I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 662: The Decline of a Nation

The earthquake center suddenly fell silent, as numerous staff members turned their gaze toward the leadership, enveloped in a heavy silence.

"The energy impact of this Seoul earthquake surpassed Russia's Tsar Bomba test. However, the destruction caused by an earthquake differed from that caused by nuclear weapons. The direct destructive force of a nuclear weapon was not as horrifying as its nuclear fallout," explained the military representative, addressing the silent room with a dry throat. He then quickly pulled out his phone to make a call.

"Yes, it's me. Prepare to transport some supplies from the warehouse. We need to conduct humanitarian aid for South Korea. Also, notify the higher-ups that we might have to deploy troops to South Korea if necessary."

He conveyed the information from the earthquake center before continuing, "This incident in Seoul showed the terrifying potential of these mysterious forces. Creatures like the Burrowing Beneath could cause city-destroying earthquakes underground, and we currently had no way to counter such attacks."

"The United States had obtained a copy of the 'Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan.' The original, according to the old immortal, would likely not be handed over to us. We need to collaborate with other nations to apply pressure. The U.S. should not monopolize such a terrifying strategic weapon; other countries must understand the gravity of the situation."

"We cannot rely on the goodwill of other nations to control such a dangerous book. Even a cult leader can summon such a monstrous entity. If a country conducts in-depth research, they could gain even more benefits."

"We might need to consider nuclear deterrence as a unified response," the military representative stated with a bitter smile.

No one could have predicted that a single forbidden book could harbor the power to devastate a nation. The allure of supernatural forces is profound and captivating. Although the U.S. has been proactive and refrained from provocations lately, the destruction in Seoul stands as a stark reminder that no one would trust them to refrain from extensive research.

Ghouls act like a biochemical army. Byakhees dominate the skies, their speed likening them to fighter jets capable of reaching outer space. The Hounds of Tindalos, with their ability to traverse space and time, represent an unparalleled special force, immune to conventional resistance. Using these 'hounds' for assassination missions would be nearly unstoppable.

The Burrower Beneath, akin to nuclear-level strategic weapons, can cause earthquakes in critical military bases or major cities. Modern technology stands no chance against them.

This single forbidden book essentially equates to the military might of an entire nation. It's no wonder everyone covets it.

This only covers four of the seven chapters of the 'Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan.' The U.S. has yet to disclose information on the remaining three chapters. Who knows what other secrets they hold?

"This time, when we deploy troops to South Korea, we must leverage our geographic advantage. Even if we can't obtain the original 'Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan,' we must uncover its entire contents," the military officer concluded before hanging up.

"I need to return to the base. I'll leave the rest to you."

He said while shaking hands with the earthquake center leader. As he departed, a helicopter arrived to transport him. Some decisions require face-to-face discussions with the highest authorities.


"Sir, sir, are you alright?"

In the Blue House's rubble was a scene of wailing and misery. With the help of rescuers, the South Korean president finally emerged from the wreckage.

As the presidential office, it was equipped with various defenses against nuclear war, including earthquake measures. Although the president issued orders from a safe room, the magnitude 8.5 earthquake still left him with some minor injuries.

"No, I'm fine..." the president said, still shaken.

"Mr. President, the earthquake has just ended. There might be aftershocks. Please stay here to issue orders. South Korea needs you," urged his tearful secretary.

"No, I can't hide here. I need to stand with our people. Take me outside; I need to see the state of Seoul," the president insisted.

With no other choice, they helped him outside. The Blue House had been reduced to rubble, despite its earthquake-resistant design. The energy released by an earthquake of this magnitude was beyond any building's capacity to withstand.

Standing amidst the ruins, surrounded by rescuers aiding the injured, the president saw the chaos. People were crying, covered in dirt, as the city lay in ruins.

Most high-rises had collapsed, and even the sturdiest buildings were severely damaged. Though he hadn't reached the city center, he knew the devastation there would be unimaginable.

Worse still, the monstrous creatures had survived the quake and continued their rampage in the city.

"It's over, it's all over... Seoul is finished, South Korea is finished," the president lamented, collapsing in despair.

South Korea, with its concentrated resources in the capital, faced a catastrophic blow. The president realized that rebuilding would take decades, likening it to post-war Japan. Despite international aid, the nation's economic recovery would be long and arduous, relegating South Korea to a second or third-class country.

Decades of progress were obliterated in a single attack by the Burrower Beneath. The future held little hope.

"Mr. President, we've located Lee Uijin!" reported a soldier, saluting.

The president, with red eyes from crying, shouted hoarsely, "Catch him, capture him! I want him torn to pieces! He destroyed South Korea, destroyed our nation!"

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