I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 115 - Chapter 115: Chapter 114: Investment Construction Limit! (Seeking Subscriptions)

Chapter 115: Chapter 114: Investment Construction Limit! (Seeking Subscriptions)

Translator: 549690339

Arctic Circle.

Not long after the explosion equivalent to a hydrogen bomb, everyone witnessed Du Gang’s iconic spear flying straight up into the atmosphere, disappearing slowly.

Subsequently, the first alien spaceship departed from Earth, and then, Du Gang took a small vehicle from another spaceship to Honeymoon City.

“What do you think this signifies?” Yao Zhenguo asked with some excitement, addressing the group of counsellors behind him.

The first spaceship attacked Du Gang upon arrival; however, those from the second spaceship invited Du Gang aboard their vessel.

The intentions were clear – the first brought hostility, the second brought benevolence.

The current situation was that the hostile spaceship was fended off by Du Gang, and the benevolent one started to communicate with him.

One of the counsellors joyfully said, “This implies that we may soon join the ranks of cosmic civilizations, Old Yao. It’s good news.”

In the video screen, Du Gang was seen happily conversing with an alien whose appearance wasn’t particularly strange.

“What do you think they are discussing?”

Li Mingzhi laughed, “If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that it’s the alien who does most of the talking while Du Gang listens. I speculate that the alien is introducing Du Gang to the state of the cosmos.”

Everyone present immediately grew excited. Being able to communicate with aliens and gaining the latest news about the universe was good news for the current state of Earth.

Just then, a person who was monitoring satellite images shouted out.

“The spatial channels have disappeared!”


Everyone quickly crowded around and sure enough, on the screen used to monitor the spatial channels, the previously static spatial channels had completely vanished.

“What is the current time inland?”

“Report, it is now July 27, 9:34 PM over there!”

On hearing this, Li Mingzhi said, “It’s still early. Logically, the channels should not have disappeared yet…”

At this point, one of the counsellors shared his theory, “What if the so-called spatial channels were the work of the aliens from the first spaceship?”

“After being chased off by Du Gang, could it be that the spatial channels also disappeared?”

Hearing this, everyone began to wonder if that could be the case.

Seeing this, Yao Zhenguo quickly gave orders, “Dispatch aircraft to all bases to inform them that the crisis is temporarily resolved, lower the alert level…”

When Nalan Yanran and her crew returned to the moon base, they prepared to depart in a star E-level spaceship brought by Nalan Hongwen. But upon seeing the remaining incubators, she frowned and finally decided to take everything.

Arriving at the control room, she found the oxygen switch and cut off the oxygen supply to all the organisms within the incubators.

“Master, the shrinking capsules we brought cannot fit these large incubators!”

A purple-level warrior, having circled once, quickly reported back.

“I will handle it!”

The shrinking capsules, high tech products from the quantum domain, were also products transmitted from the Purple Orchid Principality.

These items were likely widely used there. The products brought over were not highly priced, so many strong individuals could afford to use them.

Purple-level warriors like them usually carried shrinking capsules which could shrink objects up to three to five thousand cubic meters.

But Nalan Yanran was different. As a Planet Guardian, she regularly travelled to other galaxies with resources extracted from her planet for trade.

Said raw material was often in huge quantity and took up vast amounts of space. Using spaceships for transportation wouldn’t have been cost-effective, given that the fuel consumption outweighed the trade value.

Thus, the shrinking capsule she possessed, which could accommodate extremely large surface areas, proved useful.

However, shrinking capsules could only contain inanimate things. Live organisms could not be stored in there. It was for this reason that she cut off the oxygen supply, ensuring all the bugs and dinosaurs manufactured died.

Instead of packing the entire incubator, Nalan Yanran went to the place where Nalan Hongwen usually lived.

Lifting the cover and finding a hidden compartment embedded in the floor, she opened it, and, as expected, there was an advanced shrinking capsule hidden inside.

She removed it and quickly went to the control room. She ordered everyone to take anything that could not be packed into the shrinking capsules back to the spaceship.

Only when everyone had left did she use the advanced capsule.

“Master, shall we return to Nalan Galaxy now?” asked a purple-level warrior piloting the spaceship.

Nalan Yanran shook her head.

If she returned now, she would only face sanctions and punishments from her family. If her son was alive, she could accept all of that. But now, he was dead!

There was no point in returning under such circumstances!

“Go to Planet Overlord!”

She wanted revenge. She was not strong enough to do it alone. Even after using Meteor Explosion, she could not injure Du Gang.

Apart from seeking stronger beings, she could not think of any other method.

