I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 110 - Chapter 110: Chapter 109: A Spaceship That Can Perform Spatial Jumps!

Chapter 110: Chapter 109: A Spaceship That Can Perform Spatial Jumps!

Translator: 549690339

Nanyuan Base.

“I wonder if their mission is going smoothly?”

It was almost time for the scheduled relay of messages from the Arctic Circle, and Wang Dezhen and his group were all gathered in the command centre, waiting anxiously.

For this mission, the Arctic Circle would certainly be monitoring real-time through satellites and would keep them informed of any updates.

“It should be fine, right?”

“Not necessarily. Ming Yuwei, that woman, has an evil god from another world backing her.”

If it was just South Harbour City they were dealing with, they could handle it, Du Gang alone could take care of it.

But they were afraid if the evil god from the other world intervened. No one knew what capabilities these evil gods had, but being able to be called a god, they definitely weren’t simple.

Not long after, a secretary rushed in with a message.

Everyone immediately perked up.

“What’s the situation?”

The secretary quickly reported the message from the Arctic Circle.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please take a look at this photo first!”

With that, he handed out a photo he held.

Everyone looked over.

The photo showed ruins and the remains of buildings. Judging by the appearance, it seemed like a city that had faced a nuclear bomb attack.

“This is a current photo of South Harbour City, our War God…he engaged in combat with the evil god…’

Everyone huddled around the photo, their faces full of shock.

Anyone else would have thought it looked like the aftermath of a nuclear bomb, a circular explosion with the spread of ruins.

But the secretary wouldn’t lie.

Wang Dezgen quickly asked, “Are you sure this is the scene of Du Gang battling the evil god?”

The secretary shook his head, “Um, this is the scene after the War God stomped on the ground…”

“The War God had been holding back his strength, as soon as the evil god showed up, he was squashed to death by him…”

“The situation in the city was caused by the aftermath of his stomp.” Everyone was shocked and quickly asked, ‘What’s the casualty situation in the

“According to the assessment from the Arctic Circle, the aftershock killed at least several hundred people and injured hundreds of thousands, essentially the entire city was injured…”

Wang Dezhen and the others fell silent.

Only after a while he asked again, “What happened to the War God?”

“He ran away, by himself, heading to Luo An City…

“Understood, leave the things here and you can go.”

After the secretary left, the command center once again fell silent, with only the sound of Wang Dezhen flipping through the report.

After a while, he finally spoke, “What do you think of Du Gang’s collateral damage this time?!”

Zhuge Shui spoke first, “From his actions of running away after causing collateral damage, you could see that he still has compassion, he hasn’t lost his humanity…”

“If he had no reaction after causing such large-scale collateral damage, then we would need to be cautious…he can’t exactly be considered human at that point! ”

“However, his act of fleeing represents guilt, the inability to face it, fear, denial of himself. All of these indicate that he is still human, he hasn’t lost his conscience.”

“So, subjectively, he doesn’t want to harm humans.”

“Objectively, what the evil god is, what kind of disaster it would bring to Earth once it descends, we are still unsure…”

“But from the series of killings in South Harbour City that Ming Yuwei orchestrated after being brainwashed by the evil god… it’s clear, the evil god is inclined towards world destruction…”

“Therefore, I believe, Du Gang did nothing wrong this time, he is still our War God!”

At this moment, Li Youcai also spoke, “Indeed, he probably did not control his powers, leading to collateral damage… but we can’t deny, the War God’s role, to us, to humans, is extremely important!”

“So, I think, as long as he doesn’t fight near crowds in future, there will be no problems!”

However, Li Yi had a different opinion, he hesitated, “But, he has injured hundreds of thousands of people, and hundreds have died because of him…”

Among those present, only Li Yi was from a political background while the others had military backgrounds, so they could understand what he was saying.

Wang Dezhen sighed, “Sometimes, we need to weigh the pros and cons. Even in the past, when we were at war, we often needed to send suicide squads to die in certain situations, sometimes we even had to sacrifice some people…”

“Clearly, Du Gang being alive can save more humans…”

Having said this, he turned his head and ordered, “Go find Chu Zixuan!”

He planned to send Chu Zixuan on a mission to Luo An City to comfort Du Gang.

