I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 139 - Chapter 139: Chapter 138: Attacked!

Chapter 139: Chapter 138: Attacked!

Translator: 549690339

The Abandoned Star Region Human Rights Federation.

It is an alliance led by Tuoba Yu, initiated by the Purple Orchid Chamber of Commerce, and joined by many others.

The primary purpose of this federation is to unite with the allies in the wasteland star region to resist Earth, with an aim to strike out against Chu Zixuan.

The effects have been substantial. Half of the twenty or so second-tier powers in the wasteland star region have joined, along with more than a hundred first-tier powers.

Since its establishment, the federation has been vying for human rights, accusing Earth of human rights violations online every day.

Regardless of whether their claims are true or have effects, their voice has been quite impactful.

Besides, they continuously encourage other forces to join.

Their primary goal is to resist Earth and create a situation where everyone is fighting against it.

The best outcome they foresee is no one daring to trade with Earth, leading to its ultimate collapse.

Due to the strength of the Purple Orchid Chamber of Commerce, many powers in the wasteland star region are joining the federation to curry favor, seek support, or merely to fit in. They join the ranks of those who are on a crusade.

As long as they do not need to lift a finger and only need to opens their mouth, they are more than happy to do so.

However, as a federation, they naturally need to have a base.

Thus, the base of the Abandoned Star Region Human Rights Federation is put on Modo Star, the headquarters of the Purple Orchid Chamber of Commerce in the wasteland star region.

For convenience, each force has sent representatives who are good at verbal arguments to be stationed at the federation’s base on Modo Star, where they fight online.

After all, the Earth Alliance would not sit waiting for death; their Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also constantly voicing out on the internet.

The verbal feud between the two sides on the Internet is quite intense, providing a great spectacle for the netizens.

One day, at the Human Rights Federation’s base.

“Hey, do you think the God of War from the Earth Alliance is still alive?!”

“I am not sure, but I heard he once destroyed a third-tier force called Hall of Gods…

The people stationed here are nothing but purple-level warriors. Some older ones have lived through that era, while the younger ones only regard it as a legend.

“I think he should be alive. He announced a hundred-year retreat…’

A young man speculated: “Do you think he might have been seriously injured in that battle with the Hall of Gods? Maybe the so-called retreat is merely an attempt to buy more time for Earth to develop?”

They do not realize that their every move is being closely watched from a cloaked ship hovering in the sky.

Du Gang looked at the group of purple level warriors below, stroking his chin and pondering, “How can I scare them off?”

This group represents various powers. Du Gang can see it. After all, he came here not to slaughter but to intimidate, hoping that the first and second-tier alliances will withdraw and to give Tuoba Yu a lesson at the same time.

More than ten million kilometers away from Modo Star lies Moka Star, a gas planet that is not suitable for human habitation, generally attracting few visitors.

However, at this moment, there are several kilometer-long ships inside the planet. Even more, the leading ship is ten thousand meters long.

For reference, Zeus’s previous ride was a four-star E-level ship of just five thousand meters.

Going by the rule that the larger the star level, the larger the vessel, this ten-thousand-meter ship is a five-star E-level vessel.

Each of these kilometer-long ships is filled with meteorite-level warriors, all dressed in battle suits, sitting steadily in their chairs, waiting in silence.

Inside that ten-thousand-meter warship, both Tuoba Yu and Tuoba Hong are present.

What’s even more surprising is that the person currently sitting in the main seat is not Tuoba Hong.

It was a young man with an alluring smile that always lingered on his face.

At the moment, Tuoba Yu asked, “Father, do you really think the Ancient God will come?”

Before Tuoba Hong could reply, the man seated at the head of the table chuckled lightly, “I have been laying this trap for nearly a hundred years. I was the one who propagated the idea to build Watchman City on Earth. I am certain they’ll walk right into it…”

“Wait and see, the Ancient God will arrive on Moka Star in at most two days!”

This man, Hong Chong, was a Planet Level powerhouse, a duke of the Hidden Dragon Kingdom, and the rock-solid support behind the Purple Orchid Association!

