I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 398 Secret Of The Mystic Grade

The purest mineral available on Sumatra Continent, the king of minerals to build a Human Avatar with, that was Sumatra Gold. Its effects weren't known much, but from his usage of Sumatra Gold, Inala concluded the following points.


First, Sumatra Gold was capable of stabilising the effects of Natures. That was how he could create his Sumatra Lantern with a stable volume of 64 cubic metre while in contrast, all Storage Lanterns could only stably hold a cubic metre without needing constant Prana supply.


Second, Sumatra Gold was immune to all external influences. It was a material inert in all senses. It didn't react to heat, sound, chemicals, and even Prana.


Third, Sumatra Gold was indestructible. Even Maroppa's grey sand was unable to affect it.


Fourth, and the most important point. Sumatra Gold held the Sumatra Continent's presence. Yes, that was it.


When Brangara summoned a Bolt of Transcendence towards him, the way in which the Bolt of Transcendence behaved seemed strangely sentient. It expressed anger upon being fooled by him.


There was also the strange restriction towards flying, making it impossible to reach the Transcendent Worlds through conventional methods.


By going through the memories of the incident where the Boar King became a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast multiple times, Inala noticed that there was a portion of similarity exuded in the presence of both the Boar King and the Mystic Empyrean Tentacle.


This portion of similarity was the same part that Inala had when he gained sentience at the age of fourteen. And it was this same presence that he lost when Gannala was birthed.


It meant that Sumatra Continent was either a living being or an inorganic being with sentience, which was how its presence could be explained.


And to become a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast, one needs to embody Sumatra Continent's presence. Simply managing to do so would spark an evolution in their being and allow them to reach the Mystic Grade.


It was that simple.


The Supreme Tusk Gannala didn't understand that, but she was there as a witness when Brangara became the Boar King. At the same time, Renduldu was becoming a Transcendent. So at that moment, there were two Mystic Grade Pranic Beasts on Sumatra Continent.


Hence, Inala buried it deep in his mind, protecting it with a layer of Skills, most of which weren't known to Gannala too.


After sending away Gannala and Asaeya, during his time at the Sanrey Plains and until he rejoined with the duo, Inala had a lot of time to himself. Even back then, he had a plan, but he hadn't been sure about it.


Hence, whatever he had thought about was locked behind this mental safe to ensure Gannala wouldn't be able to access them. And now, after his female form became a Cooter Clansman, Inala was able to begin working on it in earnest.


After all, when in this form, Inala wasn't part of Gannala's immune system. Hence, she wasn't able to read his mind as usual. Honestly, getting this Cooter Clansman female form was beyond his plans, something he conceptualised on the spur of the moment when the Boar King appeared.


Any thoughts he had regarding the creation of his Mystic Path, the mental barriers would naturally attract them and seal them within the mental safe, ensuring Gannala wouldn't be able to read them. That was how he prevented Gannala from knowing about his true plans when she was in his stomach biome.


And now, in his possession were three pieces of Sumatra Gold. They were more than enough to succeed. The reason he asked Maroppa to fuse them into his skeleton and cause them to influence his Spirit Container was exactly for this reason.


He didn't wish to simply become a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast as a Zinger. That was useless. After all, Zingers had a long maturity time. If he were to become a Mystic Grade Zinger, it would take him thousands of years to reach maturity and become able to fully exert strength as a Mystic Grade Zinger.


He didn't have that much time. Hence, his focus was on becoming a conditional Mystic Grade Zinger. Basically, he would live as a Silver Grade Zinger, and upon satisfying certain conditions, he would become a Mystic Grade Zinger.


This way, he'll grow and mature at the same speed as an Empyrean Zinger, giving him enough time to become ready before the Fourth Major Disaster.


It has to be noted that once he reaches maturity at the Silver Grade, he'll maintain that maturity when he reaches the Mystic Grade. That was the condition on which he was building his Mystic Path.


Inala had a concrete idea of what Natures he would have after his evolution, the fate of his Quip Tribe, and exactly how the Zinger Race would be influenced by his actions.


'Mystic Skill Creator, Empyrean Extraction, and the Mind Slip Skill. This trio is the reason I could conceptualise such a terrifying plan.' Inala thought, letting out a smile as he accompanied Wittral into the forest.


While even Resha had just begun investigating the Mystic Path, Inala had already finalised the set of abilities he would have upon reaching the Mystic Grade. After all, upon knowing the answer—Sumatra's Nature—to reach the Mystic Grade, and already possessing the most important resource—Sumatra Gold—necessary to attain it, all that was left was to lay down a path.


As a result, following the Empyrean Tentacle Race and the Empyrean Boar Race, the third to forge a path to the Mystic Grade in Sumatra Continent was the Zinger Race.

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