I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 171 - Chapter 171: Chapter 170: Trillion-fold Attack – A Heavendefying Strike!

Chapter 171: Chapter 170: Trillion-fold Attack – A Heavendefying Strike!

Translator: 549690339

When Du Gang returned to the waiting space for the third time, everyone else was shocked.

Now, only 2500 participants remained in the waiting space.

“Du Gang is still alive!”

“Exactly, could it be that his group doesn’t even have a Quadruple Domain user? Is he really the child of destiny?”

“That’s not the issue, he clearly only has a Double Domain. Why could he advance two rounds? Keep in mind, aside from the more than a thousand

Quadruple Domain users, the rest are all formidable Triple Domain users!”

Indeed, it’s true. Among the remaining people, although there are only a bit over eight thousand Triple Domain users, these people are distinguished individuals that emerged from more than fifty thousand of the same-level Triple Domains!

“He advanced!”

Just when everyone was puzzled, Yan Liang suddenly spoke.

Everyone immediately turned to look at him, watching him curiously.

Yan Liang shook his head and said, “Du Gang upgraded to the Triple Domain during the fight!”


Everyone present was all in shock, quickly turning their eyes towards Du Gang.

Unfortunately, in the waiting space, no one had any power, naturally, they couldn’t see the results.

At this time, the three other Quadruple Domain users who advanced at the same time as Du Gang also stepped forward to confirm Yan Liang’s words.

“We are also in the same group as Du Gang, he indeed advanced during the fight!”

At this moment, no one disbelieved it anymore!

They all looked at Du Gang with eyes full of astonishment.

“Breaking through during a fight, it’s just too terrifying!”

Every person looking at Du Gang felt like they were looking at a formidable legend.

But Du Gang ignored everyone, his attention was completely immersed in his own body.

Five encounters in a Dao Enlightenment state of cultivation had granted him the Critical Strikes Domain.

But that’s just the surface, in fact, his footwork improved as well.

In the beginning, he thought that the Third Transformation had enlightened him on the Mystery of Friction, but actually, every change in the Skyward Nine Transformations had a Mystery of Spatial Laws.

In the process of fighting with the enemy, Du Gang realized a new Spatial Laws Mystery: the Folding Mystery.

The Folding Mystery, a mystery that folds space, allows him to treat twisted roads seen by others as straight lines.

That means he could maintain half the speed of light, perform infinite turns without loss of speed!

Bear in mind, his previous attacks on the enemy would always have a third of his strength in reserve, just in case he was counterattacked and had to escape.

But now, he doesn’t need to hold back any longer. He could outlay his speed freely and dodge attacks by folding space without speed loss.

So, in a way, his actual speed is over twice the speed he’s been showing!

Apart from speed, Critical Strike Mystery is even more interesting than he imagined.

Once Critical Strike Mystery reaches perfection, the chance for double critical strikes is 100%, then the rate of quadruple critical strikes is 50%, eight times is 25%, 16 times is 12.5%, 32 times is 6.25%, 64 times is 3.125%, 128 times is 1.5625%, 256 times is 0.78%, 512 times is 0.39%, 1024 times iso.19%, 2048 times is 0.09%…

Under a one in ten thousand chance for a critical strike, the critical strike multiplier can reach 16384 times, and at a one in a hundred thousand chance, it reaches 131072 times.

This means that the upper limit of his attack power has various possibilities!

However, with his already strong attacking power, combined with speed and critical strike bonuses, he believes that even against Quadruple Domain users, if he executes well, he might be able to defeat them!

[The third round of competition begins!]

Du Gang appeared again on a stage, in the blink of an eye, he recognized his opponent.

Surprisingly enough, his opponent turned out to be Zhao Biao, a contestant from the same affiliate galaxy.

Keep in mind, among the ten thousand contestants, only the three of them are from affiliate galaxies, and yet they met.

“What a coincidence!”

Zhao Biao was also surprised, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it, just flashing a grin.

Du Gang nodded slightly and looked towards the other stages.

The situation was even worse than the last time. This round, on each stage, there was a Quadruple Domain user.

This implied that in their group of ten, five were Quadruple Domain users, and five were Triple Domain users!

“So, these Quadruple Domain users, does one have to be eliminated?!” Upon seeing this, Du Gang didn’t panic but instead, laughed heartily.

Only then, does it become interesting!

Fighting intent surged in his eyes.

Zhao Biao, on the other side, was taken aback.

He wasn’t aware that Du Gang had reached the Triple Domain, after all, the waiting space was large and the news of Du Gang’s advancement was only known to those close to him.