The photo of the ruins of South Harbour City was delivered to all the command centers at all bases within an hour.

Everyone who received the news had mixed emotions, with shock and anger.

But without exception, after careful discussion, no one brought up the hundreds of people who were accidentally killed. All bases unanimously chose the same result: Don’t offend Du Gang!

Human nuclear bomb!

Even scarier than a real nuclear bomb, every punch and kick of his is a nuclear bomb… The most terrifying part is, he can unleash it anytime, anywhere!

Just think, if you say you want to attack him here, he quietly takes a plane to your base, transforms into a giant and simply stomps on the ground a few times, the entire base would be destroyed!

But similarly, the reason why they don’t dare to offend Du Gang for now is due to the deep-rooted fear within all bases.

Du Gang’s power has somewhat exceeded the norm!

If he was emotionless like a machine, it would not matter. They wouldn’t actually be worried.

But he’s not, he has emotions, he has thoughts, which means there’s a possibility that he might explode in the future.

At this moment, all bases and the Arctic Circle had each established a special research group, recruiting large numbers of experts in psychology and sociology, specifically to research Du Gang’s mentality and psychological problems.

The Alpha Centauri System is 4 light-years away from the solar system. Ordinary spaceships would take a very long time to cover this distance, even forty to fifty years would be considered fast.

For crossing such large distances in shorter time, the only option is to use space jump technology.

This technology is something the Nalan family doesn’t possess, to say, the entire Wasteland Star Area doesn’t possess this technology. However, this doesn’t stop them from purchasing a few from higher civilizations.

The Nalan family has five spaceships that can perform long-range space jumps.

One three-star E-class spaceship that can traverse 20 light-years in one go!

Two two-star E-class spaceships that can traverse 10 light-years in one go!

And two one-star E-class spaceships that can only traverse 1 light-year each time!

These five ships use up a lot of energy each time, they are not generally used unless there is a particularly important large transaction. No one can use them casually.

Previously, Nalan Yanran used her status as a Planet Guardian to secretly lend one to Nalan Hongwen.

Now, she, accompanied by eight seven-color purple class warriors, quickly called up a two-star E-class spaceship and flew into space.

She would have preferred to secretly use a one-star E-class spaceship but unfortunately, they had already been taken by the family’s merchant fleet for other star system trades.

Using the one-star E-class spaceship and the two-star E -class spaceship on her own initiative are two different concepts and the punishment they face would be different as well.

But at this time, she could not care too much, letting Nalan Hongwen usurp the ancient god was the top priority!

“Sir, where are we going?”

The eight purple level warriors were doubtful. They didn’t bring anything and directly called for a two-star E-class spaceship, wasn’t that a bit too extravagant?

Nalan Yanran, her face icy, didn’t answer their questions. Coldly, she said, “I have already entered the destination coordinates. Start up the spaceship immediately!”

Seeing the Meteorite Level Nalan Yanran angry, they were startled, immediately shut their mouths and started the operation.

For spaceships that have space jump technology, even the lowest level crew member has to be of the Seven-Color Purple Class.

Only those of Purple Level or higher possess the primal force barrier, capable of resisting the tear caused by the jump.

Anyone below the Purple Level who dares to attempt a space jump will inevitably be torn into shreds by the forces of time and space. “Preparing for long-distance space jump of the ship…’

“Coordinates have been entered.. “Turning on the gravity lens…”

“Looking for cosmic strings…” “Cosmic string match completed…’

“Reached the anti-gravity node…”

“Activating the spaceship’s strong magnetic field…”

The Purple Level warrior in charge of the spaceship operation quickly instructed:

“Everyone, activate your shields, the spaceship will space jump in ten seconds!”

Just as the words left his mouth, all nine people in the room turned on their translucent, eggshell-like shields.



His hand was resting on a particularly large red button, the last switch for the spaceship’s space jump.

By adjusting the plasma density and reflecting high-frequency gravity waves to offset variable tension, the resonance of the ship is made steady like a web, creating high-curvature arms for jumping.



“One! ”

The moment he finished his countdown, the Purple Level warrior swiftly hit the resonance button. The spaceship vanished from its original spot in an instant.

When they reappeared, they had safely arrived around the Moon.

On the dark side facing Earth, there was a particularly large canyon.