A hundred years ago, after Du Gang revealed his giant magical power, he shocked the entire Wasteland Star Zone.

Three third-tier forces with solid backgrounds – the Cosmic Civilization

Protection Association, Purple Orchid Association, and the Purple Orchid Bank – one after another passed on the information about Du Gang to the headquarters of the Purple Orchid.

The personnel stationed at the headquarters of the Purple Orchid Star System found it shocking after reviewing the news, but none could identify the race of the giant.

Among these three forces, the Purple Orchid Bank services only local interests and has no superior power. After learning that they couldn’t identify Du Gang’s race, they decided not to pry further.

The situation with the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association was different. They have a superior association, and logically they should also report up, passing the information to the superior Cosmic Civilization Protection Association at the Hidden Dragon Kingdom.

However, the Purple Orchid staff stationed here did not pay much heed to this piece of information. Adding on some issues within their association at that time, they did not have the focus to pay attention to this matter and left the reporting unfinished.

The case with the Purple Orchid Association was quite different. Half of their products were self-produced, while the other half of the supply was brought in from the Hidden Dragon Kingdom.

In addition, they also had a foothold in the Hidden Dragon Kingdom – Duke Hong Chong!

At that time, Tuoba Hong, being a businessman, was not as careless as the other two.

In his view, such a rare breed, if captured, might also be quite valuable.

So he compiled all the data about Du Gang and uploaded it to the Hidden Dragon Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, Duke Hong Chong of the Hidden Dragon Kingdom did actually know about Du Gang’s predicament.

A hundred thousand years ago, before dying, Du Kang severely wounded Zhou Haotian. Taking advantage of his last breath, he traversed a distance of a hundred thousand light-years, fleeing to Earth and died shortly after drafting his last will.

Zhou Haotian, despite being gravely injured, did not give up his pursuit, deploying numerous Stellar Level powerhouses to track him, but sadly lost him halfway.

This was because their spacecraft were too subpar, the single-jump distance was too short, they lost track after jumping several times alongside the oscillating cosmic node.

The cosmic node after a jump would undergo few seconds of shaking. If someone follows this shock wave, they could leap to the exact same location.

Although the person was gravely injured and nearing death, they failed to catch up. Zhou Haotian, insisting on seeing the dead body if the person was dead, not only ordered his men to carry on the chase but also issued a warrant of arrest, having other kingdoms in the Milky Way Galaxy to hunt down the

Ancient God as well. The offered reward was very high.

In addition to this, even providing information on the Ancient God would earn you a considerable reward.

Though he knew these kingdom’s people might not be capable of killing the Ancient God, finding the location of the Ancient God would suffice.

Therefore, a hundred thousand years ago, all the forces superior to the kingdoms in the Milky Way Galaxy launched an operation to hunt down the Ancient God.

Regrettably, after up to a thousand of years of searching, no one found the Ancient God. Seeing no hope, these forces gradually gave up.

However, despite the Hidden Dragon Kingdom is far away from the Milky Way Empire, a hundred thousand years ago, ar emissary from the Milky Way Empire did end up there.

The father of Hong Chong had hosted the emissary from the Milky Way. Hence, he had some knowledge about the Ancient God and even recorded the feats of the Ancient God in the family’s archive.

When Hong Chong received the message from the Purple Orchid Kingdom, he vaguely remembered a story about a giant his father told him when he was a child.

So, he went to search the family archive. As a result, he actually found it.

When he learned that the bounty for the Ancient God was enough to buy several Hidden Dragon Kingdoms, he was so excited that he almost jumped up and wiped out the entire Tuoba family.

But he held back!

Becuase he knew that the Hidden Dragon Kingdom does not have a communication device that can directly contact the Milky Way Empire.

The Milky Way Empire, situated at the heart of the Milky Way.

However, their Hidden Dragon Kingdom is in the eighth area of the third spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.

It is still tens of thousands of light-years away from the first three rings of the galaxy that are in direct contact with the Milky Way Empire.

Based on the calculation that their family’s most powerful one-star D-class spaceship can only jump five hundred light-years at a time, if he were to jump to the Milky Way Empire, he would practically bankrupt their family’s millions of assets.