Zhao Biao suddenly noticed something different about Du Gang, “You’ve reached the Triple Domain?!!”

He instantly understood, smiling, “No wonder your fighting intent is so strong… ”

Seeing Du Gang’s lack of reaction, he smiled and shook his head, “You probably don’t know the enormous gap between a Triple Domain and a Quadruple Domain…”

He sensed the elements around Du Gang and laughed, “Moreover, you are of the Gold Element, I am of the Fire Element, my element naturally counters yours!”

Just then, Du Gang finally responded, he stared at Zhao Biao and said softly, “True gold fears no fire. Whether it will hold up or not, we’ll find out after the fight!”

[Countdown, three, two, one, begin!] The moment the match started, Du Gang moved!

“Swish Swish Swish!”

As if he’d teleported, he instantly vanished from his original position. When he reappeared, he was already behind Zhao Biao, hoisting a long spear as he charged into his domain.

In a mere instant, he had already penetrated five meters into the domain.

Only then, under the quadruple domain suppression within the five-meter range, did Zhao Biao sense Du Gang.

“Dare to invade my domain, seeking death!”

He sneered coldly, immediately directing the power of his domain towards Du Gang, seeking to crush him.


Unexpectedly, as the force reached Du Gang, he resisted, promptly appearing outside the domain, returning to the position he had just stood.


Shock was visible in Zhao Biao’s eyes. After all, his domain suppression power had already come in contact with Du Gang, and at that time, Du Gang was within five meters of his domain.

This meant that Du Gang should have been utterly powerless to resist!

A higher-level domain naturally suppresses lower-level domains, and the closer one gets to the higher-level domain, the stronger the suppression force will be.

Not to mention five meters, normally a person of a triple domain would be doomed if enveloped by the domain of someone from the quadruple domain.

Watching the astonishment in Zhao Biao’s eyes, the corner of Du Gang’s mouth curved upwards slightly.

He had just been trying to see if the Folding Mystery could effectively breakthrough when within a higher-level domain.

The fact proved it could!

This also meant that he could attack a quadruple domain person directly now! “Unexpectedly, your strength is so formidable, but it’s no more than that!” Although Zhao Biao was initially surprised, he quickly recovered his calm.

Du Gang was indeed very impressive, but so what? The gap between a triple and quadruple domain is like that of heaven and earth, insurmountable for anyone!


Du Gang did not engage in a war of words, instead, he attacked again.

Just as before, he surged towards Zhao Biao at high speed.

“Whoosh!” In a split second he was back within Zhao Biao’s domain range. Simultaneously, his own triple domain was suppressed in that instant.

However, Du Gang, unfazed and indifferent, continued charging at Zhao Biao, his spear incessantly attacking.

“Boom Boom Boom!”

Zhao Biao lifted his large blade, simultaneously suppressing Du Gang with all his might and constantly counterattacking the shadow of Du Gang’s spear.

“So fast!”

He was once again shocked. His blade was incredibly fast, especially within his domain, where it blended with illusions. But even so, it was still slower compared to Du Gang’s spear shadows!

“This is with me using my domain’s enhancements!”

Zhao Biao, shocked and irate, abruptly changed the calm air within the boundaries of his domain into tumultuous currents.

“Boom!” Suddenly, the entire domain space ignited with purplish-red flames.

Seeing this, Du Gang instantly activated the Folding Mystery. Like passing through uncharted territory, he teleported out once again.


It was evident that the flame conjured by Zhao Biao was extremely hot, it was twisting and warping the ambient air.

Du Gang gazed at the fire domain spanning a radius of ten meters in the distance, his brows slightly furrowed.

Fire overcomes Metal, and this was true. While he was within the enemy’s domain, his body felt as though it were melting. Had he stayed one second longer, his body may have been reduced to mere ashes.

If he didn’t approach the opponent’s domain, he could attack from a distance, but after passing through the enemy’s ten-meter domain, the attacks would be so weakened that they wouldn’t pose any deterrent. This was precisely why he was always seeking to break into others’ domains.

But if he wanted to charge in, he inevitably would encounter these flames, which would be a test for him.

This round was different from the last round when he fought the quadruple domain fire element user.

In the last round, he was merely trying to comprehend the Critical Strike Mystery. He barely entered the opponent’s domain and only hovered around the edges where the opponent kindly kept firing at empty spaces.

But this round was different. He wanted to win the match, but if he couldn’t approach the enemy and kill him, he would just end up in a stalemate by consuming time.

Given that…

Du Gang pondered for a moment, noticing that Zhao Biao didn’t dare to recklessly attack when he wasn’t attacking himself, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

The Critical Strike Mystery, with an attack one ten thousand times stronger, had a one in ten thousand chance of occurring. Similarly, an attack one million times stronger, had a one in a million chance of happening.

