I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: Chapter 127: A Strong Body!

Chapter 128: Chapter 127: A Strong Body!

Translator: 549690339

“Fucker, this is my wedding, how dare you…” The Overlord doesn’t hold back anymore, his words tarnished and vile.

Du Gang remained impassive, sneering: “So, you’re the one who threatened to destroy Earth, huh?!”

Heard this, the Overlord calmed down, no longer cursing but narrowing his eyes in thought.

To him, everything circled around interests.

Marrying Nalan Yanran was partly for her spaceship, and partly to let everyone know he had ties with the Hall of Gods.

Destroying Earth was also part of the plan, to establish dominance, plunder resources, and even tame the Nalan family for his own gain.

But now, the part about destroying Earth had hit a snag.

The man before him wasn’t Meteorite Level, but rather, he was Meteor-level!

Therefore, the plan to destroy Earth was doomed to failure.

He didn’t take long to respond, speaking after a mere two seconds: “I wouldn’t have thought – a primitive planet came up with a meteor-level powerhouse…”

Before he could finish speaking, someone beside him interjected: “Overlord, when you challenged me, you were not so hesitant. What, now that you see a younger and stronger lad, you’ve become cowardly?”

The one who spoke was King Nie, the Overlord’s first opponent when he advanced to Meteor-level.

The Overlord merely twitched his mouth, retorting, “Defeated opponents should keep their mouth shut and stop making a fool of themselves!”


King Nie was at a loss for words and went back to his seat.

After this disturbance, the Overlord seemed to grasp something, he said: “I originally thought that Earth Civilization only had one Meteorite Level powerhouse. Never expected a strong presence like you. If that is the case, let’s have a match. If you win, I will stop meddling with Earth.”

He didn’t specify what would happen if he won. If he were victorious, he could naturally kill his enemy and decide whether or not to destroy Earth.

Although Du Gang was young, he was not a fool, understanding the insinuation in the Overlord’s words, he sneered: “You’re dreaming!”

He directly pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, stating aloud: “Overlord, this is a life-and-death contract. I will give you two choices. First, sign it, and we will fight to the death. Whoever dies, their civilization will perish alongside them!”

“Second, kneel and kowtow to me thrice. If so, I’ll let slide your threat to destroy Earth!”

As soon as he finished, the atmosphere changed dramatically. “Damn, this kid is trying to force the Overlord onto a dead-end!” “Yeah, too aggressive, he’s gambling the whole civilization!”

Nobody could believe he would dare to say such things.

The Overlord, meanwhile, clenched his fists, glaring at Du Gang with murderous intent.

He hadn’t encountered anyone like this for years.

“Boy, don’t push it too far!”

He had no choice but to respond with a warning. Du Gang’s actions had exceeded all his expectations, leaving him somewhat rattled. Du Gang stood proudly, unmoved, saying: “Sign, or kneel, your choice!”

At first, he really was determined to destroy the entire Planet Overlord, however. uoon closer insDection. a comolete extermination seemed verv difficult. Planet Overlord was not comparable with Nalan Star, the defenses here were very tight and he hasn’t even seen the Overlord’s thirty plus Subordinate Meteorite-levels.

If the root of the problem wasn’t properly cut off, it could potentially resurface!

After considering all factors, he realized the complete annihilation of Planet Overlord was still not achievable.

In the current stage, Earth has just set foot in the sea of the universe, unavoidable circumstances will arise where some creatures of the universe seek to benefit from Earth.

Therefore, he saw this as an opportunity to establish his dominance, to signal to the civilizations of the universe that Earth wasn’t to be trifled with, and to create a formidable image for himself.

Clearly, his reckless attitude of gambling his civilization was characteristic of a hot-headed youth, a daredevil.

The effect was apparent, Jin Ke, among other elder-looking Meteor-levels, glanced at each other, thinking, ‘Better not provoke this kid.’

Being Meteor-level, yet still having this reckless attitude, it was truly…

Those who originally planned to intervene and mediate had all halted their steps.

The Overlord’s eyes were practically spitting fire. Along with his anger, he looked around and found everyone laughing at him, especially King Nie. Seeing him look over, he mocked, “Overlord, you’re always acting tough, aren’t you? Attack him then!”