Just as the spaceship arrived, it flew into the canyon at high speed. It didn’t take long to reach a technologically advanced metallic gate inside the moon.

“We’re here. Follow me now!”

Nalan Yanran casually instructed, not bringing anything, and walked towards the spaceship door directly.

The eight warriors, upon seeing this, swiftly activated the oxygen glass cover on their combat suits before following.

They looked enviously at Nalan Yanran.

Because only Meteorite Level warriors are able to survive for short periods in the vacuum of space without an oxygen mask.

Nalan Yanran, with her skin exposed, traversed the near-vacuum stretch devoid of oxygen and entered through the metallic gate.

The nine individuals stepped through the metallic gate one after the other. Behind the gate, instead of finding Nalan Hongwen, they were met with an empty room. The gate locked with a “clang” and several vent-like structures on the walls of the room began emitting a mist with a “hissing” sound.

At the upper ends of the room, a few indicator lights were glowing orange.

After two or three seconds, the mist disappeared, and the indicator lights turned green.

Upon seeing this, the eight Purple Level warriors quickly pressed the button at their necks, retracting the transparent spherical oxygen masks.

Next, they saw the previously locked gate in front of them open, and Nalan Hongwen quickly walked out.


Nalan Yanran nodded and quickly said, “Tell me, what’s going on?” as she continued walking in.

Nalan Honzwen zlanced at the eight Purple Level warriors followinq and

seemed to understand something.

He began, “I originally just wanted to spend my last days here, observing the life and death of these primitives…”

“During that time, I fell in love with a woman…”

“Mom, do you believe in love at first sight… I didn’t before, not until I met her, then I did!”

“Who’d have thought that this woman was killed by a monster…”

“That monster is very powerful…”

Nalan Yanran’s face held a cold and angry expression, “Did you call me here for this?”

Despite the anger on her face, her heart remained calm, and she even felt like laughing. The reason her son thought of, was too absurd!

Nalan Hongwen was first startled, then he said with a resigned expression, “Mom, I don’t have many years left. I beg you, please avenge Weiwei for me!”

“You…” Nalan Yanran looked at him, momentarily at a loss for words.

“Hongwen, do you know how much I’ve given up for you?”

“I helped you borrow a one-star E-class spaceship. Then, for the trip here, I used a two-star E class ship of my own accord..

“And this is why?!!!”

Nalan Hongwen exhibited a despondent look, “Mom, I beg you, please avenge Weiwei for me!”

In that moment, the other eight Purple Level warriors listened for a while and finally understood.

It turned out that Nalan Yanran had used a two-star E class spaceship of her own accord for her son…

Her infamous, prodigal second generation.

Nalan Hongwen, they weren’t unfamiliar with him. He was a person who had lived off his mother his whole life.

There are only a dozen Meteorite Level warriors in the Nalan family, and their descendants naturally draw the attention of all members of the Nalan family.

Nalan Hongwen was one of them, but he often made headlines for the wrong reasons.

The eight warriors couldn’t help sighing at this moment.

What a pity, Nalan Yanran, such an outstanding Meteorite Level warrior, but her son was such a burden on her!

But they could also understand.

Unlike other Meteorite Level warriors who have many descendants, Nalan Yanran has many husbands, but because of injuries from a previous battle, she’s infertile. Besides Nalan Hongwen, whom she had at an early age, she had no other descendants. This resulted in Nalan Hongwen being her only child and the center of all her affections!

It seems he went as far as summoning his mother, a Meteorite Level guardian of a planet, over the issue of a native woman.

What’s even more outrageous was that two spaceships had been used!

Those eight warriors exchanged glances. If they had such a son, they’d probably kill him on the spot.

What they found unbelievable was that Nalan Yanran agreed to it.

“Alas, how can I refuse you, my only son. I agree…”

This was the evidence Nalan Yanran left for herself. Once her son’s possession of the Ancient God was successful, his original body would be discarded. When the time came, the one in danger would be her!

This excuse would be enough to deal with the arrival of the people from the Cosmic Civilization Association. After all, the main culprit would be Nalan Hongwen, who would already be ‘dead’ by that time!

All she would be guilty of, at most, is loving her son too much, and that’s why she would do something like secretly entering a primitive planet.

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