What this meant was, if he attacked a million times over, there would eventually be a critical strike!

An attack one million times stronger, even after suppression via the domain while advancing into the enemies’ domain, coupled with the triple domain enhancement as well as the force enhancement…

“Let’s give it a try!”

As for how effective it could be, Du Gang didn’t know. The authority of the laws was too rigid, all he could do is see whether the ultra-high multiplication of attack power could breach the defenses!


Suddenly, the domain that was initially only extended to a ten-meter radius expanded to span one thousand meters.

Because of the weightage of the laws, on normal occasions, he only needed to maintain his domain within a ten-meter range.

But now it was different. He intended to break through with sheer force of numbers, naturally the more multiples the better!

The domains of Sharp Gold and War Gold were both at the thousand-meter level, equivalent to a thousand-fold boost. While the Critical Strike domain was a ten-meter domain. The triple domains stacked up, the weightage of the laws became three times, but the force that stacked up was ten million times.

Added to this, he planned to use the Critical Strike Mystery to generate an attack one million times stronger, equivalent to a ten trillion-fold attack enhancement!

He wondered whether a ten trillion-fold attack enhancement with the triple domain authority would break the authority of a quadruple domain with a ten thousand-fold enhancement.

“Shadowless Spear!”

With a low shout from Du Gang and a quick step, the next second, the entire competition platform was enveloped by spear shadows.

This so-called Shadowless Spear was a technique he had formed during his last match.

It was actually a variant of the eighth and fourth kills in the Spear and Lance Nine Kills.

Each strike of the spear was not particularly powerful; it was mainly designed to deliver more attacks in a shorter amount of time.

This spear technique was created specifically to deliver critical strikes faster. In just one second, nearly ten thousand spear shadows were thrust out.

“Bursting Flame Formation!”

Seeing this, Zhao Biao was startled. He used his Domain to resist and weaken the multiple attacks coming at him all at once while also casting a fire-element defense.

Instantly, a spiral flame formation began to rotate within his Domain, blocking all the incoming spear shadows.

“Phew-a ”

Seeing the endless sDear shadows being blocked. Zhao Biao finallv breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he firmly believed that a three-layer Domain could not defeat a four-layer Domain, he couldn’t resist defending himself when suddenly attacked by so many spear shadows.

The facts proved that he was overthinking. The attacks from these spear shadows were far too weak!

A slight smile hung on the corner of his mouth. Such weak attacks, trying to break the four-layer Domain?

Just as he was preparing to counterattack, his smile froze.

Looking at the entire arena, only spear shadows could be seen, not their master. He was somewhat dazed.

How to counterattack?

If he couldn’t see or catch up with the opponent, how could he fight back?

“Blazing Fire Dance!”

Tentatively, he released a fire-element area attack.

Immediately, a fire dragon sprayed from his mouth and rushed outwards, spiraling around his Domain.



Just as the fire dragon had started to fly out, it was hit by countless spear shadows in the next moment, turning the dragon’s body into a sieve.


A deflating sound rang out as the entire fire dragon was punctured with countless holes.

Before Zhao Biao could replenish it with new power, the next moment”Bang!”

The fire dragon exploded, scattering into tiny fireballs in all directions.

What enraged him even more was that those scattered fireballs were again attacked by the trailing spear shadows and exploded repeatedly. They couldn’t even reach the edge of the stage before they were completely extinguished.

Gold extinguishing fire?

At this moment, Zhao Biao felt absolutely absurd!

But the facts were right in front of him, leaving him quite helpless!

“I refuse to believe this!”

Zhao Biao gritted his teeth yet again, defending with all his might using his Domain while slowly closing his eyes.

A rich fire element began to churn around him.

“Hiss! ”

Even before the flames appeared, the air around him began to boil. The intense vibrations seemed to warp the space.

After nearly ten seconds of gathering strength, Zhao Biao finally opened his eyes. With a vicious smile on his face, he shouted:

“True World-Destroying Dragons Flame!”

The next moment, his mouth opened wide and a fiercely burning flame spewed out into the outer space non-stop.


This magma -like flame that was constantly flowing and surging instantly exploded the whole vacuity, making it creak non-stop.

“Rumble Rumble Rumble!”

Just like before, countless spear shadows appeared again, attacking this flame.


This time, the attack did not work. Not only that, when the metal spearhead and the gold element force came into contact with this flame, they made an unpleasant friction sound.


Seeing this, Du Gang instantly decided to dodge the direction of this flame attack, continuing his relentless assault from other angles.

