?!”

“Exactly! ”

Xi Wu chuckled, “Compared to Qiankun Tower, it’s easier to ascend one level in the Eight Laws Tower…”

Du Gang became excited, which meant those nine individuals were the people with the strongest talent and abilities in the Qiankun Universe Nation and all its affiliated nations over the past billion years!

He curiously asked, “Teacher, who is the person who left a hologram on

Qiankun tower?”

Xi Wu said seriously: “The last person to leave a hologram in the Qiankun Tower was Luo Shan. At that time, he was only just over two thousand years old. With his sector lord-level ninth-rank five-domain strength, he defeated the previous hologram and left his own in the fifth layer of the Qiankun


“Luo Shan…”

After mumbling, Du Gang felt a surge of yearning in his heart.

A person from ten million years ago still has a name here!

Xi Wu spoke with a tone full of admiration, “Luo Shan is a legendary figure who, with his sector lord level five-domain power, defeated even seventh-rank and eighth-rank domain lords, winning first place in the old Qiankun continent knockout competition…”

Du Gang curiously asked, “Did Luo Shan win the Cosmic Peak Talents

Competition in his time?”

Xi Wu was silent for a moment before shaking his head, “Ten million years ago, it was a golden age, with unparalleled talents emerging frequently. Even powerhouses like Luo Shan only managed to finish in the top ten at best…”


Du Gang was shocked, “Luo Shan defeated enemies three domains stronger than him, and he still didn’t win?”

Xi Wu shook his head, “Defeating enemies three domains stronger was only within our Qiankun Continent. Luo Shan in the latter days was even stronger. It’s said that with his domain-lord level power, he once defeated a Sector


A glimmer of longing appeared in his eyes, “Just imagine, as strong as Luo Shan, he only managed to get in the top ten and not in the top three. You could imagine how brilliant his generation was…”

“Oh, how wonderful it would be if I could return to that era, even just to catch a glimpse of the legends…”

Not just Xi Wu, but even Du Gang, who was merely a listener, felt his blood boil at the thought. He longed to return to that era and compete with these prodigies!

But there is still a chance!

Du Gang’s eyes suddenly flashed with a strong will to fight.

Although Luo Shan is no longer here, his illusion from back then still remains.

Moreover, the eight other powerhouses at the same level as Luo Shan also left their illusions. Therefore, he could compete with these powerhouses across generations!

Seeing the fighting spirit in Du Gang’s eyes, Xi Wu gently smiled.

When he first came here, he was told by his teacher, and his reaction was the same… or rather, most of the prodigies who came here were like this, wishing to compete with these unparalleled prodigies across time and space.

But the outcome was very disappointing!

Over the past ten million years, at least 2000 seasons of the Cosmic Peak Talents Competition had been held. With each season having 2 million competitors, there were a total of 40 billion participants!

Keep in mind, these 40 billion individuals were absolutely the best in the

Qiankun Universe Nation and all affiliated states over the past 10 million years!

Just like Du Gang who stood out from the open audition preliminary competition; his advancement represented him defeating billion stellar level competitors within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Ten thousand galaxies represent a number of ten trillion, and ten thousand elementary universe nations represents a number of ten quadrillion!

Which is to say, in this season, just counting the stellar-level competitors those under ten thousand years old – Du Gang already stood in front of such a vast number of strong competitors!

And like Du Gang, 2 million people stand up every season!

Counting all those from two thousand seasons, this means Luo Shan was among the top in four quadrillion individuals of the same age and level over the past ten million years!

“One last question!”

Du Gang asked in an excited manner, “Teacher, how many contribution points will I receive if I break the record of the Qiankun Tower?

Xi Wu chuckled. He was not bothered by Du Gang’s excitement. Every season saw many hopefuls like him, but those who could actually break the record…


“For the Laws Tower, the current record is the seventh layer. If you can reach the eighth layer, you’ll receive a reward of 10 contribution points. If you can directly clear it and reach the ninth layer, you’ll receive 100 contribution points!”

“As for the Qiankun Tower, since each layer represents powerhouses of different levels, for every layer you break, you’ll receive 100 contribution points!”

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