Not satisfied, he continued, “Or you could kneel before him and kowtow three times to show your respect. After all, you, the Overlord, are only capable of bullying old men like me. When confronted by young people who are fearless… maybe you should just wash up and go to bed! ”

Hearing this, the Overlord angrily shouted, “King Nie, if I survive this, I swear we will be at each other’s throats!”


King Nie sneered, “Talk to me after you make it out alive!”

Stimulated by these words, the Overlord finally stopped hesitating. He took the duel agreement and signed the word ‘Overlord’ without hesitation. Then, he said, “Since you initiated the challenge, I will choose the battlefield!” Du Gang remained indifferent, nodding his head in agreement.

The Overlord walked outward to an empty area and declared, “Our battlefield will be in outer space. Follow me!”

Saying that, he soared into the air and flew into the sky.

Obviously, he was worried that the fight between them would destroy the entire planet, which is why he chose to go space for the battle.

Seeing this, Du Gang released his gravitational pull and followed him up.

The audience present at the scene immediately flew up with more than twenty figures, all of them meteorite-level strong.

The thousands of meteorite-level powerhouses below were instantly filled with envy and shouts of excitement filled the air.

“Where are the flying machines? Come quickly, we can’t miss this fight!”

Immediately, everyone in Barnard rushed to bring the stored flying machines.

In a moment, countless flying machines took off, heading towards outer space.

The Overlord’s speed was fast, within a few seconds, he flew out of the atmosphere and arrived near the satellite base, but he didn’t linger, continuing towards the barren outer space.

Although his speed was fast, so was Du Gang’s who followed closely behind, bypassing one satellite base after another.

The people in these bases didn’t react after seeing this.

They were not fools. Those who could fly out of the planet with their bodies alone were certainly meteorite -level powerhouses. They knew they had no place interfering, especially when the one flying in front was their king. Fearing he might damage the satellites positioned outside Planet Overlord, Overlord flew for more than half an hour and only stopped at a place 18,000 kilometers away from Planet Overlord.

Du Gang was hovering in space, standing quietly about a hundred meters away.

At this moment, ships were densely packed and suspended in various positions tens of kilometers away from them, ready to observe the battle.

In addition, those twenty-odd meteorite-level powerhouses were also standing ten kilometers away, looking from afar.

The two of them stared at each other in space for a full three seconds, and finally, the Overlord made his move first.

He stretched out his hand, and in an instant, a long knife appeared in his hand. Then, he stomped his foot into the air and flew towards Du Gang.



Du Gang softly spoke these two words.

The next second, a giant, ten-thousand meter tall figure appeared out of nowhere in space.

The moment he appeared, he sent the Overlord, who was a hundred meters away and rushing towards him, flying away.

“Hiss-a t,

All of those watching the battle from the spaceships gasped, shocked as they stared at the giant figure far larger than their ships.

“What is that?”

Seeing this red-armored giant in space, who was the size of a small satellite, everyone was stunned.

“Is that a superpower, or a racial ability?”

“Why is he so big?”

“Could it be an illusion?”

As everyone was discussing, Du Gang made his move.

He stretched out one hand, clenched it into a fist, and swung it rapidly towards the Overlord.

This single punch instantly created a cosmic wind that blew away the floating dust and debris within a few hundred thousand cubic meters, scattering them in all directions.

The Overlord, facing a fist many times larger than himself, was taken aback. He quickly suppressed his inner fear, activated his star power, released the power of his Tyrant Body, and swung his blade towards the incoming fist.


Accompanied by a silent roar.

A punch and a blade collided.

The anticipated devastation didn’t happen. At that moment, the Overlord, like a rocket, was sent flying back in the direction he came from.

At that moment, he felt an endless surge of power, like wave after wave, continuously flooding into his body, threatening to tear him apart.

His entire body lost its balance, tumbling non-stop in the universe. After countless whirls, he finally stabilized his figure with the help of gravity.

Although he was in a mess, he wasn’t seriously injured!


“The Overlord is actually unharmed?”

The audience was stunned. When they first saw the giant, they were all terrified, thinking it was a powerful race or a formidable ability.

But when they saw that the Overlord was merely flung tens of thousands of meters away after the punch without injury, they found it absurd. As if the force from such a gigantic body did not cause the expected damage.

“So that’s it!”