Because the higher the grade of a spaceship, the more energy it consumes. Some advanced spaceships consume the power of an entire nation in a single jump, it’s not an exaggeration.

So, after much consideration, he decided to take action personally, heading to the wasteland star domain to capture the Ancient God!

However, before going to the wasteland star domain, he went to Tuoba Hong first to find out who were the others who knew about the giant, and then he took action.

His first move was to trip up the Cosmic Civilization Association in the Purple Orchid Duchy, diverting their attention away from the intelligence regarding the wasteland star domain.

At the same time, to avoid startling the snake, he dispatched spies to infiltrate the other two powers. Once he confirmed that they did not prioritize or even know about the Ancient God, he finally made his move, heading for the wasteland star domain.

Unfortunately, he was late. When he arrived there, the Ancient God was nowhere to be found. He had gone into closed-door cultivation!

Upon receiving the news that the Ancient God would come out of seclusion in a hundred years, Hong Chong began to plan again.

He was very clever, knowing that the simpler the plan, the more likely it would be successful.

So, he only did two things.

The first thing he did was not to set up a overly complicated plan. He merely sent people to infiltrate Earth and confuse the then leadership to establish

Watchman City, and then arranged for people to keep an eye on Du Gang as well explorers on site.

In addition to this, he did not take action against the heads of the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association and Purple Orchid Interstellar Bank in the wasteland star domain.

The less you care about such things, the less others will notice. But if you make a fuss and eliminate mouths, it can more easily attract the attention of higher-level powerhouses.

As he had expected, these two powerhouses did not pay much attention to the gradually fading giants, so they did not attract stronger powerhouses.

Then he returned to the Hidden Dragon Kingdom. On the surface, nothing happened, but behind the scenes, he secretly collected tools and equipment that could be used to capture the giant.

The second thing he did was to target Chu Zixuan, Du Gang’s only friend. Behind the scenes, he quietly gave Tuoba Hong advice, arranging for his son to encourage the nobles to go to the wasteland star domain.

Then, when he found out that Chu Zixuan was in love with a noblewoman, he immediately arranged for Tuoba Hong to have his son pursue that woman, creating friction with Chu Zixuan.

On one hand, he made the two constantly opponents, and on the other hand, he secretly supported Chu Zixuan’s rise to power.

It was not until a hundred years later, when he roughly estimated that Du Gang was about to come out of seclusion, that he promoted Tuoba Yu to Comet-level.

At the same time, he had him form this alliance against Chu Zixuan and against Earth.

Because, according to his deduction, Chu Zixuan would surely ask for help from the Ancient God and the Ancient God was not very old. Emotions would not be low in his eyes, so there was a high chance that he would help him. So, they just need to wait here quietly for the Ancient God to throw himself into the net.

Tuoba Yu twitched his mouth.

He only recently learned about the Ancient God plan.

For these many years, he had always thought that his father was plotting a big conspiracy, so he had been cooperating with Chu Zixuan’s opposition.

But it turned out it was all just to catch a man, and he had even staked his reputation on it…

After all, in the script, he was the one who always lost.

Because if he didn’t lose, it wouldn’t create the psychology in Chu Zixuan that he has been winning and is better than Tuoba Yu.

When a person wins for decades and then suddenly finds out that his old rival is stronger than he is, he will naturally lose his bearings…

Hong Chong seemed to see what was on his mind, and said indifferently, “Don’t worry, when I capture the Ancient God, the Purple Orchid Duchy will be under the management of your Tuoba House. At that time, you can do whatever you want with the Earth Alliance, play with whoever you want, men or women…”

Although he said so, his heart was cold.

Let living people keep secrets?!!

Impossible, he only believed that dead people would keep secrets!

He had long made up his mind that once everything was settled, he would not only kill the Tuoba family, but also uproot the forces of the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association and the Purple Orchid Star Bank in the wasteland star domain. After all, while the Tuoba family was being exterminated, killing these forces who were in the know would buy him some more time.