Planet Overlord, previously known as Barnard Galaxy, is located in the upper silver surface and is 5-9 light-years away from the solar system.

The galaxy was renamed to reflect the rise of a character named Overlord!

The Barnard clan was originally at first-level power. However, when Overlord advanced from meteorite-level to meteorite-level, their power status was promoted to the second level.

Yet, that wasn’t the issue. Previously, they had a rival second-level force. Overlord, right after advancing to meteorite-level, challenged the strongest one among that force.

Inconceivably, he won, subsequently taking away many resources from the enemy.

From that point on, Overlord’s name reverberated throughout the entire wasteland territory!

She carefully estimated the value of the damaged spaceship and incubator, and figured that it was just enough to hire a meteorite-level powerhouse.

Among these individuals, she chose Overlord. It wasn’t because Overlord was particularly strong. Though the Wasteland Territory was remote, it encompassed more than twenty second-level forces; thus, there were quite a number of meteorite-level powers.

Experienced meteorite-level powers are certainly stronger than Overlord!

She chose Overlord because his awakened ability, ‘Slaughter’, was the most likely to kill Du Gang!

Overlord’s awakened ability, called ‘Slaughter’, is far more potent and rarer than elemental superpowers such as wind, fire, and thunder. It’s a higher-level ability, capable of executing elimination effects. Of course, this ability is perfect for killing weaker opponents, and can easily severely injure those of similar level, but against those who are stronger, it is ineffective.

From the fact that Du Gang was unable to significantly injure her, she inferred that Du Gang’s real level wasn’t very high.

Therefore, in her eyes, Overlord’s superpower was the perfect counter to these genius hybrids that can fight beyond their level.

Honeymoon City.

Pang Ze and Du Gang had a chat and made acquaintance.

Pang Ze couldn’t help but ask, “Du Gang, my subordinates told me that your planet has almost thirty million people… Can all these people transform into giants like you?”

Du Gang shook his head, “No, only I can do that!”

Pang Ze immediately appeared disappointed, having thought he had discovered a hidden race from which he could make a fortune.

However, he wasn’t disheartened, he still had business to conduct, and he continued, “So, are you the king of this planet?”

Du Gang shook his head again, “Not quite, our planet is past the era of feudal rule…”

“Elections? Freedom? Democracy?”

Pang Ze shot out three words, smiled, and said, “In that case, I guess it would seem like you guys are heading back into the era of feudal rule…”

He didn’t mean to mock Du Gang. For them, a society with elections can only be seen as a necessary stage in their evolution.

But in the end, they would return to feudal rule!

Firstly, only the strong communicate with the strong, just like now!

Secondly, the strong live longer, which means more opportunities!

Thirdly, the upper limit of civilization is determined by the strongest, and this is enough to make everyone loyal to him.

Fourthly, the strong protect the weak and civilization… Conversely, civilizations without strong protectors will inevitably wither away! “So, how many exist on your planet with power at your level?”

Du Gang continued to shake his head, “I think I’m the only one!”

The others, the strongest are only Yellow Grade, merely the third level of the Rainbow Grade, far from Meteorite Level!

Pang Ze frowned again, as Earth’s importance in his mind plummeted instantly.

When he assesses the potential of a civilization, he looks at two things: the number of strong individuals and the population.

“If it’s just you…”

Pang Ze paused for a moment, then frankly said: “To tell you the truth, our Cosmic Civilization Protection Association offers some loan services to newly upgraded primitive civilizations. The amount we lend depends on the potential of this civilization…

“If there are many strong people in your clan, you can form a star mercenary group. Just by doing tasks for rewards, you can earn a lot of money. Such a scenario typically has the greatest potential and can borrow the most…”

After all, constantly teetering on the edge of life and death can improve the likelihood of advancement. Investing in this type of person is risky, but the return can be high too.

“Or, if you have advanced technologically and can manufacture some lifestyle goods that are useful even for those in the waste star area, we can also provide a not too shabby loan…”

Pang Ze sighed, “Unfortunately, your planet only has less than thirty million people, and its potential isn’t that high…”

In the absence of the above two situations, their association could still offer loans variable on population. After all, the higher the population, the better the chance of giving birth to the strong!

“I am very strong!” Du Gang tried to recover some ground.

Although he didn’t know what the loan was or how much it was, he was sure it would be better than anything on Earth. Naturally, the more he could borrow, the better.

Regrettably, Pang Ze shook his head, “Du Gang, it’s not that I don’t want to lend to you. All the resources belong to the association, and there’s a set of rating standards. I can only lend you the lowest possible amount…”

“What’s the minimum amount exactly?” Having heard this, Du Gang couldn’t say anything more.