The panic on the Overlord’s face disappeared as he understood something. He chuckled, “It turns out, you’re not meteorite-level, not even asteroid-level!” At first, he thought he was going to die, feeling the enormous force inside him as if it was the end.

However, as he kept tumbling, he realized that although the force kept assaulting his body, it wasn’t sharp enough to cause substantial damage.

At that moment, his confidence came rushing back.

On the other side, the giant Du Gang, thousands of meters tall, fell into deep thought, knitting his brows.

When he was one thousand meters tall, he was on par with asteroid-level beings.

At three thousand meters, he had the strength to annihilate asteroid-level beings.

He had thought that at ten thousand meters, he would be strong enough to defeat meteorite-level beings.

However, reality proved otherwise.

His ten-thousand-meter size had the strength, but the output wasn’t as effective as he imagined.

“What the hell is going on?!”

He could feel that his strength was immense, so strong that he felt like he could carry a planet on his back and run.

But why couldn’t he deliver the expected punch?!

Just as he contemplated, the Overlord, holding his two-meter-long blade, charged at him again, this time aiming for Du Gang’s eyes.

Du Gang, who was pondering his power issue, casually extended a finger and flicked the incoming Overlord.


Instantly, the Overlord, who was rapidly passing by, was reflected and sent back even more swiftly.

Seeing the Overlord still unharmed, Du Gang wondered, “Could it be that power really has a concept of mass?”

“My strength is strong, but its mass isn’t enough to break them?”

With this thought, he noticed a satellite thirty thousand kilometers away. His heart stirred, and he quickly exercised gravity, speeding towards the satellite.

Simultaneously, he also used gravity to grab the still-tumbling Overlord, pulling him towards the satellite.

The gravitational pull exerted by his ten-thousand-meter body was incredibly large.

In an instant, he covered tens of thousands of meters of distance, and the speed was still increasing.

Behind him, the Overlord was like a kite, being dragged along. The rapid travel distance made it impossible for his mouth to close, causing him to murmur silently.

If you looked closely, you would see saliva continuously released unconsciously into the cosmic space.

Along the way, Du Gang took the time to look back.

Just like before, although the Overlord was in a mess, he wasn’t seriously hurt! Within a few tens of seconds, he was standing on the surface of the satellite.


With a loud noise, he directly landed on the surface of the satellite.

Instantly, a hole a hundred thousand meters wide appeared out of nowhere.

He turned around, watching the wind-blown Overlord in the distance. He reached out his hand and forcefully pulled him in.

In an instant, the Overlord appeared in his palm.

Taking advantage of his confusion, Du Gang quickly extended his other hand. Once he aimed, he pinched the Overlord between his index finger and thumb and began to rub vigorously.

His hand was massive, a full nine hundred meters long, with just one finger reaching five hundred meters.

In between his fingers, the Overlord was as minute as a speck of dust.

However, as he continued to rub vigorously, a strange sensation arose.

In between his fingers, the Overlord felt as if he were a grain of sand being rubbed when he was still a human.

Although tiny, it was hard enough that he couldn’t crush it.

While he was rubbing the Overlord between his fingers, he delved into his thoughts.

“Could it have something to do with density? The density of humans is not much different from water, just slightly higher. When these guys upgrade to asteroid level, or meteorite level, does their density increase significantly?”

“No, it’s not just about density!”

Du Gang suddenly thought that dense objects are not necessarily hard.

He thought of diamonds, which don’t have the highest density on Earth, but they do have the greatest hardness.

The reason lies in the molecular arrangement of diamonds. Diamonds are arranged in triangles, and triangles have stability!

“So, these meteorite-level beings, have they not only increased their density, but their bodies have evolved into a more powerful species?”

With this thought, he casually flicked his finger, causing the Overlord to rocket into the satellite.

Like a pebble hitting a tofu wall, he directly punctured a small hole and penetrated deeper into it.

“Indeed, these soils have a poor density and molecular structure. In front of the Overlord, they’re like paper mache!”

Du Gang had excellent eyesight. He clearly saw that although the Overlord’s body remained unharmed, he had penetrated tens of thousands of meters into the ground before finally stopping.

On the surface of the satellite, there appeared a meteorite crater tens of thousands of meters in diameter.

All this proved that his strength was immense, but his rank wasn’t high.

For the first time, he felt troubled due to his excessive strength.

“If enough strength is condensed into a single point, could it break their guard?”

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