Chapter 833:1 Want to Find Mom

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“No, it can’t be!” Shi Qian raised her hand to wipe the tears from her face. “My mother will definitely be fine!”

She kept comforting herself, but more tears flowed and she couldn’t stop them.

“Mom, Mom, where are you?” Shi Qian cried.

There were still ships salvaged on the surface of the sea. The bow was like a lone leaf floating in the sea.

Shi Qian sat weakly on the ground. She knew that in such a situation, her mother was definitely in danger.

However, she was unwilling to accept such an outcome.

How could she accept this outcome!

“Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!” Shi Qian shouted helplessly at the sea. “Don’t leave me alone, okay?”

It was dark all around. There was only a street lamp shining on Shi Qian, but it still couldn’t dispel the thick night. The darkness seemed to be able to swallow Shi Qian’s small body at any moment.

Shi Qian was already sobbing uncontrollably.

Rong Zhan stood in the distance and his heart ached at Shi Qian’s sad appearance.

The Old Master hugged Shi Qian’s slender body and realized that she had no warmth at all.

How awful must this child be feeling!

“Grandpa…” Shi Qian called out hoarsely, then threw herself into the Old Master’s arms and cried bitterly.

The Old Master choked and tears fell uncontrollably.

He raised his hand and patted Shi Qian’s back gently.

“Grandpa, my mother can’t be found. I want to find my mother…” Shi Qian cried until she couldn’t breathe. “My mother must be… she’s still alive. She won’t leave me. She won’t. She won’t…”

The Old Master hugged Shi Qian tightly, not knowing how to comfort her.

Jin An also walked over and helped Shi Qian up.

Shi Qian was helped into the car like a walking corpse.

“Qian Qian, go back with Grandpa and wait for the news. So many people are still searching. Let us know as soon as there’s news, okay?” Old Master coaxed softly.

Shi Qian didn’t say anything. She was like a lifeless doll.

Jin An was still waiting for the Old Master’s instructions before starting the car. He was afraid that Shi Qian would be unwilling to leave.

Shi Qian still did not react. The Old Master instructed, “Drive..”

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