As for the consequences, he didn’t care. By then, he would be driving the spaceship, taking the Ancient God away from here, away from the Hidden Dragon Kingdom, heading for the Milky Way Empire!

Tu Gang didn’t hesitate for long on the spaceship and directly revealed himself.

After he was done here, he still had to go to the Purple Orchid Duchy. He didn’t have time to waste.

The members of the Human Rights Alliance all stared at the appearing figure, dumbfounded.

“Who are you?”

Du Gang had not shown his face for a hundred years, and many people here had not experienced that era, so naturally no one recognized him.

He didn’t say much, directly transformed into a giant in front of everyone.

Immediately, a giant ten thousand meters tall appeared in front of these people.

“Giant…” “It’s War God!”

“Oh my God!”

The crowd finally snapped back to their senses and quickly moved to escape.

Du Gang smiled lightly and slightly raised his hand.

Suddenly, gravity was released, binding everyone in place.

The people immediately started crying out.

“Spare us War God, we didn’t mean to…”

“Yes, it was the Purple Orchid Commerce Association who forced us…”

Looking at these crying Purple-ranked fighters, Du Gang didn’t overly trouble them, saying indifferently, “Turn on your communication devices and get in touch with the leaders of your respective forces…”

It was useless to kill these people. If he wanted to intimidate, he had to face the leaders of these forces and let them know he was back.

Immediately, the people on the scene hastily turned on their communication devices and began to contact them.

But just then, everyone realized that their communication devices were broken.

“What’s going on? It seems I’ve lost my connection!”

“Mine too!”

“What kind of joke is this, it’s the cosmic age and there’s no connection? !!”

Just as everyone was at a loss, a magnetic voice rang out.


As soon as the voice fell, a gigantic net appeared, dropping down towards Du Gang.

At the same time, several kilometer-long and one ten-kilometer-long ship appeared.

“What is that?”

Before Du Gang could discern the incoming object, he was enveloped by a large net.

He quickly stretched out his hand to resist the net, trying to tear it open with strength.

“Crackle,” he tore a nearly ten-thousand meter tear in the net.

But to no avail, this net seemed to possess endless elasticity. The torn area was not ripped, conversely, it seemed deliberately allowed to tear, while the rest of the net was constricting tighter to his body.

“Hahaha, this is the Sky Earth Net that I acquired at a high price, specially designed to capture large creatures, you better stop struggling…”

A group of men suddenly appeared, flying in mid-air, watching Du Gang from a distance.

“It’s a trap!”

In shock, Du Gang quickly activated the Ancient God’s power, attempting to tear the net entirely.

“Crackle,” just like before, he tore an opening, but the rest of the net quickly entwined itself even stronger than before.

Simultaneously, a weak electric current transferred from these net wires.

Seeing this situation, Du Gang leaped swiftly, while manipulating the gravitational pull, aiming to fly towards the outer space.

His pace was quick and he covered nearly a hundred kilometers in an instant.

The massive net, too, was pulled into a hundred-thousand-meter-long net by this enormous force.


Before Du Gang could escape the planet, a surge of massive force came from the net.

“Whoosh!” Suddenly, the upward flight of Du Gang began to plunge instantly.

“Bang!” He crashed abruptly into the ground.


The next second, a deep pit reaching tens of thousands of meters appeared.

The few dozens of Purple Level warriors of the Human Rights Alliance who were originally bound by Du Gang on the ground were instantly killed due to the impact of the shockwave at this moment.


Hong Chong flew into mid-air, disregarding the deaths of the ground crew, and smirked: “This is the Sky Earth Net, specifically used to catch Planet Level beasts. Dealing with you is as easy as pie!”

In his hand, there was a half-meter-long stick, which was connected to the entire network at one end.

However, from his limp muscles, it was evident that Du Gang’s crash, just now, wasn’t due to his power, but due to this unique weapon.

“Who are you?!”

As Du Gang lay on the ground, trying to get up, he roared.

“You’ll find out soon!”

Hong Chong, in a faint laughter, uttered: “Merge!”

The next second, the whole net-like rope changed in thickness, becoming thinner and thinner, much like a needle thread.