In just over twenty seconds, he had already delivered two hundred thousand continuous attacks.

At this point, even a ten-thousand-fold critical hit had appeared more than a dozen times and could be released at any moment, but he managed to suppress them all.

He was holding back, preparing to release them all when a million-fold critical hit appears.

Not just ten-thousand-fold critical hits, but other critical hits ranging from several times to several dozen times were also being held back.

Rather than releasing them one by one without any significance, it would be better to gather them together and launch the strongest attack in the strongest posture!

Inside his Domain, Zhao Biao was controlling the fire, constantly moving around the arena, hoping to touch Du Gang.

But unfortunately, after a full five seconds, he realized that Du Gang could completely avoid this slow-moving flame.

“Damn it… I will fill up this space with flames, let’s see how you avoid it!” With his eyes fiery red, Zhao Biao roared angrily and began to gather strength again.

After ten seconds…

“True World-Destroying Dragons Flame!”

Suddenly, another flame flew out!

This time, Du Gang did not try to touch it, he sidestepped these two flames and continued his offensive.


Noticing that Du Gang did not dare to mess with the flame, Zhao Biao let out a cold snort and started building up his power again. “True World-Destroying Dragons Flame!”

“True World-Destroying Dragons Flame!”

“True World-Destroying Dragons Flame!”

He unleashed six World-Destroying Dragon Flames within one minute.

Just as he was preparing to retrieve his power and unleash the seventh World-Destroying Dragons Flame, suddenly, countless spear shadows in the sky disappeared.

Then, Du Gang’s figure gradually emerged in the distance, with a slight smile on his lips.


“Is it because he’s out of strength?”

Zhao Biao speculated while manoeuvring the six World-Destroying Dragons Flames in the space towards Du Gang.

“Whoosh, whoosh!”

The six World-Destroying Dragons Flames, furious at not finding an opponent earlier, now roared towards Du Gang, carrying unparalleled rage.

At that moment, Du Gang was seen holding his spear and lance in one hand, poised to throw.

“One trillion-fold attack—I‘

“Skyward Strike!”

With this final roar, the spear in his hand, in an instant, sped towards Zhao Biao at an unimaginable speed.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

There were six concentrated explosions in total. The six True World-Destroying Dragons Flames instantly detonated.

“Z-z-z!” “Zi-zi-zi!” At that moment, the entire space started to tremble violently.

Anyone who could see the trajectory of the spear would notice that wherever the unmatched speedy spear went, space began to shatter.

However, an invisible force quickly repaired the space after the spear passed through it.

This resulted in the space not truly shattering, but from this, one could perceive the power contained within that attack!

“Fire Shield!”

“Fire Shield!”

“Fire Shield!”

Zhao Biao did not need to look to feel an intense aura from a kilometer away. He activated all the power of his domain to defend, and kept deploying Fire Shield for protection.

At this moment, the people on the four surrounding fighting stages all stopped at the same time.

Even from a far distance and separated by the air wall around the stage, they could feel the endless might of Du Gang’s single throw! “Is it going to destroy the world…”

A person within the fourth domain muttered to himself.

If you exclude his domain, external disturbances, and spatial self-repair, he believed that if this spear is fired at a world, it could indeed destroy it! Under everyone’s stare, the ‘Skyward Strike’ finally reached its destination.


An eye-opening scene unfolded.

‘Skyward Strike’ broke through Zhao Biao’s domain with astonishing force, not only shattering his domain in an instant but also leaving Zhao Biao to disappear in a flash of white light.

At the same time, ‘Skyward Strike’ with its invincible momentum, abruptly hit the air-defense shield at the edge of the ring.


At once, the originally invisible air wall revealed countless ripples.

Wave after wave of impact surged towards the exterior of the air wall.

The entire air wall turned bluish-purple from the hit.


People seemed to hear a low shout.

Following that, the Ancient Divine Spear, which had previously pierced the air wall like a rag, was immediately stopped at that moment.

[The match ends, Du Gang wins!]

With this system announcement, both Du Gang standing on the stage and the Divine Spear of the Ancients disappeared.

When they appeared again, they were already outside the arena in the victor’s area.

Appearing with him was the defeated Zhao Biao, who appeared on the side of the losers’ group.

At this moment, everyone was gaping at Du Gang, speechless.

Meanwhile, in the high-altitude virtual universe millions of light-years above, a figure dressed in the Top Genius Race Committee member’s uniform revealed a faint smile.

“Ancient God… interesting, if the Jiang family finds out you’re back and have joined the virtual universe, then…” “It’s going to be quite a show!”

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