Pang Ze didn’t hesitate, and raised one finger, “One hundred Purple Orchid Coins!”

“One hundred?”

Du Gang furrowed his brow. In any country, one hundred isn’t considered a large sum.

Pang Ze laughed, “You may think that one hundred Purple Orchid Coins sound like a small amount, but it’s not. You see, the Purple Orchid Duchy is a Tier-5 power, and their currency is very valuable in our Wasteland Star Domain!”

“Consider this, an E-class, one-star spaceship capable of jumping one light year in distance is worth one hundred Purple Orchid Coins. Think about how valuable that makes these coins!”

Pang Ze added, “Don’t be fooled by the three-star E-class spaceship I’m driving. It belongs to the association, not to me personally. There’s no way an average person could afford something like this!”

But Du Gang was puzzled, “Wait, when you say ‘loan,’ does it mean you’re lending me a one-star E-class spaceship?”

Pang Ze laughed, “Of course not! This one hundred Purple Orchid Coins is solid cash lent to you to spend freely. Next, we’ll also offer you an investment construction package worth a thousand Purple Orchid Coins to help your planet establish the necessary infrastructure suitable for the universe…”

“What does that involve?” Du Gang asked curiously.

“Firstly, we need to set up an interstellar communication base station for you guys, right? As a cosmic civilization, the least you can do is be able to communicate with other civilizations, right?!!”

“Second, we need to get you some machinery to detect how much resources your planet has, and then provide you corresponding mining equipment to extract those resources…”

“Third, naturally we need transportation equipment. Ahem, that includes a one-star E-class spaceship, and also dedicated transportation capsules for shrinking cargo…”

After listening for a while, Du Gang asked, “So, is this a business transaction?

Pang Ze smiled, “Well, not entirely. Our Cosmic Civilization Protection Association’s main goal is to help you successfully transition from primitive civilization into a tier-one civilization, and then provide loan services based on your potential, help you build infrastructure, and provide advanced commodities…”

“One thing I can guarantee is that to any newly born civilization, the price of any commodities we sell will be uniform. We won’t overcharge you…”

“Got it!”

Du Gang nodded, “Since it involves business, I can’t negotiate. I’m not good at it. How about this: we’ll find someone who is good at this stuff from our planet to negotiate with you?”


Pang Ze grew serious, ‘We’re not strictly business people. Our original intention is to let more civilizations join the cosmic civilization…”

“Let me put it this way: basically, all civilizations in the Wasteland Star Domain were brought up by our Cosmic Civilization Protection Association.”

“Furthermore, it is said that the Purple Orchid Duchy, that Tier-5 power that has existed for millions of years, was also nurtured by our association…”

The more he spoke, the more excited he became. Returning to his spacecraft, he took out a wristwatch and passed it on to Du Gang, “This is a rudimentary computer, it lists out all the items and prices we can provide for you. Your planet’s total borrowing limit is 100 Purple Orchid Coins in cash, with 1000 Purple Orchid Coins in investment construction aid.”

“Well then, take these, go back and discuss it. This device can connect to my spacecraft. While you discuss it, I’ll take a tour around your star system, let me know when you make a decision…”

With that, Pang Ze got back into his spacecraft. Knowing that Du Gang’s planet had limited potential, thus implying limited commission earnings, his enthusiasm waned slightly.

“Okay!” Du Gang nodded in response, “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome!”

Pang Ze waved a hand. Perhaps due to Du Gang’s courteous phrase, he paused and added, “Let me tell you this, our Cosmic Civilization Protection Association only ensures primitive civilizations aren’t harmed and can naturally progress into a tier-one civilization, but once you become part of cosmic civilization, you’re out of our purview… so if someone else tries to harm you, we don’t intervene!”

No intervention?

Du Gang was taken aback, he had thought this association was like interstellar police.

He quickly asked, “Then, is there anyone who maintains order?”

Pang Ze smiled and said, “There are, in some star systems. But in the

Wasteland Star Domain, it’s a survival of the fittest situation… generally, a

Tier-I power would choose to attach itself to a Tier-3 power and pay taxes…”

“There are four choices available for you. The relevant introductions are in the computer. You can choose…”

“The woman you fought with today is from the Nalan family. She won’t give up, so be careful…”

When he said this, he looked excited. The Nalan family had violated their association’s rules by invading a primitive star, and they could take advantage Of thic:

Without saying anything else, he started his spaceship, rose into the sky and left..

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