Before Du Gang could react, the previously elastic net instantly tightened, generating a massive cutting force.


Blood flowed instantly.

This was the first time Du Gang was injured since he obtained the Ancient God’s body!

Now, his body was cut open with several wounds, and these net wires were constantly tightening.


After struggling again and confirming that he couldn’t break free with his own strength, Du Gang cursed under his breath and quickly shouted: “Ancient God’s Spear! ”

In an instant, a spear of more than fifteen thousand meters appeared in his hand.

The moment it appeared, it expanded the tightly bound net by a significant fraction.

However, instead of breaking, these ropes entwined the Ancient God’s Spear too.


Hong Chong revealed a mocking smile once again. This weapon made of grade C materials was inescapable even for Planet Level beasts.

Trapped in the net, Du Gang looked at the flying crowd in the distance and quickly chanted: “Big, big, big!”

In an instant, the Ancient God’s Spear, which was just about to be completely entwined by the net, started to enlarge again.

Within a second, it had expanded to thirty thousand meters in length.

Du Gang, who was originally holding the spear single-handedly, had to switch to a double-handed grip, all the while his lips quivered from shouting “big, big, big! ”


Seeing this change, everyone was taken aback.

Only Hong Chong showed an ecstatic expression.

“This is it, the Divine Weapon!”

He had discovered in the earlier video of Du Gang’s battle, that Du Gang’s spear was no simple weapon. It bore a striking resemblance to the Divine Weapons, which are said to be possessed only by beings above the Eternal Level.

Therefore, he spared no effort to obtain the Sky Earth Net, solely for this object.

At this moment, he watched as the Sky Earth Net, which had been propped up to a hundred-thousand meters by the Ancient God’s Spear and extending beyond the atmosphere, did not react at all.

He wanted to witness just how capable this Divine Weapon actually was.

When the Ancient God’s Spear reached a length of a hundred thousand meters, Du Gang could no longer hold it and could only prop it up.

Seeing that the net was being pulled and stretched, but still firm, he frowned, continuing to mutter, “Big, big, big!”

Finally, when the Ancient God’s Spear became so large that the surrounding ships had to avoid it, Du Gang could barely manage to hold it anymore.

At that moment, having lost his propelling force, the three-hundred-thousand-meter-long Ancient God’s Spear, influenced by the planet’s gravity, tilted and crashed towards the planet.


In that instant, everyone in sight quickly cleared the area, vacated the space, jumped onto their ships and escaped into outer space.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

In that moment, the atmosphere, like a piece of torn cloth, was directly ripped open, creating an opening tens of thousands of meters long.

And the Ancient God’s Spear continued to enlarge while falling over.

Finally, under the gaze of countless eyes, the Ancient God’s Spear, with a height of three hundred thousand meters, struck the Moka planet.


At that moment, the entire planet ground to a halt for two seconds due to the colossal force of the impact, and was knocked ten metres away from its previous orbit…

The ground split instantly, and a crack spanning several thousands of kilometers appeared abruptly.

At the same time, a mushroom cloud, thousands of times larger than the previous ‘every man for himself’ explosion, began to rise slowly.

An invisible shockwave was gradually forming. With the kilometers-long crack as its core, it was spreading in all directions over the surface of the Moka star.

The nearest active volcano erupted immediately under this impact.

“Puff, puff, puff!” The volcano continued to erupt, and the magma gushed out wildly like a child who had been held back, unrestrainedly releasing its energy.

As the impact reached the ocean, there was a loud “bang!”. The entire ocean seemed to be poked from the bottom and, in an instance, launched into a torrent of ten -thousand-meter-high waves. And from near to far, everything continued to expand and increase, ceaselessly.

Looking further afield, a mountain over eight thousand meters tall crumbled into a heap in that moment.

Not just it, all the mountains that were affected by this impact wave began to collapse.

Meanwhile, countless clouds of dust began to rise, instantly obsciting the clear blue skies, gradually spreading over the entire planet, from near to far.

Besides, countless forests spontaneously combusted at this moment. The

whole planet was ablaze like a flammable object, a great fire spread all around, seemingly out of nowhere.

From outer space, the changes happening around the area where the crack was located could be seen—they were dramatic.

Collapse of mountains and rivers, surging sea, volcanic eruptions, burning forests, and dust obscuring the sun.

This scene was not just confined to the ground zero, but continued to spread across the entire planet.

Countless lives were lost in this moment…

“Huge, huge, huge!”

As for everything that was happening before his eyes, Du Gang was utterly indifferent. The only thing he could see was the web-rope.

At this moment, even if the net had been stretched for hundreds of kilometers, it still shrouded him and the spear of the Ancient God, unscathed as before.

“What the…”

In the universe, everyone was utterly stunned!

They couldn’t believe that this was the doing of just one man!

Not to mention the ordinary meteorite-level powerhouses, even Tuoba Hong, who was at the satellite-level, was shocked at this moment.

This destructive power had already surpassed his full-strength damage to a planet!

Doesn’t this mean that this Ancient God is stronger than him?!

Next to him, the pupils of Hong Chong were getting brighter.

His eyes were fixated on that spear, and at this moment, his desire to possess it expanded to an extreme point.

If he had that divine artifact…

On the ground, the spear of the Ancient God, which was already heavy enough to make the earth creak, not only did not shrink but grew even larger.

Four hundred thousand meters long!

Five hundred thousand meters long!

Eight hundred thousand meters long!

Ninety thousand meters long!

Finally, when its length reached a million meters, with a “crackle!” , the heavenly net that had bound it snapped right at that moment.

Under this gravitational influence, the rotation of the Moka star slowed down.

All the objects inside the planet were affected by this inertia and in an instant, sprung into the air, being thrown towards the sky.

Meanwhile, Du Gang, aided by the stunned enemies outside the stars, quickly resumed his human form and recalled the Spear of the Ancient God.

Then, with a leap, he jumped onto the Ancient God ship, which had been cloaked all this while.


Almost the moment he uttered the word, the spaceship disappeared instantly.

Balala had long been prepared for him to board the ship.

Not a fool, Du Gang understood that no matter who the enemy was, anyone who could use such a weapon, which constrained the Ancient God’s Spear to reach a length of one million meters before it was finally able to escape, must be an extremely formidable figure whom he currently couldn’t stand against!

If he stayed, who knew what formidable weapons he would have to face, so he took the very first moment he freed himself to choose to flee.

“Where is he?”

Hong Chong, who was initially admiring his divine artifact in the universe, was instantly furious at this moment.

“Where is my divine artifact?”

At this moment, a captain quickly reported, “Space-jump tremors detected, he seems to have fled using space-jump!”

With blood-red eyes, filled with a brutal aura, Hong Chong roared, “Chase him!”

Immediately, all the ships at this moment began to jump.

After leaving Moka Star, the Ancient God ship did not stop and continued to make space-jumps.

Balala knew that there were tremors in the cosmic nodes a few seconds after a space-jump, so she didn’t dare to stop.

Meanwhile, Du Gang was watching the recorded video with a lingering fear during the space-jump.

“A planet-level, four satellite-levels, and many comet-levels and meteorite-levels!”

While he was trying to find a way to escape the trap, Balala had already detected the power stages of those people.

Moreover, she had invaded the cosmic network and through face matching, the true identities of these people were found.

“The man leading them is a planet-level powerhouse named Xiaochung, a Duke of Hidden Dragon Kingdom .

“Among the four satellite levels, three of them are Xiaochung’s subordinates, belonging to Hidden Dragon Kingdom…”

“And another satellite-level one is Tuoba Hong, the leader of the Purple Orchid Commerce Association of the Purple Orchid Kingdom ..

“The rest of them are basically either Hong Chong’s men or members of the

Tuoba family…” “Hidden Dragon Kingdom?!!”

“Tuoba Family?!!”

Du Gang snorted coldly and asked, “Where are we heading?” “In the territory of the Purple Orchid Kingdom!”

“Head towards the Tuoba family, I want to annihilate them!”

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